Yanwu God of War

Chapter 1219: Advance to Martial Immortal

boom! ~

The incomparable heat flow was turbulent, like a small sun bursting open, the limbs were hot, and the whole body could not move, and the whole body was hot and uncomfortable like an oven.

Fortunately, Ling Tianyu has a strong body.

Divine blood, divine veins, divine bones, divine soul...

With a strong physique and soul, coupled with steely willpower, there is no problem in enduring the past.


Ling Tianyu ran the Jue, adjusted to the best state, kept his mind in one place, and concentrated his mental power.He began to manipulate the power in his body, compressing and absorbing the Primordial Qi of Wuji Pill.

It seemed that the unknown power hidden deep in Ling Tianyu's body was suddenly activated, and strange air currents rose from the depths of his body, piercing through the eight extraordinary meridians.

Unexpectedly, a series of strange cyclones were located in various key points in Ling Tianyu's body.

The cyclone operates autonomously, like a powerful motor, running at high speed.During the rotation, it is like a filter, diluting the Primordial Qi in the Promise Pill.Running multiple places, even all-round thinning, undoubtedly reduced Ling Tianyu's pain, and at the same time enhanced the absorption of primordial energy.

Ling Tianyu's face was overjoyed, and he had already guessed that the power of primordial energy was definitely hidden deep in his body.In addition, when entering the Prophet Realm, you have to be lucky, it can be said that Ling Tianyu's body has already adapted to the Primordial Qi.

But Ling Tianyu didn't dare to relax, of course he was fine.But Xiao Wu is different, her physique is definitely far from reaching Ling Tianyu's strength, and she has not yet adapted to the Primordial Qi. Ling Tianyu must help Xiao Wu absorb the Primordial Qi under the premise of ensuring Xiao Wu's safety.

Therefore, Ling Tianyu must first strengthen his own cultivation, and then be fully familiar with the manipulation of primordial energy before he can guide Xiao Wu.

This time!

During the changes in Ling Tianyu's mind, the primordial energy diluted from various cyclones was manipulated by his will, like a spirit snake, extremely delicate.From one tendon to another tendon, and then to all parts of the body, wisps of Primordial Qi, like spirit snakes, shuttle back and forth among the eight extraordinary meridians in the body.

While flowing, it melts into flesh and blood, and takes root on the ground.Strengthening and transforming Ling Tianyu's body again, even the bones of the five elements seem to have been transformed to a new level.

Ling Tianyu was overjoyed, without any pain, he could manipulate the absorption of primordial energy at will.The mighty force, endless, rushes through the body.

"Hehe! Don't break through now! When will we wait!" Ling Tianyu smiled sharply, his foundation had already been laid very solidly, not to mention that Primordial Qi is the most powerful force in the world, and he would never say that there is something to encourage it. A shaky statement.

Therefore, Ling Tianyu didn't need to suppress his cultivation at all.


Ling Tianyu snorted heavily, and the endless billowing primordial energy gathered from all sides and poured into his dantian.


I only felt a heat in my stomach, and the power of roaring made me roll over uncontrollably.The dantian became very hot, as if a fire was burning inside, and the pores all over his body were clearly dilated.

The power of the dantian is advancing by leaps and bounds, soaring all the way.


His dantian was shaken, and the Shengyuan power that had been waiting for a long time broke through the bottleneck in one fell swoop.Like rebirth from the ashes, transformed into a vast fairy power.

Martial Wonderland!

Finally broke through!

Ling Tianyu was extremely excited. For him, a leap forward was enough to increase his strength dramatically.Because Ling Tianyu's strength is very strong, this also allows Ling Tianyu to fight against low-level Martial Immortal Realm experts with Saint Martial Realm.

Therefore, after Ling Tianyu was promoted to the Martial Immortal Realm, his immortal power was definitely several times stronger than that of the same level of Martial Immortal Realm warriors.Coupled with the good fortune of primordial energy, Ling Tianyu even dared to confidently say that the strength of immortal power at the first level is enough to compete with the strong of the fifth level of Martial Immortal Realm in terms of the strength of immortal power.If dealing with warriors of the same level, Ling Tianyu can easily kill him with one punch.

It has to be said that Ling Tianyu was right to suppress and strengthen his cultivation all the time.As long as you break through a realm, you will be much stronger than warriors of the same level.Especially that perverted body, I am afraid that it is a low-level Douzhuan Realm powerhouse, and it is obviously impossible to kill Ling Tianyu, the iron bull, in a head-on bombardment.

Can't help!

Ling Tianyu began to try to manipulate the Primordial Qi, but was surprised to find that there was already a Primordial Qi in his dantian.But he can only stimulate a small part, which means that Ling Tianyu is still far from being able to use the power of primordial energy.

But this is also normal, if you can manipulate the power of primordial spirit so quickly, wouldn't you be super god?

Next, it's Xiao Wu.

Sensing it, Xiao Wu sat cross-legged, as if she had been waiting for a long time.

"Daughter-in-law, are you ready?" Ling Tianyu asked cautiously through sound transmission.

"En..." Xiao Wu secretly responded.

"Okay, first put your hands vertically and horizontally in my direction." Ling Tianyu said.

Without any explanation, Xiao Wu stretched out her palms, facing Ling Tianyu.

Then, Ling Tianyu pressed his palms over.Like magnets, four palms pressed together, and then Ling Tianyu reminded again: "Daughter-in-law, I'm about to start, I have to remind you again, no matter what happens, don't be distracted. If you really can't hold on, you can Tell me, I will find a way to get it back, but don't suddenly break free from my hands."

"Okay..." Xiao Wu responded obediently, knowing the importance of this matter, she didn't dare to be distracted.The distracting thoughts in her heart had already been swept away. Although she was fragile in her heart, thinking of not becoming Ling Tianyu's burden in the future, Xiao Wu already had a strong desire to become stronger.

At this time, Ling Tianyu hesitated for a while, after all the Primordial Qi was too powerful, so Ling Tianyu could only guide out the weakest part first, and slowly penetrate along Xiao Wu's arms as if entering his body.

Although very weak, Xiao Wu's physique is still extremely difficult to bear.To her, even the most fragile trace of primordial energy is as ferocious as a monstrous wave.

Just at the beginning, Xiao Wu's complexion turned pale, her delicate body swayed slightly, as if she was enduring a lot of pain.

Ling Tianyu felt Xiao Wu's pain, he couldn't bear it, and his heart ached endlessly, and he said via voice transmission: "Daughter-in-law, don't be distracted, follow the method I taught you, and get used to this power first."

Xiao Wu clenched her teeth, thinking: If I can't even bear this little pain, how can I become stronger in the future and how can I help Tian Yu.No, I must endure the past, I will definitely be able to...

Xiao Wu's will is just like Ling Tianyu's desire to become stronger and protect his relatives.As for Xiao Wu's will to become stronger, she just wants to protect her lover and not become his burden.


Xiao Wu stabilized her mind, endured the pain extremely, recited the law silently, moved in the opposite direction, and slowly began to absorb the primordial energy that was guided in.Although it was difficult at first, after enduring a wave of pain, Xiao Wu's body gradually began to transform.

Suzaku bloodline, constitution is undoubtedly the most fragile.But after being transformed by the Primordial Qi, Xiao Wu's physique underwent an earth-shaking transformation.The muscles, bones, and flesh and soul have all been strengthened by leaps and bounds.

Ling Tianyu felt Xiao Wu's persistence, and said with pity: "Daughter-in-law, I have really suffered for you."

Gradually, Ling Tianyu began to be guided by a bit of primordial energy.Before reaching the real double cultivation, Ling Tianyu had to strengthen Xiao Wu's physique, and the most important thing was to adapt to the Primordial Qi.

Of course, it was a success.

Although Ling Tianyu didn't know why Xiao Wu also had a strong will, Xiao Wu endured every time.Even though it hurts, Ling Tianyu is very pleased to feel that his lover is getting stronger.

However, Ling Tianyu didn't dare to be too eager for quick success, and only slightly increased each time.

So, for a long time.

Xiao Wu's physique has finally become stronger. Although it is still far from being comparable to Ling Tianyu, it is definitely a few grades stronger than ordinary warriors.Moreover, Xiao Wu's cultivation base is relatively weak, and her strength is not as strong as Ling Tianyu's, so the growth of her cultivation base is almost as fast as lightning, and she has already reached the eighth level of holy martial arts after injecting a small part of primordial energy.If it wasn't for Ling Tianyu secretly helping Xiao Wu to deliberately suppress it, it might be possible to soar to the Martial Immortal Realm.

Now, it can be said that Xiao Wu has fully adapted to the Primordial Qi.However, Xiao Wu's physique was only created by nature, and he was not able to store the primordial energy like Ling Tianyu for his own use.

To put it bluntly, it's just that Primordial Qi hasn't recognized Xiao Wu yet.

Therefore, the last step is the most critical, and that is the real double cultivation!

Ling Tianyu solemnly said via voice transmission: "Daughter-in-law, have you never forgotten the method I taught you? During the double cultivation, you and I must communicate with each other, so I can no longer guide you. If you are ready, then let's start!"

"Well, I believe in you, and I also believe in myself!" Xiao Wu responded.

"Hehe, I'm the same as you." Ling Tianyu smiled warmly.


The two put aside their distracting thoughts, concentrated their attention and held their breath, and began to silently recite their own decisions and operate independently.The difference is that the direction of operation is completely opposite between the two.

Men are yang, women are yin.

The combination of yin and yang, and the fusion of souls can make heaven and earth one, and fellow practitioners can make progress together.

The two have a tacit understanding, they really love each other, and their hearts are interlinked, so it is not difficult.Between their respective operations, in the dark, the hearts of the two seem to have merged into one, and they can feel each other's thoughts.

With a thought, Ling Tianyu activated the Primordial Qi in his body, like a mighty Yangtze River, pouring fiercely into Xiao Wu's body along his arms.

It is actually double cultivation, that is, harmony.

The primordial aura suddenly increased, Xiao Wu's delicate body trembled, and a pain of thousands of knives slashed her body, as if there were billions of ants eating her body ferociously.

Although it was extremely painful, Xiao Wu was determined.What's more, Xiao Wu was afraid that if she made a mistake, Ling Tianyu would suffer backlash, so Xiao Wu stubbornly endured the pain, and cooperated with Ling Tianyu to run the spell, absorbing the primordial energy in pain.

After all, it is a soul connection, Ling Tianyu can deeply feel how great the pain Xiao Wu endured, just like his own back then, life would be worse than death.

Although it was distressing, but thinking of the benefits of absorbing the Primordial Qi, Ling Tianyu didn't dare to let go, secretly said: Wife, I'm sorry, but I believe that you will be able to persevere!

Hearts are connected, Xiao Wu naturally felt Ling Tianyu's worry and distress, and became more stubborn in her heart: No, I can't give up, I can't let Tianyu down, I can... I can definitely...

No matter what!

Primordial Qi is too strong, so it is easy for ordinary people to absorb it.

Under the violent foreign force impact, Xiao Wu's snow-white skin gradually showed a tendency to burst, her skin bulged high, blood vessels clearly emerged, and gradually turned from navy blue to bright red, her whole body twitched in pain.

Xiao Wu's complexion was extremely pale, and she was staggering. I am afraid that as long as there is a weak force from the outside world, Xiao Wu can be easily knocked down.

"persist in···"

"I will persist..."

"I want to become stronger, I don't want to be a burden to Tianyu..."


Xiao Wu bit her lip, bleeding from the corner of her mouth, in extreme pain.

"daughter in law···"

Ling Tianyu couldn't bear it, and his heart was cut like a knife all the time.I even couldn't help but want to give up several times, and felt Xiao Wu's persistence at the same time, and I was deeply moved.


Can't give up, no one can give up!

Ling Tianyu's will became firmer, and he could no longer have distracting thoughts.

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