Chapter 728
Xiao Yansi gave them a gouged look, and put the snacks that Li Mingzhe bought for them on the table.

"Here, he bought it, do you want to eat it?"

"Eat, definitely eat!"

The roommates rushed over with a smile.Opening the bag and seeing the contents inside, everyone screamed in surprise.

"Wow, they are all famous brands!"

"This thing seems to be imported from abroad. Not only is it expensive, but it's also limited. Sisi, what kind of fairy boyfriend is your boyfriend? Not only is he handsome, but he's so generous, isn't his family rich?"

Xiao Yan thought for a while, and felt that it was necessary to justify her cheap boyfriend.

"He earned it on his own. Started his business in high school."


"Big man!"

"Sisi, you are so lucky. How did you find such a fairy boyfriend? Do you still have such childhood sweethearts? Hurry up and introduce some to us."

Not to mention, Xiao Yansi really knows a lot.

But they are all from the Beijing circle, and it seems that they are not suitable for her roommates.

Moreover, she didn't know much about those people's characters, so she definitely couldn't introduce them to her roommates indiscriminately.

She twitched her mouth and said with a smile: "I have played with him and my brother, brother, and sister since I was a child, and we are the only ones I know."

"Oh, that's a pity."

"But it's okay, when you get married, you must invite us."

We chatted and talked about getting married.

In front of outsiders, Xiao Yansi was not as shy as being with Li Mingzhe.So after hearing what they said, she didn't deny it, but nodded slightly.

"Well, I will definitely call you when the time comes."

After Xiao Yansi finished speaking, the phone in her pocket rang, she took it out to have a look, it was Li Mingzhe who sent her a message.A smile appeared on her face unconsciously, and she let her roommates eat whatever was on the table, while she got into her own bed and started typing to chat with Li Mingzhe.

At this time, mobile phones do not have QQ or WeChat, and can only chat with simple text messages.And the charge for a text message is not cheap... Xiao Yansi doesn't know how much her monthly phone bill is, anyway, Li Mingzhe covered all these things for her.

She doesn't have to worry about it at all.

Thinking about it carefully, she seems to have taken advantage of her when she fell in love with him. He will try his best to handle all matters related to him.It's okay for such a person to marry him, right?
Xiao Yansi smirked, and quickly typed a line.

'You have to convince my mom as soon as possible, let her convince my dad. '

What she meant by this, both of them understood.

Li Mingzhe, who was about to board the plane, saw Xiao Yansi's message, and the corners of his lips curled up in a nice arc, and his face was even softer.A bold young girl saw Li Mingzhe's gentle smile, so she wanted to come over and strike up a conversation with him.

See if I can get a phone number or something.

But before anyone approached, the young boy who had a gentle face just now put away his phone, his complexion was covered with frost in an instant, the warm and peaceful atmosphere was gone, and the only thing left was the refusal to be thousands of miles away. Indifferent and indifferent.

The girl who wanted to ask for contact information paused.

I didn't even dare to take another half step forward...

Li Mingzhe got on the plane and entered the business class, blocking the sight of those who wanted to look at him.

When he was with Xiao Yansi, there was no doubt that he was as gentle as water, but if you think this is his true face, then you are very wrong.

He will only show his softest side when he is with the one he loves.To other strangers, Li Mingzhe is a noble and indifferent son of heaven, a noble son in the capital circle that ordinary people can't get into...

Since Li Mingzhe returned to the capital, under normal circumstances, he would fly over to see Xiao Yansi once a week.If he was busy, he would fly here once every half a month, and then stay an extra day to accompany her to school or something...

Time entered 2000.

From freshman to junior year, Li Mingzhe was like a trapeze man, flying around in the air most of the time.

Xiao Yansi also joked that he might as well change his major to take the flight attendant exam, no one loves flying more than him.

Every time at this time, Li Mingzhe held her face and kissed her fiercely, and then asked her in a hoarse voice when she would stop letting him be a trapeze.

Xiao Yansi couldn't stop giggling, could she decide this matter?

But it seems like yes, it is indeed up to her to decide.

Xiao Yansi finished all her university courses ahead of schedule in the second semester of her junior year. After handing in her graduation thesis, she chose a sunny afternoon, packed her things, said goodbye to her roommates, and boarded the plane home.

No, specifically the plane back to the capital.

Because she didn't go home immediately after returning, but dragged her suitcase to find Li Mingzhe.

She came downstairs to his apartment and opened the door of the downstairs apartment with the key he gave.

This is a high-rise building located in the city center. Li Mingzhe bought the top-floor duplex, with an area of ​​nearly [-] square meters. The decoration style inside was decorated by Li Mingzhe according to Xiao Yansi's preferences.

She's been here once before.

This time, I was naturally familiar with the way, and directly pressed the elevator to the 28th floor.

She also took out the key to open the door, only to hear a click, and just as she pushed the door open a crack, the lights in the room turned on.Xiao Yansi put down the suitcase, opened the shoe cabinet, took out the lady's slippers that Li Mingzhe bought for her before, and changed into them.

The soft-soled slippers did not make any sound when they stepped on the thick wool carpet.

On the first floor of the duplex apartment, the high-ceilinged living room has an entire oval floor-to-ceiling window. From this window, you can see the landmark buildings of the capital.Xiao Yansi was not in the mood to appreciate the scenery outside at the moment, so she took out her mobile phone to send a message to Li Mingzhe.

Ask him what is his plan for today?
Not long after, the phone rang.

is the phone.

"What happened to Yanyan?"

Li Mingzhe's hoarse voice came from the phone, Xiao Yansi frowned: "Are you having a cold? Are you still sleeping?"

"I stayed up late last night and worked overtime to get some information, and I just squinted."

"at home?"


Li Mingzhe was lying on the bed in the master bedroom on the second floor, talking on the phone with Xiao Yansi.In fact, he didn't just stay up for one night, but stayed up for several nights.But he didn't want to be honest and didn't want to worry his girlfriend.

"Is Yan Yan over for get out of class? What would you like to have for lunch later?"

Li Mingzhe's gentle voice continued.

Xiao Yansi had tiptoed to the second floor.She slowly approached the door of the master bedroom, and then leaned against the door, and said delicately: "I want to eat brother Mingzhe."


Li Mingzhe also noticed something was wrong, he put the phone away from his ear, and looked at the door of the room in disbelief.

The next second, the door of the master bedroom was pushed open.

The smiling little girl held the phone with her cheeks blushing, her eyes shining with a charming light, and her exaggerated tone carried a deep smile.

"Dangdang, I'm back, are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

(End of this chapter)

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