Yanwu God of War

Chapter 1044, The Old Man and the Little Girl


The long-lost sunshine sprinkled all over the earth.

The sky is high, clean, and pure white, with patches of white clouds floating gently, like white sails floating in the sea, mountains, land, and cities, all creatures are immersed in the quiet and bright sunshine, immersed in the dazzling light, thousands of miles away. The cloudless pale blue sky enveloped the earth like a dome, thousands of twinkling light spots and shiny crystals danced and played in the sky.

Countless birds are soaring in the sky, singing joyfully in the high sky, and the silhouette of the sky seems to hold its breath to listen to the carol sung by this little life.

Just like the dawn of hope, countless creatures are intoxicated by the pure and pleasant bath light.

It felt like a rebirth, a new hope.

All the creatures had tears in their eyes, tears of excitement, and smiles of joy.

"The demon star, the demon star has finally disappeared,"

"Sunshine, really sunshine,"

"Victorious, we victorious,"


In the demon field battlefield, everyone wept with joy. After fighting for many years, the comrades around him died one by one. Now they finally saw the light of day again. After the baptism of war and life and death, each one seemed to be reborn from Nirvana, feeling the wonder of life.

"Brother Tianyu,"

"Where's Brother Tianyu?"

"Where is the Savior?"


Suddenly, the audience was shocked.

In order to enjoy the beauty of the sun, he realized that Ling Tianyu could no longer be found in this world, and even those monsters who followed Ling Tianyu miraculously disappeared.

As for those monsters, they have already regained their senses and returned to their original human form. Knowing that they were defeated, they knelt down one by one, expressing their willingness to submit and compromise.

At this time.

The ghost dragon stood up among the crowd of monsters, looking up at the pure blue sky and the dazzling sun, he was both puzzled and excited, and he couldn't help saying to himself: "The monster star disappeared, we??? won, "

At first glance.

Beichen Junjie and the others were already watching the ghost dragon, and it was also joy to see the ghost dragon return.


But at this time, as the hero who saved Xizhou, he escaped mysteriously into a vast desert.


An object like a stray bullet fell heavily into the desert.


The huge explosion and the terrifying waves directly lifted the dust and sand all over the sky. Long dragon-like storms of violent sand surged up from the ground, twisting their long waists, and rushed straight into the sky. Rolling up, vision became blurred.

It can be seen that a figure went up to the sky and crashed into the ground crazily.

Needless to say, this figure is Ling Tianyu.

Goddess Xue Ling's divine power is clean, and Ling Tianyu's evil power is extremely evil, the two are positive and negative poles, so forcibly fused together, although the power is huge, but the sequelae it brings are very huge.

Ling Tianyu knew that the aura in his body was chaotic, and if he stayed in the battlefield of the demon realm, it would definitely bring great harm. Therefore, under Ling Tianyu's pleading, Goddess Xueling spared no effort to expend her divine power to escape Ling Tianyu in the remote Wukong. people area.


Ling Tianyu roared like a beast, sweeping through the wild sand from time to time, soaring into the sky, and rushing into the bottom of the desert from time to time, amidst the commotion, layers of sand seas rolled like waves.


Positive and negative energies filled Ling Tianyu's mind, the soul and the air flow in his body were in chaos, like countless sharp knives, destroying Ling Tianyu's soul and body, his limbs were almost torn apart, even the immortal evil The ability of the soul is out of control, unable to heal Ling Tianyu's injury.

All of a sudden.

Ling Tianyu's body was already drenched with blood, blood vessels burst out all over his body, his flesh was cracked, and his whole body swelled. It felt like a time bomb was hidden in Ling Tianyu's body, ready to explode in Ling Tianyu's body.

Painful, crazy, bloodthirsty,~~

Ling Tianyu's whole body seemed to be tortured, and the pain was unbearable. In this no-man's land, he was struggling in pain alone, without any help, and crazily rushing in this boundless desert.


"Old Boss,"


Xiao Jin, Bloodthirsty Beast and Xiao Hei forcibly flew out from the mirror of inversion, seeing Ling Tianyu in such pain, but they didn't know how to help, and they were very worried.

"You guys, stay away from me," Ling Tianyu roared with red eyes.


The whole body was detonated, and terrifying shock waves oscillated in all directions, and the sky was full of violent sand, like a stormy sea, surging up heavily, even Xiaojin and the others were forced to retreat.


Ling Tianyu held his head in his hands, the air flow in his body was turbulent, and he couldn't suppress it at all, as if hundreds of millions of tiny insects were burrowing into his body, wriggling among his limbs, bones, internal organs, and viscera, as if eating his flesh and blood, Bringing pain and torture like a thousand cuts.

From time to time, it becomes icy cold; from time to time, the limbs become hot.

Ice and fire, good and evil, two completely opposite and repelling auras, crazily and ferociously destroyed Ling Tianyu's flesh and blood, destroyed Ling Tianyu's soul, and wanted to tear everything about Ling Tianyu.

Xiao Jin and the others could only hide in the distance, looking anxiously at Ling Tianyu who was going crazy, they wanted to force Ling Tianyu to calm down, but the aura released by Ling Tianyu was too powerful, they couldn't let them approach at all .

Peng, Peng, ~~

With a loud bang, Ling Tianyu was like a missile, constantly ramming into the desert, setting off one piece after another of violent sand storms. Fortunately, in this desert area of ​​no-man's land, if it is in the demon field battlefield, , I don't know how much damage and harm it will bring.

Everyone didn't know that Ling Tianyu risked his life to eliminate the demon king and demon star, and saved the common people in Xizhou, but he was alone suffering huge pain, so helpless.


Ling Tianyu hissed in pain, feeling that he had died over and over again, his feet were constantly bouncing through the gate of death, and he might step into the gate of death at any time, and fall into eternal doom.


Just outside the rioting Kuangsha, two figures suddenly appeared.

One tall and one short, one old and one young.

One of the old man, the old and wrinkled face like bark, the wrinkles are very clear, like a knife mark, completely dark ethereal eyes, like an eagle beak pointed proboscis, looks extremely ugly, There was also a strong and unpleasant smell of medicine on his body.

Second, she is a cute little girl who is small and dainty, with a face as delicate as porcelain. Her eyes are as clear as copper bells, but she can penetrate the blurry madness. When her gaze falls on that crazy figure, It seemed that seeing that familiar face, that delicate little face was startled suddenly.

"Big Brother, that's Big Brother," the little girl laughed excitedly.


The little girl fled into the wild sand.

Seeing the little girl rushing away, the old man who was stunned and dazed suddenly woke up and said, "Little princess, don't go over there."


The old man waved his hand, and an invisible big hand firmly restrained the little girl.

The little girl suddenly couldn't move, she was very angry, she turned her head and yelled at the old man: "Old monster, I order you, you let me go immediately, I'm going to find big brother,"

Regarding the title of "old monster", the old man seemed very helpless, shook his head, and said seriously: "Little princess, your elder brother is currently trapped in a state of madness, and his relatives do not recognize him. If you pass by, not only will he not be able to recognize you, It will hurt you instead,"

"No, I won't," the little girl's eyes were filled with tears. She was innocent. Seeing Ling Tianyu's madness and knowing that Ling Tianyu was in crisis, she lowered her face and begged: "Old monster!" ···No... Grandpa, I beg you, save my big brother quickly, there must be no accidents with my big brother, "

"Well, the old man thinks of a way first," the old man nodded slightly, his sharp eyes, ignoring the raging evil spirit, pierced through, and completely concentrated on Ling Tianyu's body.

Then, in the eyes and face of the old man, one can see a sense of solemnity, astonishment, and extreme shock. How long has it been since Ling Tianyu's cultivation has grown to such a terrifying state? The breath is enough to approach the level of Martial Immortal Realm.

What's even more shocking is that just around Ling Tianyu, there are three giant beasts guarding them. These three giant beasts have all reached a level comparable to the Saint Martial Realm, and they obviously belong to Ling Tianyu's pet beasts.

Seeing this scene, even the old man with advanced cultivation trembled uncontrollably.


The old man murmured, and the only way to describe Ling Tianyu was a monster.

Seeing that the old man was unmoved, the little girl was full of anxiety, and shouted angrily: "Old monster, what are you still doing, why don't you hurry up and save my big brother?"

"Save, definitely save," the old man broke out in cold sweat, and then closed his eyes. A powerful and strange soul seemed to be thrown into some unknown place, and he said through voice transmission: "Saiwei, Tiantu, Tuluo, Baigui, old man There is an urgent matter that requires the help of the four of you, it is not too late, the old man will guide you with your thoughts, you come to help quickly, "

After the sound transmission, the old man solemnly said to the little girl: "Little princess, if you really want your big brother to be safe and sound, no matter what happens later, you have to stay here and not move. Your big brother's life is really in danger, "

Seeing that the old man looked so serious for the first time, the little girl was very worried about Ling Tianyu's safety, so she nodded heavily: "Well, I will, if you can save big brother, I won't call you an old monster anymore, "

"Hehe, that's what you said," the old man smiled slyly.

"I said so," the little girl pouted, with a reluctance.

"Haha, the old man remembered what the little princess said," the old man laughed loudly, stretched out his figure, as if he had entered the land of no one, ignoring the ravages of evil, and approached Ling Tianyu who was in a rage.

"Be careful, there is a strange smell," said the bloodthirsty beast heavily.

In a hurry, the three beasts locked on to that breath, and rushed over majestically.

Boom, boom,~~

The three beasts are like an iron wall, blocking the old man's way, they are extremely vigilant, as if they are facing an enemy.

You can see that it is an old man with a short stature and an extremely ugly appearance.

same time.

The old man also stopped and looked at the three giant beasts at such a close distance. They were either highly poisonous beasts or monsters with immortal energy, but all of them were extremely evil beasts.

It's hard to imagine how Ling Tianyu subdued these three strange beasts,

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