Zhao Qiming still had no expression on his face.

But the hand that was blocked by the container hanging by his side gently clenched his fist.

Seeing that Zhao Qiming didn't refute, Shen Chunmei continued, "Tell me what's so good about Su Ying, a short-lived ghost? She has been lazy since she was a child. What did your mother like about her?"

"I think your mother must have been cheated. Maybe they knew that Su Yun was a Wangfu, so they planned to change your marriage. You are all cheated!"

Shen Chunmei's family is poor, and their family is one of the poorest in the village. They have two sons who are not young, but they can't get married.

A family of four huddled together in a muddy house, ate every meal, didn't want to make a change, and just thought about gossip about the parents and the west!
How about Su Yun's family, they can't get along with Shen Chunmei!But why is Shen Chunmei so 'indignant' angry for Zhao Qiming?

It was all because Shen Chunmei was jealous of Su Yun!
As for why you should be jealous of someone who has no grievances or enmities with you?That's purely because she is narrow-minded, and she can't see that others are better than her.In other words, even if the person who is living a prosperous life today is not Su Yun but someone else, Shen Chunmei is also jealous.

Why is she living so hard while others live so well?
There are many people like Shen Chunmei.

Zhao Qiming lowered his eyes and thought for a while before speaking: "Aunt Chunmei's matter is in the past, so don't mention it again. No matter what happened in the past, Xiaoyun..." Zhao Qiming paused for a while, listening to her voice in her tone. There was a trace of sadness.

"She's got a family... It's the past, it's the past... Let it go."

Shen Chunmei sighed: "Qiming, you are kind-hearted. You are kind and kind-hearted, no wonder you are deceived by people like Su Ying and Liu Meimei!"

"Auntie, seeing you being cheated makes me feel bad, alas..."

With Shen Chunmei's sore appearance, people who didn't know thought she had such a good relationship with Zhao Qiming.

Zhao Qiming smiled, his attitude was gentle and modest, and he really showed the modest gentleman to the fullest.

He didn't answer all the time, and Shen Chunmei talked alone for a while, which was meaningless. She was licking the melon seeds and spitting out the skin of the melon seeds, and was about to leave. Just then, she met Wang Yuhua who came to the consignment shop to deliver food to Zhao Qiming.

Shen Chunmei's eyes lit up, and she immediately walked over.

"Oh, sister-in-law, you brought food to Qiming again?" The enthusiastic tone seemed to be that Wang Yuhua came to deliver food to her, or that Zhao Qiming had a close relationship with Shen Chunmei.

Wang Yuhua didn't like Shen Chunmei, a poor man.

But she remembered that her man and son had told her to keep a low profile in the village.She hummed reluctantly.

Ready to brush shoulders with Shen Chunmei.

Shen Chunmei definitely wouldn't let Wang Yuhua go away so easily, she stood in front of Wang Yuhua, and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, your son's ex, ex, ex-fiancée has come back to the village, do you know about this? "

Wang Yuhua frowned: "What money?"

"Oh, it's the eldest daughter of the Su family, Su Yun, who went to the city. Did she get engaged to your son at the beginning, and she was about to get married, and you replaced Su Ying, the short-lived daughter-in-law?"

Su Ying is a thorn in Wang Yuhua's heart, and few people dare to mention it to her.This Shen Chunmei is so blind, she doesn't want to hear anything, but why does she want to mention it?
What else did you say she was the one who exchanged marriages?

How can this be.

Wang Yuhua frowned tightly, and looked at Shen Chunmei with displeasure: "Aunt Chunmei, what do you mean? What do you mean I changed it? I was the victim back then."

After Su Ying's short-lived ghost died, Zhao Weimin and Zhao Qiming told her together, telling her not to admit that she was involved in the Su family's marriage no matter what the occasion was.

Wang Yuhua didn't know why before, but in the past two years, she found that what they said was indeed reasonable.

As long as she doesn't admit that she was involved in planning what happened back then, then people outside will never know the truth. The Zhao family will always be the victim, and the Su family is all responsible.

Anyway, Su Ying, the three people who planned it at the beginning, is dead, and Li Cuifen is also crazy. This is what her son said.

Their family can still get a good reputation.

Shen Chunmei is a fine person, she sneered inwardly when she saw Wang Yuhua's reaction, everyone in a village didn't look up and down, who didn't know whose virtue?
But she didn't expose Wang Yuhua right away, but said with a smile: "That's because I said something wrong, sister-in-law, don't be angry, I just saw that the fortune that originally belonged to your family was snatched away by the poor and settled Xiao family, so I will not be fair for you." .”

Be it Shen Chunmei or Wang Yuhua now, they still don't know what the dilapidated settlement of the Xiao family means.

Wang Yuhua's face collapsed, thinking of the Yu family's second child's car going back and forth in the village these days, and the words of Zhao Cheng's ex-wife Liu Meizhu, something called jealousy was growing crazily in her heart.

Seeing this, Shen Chunmei continued to fight.

"Sister-in-law, look, if the two of you didn't exchange marriages, wouldn't Su Yun be your family's daughter-in-law? If she was your family's daughter-in-law, wouldn't the extraordinary wealth now belong to your family?"

"You said, was there some misunderstanding? Or did you fall for someone else's set?"

Shen Chunmei's words hit Wang Yuhua's heart.

Her heart skipped a beat, and she recalled that she had inadvertently heard an expert's order to Su Ying, saying that it was the order of a prosperous husband, that everyone who came out of the surname and emigrated would be rich and noble, and that they would be full of children and grandchildren without worrying about food and clothing.

As for Su Yun, she is just a poor ghost who can't bear children. She worked hard for the first half of her life and died early in the second half of her life!Even if she is lucky enough to marry into a wealthy family, she is still a person with unlucky fortune. Not only can she not afford the blessing, but she will also drag down her husband's family...

Knowing that her prospective daughter-in-law is not only short-lived and poor, but also unable to bear children, will be a drag on her husband's family... Wang Yuhua's heart was terribly cold at that time.She hurried home thinking of going to Su's house to withdraw her marriage, and happened to bump into Su Ying who was also coming home.

Looking at Su Ying's generous body, Wang Yuhua's mind flashed, and she came up with the idea of ​​changing marriage.

And if this matter is to succeed, it must cooperate with Li Cuifen.Therefore, Wang Yuhua and Li Cuifen conspired for a long time with the door of the room closed, and finally 'thought up' this bad idea.

Su Yun was sent to the bed of the cripple in Xiao's house after being knocked out by medicine, and the date was chosen the night before the wedding day that Zhao Qiming and Su Yun had originally planned to marry... The development of things back then was indeed the same as Wang Yuhua and Li Cuifen thought. , Li Cuifen successfully married her beloved daughter to the village chief's family to live a good life.

And Wang Yuhua successfully married a daughter-in-law from Wang's family who was easy to bear...

Looking back now, Wang Yuhua only feels that it was too smooth at the beginning.

So she said she was plotting against Su Yun back then, but in fact she was plotted against?

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