Chapter 725
"Ah, then you are so pitiful, Yan Si, I grew up eating spicy strips." The girl who gave them spicy strips said this. Her name was Chen An'an, she had a round face and a slight smile. fat girl.

To Xiao Yansi's surprise, she was also from the Department of Computer Science.

The two belong to the same department!

This really made Xiao Yansi very happy.

Although when she was choosing a computer, she also thought about the situation that she might be the only girl in the class, and she was prepared for it.But when she really met the same girl, that kind of joy felt like a hero sympathizing with each other.

Unsurprisingly, the two became friends.

The second day of enrollment is the day of military training for freshmen.

Xiao Yansi and Chen An'an also saw two other girls in their class.There were only four girls enrolled in their computer major this year, and it was a coincidence that they were all assigned to the same class.

In a class of 45 students, four girls were particularly eye-catching.

But apart from Xiao Yansi and Chen An'an, the other two female students all wore big black-rimmed glasses, with thick bangs covering their foreheads, full of pedantic appearance.

Compared with them, Xiao Yansi doesn't look like a technical person at all!

It is not just one or two who have this idea, but many students think so.They were already very surprised when they saw girls at the same level.Then they saw Xiao Yansi's face clearly, and they were even more surprised.

This... This is a proper school beauty school beauty level of beauty, right?Come to learn computer from a group of rough old men?How do you think it is impossible!
But thinking about it, I'm still very happy that they have such a beautiful girl as Xiao Yansi this year, maybe if they work hard, they can still become her boyfriend...

Li Mingzhe, who was far away in the United States, sneezed.

He touched his cell phone in his suit pocket. He was busy these days, so Yan Yan should report to school, right?Don't know whether to adapt?I'll have to make a call later and ask.

Poor Li Mingzhe still thinks that Xiao Yansi will stay in the capital with him and go to the same university as he promised earlier...

It's not Li Mingzhe's fault, but he left the country in a hurry before, and the only contact with Xiao Yansi was his mobile phone.The phone calls and text messages between them have always been the same.

So he didn't expect that it was normal for Xiao Yansi to go to a southern city to attend university.


The instructor who was in charge of training Xiao Yansi and the others was an active-duty officer and soldier. During the regular intervals of training, he followed the suggestion of the male students and planned to teach them a few simple self-defense techniques.

More than forty students formed a circle, and the instructor stood in the middle, beckoning to a few boys who looked very strong in the class, telling them to attack him.

A few male students went up and attacked the instructor according to the normal attack indicated by the instructor, and then the instructor personally demonstrated how to control the opponent... I have to say that the instructor demonstrated very professionally.

Ask everyone to see clearly and let the students practice one-on-one.

Chen An'an was naturally partnered with Xiao Yansi, but she seemed to be rather timid, slow to comprehend movements and so on, and failed to learn from the coach after several demonstrations.

Chen An'an was a little discouraged.

Xiao Yansi smiled and patted her on the shoulder: "Don't be discouraged, the instructor's move is aimed at strength. If you are weak, it's normal if you can't learn it."

"But Yansi, you did a good job."

Chen Anan didn't want to be discouraged, but as a girl, Xiao Yansi did a good job.And she didn't realize it for a long time, which made her very discouraged.

Xiao Yansi smiled lightly.

"I have the basics!"

She has learned ordinary grappling and fighting.

Originally, she wanted to comfort Chen An'an, but the instructor who happened to come over heard this sentence, he raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at Xiao Yansi with a beautiful and charming face, the corners of his lips slightly curled up.

"Has this student studied?"

Being called upon suddenly, Xiao Yansi stood up in a daze.

"Report to the instructor, learned."

Her standard of standing posture is really the one that you can know and learn at a glance.

Xiao Biao admired it even more, and glanced at the student's name hanging on Xiao Yansi's chest, "Does Xiao Yansi have a soldier in his family?"

"Well, my dad used to be in the army."

Xiao Yansi did not hide anything.

Xiao Biao nodded.

"Okay, just come out and demonstrate to me?"

Xiao Yansi let out an uh.

"Is there a problem, student Xiao?"

"no problem."

Xiao Yansi never knew what a problem was.

She hesitated just now because she was thinking about whether going out like this and throwing the instructor to the ground would make the instructor lose face.But after thinking about it, she figured it out. This is just a demonstration teaching, and it has nothing to do with face.

So she stepped out.

Xiao Biao stretched out his hand towards her.

Xiao Yansi first stood up straight, bowed politely, then suddenly reached out and grabbed Xiao Biao's outstretched hand, and moved forward. When Xiao Biao just realized what she was going to do, Xiao Yansi had already supported Xiao Biao with his shoulders. Biao's chest, with both hands, he fell to the ground.

People around:  …

Xiao Biao lying on the grass: ...

How is this going?What happened?This girl who looks slender and weak actually has such explosive power?Can instantly throw a man who is a head taller than her to the ground?
Xiao Biao lay on the ground looking at the blue sky above his head, laughed dumbfounded, rubbed his shoulders and stood up.

"Student Xiao is amazing!"

After Xiao Biao finished speaking, he applauded first.Those stunned students also recovered their senses and applauded accordingly.

Then the training continues.

The fact that Xiao Yansi could easily throw the instructor over his shoulder quickly spread among the freshmen. After the military training was over, Xiao Yansi became a well-known figure in the School of Computer without any surprise.

In addition to her deed of quickly throwing Xiao Biao to the ground, there was also the big competition held on the last day of military training.Xiao Yansi, a girl, was able to form a sharp-knife commando team with specially selected boys with excellent physical fitness, and performed a real performance simulating actual combat.

As for Xiao Yansi, in this simulated actual combat performance, he killed a squad of the other party by himself...

From then on, Xiao Yansi's reputation spread completely.

Xiao Yansi from the 99th class of the School of Computer Science is a girl with explosive strength...

When Xiao Yansi heard this rumor, she was quite amused.However, she didn't bother to explain it. With the name of explosive force, she should be able to avoid a lot of troubles in her four years of university.

As it turned out, she was right.

Those who want to make a move on Xiao Yansi because of her beauty, before making a move, they all seriously consider whether they can withstand Xiao Yansi's beating.

After thinking about it carefully, I couldn't stand it.

That beauty is still far away.

Because of this reason, no boy dared to show love to Xiao Yansi during the whole month and a half of school.This really made her couldn't be happier.

But if she didn't see the man standing downstairs in the girls' dormitory when get out of class was over on Friday morning, she thought her good mood could last longer.

But seeing him, the good mood dissipated.

She didn't want to go there, but Chen An'an took her hand, pointed to the person standing downstairs in the dormitory and asked him, "Yan Si, who is that boy? He's so tall and handsome, isn't he from our college? "

Hearing Chen An'an's voice, the other party slowly raised his eyes.

The corner of Xiao Yansi's mouth twitched.

(End of this chapter)

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