Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 735 Extra Story, Grand Wedding

Chapter 735 Extra Story, Grand Wedding
The marriage between Xiao Yansi and Li Mingzhe was the first happy event for the two families in so many years.Especially the Xiao family, which experienced the death of an old man a few years ago, really needed a happy event to change their mood.

Therefore, both of them attach great importance to this wedding.

The venue of the wedding banquet was set at Xu's restaurant.

Su Yun's store can also accept banquets, but on a small scale.Like the wedding held by their two families this time, many relatives and friends came to congratulate. Song Yinyin made a rough calculation, and there were dozens of tables in their house.

Su Yun doesn't have many relatives, but has many friends.Among other things, there are several tables for those people in Baiwan Village.In addition to other friends, employees, etc., as well as Xiao Lin's friends, and relatives from the Chen family...

Calculated roughly, it may be necessary to book about [-] tables.

The only place in the capital that can hold so many banquets at the same time is Xu's Restaurant.

Su Yun and the others had already booked the restaurant, and Xu Guodong knew that Xiao Yansi was getting married, so he originally wanted to say that they would be free of charge.But Su Yun definitely couldn't let him do this.

Xu Guodong is in business, and these dozens of tables are really free, so how much will it cost?
This is not okay anyway.

She insisted on paying, which also caused Xu Meifen to scold her, blaming her for not treating her sister and brother-in-law as her own family.Su Yun was a little bit dumbfounded, even her own brothers had to settle the score clearly, and it wasn't a small amount of one or two dollars, and it would definitely be unreasonable not to pay.

"I'm really scared of you."

Xu Meifen smiled and squeezed Su Yun: "My niece is married, you can't let me do my best as an aunt, really..."

"Sister, you have given them a lot of things." Su Yun was afraid that Xu Meifen would not remember, so she kindly reminded her that all three children had received something from Xu Meifen over the years.

Everything you need to eat and drink.

Because Xu Wanhao and the others had children relatively late, when they had no children, Xu Meifen devoted all her love and care to their three children.

It is no exaggeration to say that Su Yun felt that Xu Meifen had one-third of the credit for feeding the three children to grow up so big.

Xu Meifen couldn't help laughing.

" can talk. I can't say enough about you."

The two sisters joked for a while, and then talked about other things.

Since Xu Meifen's side is inevitable, she can only think about giving away presents.On Su Yun's side, they were also preparing a dowry for Xiao Yansi.

The dowry given by their husband and wife included five fully paid houses, some shares in the company, and several million cash...Among these five properties, there are two foreign businesses with every inch of land. Shops on the street…

The couple prepared a lot of dowry.

It can be said that without doing anything, Xiao Yansi can collect rent, share dividends, and earn interest through her dowry, and spend the rest of her life lying down.Not to mention the betrothal gift from Li Mingzhe and the others.

The Li family's dowry is also very sincere.

Because Li Wei only has two children, he divided the company shares in his hands into two, and the two children divided the shares equally.And Li Mingzhe's share was all given to Xiao Yansi.

There is also a company founded by Li Mingzhe himself, and the wholly-owned company has also been transferred to Xiao Yansi.And the real estate downstairs, the fund stocks he learned to buy since junior high school...

In short, with this marriage, Xiao Yansi has changed from a wealthy second generation to a renter who has a lot of money and is willing to work for him for nothing.

Her dowry and dowry were placed in a box in the new house.

On the coffee table of the new house, there are several gift boxes, which contain 99 gold bracelets. These bracelets are all specially customized pure gold bracelets, which are much heavier than those sold in jewelry stores.

She was sitting on the new bed in a white wedding dress, she was too beautiful.

The college roommates who came to her wedding were dazzled by the expensive things in the room.

"Wow, Sisi, are these your betrothal gifts? Or dowry?"

As soon as Chen An'an and the others came in, they first saw the gold bracelets on the table.

Xiao Yansi pursed her lips and smiled lightly.

"It was given by relatives."

These gold bracelets were bought by Su Yun, Song Yinyin, and gifted by Wu Shishi, Xu Meifen, Zhao Meiyu, Wang Yufen and Lin Yu.

In short, there were quite a few people who gave it away, and it was difficult for Xiao Yansi to remember them all.

Chen An'an wowed, and looked at her with starry eyes.

"Good guy, you haven't revealed your family background to us for several years in college, so you are actually a rich woman with a lot of money? Wuwu, I would have chased you if I knew that, woooooo..."

"Is it still too late to hug the rich woman's thigh?"

Chen An'an's words resonated strongly with the little sisters in the same dormitory, and they all looked at Xiao Yansi together, with staring eyes and wanting to hug her thigh.

Xiao Yansi couldn't help but be amused by their eyes.

"I don't have a chance to hug my thighs, but I have prepared gifts for you all."

Because everyone is not from the same place, they took time to attend her wedding, so in addition to preparing air tickets for them, she also prepared a gift.

Of course, the gift Xiao Yansi gave must not be cheap.

Chen An'an and the others naturally accepted it with a smile.

The sisters started chatting again, and asked Xiao Yansi with a smile that he was surrounded by rich people, if there were any suitable diamond kingpins to introduce to them?
"Sisi, do you have an older brother and a younger brother in your family? Do they all have girlfriends? Would you like to introduce them? Maybe a few sisters can become a family?"

One of the girls smiled and spoke to Xiao Yansi.

Before Xiao Yansi could answer, the door of the room was pushed open from the outside.A girl with pink and jade carvings and slightly round cheeks came in through the door.When she appeared, everyone in the room froze.

If it is said that Xiao Yansi's beauty is bright and aggressive, it is hard to forget at a glance, but he dare not get close to her appearance.Then the little girl who came in was the kind of soft little sister who wanted to take people home when she saw her.

She was wearing simple jeans and a black T-shirt, and her hair was tied into a ponytail casually, very casually.

But it couldn't conceal her beauty like green and white jade.

Is this little girl 16 years old?

Lu Youwei didn't know what the people in the room were thinking, her eyes fell on Xiao Yansi who was sitting on the bed, and she couldn't help but wow.

"Sister, you are so beautiful. My brother is really discerning. This wedding dress suits you very well."

Lu Youwei had a smile on her face, revealing two sweet dimples, her smile could easily infect others.Xiao Yansi was also very pleasantly surprised to see Lu Youwei, she didn't expect her to come back.

"Youwei? When did you come back? Didn't you say you were still in South Africa yesterday?"

Lu Youwei is more than one year younger than Xiao Yansi. She has been very interested in medicine since she was a child. When she was in elementary school, her extracurricular readings were already various medical weekly magazines.

From Xiao Yansi's point of view, her younger sister, just like her elder brother Xiao Xingzhi, and the youngest brother Fang Chen'an, belonged to the kind of natural learning material.They are not as smart as children of that age. Standing among children of the same age, they are always far ahead of children of the same age.

Take Lu Youwei as an example, she looks like a soft little sister who is similar to Manman, but her intelligence and stubbornness are hard to match.

No, she skipped a grade in junior high school, skipped a grade in high school, and finished college ahead of schedule. She will be more than a year younger than her next year, but she has already gone to work as a field doctor on an overseas battlefield.

Because of Lu Youwei's special occupation, Xiao Yansi was so surprised when he saw her.

(End of this chapter)

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