Chapter 706 Procrastination
This ship is not very big, there are only three floors of rooms in total.The blue and white hull is neither new nor old, standing in the middle of so many boats, it is not conspicuous.

On such a ship, it is also very simple to be found.

Really very simple.

There were eight people staying on the boat together with Artai. After hearing that Su Yun had escaped, they immediately divided into several ways to find Su Yun.

"Go find it right away, find her and take her off the boat, that bitch dares to ask the outside world for help!"

When Artest said this, he gritted his teeth, and his eyes were full of burning anger.When the boss got off the ship to run some errands, he was in charge of everything on the ship.

Now that something like this happened, apart from Artest feeling that he had failed Zhao Qiming's trust, his dignity was also severely hit.

That bitch Su Yun, if he catches her, it will definitely not make her feel better.

"Go, go and catch her." Artest asked a few people to watch the situation on the deck and watch the situation, to see if Su Yun's pleading for help could attract people's attention.If they are attracted, those few people should deal with them.

Then the rest arranged for one to start the ship and drive the ship to the outskirts of the port.Convenient in case something happens, you can leave at any time!

He took two people down to the bottom mezzanine to catch those two evils.

It would be fine if Su Yun was there, but if he wasn't, he would immediately throw the two little ones into the sea to feed the fish, in order to avenge his broken nose.But Artest guessed that Su Yun should save her child on the mezzanine.

He sneered and walked down step by step.

As Artest expected, Su Yun was indeed in the lower layer.She opened the door easily, and people got in.

The two brothers squatting on the ground heard the sound of the doors opening, and immediately looked up in the direction of the door.

"Walking? Chen'an? Are you there?"

The light inside was dim, and Su Yun didn't see the two children hiding in the corner for a while.

When the two brothers heard what their mother said, they immediately stood up and ran towards the approaching figure.



The two brothers threw themselves into Su Yun's arms. Su Yun hugged a child with one arm, and felt that their hands and feet were still fine, so she couldn't help crying with joy.

"How are you? Is there any injury?"

"We didn't, how about you, mom? Did the bad guys hurt you?"

"Mom didn't either, let's..." Su Yun stopped immediately after saying this, and she heard the heavy and hurried footsteps on the upper floor.To this place, here they come.

The two children heard it too.

Before Su Yun could tell them more, she closed the door first and locked it from the inside.

Fortunately, the door is locked.

"Mom, let's drag something to block the door."

Fang Chenan's mind was spinning quickly, and when Su Yun closed and locked the door, he spoke.

Su Yun nodded: "Okay, if there is anything here that can block the door, pull it over, and we will block the door to prevent them from coming in."

Su Yun chose the former without hesitation between hiding here to delay time, and being caught out to suffer their insults.Even if their mother and son die, they will die together.

What's more, maybe they delay here for a while, and someone will find them and come to rescue them?

Su Yun has not given up hope of being rescued until now.Even though the urging footsteps were getting closer and louder, she still didn't give up hope that someone might save them.

Fang Chenan and Xiao Xingzhi have been staying here for a while, and they know where to drag things.The two didn't waste any time, and immediately went to drag a fishing net not far behind them.

But this fishing net is not light, and the two brothers can't drag it at all.

The footsteps were getting closer.

"I come!"

Su Yun ran over to join them, dragging the fishing net a little with great effort.


"Brother Tai, they are inside, and the door is still locked."

A voice came from outside the door, it was the voice of the person who silently said that he wanted to kill Fang Chenan.There was obvious excitement in his voice, obviously, if Fang Chenan fell into his hands, then he would definitely kill Fang Chenan without hesitation.

Artest let out a harsh sound.

"Kick them away, drag them out to kill them!"

Artest's patience has all been lost, although Su Yun is the woman the boss wants to marry, but this woman has betrayed the boss, she will bring disaster to them.

Before the catastrophe happened, Artest believed that he had the right to execute Su Yun. Even if the boss found out, he wouldn't be too angry. He was doing this to protect their organization and the boss!

Artest made up his mind, and let the two people around him get out of the way, and he kicked hard on the door in front of him.

The door shakes!

The lock installed on the door trembled slightly, and it was about to be opened.The two boys behind Artest praised Artest repeatedly: "You really deserve to be Brother Tai, so amazing!"

Artest hooked the corners of his lips, a smug smile appeared on his face.

"Step aside!"

One more kick, and he will be able to kick the door open!

The two people behind them backed away a few steps immediately, and were ready to go in and catch Su Yun, their mother and son out after kicking the door open.

Artest kicked again.

Only at this time, Su Yun and the others finally dragged the big fishing net to the door and blocked half of the door. The heavy fishing net blocked the door behind, and the force of the falling on the door panel was scattered on the fishing net. Kicked away.

Su Yun behind the door exclaimed Yu Sheng: "We need to bring some more things over here."

A fishing net would definitely not last long, but fortunately there were enough miscellaneous things in it, so Su Yun and her two sons worked together to move all the things they could move.

Blocked behind the door!
The sound of kicking the door with bang bang was still going on, but each time it became more urgent, and each kick became more irritable.It can be judged from this voice that the people outside are already in a state of desperation.

Su Yun, who was inside, also felt uncomfortable.

Although it was said that they couldn't get in for a while, it was just a door after all, and if it couldn't be kicked open, it could be cut with tools.By the time they find tools to break in, everything between their mother and child will probably come to an end.

Su Yun was in a hurry.

But he kept telling himself not to be in a hurry, and at this moment, he smelled a bloody smell at the tip of his nose.

Su Yun thought she felt wrong.

She pulled Xiao Xingzhi and Fang Chenan over and asked if they were injured.Both children shook their heads and said they were not hurt.But the smell of blood in the air was very strong, Su Yun didn't believe what they said, and stretched out her hand to grope for confirmation.

First is Fang Chenan, he is fine.

Asking Fang Chenan to stand aside, Su Yun took Xiao Xingzhi's hand again.

Xiao Xingzhi took half a step back.


Su Yun understood that the boss was injured.

(End of this chapter)

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