Su Yun was supposed to be his wife, and Xiao Lin's success was supposed to be his destiny.Why can Xiao Lin take away what belongs to him, and then appear in front of him arrogantly.

To show off his achievements?
It has to be said that Zhao Qiming's thoughts are the same as his mother Wang Yuhua's. After self-hypnosis for a long time, he really feels that he is a victim.

Zhao Qiming's unfriendly gaze could not hide from the three people present, Xiao Lin stared at Zhao Qiming coldly, that look was like a god who held the power of life and death of mortals, and looked down on the ants under his feet.

Zhao Qiming was annoyed by this look.

Instead of being angry, he smiled: "Boss Xiao is here to show off his achievements?" His tone was full of sarcasm.

Xiao Lin didn't care about Zhao Qiming's words at all, he looked at Su Yun and gave her the right to speak.Because he knew that his daughter-in-law was also full of anger when Zhao Qiming said that.

He and Zhao Qiming's debt can be settled later, let his wife get angry first.

Su Yun nodded.

It happened that Aunt Yu, Yu Hu, and others in the village had good friends with the Yu family, and the villagers rushed over after hearing the news, so Su Yun decided to tell the whole story.

She will not give anyone another chance to slander her.

Seeing more and more people gathering, Su Yun looked around the crowd and found Wang Yuhua in the crowd.

She curled her lips.

"Wang Yuhua, why don't you stand up? Aren't you the victim? Why come to the front and confront me?" If it was someone else, Su Yun would still give a two-three-point yell because of the age difference. Aunt.But for the shameless Wang Yuhua mother and son, Su Yun didn't want to give even a single word of kindness.

Wang Yuhua, who originally wanted to stay in the crowd to watch the development of the situation, was suddenly named by Su Yun.Her face was slightly stiff, and she squeezed out of the crowd under the scrutiny of the crowd.

"Daughter of the Su family, you have only been away for two years, can you call your elders by their names directly when you come back?"

Wang Yuhua stood up. In order to save some face in front of the villagers, she looked at Su Yun and said, "We are all from the same village. We don't see each other when we look up. Let's not mention that you once had a marriage contract with Qiming, my family. Even if you are the child I watched growing up, you can't call me by my name like this."

After finishing speaking, she muttered again in a low voice: "Sure enough, she is a wild girl without parental upbringing, and she doesn't understand basic manners."

This is to accuse Su Yun of being impolite and forgetting her roots.

Su Yun sneered.

I said before that she was already good-looking, and she has been raised so well in the past few years that she is obviously the mother of three children, but she still looks like a big girl who is not married.

She wasn't infected with the slightest bit of suffering in life, but she was more like a carefree city girl who was well protected by her family.

That smile, even if it was a sneer, made people unable to take their eyes off for a moment.

Su Yun smiled and took a step forward, bringing herself closer to Wang Yuhua.

"Wang Yuhua, do you want to be my elder? Do you think you are worthy?"

"What is worthy or not? I am your elder." Under Zhao Qiming's 'teaching' in the past two years, Wang Yuhua's personality has changed a lot with the naked eye.

Uh, it doesn't mean personality, a more appropriate description is that I have learned to be hypocritical outside.Instead of opening your mouth and swearing at others with the most ugly words.

Zhao Qiming curled his lips where no one could see.

Su Yun laughed like a silver bell, she looked at Wang Yuhua and bent her eyebrows: "Are you the elder who unites with others like this, gives your future daughter-in-law the medicine of tiger and wolf, and then sends her to someone else's bed overnight? "

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was shocked.

Xiao Lin's hand hanging by his side tightened, he pursed his lips, and stood there without changing his expression.

"Then I really thank you, my good elder." When Su Yun spoke, the ending hook was slightly hooked, and it sounded soft and sweet, but the meaning inside made people unable to think about the good.

"I don't know what my elder Wang Yuhua was thinking when I joined Li Cuifen and Su Ying to give me the medicine?" Su Yun tilted her head slightly, glanced at Wang Yuhua and suddenly realized: "You must be thinking, this short-lived ghost Send away the infertile things as soon as possible, don't delay your Zhao family's marriage to the Wang family's daughter-in-law, Su Ying, right?"

Every word she said was like a heavy hammer, hitting Wang Yuhua's face and heart heavily.She looked at Su Yun and couldn't say a word for a long time, it was because she was too shocked.

Because what Su Yun said was exactly what she was thinking at the time.

Zhao Hongwei, the village head who hurried over from the field, just heard Su Yun's words, and he gasped outside the crowd. My good fellow, did Wang Yuhua do such an unbearable thing back then?
Zhao Hongwei is the village head who just joined this year. After returning from the army, he is very different from the previous village heads.It is also under his leadership that some people in the village live a better life than before.

(The reason why the days haven’t changed is not because Zhao Hongwei doesn’t take them, but because they are too lazy and always want to lie down and wait for the pie to fall from the sky. That must be impossible.)
Not only Zhao Hongwei, but even other villagers in the village gasped after hearing Su Yun's words.

So before Wang Yuhua said in the village that their family was the victim, was that all nonsense?Are the real victims Su Yun and the Xiao family?The eyes of everyone looking at Wang Yuhua and Zhao Qiming gradually became subtle.

"Wang Yuhua, is what Su Yun said true? You'd better tell the truth." Zhao Hongwei came out from behind the crowd, a middle-aged man in his 40s, with a calm and prestige on his face.

This made Wang Yuhua, who had never seen a big scene, take a step back.

Subconsciously went to Zhao Qiming for help.

Zhao Qiming secretly scolded his mother for being an idiot in his heart, and then walked out behind the counter of the canteen with a faint smile on his face.

"village head!"

He nodded to the village chief first, and then he greeted the surrounding villagers: "Fellow folks." After calling all over again, Zhao Qiming looked at Su Yun and continued, "Xiao Yun, what do you say?" It was my mother who killed you, do you have evidence?"

What he said was shameless.

Su Yun is the victim. Not only does he not want the perpetrator to prove his suspicion, but he wants the victim to prove his innocence.In the whole world, perhaps only a hypocritical man like Zhao Qiming, who is extremely shameless and hypocritical, can say such words with a gentle face.

But Su Yun is no longer the Su Yun of her previous life. She has been able to get to where she is today. Apart from the support of Xiao Lin and the help of many friends, she also has her own experience of living an extra life to support her.

After listening to Zhao Qiming's words, she hooked her lips and showed a contemptuous smile.

Yes, contempt.

I can't see the contempt of the scheming Zhao Qiming at all.

"Zhao Qiming, I haven't seen you for two years. Apart from being as incompetent as before, you've become more talkative."

Crowd: ...

Zhao Qiming: ...

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