Chapter 710 he escaped
"young married woman……"

Xiao Lin stretched out his hands, avoiding Su Yun's injured arm, and gently hugged her.

His chin rested on her head, and he hugged her gently, his heart was filled with the joy of regaining what was lost.

"Daughter-in-law... I'm sorry."

Xiao Lin kissed her hair, and apologized in an extremely hoarse voice.

"It's okay, it has nothing to do with you."

"No, if I hadn't left you at that time, this thing wouldn't have happened..." Xiao Lin has been thinking for the past few days that if something happened to Su Yun and their mother and son, he would never forgive himself for the rest of his life.

Many years ago, he was lured away by Ma Liang, which put Xiaoyun into a crisis.After many years, he has matured a lot, but still fell into the same trap...

Xiao Lin felt extremely regretful.

Su Yun shook her head, and covered his lips with her hand.

"Brother Ling, don't say that. In the situation at that time, if you didn't take action, the child's life might be gone. So you did the right thing. I don't blame you."

Su Yun never blamed Xiao Lin from the beginning to the end.

Even when she was trapped under the burning cabin and her life was hanging by a thread, she didn't blame Xiao Lin.She was just worried about how he could live with his daughter without them...

Su Yun softly told Xiao Lin what she was thinking.

Xiao Lin didn't know what to say other than hugging her tightly.There are thousands of words in my heart, but I can't say them, I can only hug her tightly with both hands, as if holding a unique treasure in this world...

Su Yun snuggled into Xiao Lin's arms, feeling the warm moment after the catastrophe. When she closed her eyes and felt drowsy, she suddenly thought of Zhao Qiming.

"Brother Lin, have you caught Zhao Qiming?"

"not yet……"

"I wrote down the license plate of the car he was driving."

Su Yun told Xiao Lin the license plate number, the brand, and the appearance of the car that she wrote down. Xiao Lin didn't expect his wife to remember Zhao Qiming's license plate.

Even under such circumstances, she is still so calm...

"Daughter-in-law..." Xiao Lin rubbed Su Yun's hair lightly: "I'll let Ah Hao stay with you here, I'll go out and deal with some things, and when I get things done, we'll go home together."

"it is good."

Su Yun didn't ask Xiao Lin what he was going to do, so she obediently agreed.

In fact, there is no need to ask, you can probably guess it.

"You have to be careful, they are all crazy people."

"Well, it's okay, don't worry about me." He paused, and added: "There are comrades from the police on this floor, and there are also security personnel hired by myself, daughter-in-law, you don't have to worry, you can rest assured. "

Knowing that his wife and son were hospitalized, Xiao Lin was afraid that something might happen to them again, so he contacted his ex-army comrades who ran a security company here, and a dozen people came from them.

Now there is nothing more important than the safety of the daughter-in-law and son.So he didn't hesitate to spend a lot of money to hire someone to protect them.He even decided to hire special bodyguards to protect them from now on.

Xiao Lin left the ward, and the ward became quiet.

Su Yun leaned on the pillow and closed her eyes to rest, recalling the experience of the past few days, it felt like a dream.She raised her hand to look at the bandaged hand, and slightly bent her lips.

After Xiao Lin left, he immediately contacted his friends in Guangcheng and asked them to check the location of the car that Su Yun mentioned.There are not so many surveillance systems yet, and it is still relatively difficult to find out the whereabouts of a car.

But by coincidence, someone happened to have seen the car Xiao Lin mentioned.

Not only that, but someone saw Zhao Qiming.

The corner of Xiao Lin's lips curled up.

"Help me keep an eye on him, I'll pass right away."

Xiao Lin hung up the phone, left the hospital and walked to the place the other party mentioned.

Zhao Qiming handed over the confidential information that could not be leaked to the connector in Guangcheng, he turned and left, and took his subordinates to a nearby bridal shop to choose a wedding dress.

Zhao Qiming still doesn't know that the boat caught fire and his subordinates were all taken away.He is still immersed in the beautiful fantasy of marrying Su Yun and cuckolding Xiao Lin to humiliate Xiao Lin.

"How about this wedding dress? It must be very suitable for Xiaoyun, right?" Zhao Qiming asked the subordinates behind him with a smile on his face.

The subordinates behind him nodded flatteringly: "Boss, you and Ms. Su are a match made in heaven. Wearing this wedding dress, Ms. Su will definitely be the most beautiful in the world, and it will also be the most suitable bride for you."

"Have eyesight!"

Zhao Qiming smiled lightly, casually pointed to a wedding dress and asked the clerk to wrap it up, and took out the money to pay without batting an eyelid.

Just after swiping the card, he turned and walked towards the door with the wedding dress bag in his hand, but before he left the store, he caught a glimpse of someone on the road outside the corner of his eye, and the corner of Zhao Qiming's lips curled up.

Turn around and walk towards the busy clerk.

"Comrade, can I borrow the bathroom?"

This bridal shop is quite big, so there must be a bathroom or something.

The waiter nodded and pointed Zhao Qiming in the direction of the bathroom.Zhao Qiming also thanked the waiter with a smile, and handed over the wedding bag in his hand to his subordinates.

"Wait for me here."

His face was normal, as usual when he arranged for work.

The subordinates did not have any doubts, so they waited for Zhao Qiming in the shop with the bag of the wedding dress.And Zhao Qiming walked into the restroom of this store with a normal expression, then he raised his head and glanced at the ventilation window on one side.

Xiao Lin came outside the wedding dress shop.

He found someone he knew and asked if Zhao Qiming was still in the store.

The man nodded: "Yes, he has been inside and never came out."

"Hasn't come out?" Xiao Lin asked.

"Well, it didn't come out."

Xiao Lin was silent for a moment, then raised his eyes to look at the bridal shop again, "No, go quickly." He walked quickly, and Fan Wei and Li Wei followed him into the bridal shop.

The subordinates who were still sitting on the sofa waiting for Zhao Qiming to come back did not wait for their boss when they were about to fall asleep. Instead, they waited for three men who were not easy to mess with at first glance.

When he saw them, he got up and ran without saying a word.

Xiao Lin's eyelids twitched slightly, and a person who ran out was knocked down on the ground with a stride forward.

"Where is Zhao Qiming?"

The person who was pinned to the ground couldn't move, his face and chin were stuck to the ground, his posture was very awkward, and he couldn't use any strength at all.

"What are you talking about, Zhao Qiming? I don't know him."

His mouth is quite stiff, and he still refuses to admit it even at this time.

Xiao Lin was not in a hurry, he sneered and took off the man's arm with one hand.

There was a scream like a pig being killed in the bridal dress shop.

" hand!"

It must be quite uncomfortable for a good arm to be dislocated alive.So the man turned pale with pain and almost fainted.

Xiao Lin let go of the legs kneeling on his back, squatted in front of him and continued to ask with a sneer.

"I'll give you another chance, where's Zhao Qiming?"

(End of this chapter)

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