Chapter 723
Provoking Xiao Yansi to let out a series of laughter, he stretched out his hand to hold Su Yun's arm.

"Look, our dear Ms. Su Yun, others say you are my sister. If you go with Lao Xiao, wouldn't you be regarded as father and daughter?"

This narrow-minded girl will feel uncomfortable if she doesn't hit her father for a moment.

Su Yun smiled and squeezed Xiao Yansi's arm: "If your father knew that you thought he was old behind his back, that old father's heart would definitely be broken into pieces."

"Old Xiao is always old." Xiao Yansi groaned, seeming to be dissatisfied with her father in every possible way: "He always has a cold face, as if someone owes him money. I remember that he was not like this when he was a child."

"Sure enough, a man who has a big business will become annoying."

"In the future, I'll just find a boyfriend who works in IT like me."

Su Yun: ...

Daughter, where did this fallacy come from?While talking, they had already arrived at Xiao Yansi's dormitory.

The third floor is [-] next to the stairs.

A few roommates have already come in. Although they are not there, there are things on the bed. The lower bunk of the dormitory is occupied by them, and only the upper bunk can be selected.

Without hesitation, Xiao Yansi chose the upper bunk next to the window outside.

Su Yun originally wanted to make Xiao Yansi's bed, but Xiao Yansi refused.

"Don't, the bed is very high, I'll just go up."

Her mother is the baby of the whole family, if something happens to her when she goes to the upper bunk, her life will be over.

Xiao Yansi reached the upper bunk quickly with his hands and feet.

Since the incident of Zhao Qiming's kidnapping happened many years ago, Xiao Lin hired professional martial arts teachers for all three children, and formulated different kung fu learning methods for the three of them according to their different physical qualities.

For example, because Xiao Yansi is a girl, her strength is much weaker than that of a boy, so her martial arts teacher gave her a set of kung fu for flexibility training.Mainly training her flexibility and dodging ability, in terms of weapons, Xiao Yansi is good at soft swords.

This is different from the powerful weapons that her brother and younger brother Fang Chen'an are good at.

At this moment, she easily got on the upper bunk, which is still very difficult for other ordinary people.

As a mother, Su Yun naturally knew her daughter's identity.She handed things up to Xiao Yansi from the bottom, asking her to make the bed, and after finding the corresponding cabinet to put other things in, the mother and daughter went out of the dormitory and went downstairs to find Xiao Lin.

Although Xiao Yansi's dislike of Xiao Lin was a bit old-fashioned, but her parents were going back to the capital soon, and she was still very reluctant to part with them.

The family of three left the campus and looked at the nearby real estate. They happened to come across an existing house for sale, but it was two bedrooms and one living room, about [-] square meters.It might be a little big for one person, but it's not worth it because of the good location of this house. You can see the gymnasium of Xiao Yansi's school by opening the window at home.

Xiao Lin looked at the price, and after asking Xiao Yansi's opinion, he decided to buy the house.

It was Su Yun's card that was swiped.

Xiao Yansi took her mother's card and came back after swiping, and praised her father with a smile.

"Old Xiao has maintained the habit of giving money to his wife all his life, and he will continue to do so in the future."

Su Yun smiled and took a look at Xiao Yansi, put the card back in her wallet and put it away: "You're the only one who is talkative."

The family of three talked and laughed, and left the sales center to eat at a nearby private restaurant.When he was just looking at the house, Xiao Yansi, a young sociable person, had already inquired clearly with the sister who sold the house, and knew where there was good food.

As soon as he went out, he took his parents and killed him.

After they left for a long time, the staff in the sales department couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Sure enough, good looks are hereditary.Looking at the family of three just now, the parents are beautiful, and the daughter is like a sculpture.

But having said that, why do you feel that the couple looks familiar?
The people in the sales department thought about it, um, maybe all the good-looking people are familiar?Having made this decision, I stopped thinking about it.

Xiao Yansi had to go back to school after Xiao Yansi had a hearty meal at the private restaurant with her parents.

"Dad, Mom, are you going back to the capital tonight?"

It was time to go to school, and the little girl who had been extremely excited all day now showed a look of reluctance.She held the arm of Su Yun, who was also sitting in the back row, and leaned against her shoulder.

Face rubbed against her arm like a kitten.

"Mom, I hate you and Dad."

The little girl is already good-looking, she usually looks out of place, but acting like a baby can kill people.In addition, she has been under their noses since she was a child, and it was the first time she left so far, Su Yun was also very reluctant.

"Now I know I can't bear it? What about the courage when you filled out the application without telling us?"

Xiao Lin's tone was not very friendly.

This may also be a unified attitude that middle-aged men use to hide their reluctance.

Xiao Yansi snorted.

"Comrade Su Yun, take a look at your husband, he is still vicious!"

Su Yun was quite sad at first, but when she heard the little girl's words, she couldn't help laughing again.

Children always grow up and leave her. She can't keep people under her nose forever.Compared with other families, their children have been with them long enough.

Now that they are in college, it is time for them to try to fly independently.

"Your father cares about you, I'm sorry to say."



The father and daughter snorted together.

Su Yun smiled even more.I don't know how her brother Lin became so naive when encountering things related to his daughter.She patted the back of Xiao Yansi's hand lightly, "Although the distance is a bit far, fortunately, the plane can reach you directly. If you want to go home, just fly back."

The traffic is quite developed now, and there are direct flights to the capital here.So there is no such thing as not being able to go home once a semester.

Thinking of this, Su Yun felt a little better.

Xiao Yansi groaned, still very reluctant to part with Su Yun.

Xiao Lin's driving speed also slowed down a bit.

But no matter how slow, the road always has an end.Xiao Lin's car finally drove to the downstairs of Xiao Yansi's dormitory.The car stopped, the door opened, Su Yun got out of the car first, and Xiao Yansi got out of the car slowly behind.

"Okay, our Sisi is already 19 years old, why is she still like a five or six year old child?" Su Yun smiled and pinched Xiao Yansi's face to tease her.

Xiao Yansi's eyes were red.

"It's just that I can't bear to part with my mother..."

There was a crying sound when speaking.

This made Xiao Lin feel distressed.

"Daughter-in-law, why don't you accompany your daughter to school here?"


Su Yun raised her eyebrows and looked at Xiao Lin: "Are you sure? It doesn't matter if I accompany my daughter to school here, after all, I don't care much about the company now."

But if Xiao Lin is sure to let her be here, the husband and wife can only see each other when they fly back and forth in the sky every month?
Su Yun thinks it's quite new, maybe she can try it?
"Mom, do you really want to do this? Or don't you want it? I'm sure I'm very happy that you stay here, but it's just pity that our name is Lao Xiao, and no one even brings him hot water when we come home at an old age."

Xiao Yansi's tone was very exaggerated, and his expression matched his sadness for Xiao Lin.

Xiao Lin: ...

He kind of regretted the proposal.

(End of this chapter)

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