Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 733 Extra Story, Talk About Marriage

Chapter 733 Extra Story, Talk About Marriage

The next day, when Xiao Yansi opened his eyes, the room was already full of sunshine.Confused, she raised her hand to cover her eyes.

"Why is the sun so big?"

Xiao Yansi didn't know what Jinxi and Xixi were for a while, so he turned around with a grunt, closed his eyes and continued to sleep.


She suddenly opened her eyes and sat up.

What important day does today seem to be?she forgot?
Xiao Yansi pulled back the quilt, trotted barefoot on the blanket beside the bed, opened the door and rushed to the bathroom, spent 2 minutes brushing his teeth, washing his face, changing his clothes and tying his hair...

When she hurried downstairs, the living room was already full of people.

Her parents, Fang Chen'an and Li Manman, Song Yinyin and his wife next door, and Li Mingzhe.

Xiao Yansi stood at the stairs, her face flushed slightly, wondering if she should walk over.

Song Yinyin raised her head and greeted with a smile: "Our family is Sisi up? You must be tired after flying back yesterday? Why don't you take a rest?"

Xiao Yansi blushed even more.

She was indeed quite tired yesterday, but it wasn't from flying, but from...

She didn't know where to put her hands and feet, and greeted Song Yinyin and Li Wei very dullly.

"Uncle Li, Aunt Song."

According to Li Wei, Song Yinyin should be called aunt.But Song Yinyin quit, she thought it made her old.So let these children call her Aunt Song.

The habit has been formed over the years, and it has not been changed again.

Song Yinyin smiled and looked at Xiao Yansi with satisfied eyes that couldn't be more satisfied.

Seeing that her son was still sitting beside her, she quickly touched his arm: "Sisi hasn't had breakfast yet, what are you still doing here? Hurry up and get Sisi something to eat."

" need, Aunt Song, I..." Xiao Yansi blushed and wanted to refuse, but Li Mingzhe stood up with a smile on his lips and walked over, holding her hand, and said softly, "Did you sleep well? Yes Didn't we get into a quarrel with each other?"

The corner of Xiao Yansi's mouth twitched.

He lowered his eyes very guilty, and grabbed Li Mingzhe's hand with his fingers, not knowing what to say.She's usually not this lazy, but she got a little excited last night and accidentally rolled until three o'clock before falling asleep...

I really didn't sleep late on purpose.

Mama Zhang brought out a cup of bird's nest from the kitchen.Seeing Xiao Yansi smiled and asked her to eat bird's nest first.

"Go ahead and eat first."

Li Mingzhe dragged her towards the restaurant as if no one was there, Xiao Yansi hung his head, wishing he could dig a hole and bury himself.It's so embarrassing, how could she sleep for so long?
All the elders are here.

"Sisi, eat bird's nest."

Mama Zhang spoke again.

There is a special cooking aunt in the family, and it is usually not Mama Zhang's turn to cook or anything.But she felt that if she did nothing and didn't have to take care of her children, it wouldn't be good to live here for free.

So Mama Zhang will always do what she can.

Su Yun and the others talked a few times to let Mama Zhang live with peace of mind, and just go out and dance with those old men and old ladies if she has nothing to do. If Mama Zhang is not willing, Su Yun has no choice.

I can only let her do some things she wants to do, but Zhang Ma will never be allowed to do heavy work and tiring work.

Mama Zhang agreed.

Xiao Yansi and the others respect Zhang Ma very much. To them, she is the elder of grandma's generation.There is no blood relationship between them, but their relationship has already surpassed that of grandparents and grandchildren who are related by blood.

Seeing Mama Zhang standing beside the dining table with a loving face at this moment, Xiao Yansi walked over embarrassedly.

"Grandma, why didn't you wake me up?" She lowered her voice and said.

Zhang Ma smiled and looked at Li Mingzhe behind Xiao Yansi.

Xiao Yansi understood.

She turned and stared at him.

"Why didn't you let grandma wake me up? Did you deliberately want to embarrass me?" The little girl had just woken up not long ago, her fair and tender cheeks were covered with a layer of pink, which looked rosy in white, like a familiar face. Transparent peaches.

The round eyes stared at him, as cute as he could be.

Li Mingzhe was so stared that his heart softened.

"Yanyan was exhausted yesterday, so it's okay to sleep a little more today."


Xiao Yansi's earlobes were reddish.

She gave him an annoyed look, then sat down on the side, and concentrated on enjoying her breakfast.

Li Mingzhe sat and watched her eat, handed her a tissue to wipe her mouth from time to time, and 'reported' to her about the conversation in the morning.In fact, they didn't talk about anything, because Xiao Yansi, the client, was not around, so they just chatted casually.

"You know that my mother and Aunt Su have been sisters for decades, and they can talk about anything for a day."

"Well... then you have to wake me up."


Li Mingzhe laughed for a moment.

Xiao Yansi had already eaten the bird's nest, wiped his mouth clean, and asked Li Mingzhe to clean up the table.

Li Mingzhe, who had already 'made a mistake', definitely didn't dare not clean up. After pulling the stool away for Xiao Yansi, he tidily tidied up the table.Xiao Yansi did not delay, but walked from the dining room to the living room.

In the living room, who happened to be facing Song Yinyin who was sitting on the side of the dining room, she saw Li Mingzhe busy.She nodded in satisfaction: "This brat still knows how to work."

Su Yun smiled and said, "Mingzhe is very diligent."

"Oh, what if this man doesn't work faster?" Song Yinyin didn't agree with Su Yun's words.To Song Yinyin, it seems that Li Mingzhe's son was picked up for nothing: "This man is not diligent, who will marry him in the future?"

After finishing the words, Xiao Yansi just walked into the living room, Song Yinyin waved to Xiao Yansi, asked someone to walk over, took her hand and sat down beside him.

"What a nice girl from our family, Sisi? That brat wants to marry you even if he doesn't work hard? Let alone other things, I will be the first to say no."

Xiao Yansi: ...

Su Yun raised her forehead a little funny: "Yinyin, Mingzhe is your son."

"What's wrong with my son? Can my son be lazy?" Song Yinyin disapproved. After answering Su Yun, she took Xiao Yansi's hand and took out a beautiful bracelet set from her handbag. On Xiao Yansi's wrist.

"Sisi, it was given to my aunt's mother by my aunt's grandmother, and now my aunt is giving it to you, so that it can keep us Sisi safe and happy for a lifetime."


Xiao Yansi looked down at the emerald green bracelet on her wrist. Even if she didn't know much about jade, she knew that this bracelet was priceless.She didn't dare to ask for it easily, so she could only turn her head and look to Su Yun for help.

Su Yun said softly: "Your auntie will accept it for you."

Things are not cheap, but the two families will soon become one family, so don't refuse Song Yinyin's wishes.

Xiao Yansi just nodded.

"Thank you auntie."

"Hey, our family Sisi is really good." Song Yinyin held Xiao Yansi's hand and smiled from ear to ear.

Li Mingzhe came back after packing up his things, and sat down on a stool beside him. "Mom, should we talk about business?"

Song Yinyin glanced at Li Mingzhe angrily, and then said to Su Yun after snorting, "Xiaoyun, when do you think we'll take care of the child's affairs?"

"Why don't you give them a few to hold the banquet together?"

Song Yinyin came up with a bad idea.

Think about taking care of all the marriages of your children.

(End of this chapter)

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