Mr. Fang and Mr. Chen came together.Although the two have silver hair, their faces are also covered with wrinkles.But the aura on his body cannot be ignored.

That kind of coercion was never seen by the farmers who had been farming all their lives.

Every crease on their faces was full of deep displeasure.

Seeing the old man approaching, Su Yun ignored the village head Zhao Hongwei and turned to walk towards the old man.

"Grandpa, why are you here? It's cold and windy, and Dong will catch a cold." It's not like the capital here in my hometown, where the winter is cold and the weather is dry.

It's cold and wet in winter in my hometown, and the wind blowing over is like a knife with frost, swishing on the face. When the wind is strong, I even feel that the wind blowing on the face can cut the flesh down.

Su Yun was worried that the two old men's bodies would not be able to withstand it, so she wanted them to go home.

Mr. Fang stopped her.

"Our old bones are not so fragile. When we see our granddaughter being bullied, we know how to hide in the house, play chess and drink tea. How can we be elders?"

After Mr. Fang's serious words fell, Mr. Chen also nodded and said, "Yes, your grandpa is right. Let's just forget about it. Now that we know, we absolutely can't let it go like this."

As he said that, Mr. Chen raised his head, glanced at the crowd, and landed on Zhao Hongwei.

"You used to be a soldier, right?"

Zhao Hongwei nodded immediately, and subconsciously stood up straight.

"Report to the chief, yes."

Don't ask Zhao Hongwei how he knew that Mr. Chen and Mr. Fang are veterans, but it's the aura in them that ordinary people can never have.And another very important point is that when Zhao Hongwei was in the army, he saw a photo of Mr. Fang when he was young in the archives of the army...

Mr. Chen nodded.

"Then when something like this happened in your village, do you want to report it to the police? Check it out thoroughly?" Mr. Chen seemed to be asking Zhao Hongwei, but he didn't give Zhao Hongwei the right to refuse.

If Zhao Hongwei said to investigate thoroughly, then great, everyone will be happy.

If Zhao Hongwei said not to investigate, then Mr. Chen would directly ask Chen Jinzhou to go to the county or city to find the police. Then don't blame them for not giving Zhao Hongwei, the village head, face.

Zhao Hongwei also understood what Mr. Chen meant.

Although he didn't know how Su Yun got involved with such a powerful old man, and even called him grandpa.But from the behavior of the other party returning to their hometown to celebrate the New Year with the Xiao family couple, it can be seen that the relationship between them is very deep.

Mr. Fang's eyes also fell on Zhao Hongwei.

The invisible pressure came down, and Zhao Hongwei felt like sweating in winter.He raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead, and replied, "Don't worry, old chief, this matter will be investigated to the end."

Zhao Hongwei was originally a jealous person, and his years of military career made him see nothing in his eyes.When he learned that several people in his village once ganged up to murder a weak female comrade, he thought that this matter could not be ignored.

Even if the two old men don't show up, this matter can't be left alone.

Now that the two old men have come forward, they must speed up their pace and strive to clarify this matter as soon as possible, so as not to let the gossips in the village go around gossiping and frame Su Yun and the others.

"Then go ask the police to come and arrest those who should be arrested, and those who should be shot should be shot."

Old Master Fang ordered with a sullen face, his tone was unquestionable.There was a sound when it landed, and I could feel the pressure just by listening to it like this.It was tempered by years of life and death.

Although the people around were curious about why Su Yun had an extra grandfather, no one dared to ask why.Even Wang Yuhua, who was extremely pungent, was taken aback for a moment, not daring to roll around.

Zhao Qiming was even more depressed, but when his eyes fell on Mr. Fang and Mr. Chen, he suddenly smiled in his heart.

Since these two old things are determined to make things difficult for him, then he doesn't have to be polite.

Zhao Hongwei has already called the militiamen and asked them to arrest Wang Yuhua who was sitting on the ground and take her to the village headquarters to take care of her temporarily, and then hand it over to the police.

Wang Yuhua, who was frightened by Mr. Fang's aura, finally came to her senses when both arms were grabbed by the militiamen. She was calm and unwilling to get up, while shouting loudly: "I won't leave, don't try to catch me Let's go. I didn't drug Su Yun, I was plotted by the Xiao family, everything was done by them, not me."

At this time, Wang Yuhua did not forget to pour dirty water on the Xiao family.

Mr. Chen's face darkened immediately, and he glanced coldly at Zhao Hongwei, Zhao Hongwei immediately asked the militiamen to gag Wang Yuhua's mouth.

"Take it away, don't let her yell again."

"village head……"

Zhao Qiming stood up and stopped Zhao Hongwei. He glanced at Mr. Fang and Mr. Chen, and then turned around and continued to say to Zhao Hongwei: "Village Chief, I don't know what the identities of these two old men are, so you can't say anything." Saying that I took my mother away, isn't that a bit too much?"

"Is this because you have power in your hands, so you can arrest people indiscriminately?" Zhao Qiming looked at Zhao Hongwei with burning eyes, and his aggressive aura made him have to come up with an explanation.

He was also smart, knowing that he was nothing but an ant in front of Mr. Fang and the others, so he turned to talk to Zhao Hongwei and threw the problem to Zhao Hongwei.

Before Zhao Hongwei could speak, Mr. Chen on the side spoke first: "This is Zhao Qiming, right?"

Zhao Qiming was stunned for a moment.

Zhao Hongwei was also taken aback for a moment.

Mr. Chen didn't care about the expressions on their faces, he continued to speak slowly: "Since Zhao Qiming is so filial to your mother, let's take the investigation instead of your mother!"

Zhao Qiming:? ? ?

Villagers retreating into the distance: ? ? ?

What does this mean?Are you going to arrest Zhao Qiming and let Wang Yuhua go?

Facts proved that they were right. After Mr. Chen finished speaking, he beckoned the militiamen to bring back Wang Yu and prepare to replace him with Zhao Qiming.

Zhao Qiming was so angry at Mr. Chen's actions that he almost vomited blood.On the other side, Wang Yuhua, who was being escorted back, also heard that someone else was going to do something to her son, so she couldn't care less about complaining, and directly admitted that this matter had nothing to do with Zhao Qiming.

"The marriage change has nothing to do with Qiming, don't try to touch my son, it has nothing to do with him at all."

Mr. Chen raised his eyebrows: "So, does it have something to do with you?"

When he asked this question, Wang Yuhua had no room for change.

If she said that it had nothing to do with her, then the old man in front of her would deal with her son. If she said that it had something to do with her, she didn't want to admit the crime...

"This was done by Li Cuifen and Su Ying, that short-lived ghost. What they did has nothing to do with me." Wang Yuhua had a flash of inspiration in her mind, and completely shirked responsibility.

There was a faint smile on the corner of Mr. Chen's lips: "So you are still an insider, so it's okay for an insider to assist in the investigation, right?"

As he said that, his face turned cold: "You still don't take it away?"

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