Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 702 Let He Dahua decide the direction

Chapter 702 Let He Dahua decide the direction
After Xiao Lin knew that the other party was Zhao Qiming, and he was likely to flee to the other side of the sea, he immediately prepared to chase him from the sea without delaying going out.At the same time, he also informed the people in all ports to help pay attention to the ships at sea.

Whether it is to replenish at the port, or it has been floating at sea.

Pay more attention.

For the convenience of talking, Xiao Lin himself has a big brother.So call anytime!He told his intentions, and he left immediately.

He Dahua followed closely behind him.

"Brother, how are you?" Chen Jinzhou happened to come over, and when he saw Xiao Lin walking out in a hurry, he immediately stopped him: "Is there any news from sister-in-law and Chen An?"

There was an anxious look on his face.

The worry is no less than that of Xiao Lin.

Xiao Lin shook his head sullenly.

"There is a little eyebrow, not sure yet."

"elder brother……"

Chen Jinzhou wanted to say something else, but Xiao Lin interrupted him by raising his hand: "I'm going to leave the capital for a while, and I'll leave the family to you." Mrs. Xiao fell ill and is now staying in the hospital.

In normal times, it would be taken care of by Xiao Lin, his grandson and daughter-in-law like Su Yun at the bedside.But right now Su Yun has been arrested and there is no news?

Xiao Lin definitely couldn't stay to take care of the old lady, he could only entrust both the old lady and Xiao Yansi to Chen Jinzhou.

Feeling his brother's trust, Chen Jinzhou nodded solemnly.

"Okay, I understand brother, you can rest assured that I am at home."

With him here, he will definitely take good care of grandma and Xiao Yansi.

Xiao Lin patted him on the shoulder and walked away.

He drove the car to Baiwan Village, where there is a pier, he bought it.There are also ships that go to sea, which are also his.

As soon as he stopped the car at the pier, he saw three people waiting on the pier.One is his former comrade-in-arms Fan Wei, who is also the HR manager of Su Yun's company, and the other is Xu Wanhao, and Li Wei.

They got the news and wanted to follow Xiao Lin to find Su Yun spontaneously.

Xiao Lin walked over, and the three of them immediately strode over.

"Uncle, did the other party call and say what they want?" Xu Wanhao asked without ambiguity because he was related to Xiao Lin.

In his opinion, after most kidnappers kidnap people, they will definitely ask for conditions.

For example, how much does it cost.

Xu Wanhao's words inadvertently reminded Xiao Lin.Yes, since his wife and son were kidnapped, he hasn't received a single call from the kidnapper.

So the possibility that the kidnappers want money can almost be ruled out.

In addition, the few people who kidnapped Su Yun's mother and child were already submerged in the water with their car. It is absolutely impossible for people who only want to make money to do such a ruthless method.

He should have thought of other intentions the other party had.

It's all his fault, it's all his fault that he was so dazzled by the hatred of his wife and children being taken away, that he ignored such important information for a while.

If he noticed it as soon as possible, wouldn't he have discovered that it was Zhao Qiming's handwriting earlier?

Xiao Lin is actually not sure!
After all, he really didn't expect that Zhao Qiming was still active for so many years, and even moved from the village to the city, was bought by the people on the other side, and became a traitor...

Xiao Lin's thoughts seemed to have turned a lot, but it was only in the blink of an eye.Not long after Xu Wanhao's voice fell, he answered Xu Wanhao: "The other party is probably an old acquaintance of your aunt and I. He was engaged to your aunt before."

At this time, Xiao Lin didn't want to hide it from Xu Wanhao and the others.

When the three people on the opposite side heard this, they all froze for a moment.

It is not a good thing for a lesbian to be kidnapped. If the other party asks for money, then her personal safety may still be guaranteed.But the other party was actually engaged to Su Yun...

It's hard to say.

The three fell into silence.

It was Li Wei who came over and patted Xiao Lin on the shoulder lightly.

"Don't worry too much, the younger siblings will definitely turn the bad luck into better luck. That man Ma Liang is so insane, the younger siblings can escape from him safely, and it will be the same this time."

Li Wei's words really gave Xiao Lin a shot in the arm.

He forced a smile and nodded.

"Let's get on board."

"it is good."

Several people boarded the boat together.Soon the boat started to leave the pier.Xu Wanhao took out the waterway map that Xiao Lin asked him to get before and spread it on the table, and asked them to study where Zhao Qiming might take Su Yun to that place.

There is only one waterway leaving the capital, all the way south from the capital to the sea.If it's at sea, it's not easy to stop.Especially the situation over there is still very complicated. If they are really taken there, it will be very difficult to ask for someone in a short while.

Xiao Lin stared at the map on the table and fell into thought, "He Dahua, do you still remember where you met Zhao Qiming?" Xiao Lin turned his head and looked at He Dahua who was standing by the wall without speaking.

He Dahua thought about it.

"South City Station."

At Nancheng Station, she saw Zhao Qiming who had changed from beginning to end. Even though she no longer had any obsession with Zhao Qiming, she subconsciously approached him secretly...

"I remember he was carrying a briefcase with water conservancy written on it..."

He Dahua went to junior high school and knows how to read.She would not mistake the simple word of water conservancy.

Xiao Lin's eyes darkened, and he immediately went to contact Nancheng Water Conservancy.

"Little uncle, I'll go." Xu Wanhao has been able to take charge of himself these years. When He Dahua said that Zhao Qiming might be in Nancheng Water Conservancy, he knew that he would call and talk to the people there.

Xiao Lin nodded, then turned around and pointed to the map to continue asking He Dahua.

"Look at so many ports here, do you think Zhao Qiming will choose a port to stop? Where will he choose?" When Xiao Lin said this, no matter it was He Dahua himself, Fan Wei or Li Wei, they were stunned. for a moment.

None of them expected that Xiao Lin would dare to ask a disgraced woman on such an important topic.

Even He Dahua himself didn't expect it.

She raised her head and looked at Xiao Lin in surprise.


"Tell me."

Xiao Lin asked sincerely, and didn't want to use He Dahua to make a fuss.

In fact, after He Dahua said that the person who kidnapped Su Yun's mother and child was probably Zhao Qiming, Xiao Lin had a feeling that He Dahua would be the biggest change in this matter.

And he felt that this change was beneficial to them.

That's why at such an important moment, he asked He Dahua such crucial words.

Seeing the trusting look in Xiao Lin's eyes, He Dahua nodded slightly, recalling Zhao Qiming's character carefully.

She has liked Zhao Qiming, the son of the village chief since she was a child. He is white and clean, completely different from those boys in the village. No matter where he stands, he is so dazzling. As long as there is him, she will always appear there Not far away, secretly watching him.

Record his likes...

(End of this chapter)

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