Yanwu God of War

Chapter 1168, Medicine Emperor

Not far away, you will see a small lake.Sparkling, calm as a mirror, under the shining light, countless gemstones are shining on the lake.The fairy mist is dense, the haze is brilliant, and the beauty is endless, just like a fairy lake.

Here is Bailing Holy Lake.

Standing by the lake, Ling Tianyu could feel streams of pure spiritual energy permeating his body, penetrating through the eight meridians, nourishing Ling Tianyu's body, and the stale air would be discharged by itself between breaths, which is truly amazing.

I thought to myself, this Bailing holy lake is comparable to the magic dragon holy lake. If you enter this lake to practice, you will get twice the result with half the effort and benefit endlessly.

But Ling Tianyu doesn't have time to practice right now, he just wants to find the ring spirit first.As long as the ring spirits are fused with the Yaohuang ring, they can become the masters of the Hundred Spirits Realm, and by then not all of them will belong to them.

Think of this!

Ling Tianyu stretched out his figure, flying into the lake like a dragon entering the sea.

This fall did not splash any water, and it felt like Ling Tianyu had melted into the lake.

In the lake!

The coolness of the water, there is a mysterious force that nourishes Ling Tianyu's body all the time.The power in the body has become extremely active and endless, like a river and sea, never exhausted.


Ling Tianyu was extremely comfortable, no matter how bad or depressed his mood was, as long as he soaked in the lake water, he could let go of everything and forget all the unpleasantness.

Involuntarily, Ling Tianyu's avatar immediately asked the divine monkey: "Little monkey, can this Bailing world be used as a place for cultivation?"

"Of course, as long as you are the master, you can become the new master of the Bailing Realm." Divine Monkey replied.

"Then can other people be allowed in?" Ling Tianyu asked again.

"This??? Herald Emperor cherished the medicinal materials here very much during his lifetime. Naturally, outsiders are not allowed to insult the Bailing Realm casually." The monkey was a little embarrassed.

"I'm asking if you're okay?" Ling Tianyu's tone was a little more serious.

"Okay! Of course! But if you are an outsider, if you accidentally damage any of the herbs here, you will be immediately crushed by the prohibition in the Hundred Spirits Realm!" the monkey said solemnly.

"Oh, as long as you can." Ling Tianyu nodded, and he had already figured it out in his heart. This Bailing Realm is very suitable for cultivation, and there is also a big time gap with the outside world. He can consider letting someone he trusts enter the Bailing Realm to practice.

"Master, you should hurry up and integrate the ring spirits. I seem to feel that there are several powerful auras outside that have been monitoring the movement of the Netherworld Demon Palace." The monkey said solemnly.

"Hehe, then they will definitely return empty-handed." Ling Tianyu smiled sinisterly, fearing that even the Buddha himself did not know that he already had a Buddhist rosary in his hand that could escape a million miles.

This time!

As the lake dived deeper and deeper, the Yaoling ring in Ling Tianyu's hand trembled more and more intensely.

It can be seen that the vision is completely hazy, and even the power of the soul cannot detect everything in the lake.If you talk about ring spirits, Ling Tianyu really can't sense them at all.

After pondering for a while, Ling Tianyu took out the Yao Lingjie and said to Yao Lingjie, "Yaolingjie, I think Jieling must really want to return to your side, so take me there."


Ling Tianyu let go of his hand, and Yao Lingjie came out excitedly.

Whoosh! ~

The Yaoling Ring turned into light marks and quickly swept towards the depths of Bailing Holy Lake.


Ling Tianyu secretly rejoiced that he and Yao Lingjie had long been connected with each other, so he locked on the trajectory of Yao Lingjie's shooting, his body shook, and he exerted all his strength to follow him down.

Fortunately, there were no more restrictive restrictions on this Bailing Holy Lake, and Ling Tianyu easily followed Yao Lingjie to the depths of the lake.But here, the water was already [-] meters deep, and the water pressure was so strong that even Ling Tianyu felt suffocated.

At this time, when Ling Tianyu stepped on the ground.


A terrifying pressure came, fierce and unparalleled.

"What a strong water pressure!" Ling Tianyu was secretly startled, not to mention the body, even the bones were about to be crushed, his chest was uncomfortable, as if dead, and his face was pale.

Looking ahead, there is a strange five-color light group shining dimly.

"A ring spirit?"

Ling Tianyu was overjoyed, and was about to sense the past in Yao Lingjie, but was shocked to find that he had completely cut off contact with Yao Lingjie.

At the same time, the god monkey controlled by the avatar suddenly evaporated like air, and disappeared strangely.


Ling Tianyu's face was startled, and he suddenly had a feeling of being overwhelmed, and cursed: "This dead monkey! How dare you lie to me! If I catch you again! Labor and management will definitely tear your chrysanthemum!"

"Master! There is hostility!" Xiaosheng suddenly exclaimed.


Boom!Boom! ~

The surrounding water surged fiercely, and in the waters, a series of ferocious water dragons emerged from the waters invisibly, baring their teeth and claws, extremely ferocious.

When Ling Tianyu saw it, his face turned pale, and he could clearly feel that these water dragons had the strength close to Dou Zhuanjing, and their power was extremely powerful.And Ling Tianyu was constrained by the pressure of the water, so he couldn't exert his strength at all.

Roar!Roar! ~

After roaring, water dragons forced Ling Tianyu to rush forward.

Ling Tianyu's face turned hard, he was only one step away from success, how could he be reassured, and gritted his teeth: "Are you still trying to stop me at this time? Tell you! No way!"

Roar! ~

Ling Tianyu howled like a beast, clenched his fists angrily, and blasted towards the group of water dragons.

The power of the two fists is far less than one level.

Boom! ~

Groups of water dragons rushed over fiercely, smashing Ling Tianyu's attack easily, and waves of invisible but extremely ferocious force hit Ling Tianyu's body fiercely like a giant hammer.


Ling Tianyu vomited blood, and felt that the bones of his body seemed to be broken on the spot. He flew up and down like a kite, turned more than ten somersaults in a row, and fell heavily on the bottom of the lake with bruises all over his body.

rumble! ~

The water dragon condensed again, staring coldly at Ling Tianyu who fell on the ground.

Ling Tianyu was panting, his face pale, but he was finally stopped.And this is too much, the strength at the bottom of this lake can't be displayed at all, and a group of water dragons approaching the strength of Dou Zhuanjing emerge here, isn't that intentional to let him die?

But Ling Tianyu, who has always been stubborn, is willing to give in just like this.

While trembling, Ling Tianyu supported his body with difficulty, glared at the evil dragon in front of him, stood up staggeringly, and said fiercely: "I will never give in! If you have the guts, you will completely destroy me!"


Ling Tianyu's eyes turned red, and he stared at his feet, like an arrow from Li Xuan, he rushed straight towards him angrily.


boom!boom! ~

Waves of water dragons bombarded Ling Tianyu crazily and mercilessly like ten thousand horses galloping.

That moment!

Ling Tianyu seemed to feel that his soul was about to leave his body, and his flesh and bones seemed to explode in an instant.Consciousness is gone, but the will has never been wiped out.

"I will not give up!"

"will not!"



Ling Tianyu was screaming in his heart, but he still fell into the unknown.

I don't know!

After a while, in a trance, Ling Tianyu seemed to feel that he had entered a completely blank world somewhere.Thinking of moving your body, but you can't perceive what kind of form you are in.

This feeling is almost like death.

It seems that what exists here is only Ling Tianyu's immortal will.

"Hehe, your willpower is really strong, and you can actually enter the space of spiritual consciousness left by the emperor." A gentle laughter sounded faintly. Although it was simple and plain, Ling Tianyu could clearly feel a wave of powerful deterrent.


Ling Tianyu couldn't see it, everything was just blank, but Ling Tianyu could clearly imagine that majestic figure, like reaching the sky, standing proudly on the top of the world.

"Who are you?" Ling Tianyu asked subconsciously.

"The world calls me the Emperor of Medicine, but unfortunately, I no longer existed 5000 years ago." The gentle voice sounded again, but it was a little more vicissitudes and powerless, and there was a feeling of regret and resentment.

"5000 years ago!"

Ling Tianyu was greatly astonished, how long it will take.

"Hehe, I was unable to practice martial arts because of the injustice of the heavens. Therefore, in my life, I have defied fate against the sky, changed my fate against the sky, turned the world around, and achieved martial arts. But he was harmed by my disciples." Yao Huang laughed, but the smile was so desolate, sad and heartbroken.

"Senior was really murdered by his apprentice?" Ling Tianyu asked instinctively.

"In my life, I have taken in two disciples. One of the disciples is the ancestor Guxuan, the most prestigious and prestigious master of the Xianwu Mansion; the second disciple is Sheng Yu, but Sheng Yu is deeply in love. He suffered catastrophe and fell into hell." Yao Huang sighed desolately.

Patriarch Gu Xuan! ?Venerable Holy Feather! ?

Ling Tianyu was shocked as if struck by lightning.

Unexpectedly, Patriarch Guxuan, the master of the Immortal Martial Mansion who built the most powerful force in Dongzhou with the supremacy of martial arts, would be Yao Huang's apprentice.What's more, he didn't expect that his nominal teacher, Venerable Sheng Yu, was also the apprentice of Yaohuang. This was definitely the biggest shocking news in Dongzhou. If this news spread, it would definitely cause a sensation in Dongzhou.

"Then how did senior get killed?" Ling Tianyu couldn't help asking, he really had too many doubts in his heart.

"My traitor, Gu Xuan, was originally deeply trusted by me, and he assisted me in forging the bones of the Five Elements. However, he mistakenly believed in this person, and he followed the evil way. He suffered backlash and was severely injured. This villain actually got it out of greed. The bone of the five elements does not hesitate to be condemned by the heavens to kill the master like this!" Yao Huang said with hatred, but more of it was heartache.

To be betrayed by one's most trusted apprentice, or even to be ruthlessly killed by him, for anyone, this is simply a thousand times more painful than death.

"I thought that fellow Gu Xuan was enough of a bastard! I didn't expect that he was even worse than a beast! He even dared to kill his own ancestor! Aren't you afraid of being struck by lightning! Doomed!" Ling Tianyu scolded bitterly. Suddenly, I felt that I was too rude, and said sweatingly: "This... senior, this junior just couldn't help it for a while, senior just pretend that he didn't hear anything..."

However, Yao Huang seemed to have not heard Ling Tianyu's words, and continued: "You must be an extraordinary person to be able to enter my spiritual consciousness space, and it is also because of you and me. Although I don't know what your character is, , but as my successor, he is also my disciple! And in the Yaohuang ring, I have devoted my whole life, so I have left a curse in the Yaohuang ring!"


Ling Tianyu's whole face turned gray. It seems that he has never heard of the curse in the Yaohuang Ring, right?Moreover, this curse may have been left after the death of the Medicine Emperor, so it goes without saying that the power of the curse is strong.

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