Chapter 582 Reaching Cooperation
And the mold of this machine can be customized.

Director Luo is now showing them biscuit making, which does not mean that the machines in their factory can only make biscuits.

"Boss Su, look, I'll let the technicians change the mold for you to see." Director Luo was very enthusiastic, and immediately recruited the technicians from the factory to stop the machine in front of Su Yun and the others. Then I changed to a long mold and started to make long pastries.

The machine works fine.

Director Luo picked up the pastry from the finished product and handed it to Su Yun and the others.

"The most fearful thing about this food is that the taste is not good. Some people are very worried about whether the food made by our machine is as delicious as that made by humans. I said that there is no need to worry about it. Our machine , that's pretty good."

"Boss Su, Xu Liangzi, have a look and see the difference."

In order to be able to contrast immediately, next to the pastries pressed by the machine, there are time-honored handmade pastries that Director Luo specially asked people to buy from outside.

Su Yun was not polite either. She tasted a piece made by a machine, and then a piece of time-honored handmade pastry bought from outside. She noticed a slight difference in it.

This should be caused by the fact that the strength of the machine is heavier than that of the manual when pressing.

"How about Boss Su?"

Su Yun nodded, took a sip of the water Xu Wanhao handed over, and then said, "Director Luo, do you also make cakes for sale?"

"Yes, wholesale. Does Boss Su like to eat? Take two boxes home when you leave at night!" Director Luo is very straightforward and generous.Seeing that Su Yun mentioned pastries and biscuits, she really thought that Su Yun liked to eat this kind of food, so she immediately called her subordinates to help pack them.

"It's not Director Luo, don't bother. That's not what I mean."

Su Yun hurriedly stopped Director Luo.

"I mean, there is still a little difference between the cakes made by this machine and those made by hand." As soon as she said that, Director Luo's eyes widened in surprise.

"Boss Su noticed the difference here?"

"It's a little different." Su Yun frowned, and thought for a moment before she opened her mouth: "Although the cakes made by this machine taste very similar to those made by hand, if you taste them carefully, you can still find that the cakes they made are delicious. The pastry will be more fluffy in texture, and the machine-made one will be firmer."

Director Luo was taken aback by Su Yun's words, and he came back to his senses after a while and laughed loudly: "Boss Su is really a hero, I just said that this pastry tastes different from what I used to eat , but I don’t know exactly what’s different hahaha…”

Su Yun:? ? ?
Under Luo's explanation, Su Yun and the others realized that the reason why this pastry tasted almost the same as the handmade pastry outside was because they were produced for other shops.

Just relying on manual production and wanting a large number of wholesales is definitely not enough, so I can only find a machine to produce it, and then paste the brand of the handmade shop.

This is probably the original OEM?

Moreover, the owner of this pastry shop is still the uncle's family of Director Luo, so this can be regarded as a way to keep the fat and water out of the field of outsiders?

Su Yun couldn't help laughing after hearing this, she didn't expect that there was such a relationship among them.

Director Luo already admires Su Yun very much: "Boss Su, if you have time to have a meal together, it doesn't matter if the business can be negotiated, let's have a meal together and make friends! I have the opportunity to go to the capital in the future, and I also have a Acquaintances can eat together."

In a relatively more open city here, there is not so much defense between men and women.In addition, they were originally in business, and there was no gender distinction between businessmen who cared for each other in the business field.

Su Yun's business must be done, and of course she also needs to eat.

"Okay, then shall we chat while eating?"

"Hey, well, there's no problem!"

Director Luo laughed, and took Su Yun and the others out of the factory on the spot, heading for the most famous restaurant in Xiangjiang.

During the dinner, Su Yun and the others not only tasted delicious food with local characteristics, saw the diverse food culture, but also finalized the order.It was on this price that they had some disagreements.

"How about this, Director Luo, we must have come all this way to buy it with great sincerity, you can supply us with one at the lowest price first, and if I'm sure it's suitable, I'll order more from you A few."

"In addition to having a factory in the capital, I also have a branch factory in Nancheng. With the expansion of the industry in the next step, I also want to open a branch factory in the west."

It means that as long as Director Luo is willing to give them a preferential price to reach the first cooperation, then all the machines that her factory needs in the future must be obtained from Director Luo.

To be honest, tens of thousands of yuan for a machine is not cheap, but fortunately, factory manager Luo and the others provide after-sales maintenance. During the month of new machine purchase, factory manager Luo will arrange technicians One-to-one on-site guidance on how to use and maintain the machine.

This point greatly solved Su Yun's worries.

She was afraid of buying the machine back, but her eyes were darkened, and if she didn't know anything, it would be over.Now that Director Luo is willing to take the initiative to mention this after-sales service, it also proves that he really wants to make a deal.

Su Yun chatted with Director Luo for a while, and finally bought one machine at a price of 3 yuan.And Director Luo said that as long as Su Yun asks him for machines in the future, they will be shipped to her at this price.

Moreover, he is also responsible for the maintenance service within two years. During these two years, if there is any problem with the machine, Director Luo will send staff to help with the maintenance.

This is very important.

Of course, Su Yun definitely didn't buy things to take advantage of Director Luo's free maintenance. She hoped that it would be better if it didn't break down for a few years, so as to save Director Luo's troubles and her troubles.

Whether it is Su Yun or Director Luo, they are all courageous people. Now that they have made up their minds, they will not look forward and backward.

At present, Director Luo's secretary drew up the contract, and Su Yun and Director Luo signed their names and fingerprints respectively.And agreed to ship half a month later.

The reason why the half-month agreement was made was because the mold of the machine had to be customized, and the machine also needed to be thoroughly inspected to ensure that there were no problems before delivery.

Otherwise, the mountain is high and the water is far away. If you send a machine with a problem, it will be troublesome to repair it.

Factory Director Luo nodded with a smile: "Don't worry, don't worry, Boss Su, even if you don't mind a million times, our technology is all learned from Germany, so you can rest assured that the technology is excellent."

"Then wish us a happy cooperation?"

Su Yun held out her hand.

Director Luo smiled back and held her hand, and quickly let go of it, paying full attention to etiquette.

"Happy cooperation, let's make big money together!"

(End of this chapter)

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