Out of the corner of Su Yun's eyes, she caught a glimpse of Lin Sanchun with an embarrassed smile, turning her head and leaving with Zhang Mama at the kitchen door, and her face flushed instantly.

Where is Xiao Lin's aura? It's obvious that he is too thick-skinned, and he doesn't pay attention to the influence in broad daylight, so that others dare not approach him. Naturally, he has a 'strong aura'.

Su Yun curled her lips angrily, and brought the topic down to business: "Brother Lin, where did Azhou and Xiaodao go? When will they come back? Should we wait for them to come back before eating or something?"

They were discussing things in the room just now, but Su Yun didn't listen, so it's normal not to know.

"No, they went to Nancheng." Xiao Lin explained to Su Yun what Xiaodao and Chen Jinzhou did.Su Yun nodded solemnly after listening.

"Brother Lin, you are right, we really can't do anything about this."

If the real relevant personnel came forward to deal with Zhang Huaishan's matter, then Xiao Lin and the others would not be able to intervene no matter what.You must know that the current situation is very strict, and if they are not careful, they will be charged with very serious crimes.

This is what Su Yun doesn't want to see.

Mr. Fang arranged this matter very well, and asked the people from the military region to come forward. In this way, it is only logical for them to invite Xiao Lin and the others to assist.

Even if someone with a heart wants to deliberately pick on Xiao Lin's thorns in the future, they will not be able to.

"Get ready to eat."

Xiao Lin suggested.

Su Yun nodded: "Okay."

The couple made dinner together.Zhao Hongwei didn't want to stay here for dinner, but Xiao Lin and the others repeatedly invited him, so he had the cheek to stay.

It was almost dark when they were eating, and when it was completely dark, they ate around the hot pot.For a large table, Su Yun prepared two copper hot pots.

One is for people who like spicy food, and the other is not spicy.

The children and the old people were on the non-spicy side. The old lady Xiao showed a sad face, and the dishes on the table were obviously not to her liking.

"Grandma, don't worry. Xiaodao and Azhou have a sense of proportion." Su Yun sat beside the old lady, and seeing that the old lady was so worried that she couldn't eat, she couldn't help but speak out to persuade her.

Mr. Chen on the side put a piece of soft beef in the old lady's bowl, "Don't worry, Ah Yuan, Azhou and the others will be fine."

The old lady Xiao nodded.

Now I can only think so.

While they were eating, Chen Jinzhou and Xiaodao finally braved the cold wind and came to Nancheng City.Fortunately, today's snow did not fall in Nancheng City, but it became smaller when it left the county town, and then gradually stopped.

Otherwise, if they were going on the road in the snow, they might not have reached Nancheng yet.

When they came to the city, both of them were hungry, cold and hungry, but they didn't look for food first.Xiaodao drove the car directly to the military area, and before he got close, he saw the sentinel raising his hand to signal that he would not come close.

Xiaodao found a place to stop the car.

"You go in, I'll wait for you outside."

Although it is said that he came with Chen Jinzhou, this military region is an important place after all, and it is not suitable for someone like him to enter.Chen Jinzhou also understood, he nodded, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw a small shop selling food with lights on in the distance.

"Would you like to go over there to eat something and wait for me?"

"No, it shouldn't be long. I'll wait for you to come out and eat together." They are all people who have come from hard times, and this level of hunger can still be held back by Xiaodao.

Since he didn't go looking for food, Chen Jinzhou didn't delay too much. He nodded, pressed the letter hidden in his pocket, and walked towards the gate.

He first introduced himself, and then took out the letter of introduction written by Mr. Chen to prove his identity and handed it to the sentry at the gate. After proving his identity, the sentry nodded and returned the things to him.

"Comrade, who did you just say you were looking for?"

"I'm looking for the political commissar."

"Wait a minute, I'll make a call." The sentry box was equipped with a telephone. Seeing that it was freezing outside, the sentry asked Chen Jinzhou to go under the eaves of the sentry box to avoid the cold wind, while he turned around and made an internal call. .

The other end of the phone was quickly answered, and the sentinel hung up the phone and came back with a serious expression on his face.

"Wait a moment, someone will come out and take you in."

Chen Jinzhou thanked again and again: "Thank you comrade, thank you."

Within a few minutes, a young soldier trotted out, and it was obvious that he was probably the political commissar's orderly or something.He confirmed Chen Jinzhou's identity and took him to the family area next to the military area.

Chen Jinzhou stopped in front of a small two-story western-style building, and the orderly pushed the door open and led him inside.

In the brightly lit living room, not only the political commissar, but also the commander.Although both of them were wearing casual clothes, the serious expressions on their faces were hard to ignore.

Chen Jinzhou was born in a family, and he has seen all kinds of people.Seeing the political commissar and the commander, he was only taken aback for a moment, then immediately collected his emotions and went forward, took out a letter from Mr. Fang from his pocket, and handed it over.

He didn't say anything during that time.

The other party didn't ask him anything.

After reading the handwritten letter of Mr. Fang in his hand, the two gay men in their 40s and almost 50 showed shocking expressions on their faces.This time they started talking.

Political commissar Fang looked at Chen Jinzhou and asked, "Did the old man bring guards with him?"

Chen Jinzhou shook his head: "No, we simply returned home for the New Year this time, and the old man let Xiao Zhao go home..." No one expected such a thing to happen, so there is no Xiao Zhao who will be in service at all. Zhao took it.

If it was brought, there would be no need for Chen Jinzhou and the others to stay up all night and run so far to ask for help if Xiao Zhao came forward.

Hearing Chen Jinzhou's answer, the faces of the two people on the opposite side changed drastically, and they recruited orderlies to take Chen Jinzhou to the next door to rest for a while. They needed to discuss a specific response plan.

Chen Jinzhou nodded, "Well, I have a friend who sent me here..."

"It's okay, let him come in together, just come in from the family courtyard. You haven't eaten yet, right? Xiao Xu makes a bowl of noodles for the two younger students."

Commissar Fang got up and walked to the door, and spoke to his lover on the other side.

Xu Qiulian didn't ask who Chen Jinzhou was, anyway, she never asked much about her husband's career, she just did what she asked.

"Hey, I'll come right here."

Xu Qiulian entered the kitchen, Chen Jinzhou was embarrassed to trouble her and wanted to help her, Xu Qiulian repeatedly waved Chen Jinzhou to go outside and wait.

"Go, go, Auntie will finish it in a while."

Xu Qiulian refused again and again, so it was naturally impossible for Chen Jinzhou to rush to help, because that would not be helping but adding to the chaos.He sat in the small restaurant outside, waiting quietly.

It didn't take long for Xiaodao to be brought in by the orderly. When he arrived, the noodles were just right. After eating a large bowl of noodles, the feeling of hunger and cold was finally better.

The neighbors also discussed why they came here.

Commissar Fang walked in, and Chen Jinzhou and Xiao Dao stood up immediately.

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