Yanwu God of War

Chapter 1012, Great Victory


Pieces of huge layers of soil were lifted up in unison, screaming figures and flying stones fell in all directions, and iron hooves stepped on it as if the sky and the earth were trembling.

Blades meet, flesh and blood fly, those monsters fled in all directions, but they were surrounded by the four gates of east, west, north and south, those monsters had no way to escape, they wanted to fight back, but the formation was completely defeated, the human army rushed forward, countless hatchets The blade turned somersaults and flew towards the fleeing monsters.

The poor monsters had no time to parry, and they were hacked and smashed by the countless unblinking hatchet blades, killing them to the ground, and their figures were brutally torn to pieces.

roar, roar, ~~

With a roar, the giant werewolf who had the dominant body turned into a giant wolf in anger, and rushed into the army roaring. It is a pity that the tactics of the giant wolf tribe have already collapsed. Such a single attack has only one end, and it was quickly become A pile of human warriors were chopped into meat.

That's the reason why even a lot of ants can kill an elephant.

"Kill, kill all these beasts," Emperor Xue waved the long sword in his hand, leading hundreds of thousands of martial arts regiments, all of them were fierce and fierce, like a bulldozer, sweeping all the way, everywhere they passed, corpses everywhere.

"burn them,"

On the other side, Wang Xiao shouted. Millions of mercenaries held torches, divided into four groups, surrounded the four gates, and then threw torches towards the fleeing werewolves.


The sea of ​​flames, ferocious and ruthless flames, crazily burned all over the city, and the fire became more ferocious with the help of the wind, roaring, devouring and slaughtering those werewolves who were crying for their parents and fleeing in panic.

The demon wolves, except the fire wolves, are afraid of fire. Although these fires are not powerful spiritual fires, they can still have a certain impact on those demon werewolves, especially now that they are suppressed, those demon werewolves will be miserable. Struggling in pain in the sea of ​​fire and the shadow of swords and swords.

Especially those giant werewolves, whose whole body instantly ignited into a big fireball, rolling on the ground in pain, the murderous and angry human warriors swarmed up, chopping and slashing, completely treating those giant werewolves as animals Average, crazy slaughter.

Boom, boom,~~

One after another, buildings fell down along with the flesh and blood all over the sky.

The scene at this time can be described as Shura Hell. Countless howls resounded through the world, like a scene of purgatory. People screamed to death every moment, and even the werewolves who fell on the ground were killed. Those angry warriors were trampled to death alive, those who wanted to resist, before they had time to make a move, they were brutally torn to pieces by those unblinking swords and swords everywhere.

The scene is really too violent and too bloody.

In the past year, the human army has not fought any victorious battles, and they have been suppressed for too long. At this time, they suddenly took the initiative to attack, and everyone was like a beast that had just been released from a cage, extremely ferocious.

They were fighting and beheading crazily, without any attack sequence at all, just slashing like crazy.

Simply, it was a massacre.

Crowds of werewolves fell in a pool of blood with bloody flesh and blood, and even rolled down deathless heads one by one. They never expected that the human army would launch a general attack at this time.

This was too unexpected and caught off guard, not to mention that the werewolves had lost their main general, and even the mansion camp was in dire straits.

Of course, the biggest finale of this war is Tianquan and the others, the four veterans of the secret sect. With the cultivation base of the mana level, the four of them became completely invincible after Gaefeng City lost the mana level powerhouse.

Puchi, puchi,~

The four veterans of Tianquan, with a cold face, like a steel armored chariot, simply swept all the way, and any werewolf who threatened the level of Wugang Realm was mercilessly torn apart by them.

But there are actually thousands of werewolf monsters in the city who have reached the level of Wugang Realm. If Beichen Junjie and the others had not broken into the mansion camp of the demon army first, holding back the powerful people in the city, if not, it would have really caused a lot of trouble. Huge casualties.

As a result, it went well.

Tianquan and the others had almost killed all the powerful warriors in Gaefeng City, and the remaining ones, among the scattered demon soldiers, did not pose any threat to the human army.

"God old,"

The three of Li Xuan gathered in front of Tian Quan from all directions.

"Well," Tianquan nodded slightly, looking at the camp of the demon army's mansion that was also in the flames of war, and said solemnly: "We haven't reached the final victory in this battle, we will hurry to help,"


The three responded in unison, and the four elders went straight to the camp of the mansion of the demon army.

Mansion Camp.

bang, bang, ~

Rocks were flying, blood and flesh were scattered everywhere.

With a wolf blood gun in his hand, Ghost Dragon guarded a group of frightened women behind him, while he was covered in blood, and his bones piled up like a mountain. All the werewolves who rushed into the compound were killed by Ghost Dragon.

But there were still groups of werewolves, densely packed outside the compound, rushing forward one after another.

There is no way, the city has long been surrounded by human armies, rushing out of the mansion camp is also a dead end, it is better to stay here and fight with ghost dragons, and the overall strength of these werewolves is above the real martial arts realm, and the martial gang realm occupies the majority. After turning into wolves one by one, their strength doubled and they became even more ferocious.

Although Guilong's cultivation has reached the realm of mana, but facing so many powerful enemies of the monster clan, fighting alone, the fighting power will be severely depleted if it lasts for a long time.

But the ghost dragon still has no fear, its eyes are red, like the glaring eyes of a fierce god, and it fiercely scanned the monster werewolves around and shouted: "Come on, you beasts, you have lost the face of the monster clan. You're all set, come one and I'll kill one, come one pair and I'll kill one pair, come a group of old men and kill a group."


Not only were those werewolves not afraid, but they seemed to be irritated, becoming more ferocious and violent, frantically waving the demon weapons in their hands, and groups rushed towards them swiftly.

The ghost dragon was angry, moved his spear, and shouted: "Ghost shadows are invisible,"


The ghost dragon turned into an afterimage, and sprang into the group of monsters ghostly. A series of fierce gun lights, shuttled and wreaked havoc among the group of monsters like lightning. On the ground, even worse, the whole body was pierced with dense blood holes, and waves of werewolves fell in a pool of blood.

But after all, there were too many werewolves. Outside the high walls, one after another of ferocious figures flew in, but the targets were not the ghost dragons, but those women who were powerless.


The ghost dragon appeared with a horizontal spear, surrounded by hundreds of corpses.

Looking around, hundreds of werewolves have already taken advantage of the opportunity to enter, their pupils gleamed with a cold light, they are so vicious, they actually chose to attack those women, and launched an inhuman revenge before they died.

"Stop, you bastards," Guilong roared, and charged with his gun.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

Those ferocious and vicious werewolves had already brandished the demon weapons in their hands, laughing wildly and smashing at those women, and those women's faces were dull, probably because of extreme fear, each of them was too frightened to move, desperately waiting for the coming of death .


Right at this moment.

Shoo, shoo, ~

One after another of cold lights fell from the sky without warning, as if they had been calculated, they precisely landed on those werewolves and attacked them viciously.

The faces of those werewolves changed in shock. They wanted to shout out in panic, but they didn't even have the chance. The rain-like cold light directly tore those hundreds of werewolves into pieces, and rained blood all over the sky.

Surprised and looked at it.

Suddenly, four figures appeared in the sky.

These four people were exactly Tianquan and the others who rushed over in time. When they saw those werewolves attacking those naked and innocent women, Tianquan and the others angrily killed those werewolves almost at the same time.

Guilong was finally relieved to see Tianquan and the others coming, but the werewolves outside the compound still rushed in ferociously.

Tian Quan's complexion darkened: "Old Fang, Old Feng, you go down and help that little brother,"

Can not help but say.

Fang Yuan and Feng Wu, holding their long swords in anger, rushed down, and with the help of two powerful men in the mana realm, those werewolves outside the compound didn't even have the power to resist at all, and they were killed one after another.

And Tian Quan and Li Xuan rushed straight to the place where blood snakes filled the sky.

This is exactly the curse of Ten Thousand Snakes laid down by Beichen Junjie. At the moment, he is struggling fiercely with three demon clan powerhouses. Although Beichen Junjie's cultivation is much stronger than any of them, these three With two powerful enemies from the monster clan united, it would be difficult for Beichen Junjie to win. The only thing he can do is to try his best to delay them, and if there is a chance, kill them one by one.

"Half-demon, do you really want to make enemies of your own race?"

"Hmph, are you really worthy of the blood that runs through your body?"

"Do you really think that if you please human beings, they will recognize you? If our monster race loses power, do you think those despicable human beings will let you go?"


The three strong enemies of the monster tribe attacked Beichen Junjie while cursing angrily.

Beichen Junjie remained silent and faced the enemy wholeheartedly.


Feeling two powerful auras approaching from the outside world, he smiled at the corner of his mouth.


Beichen Junjie suddenly removed the Ten Thousand Snakes Curse.

The three of them were taken aback for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "Haha, the half-demon, I can't hold it anymore."

"Of course not, that's because your time of death has come," Beichen Junjie said coldly.


The three strong enemies of the monster clan didn't say anything, when suddenly two powerful auras approached, that is, when the Curse of Ten Thousand Snakes was withdrawn, they had already taken the opportunity to force them over. No.


A sword flashed, and blood splashed into the air. One of the werewolf's pupils narrowed sharply, and he was lying on his chest. A bloody long sword passed through his chest, and then let out a miserable howl. , was brutally torn in half.

same time.

Another strong enemy of Feng Langren was also decapitated by a sword, and his whole body twitched in pain. Then his dantian was pierced by a sharp weapon, and the demon baby in his body was directly pierced.

"The last one belongs to me," Beichen Junjie yelled, and he had already rushed over to the formidable giant werewolf enemy who was still in astonishment, and the storm-like saber energy swept past him.


The giant werewolf howled in pain, his huge body was torn open with bloody mouths by the dense knife energy.

Junjie Beichen's expression became ruthless, his whole body and the long knife seemed to be integrated into one, like a thunderbolt, with invincible force, he rushed over, directly piercing through the huge body of the giant werewolf and formidable enemy.

"Boom," there was a sound.

The giant werewolf exploded, sending pieces of flesh splashing down the sky.

The three strong monsters were all killed in one breath.

same time.

All around the city, pieces of jubilation resounded.


"We won,"


A large banner with the word "human" swayed at the four gates of the city, ushering in the good news of victory.

In the lower space, Feng Wu and Fang Yuan joined forcefully, and all the werewolves in the mansion compound were slaughtered, not even a single prisoner was kept, because they were so angry.

Thus, ushered in the overall victory.

Gale City.

was finally taken down,

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