Yanwu God of War

Chapter 1255, Devouring


With a shrill scream, Gestili and Zuo Yiqiu's Douyuan dharma body turned into a stream of pure and thick Douyuan, pouring into Ling Tianyu's fortune puppet.

Ling Tianyu's good fortune puppet was just a bit short of reaching the Douzhuan Realm, but now if he absorbed Zuo Yiqiu's Douyuan Dharma Body, it would be no problem to break through the Douzhuan Realm.

Moreover, there are no side effects.

This time!

Huangpu Shaoqi, who was covered in cuts and bruises all over his body, came back to his senses, and at the first sight, he witnessed Zuo Yiqiu's Dharma Body of Dou Yuan being absorbed by another "Ling Tian Yu".


Huangpu Shaoqi exclaimed, with a violent expression on his face, he roared angrily: "Yufeng! I'll kill you!"

After all, the field of assimilation was still there, and Huangpu Shaoqi instantly approached Ling Tianyu's puppet.With a furious palm, with extreme anger and hatred, he frantically bombarded the puppet of good fortune.

But at this moment, a playful smile resounded like a cold wind from Huangpu Shaoqi's back: "Hehe, senior brother Huangpu, you don't think I'm air, do you?"

"Feather Wind!"

Huangpu Shaoqi was stunned, forgot that Ling Tianyu was hiding a strange avatar.

To be precise, the owner of this voice is Ling Tianyu's true self.

Whoosh! ~

Huangpu Shaoqi's palm hadn't hit the target yet, but an eagle claw like iron pincers firmly grasped Huangpu Shaoqi's wrist.Then a sharp purple-gold sword energy, along Huangpu Shaoqi's arm, rushed into the chest.

call out!call out! ~

Tens of thousands of sharp blades, the sword energy passed by, the muscles and bones were instantly shattered.Undoubtedly speaking, the pain was a hundred times worse than a thousand cuts, and Huangpu Shaoqi couldn't help but screamed loudly.

All of a sudden, Huangpu Shaoqi was almost abolished.

"Brother Huangpu!"

Ling Tianyu slowly moved to Huangpu Shaoqi's front line of sight, his face was cold, eyes like the god of death, as if he was about to pronounce death, and he said coldly with a ruthless face: "I am very simple, If someone offends me! Pay back a hundredfold! Just now you tortured me really painfully, how can I let you down now?"

Huangpu Shaoqi's complexion was pale, fearful and desperate, his heart was full of anger and remorse.The game was clearly laid out, and the victory was clearly within his grasp, but Ling Tianyu turned his back and took control of his own life and death.

However, he still has hatred, and he still has many things to do, so he thought it was not time to die, so he pleaded: "Yufeng! The winner is the king! The loser is the bandit! I fell down! I Admit it! But I have not avenged my revenge, and I must not die!"

After a pause, he continued with an unwillingness to give up: "Yes! I admit that I was infatuated for a while, and I actually attacked you! But since you and I have the same experience, please understand me! If you Can let me go! I can swear the most poisonous blood oath right now! I serve you as Lord! I will be your slave for life!"

"Hehe, I thought you were a tough man! With your current character! You want to take revenge! I think you are a villain! Only staying in hell is suitable for you!" Ling Tianyu smiled coldly , A fierce palm, with a strange and cold bloody light, like an inlay, heavily pressed on Huangpu Shaoqi's chest.


At that moment, Huangpu Shaoqi felt a cold and bloody aura in his heart.His thoughts were dead, his face was ashen, and a terrifying and unknown evil force burst into his body instantly like a plague.

"It seems that your vengeance is destined to make you go to hell with hatred! Don't look at me like this, and be considerate of your heart. If I was killed, you would treat me so cruelly! I'm just retaliating with an eye now!" Ling Tianyu's face was grim, his blood pupils reflected a fierce evil light, and he shouted: "Blood turns reincarnation!~"

boom! ~~

The terrifying evil force ferociously drained Huangpu Shaoqi's blood essence, cruelly depriving him of his vitality.

Huangpu Shaoqi's pupils burst out, and he felt fear and despair that his blood and vitality had been swallowed up by the terrifying evil force that poured in.Staring at Ling Tianyu who looked like a demon with horror on his face, he roared madly: "Devil! Yufeng! You are an evil demon! You bastard! You will die badly!"

"Thank you for your blessing!" Ling Tianyu's complexion was gloomy, blood was flooding, but he deliberately controlled the power of devouring, so that Huangpu Shaoqi could bear more pain before he died.

Because Ling Tianyu was so angry.

If it wasn't because the thunder glove helped him in the end, otherwise, Ling Tianyu would have wasted such a powerful hole card as magic yuan on a villain, which is simply unforgivable.


Huangpu Shaoqi screamed in pain, his whole body was like ten thousand ants devouring his body, the pain was extreme.His eyes were full of horror, full of despair, the original handsome face, under the engulfing of the blood, quickly became as old as bark.

Next, a more terrifying scene appeared.

Huangpu Shaoqi's pupils were sunken, and his exuberant vitality was constantly being deprived of it.With the loss of essence, blood and vitality, the strong body gradually shriveled like a leaking balloon.

By the end, the eyeballs almost popped out.

All the time, Huangpu Shaoqi was suffering unbearable pain for ordinary people.Those who want to struggle, but are powerless and can only despair, seem to have seen the scene in hell.


Huangpu Shaoqi screamed at the top of his throat with the last of his strength.

Ling Tianyu is like the master of death, expressionless and extremely cold.The reason why he used the blood runner to go back and devour Huangpu Shaoqi was because he took a fancy to Huangpu Shaoqi's assimilation ability.

Therefore, Ling Tianyu has a chance to obtain Huangpu Shaoqi's assimilation ability.

In pain, Huangpu Shaoqi was dying, with only his last breath left.And the whole body was already shriveled and disgusting, and the eyeballs were obviously bumpy and ugly. He just stared at Ling Tianyu, the demon, with anger and fear.

Ling Tianyu Sentong stared at Huangpu Shaoqi, who was full of despair, and said with a cruel smile: "Hehe, don't you want to assimilate me? Do you want to get my ability? It just so happens that I also want to try my luck, See if you can get your assimilation ability!"

Hear it!

Huangpu Shaoqi stared with eyes wide open, at this moment he couldn't even speak.And those eyeballs, because they stared too hard, abruptly fell from their shriveled eye sockets.


Ling Tianyu let out a cold cry, and the last wave, the terrifying blood light, instantly smashed Huangpu Shaoqi into dust.


The space shook, and the assimilation domain shattered.

Whoosh!Whoosh! ~

Ling Tianyu and the good fortune puppet broke out of the domain together, and instantly merged into one.Because the body is filled with a powerful and chaotic force, if it is not suppressed and absorbed as soon as possible, it is very likely that the body will explode and die.

And the good fortune puppet is Ling Tianyu's strongest combat body at present, so it is necessary to integrate the good fortune puppet, and use the good fortune puppet as the main body temporarily, so that it is possible to restrain the rioting power in the body.


The little bear appeared in surprise and was taken aback.For some unknown reason just now, Little Bear sensed that Ling Tianyu's aura had disappeared, and even completely cut off the connection with Ling Tianyu.

"Little bear! Hurry up...help me protect the law! Don't let anyone hurt me or get close to me!" Ling Tianyu vomited quite uncomfortable, and didn't even have time to pay attention to the situation around him, and immediately sat cross-legged and entered the retreat state.

"Master..." Little Bear was stunned.

But Ling Tianyu didn't know that there were already hordes of corpses and demons all around, and the surrounding area was tight.I didn't see that the little bear was already covered in blood, and it was obvious that he had fought bloody battles for a long time.

That's right!

Since the spirit array leading to the corpse demon cave on the seventh floor was breached, all the remaining blood corpse demons on the sixth floor hunted for the only vitality on this floor and killed Little Bear.

The little bear was panting, exhausted, with a huge body covered in blood, coldly glanced at the crowds of blood corpse demons around him, and said coldly: "Master! Don't worry! No one will try to offend you!"

Roar! ~~

With a roar, the little bear burst out with a powerful force. Its huge body, like a bulldozer, lifted up layers of soil, rampaged, brandished its steel-like bear paws, and roared, smashing groups of blood corpse demons rushing towards it into pieces of meat. .

This is really one man guarding the gate, and ten thousand men can't open it.The mighty little bear didn't get depressed because of the large loss of beast energy. Instead, it became more ferocious as it was eager to protect its master.

Boom!Boom! ~

One palm after another, the road is like a mountain, Zhou Fang's blood corpse demon can't get close to the area guarded by the little bear.

Immediately, the bones piled up like a mountain, the corpse's breath was billowing, and the blood was pungent.

But there are too many blood corpse demons, that is almost half of the army of corpse demons left on this floor, densely packed, fearless of death, rushing forward one after another.

However, the little bear is fierce, but its consumption is limited after all, not to mention that two fists are hard to defeat four feet, and it is impossible to defeat an army of tens of thousands of corpse demons.


Several Martial Immortal-level corpse demon generals joined forces to attack again and again, and a wave of powerful offensives forced Xiao Xiong to retreat.


One of the corpse demon generals, with a ferocious and greedy expression, threw himself at Ling Tianyu who was behind the little bear.

"Master!" Little Bear's complexion changed drastically.

Too late!Soon!

A graceful figure, like flowing clouds and flowing water, wandered like lightning among the crowds of blood corpse demons, and jumped in in an instant.

call out! ~

There was a cold light, as sharp as lightning.

The corpse demon's eyes popped out, and before he could react, he was torn in half by the sword.

"Huh!?" Little Bear was astonished.

Suddenly, a fiery figure, with a fiery figure and a sturdy personality, holding a fairy sword, stood in front of Ling Tianyu like a patron saint. She was a woman who looked like a fairy.

Just like Ling Tianyu, if he can see it now, he must be very familiar with this woman, it is not Lin Susu.

at this time!

When Lin Susu saw Ling Tianyu, she was also very surprised, especially when she saw the terrifying existence of Xiao Xiong, who was fighting bloody battles to protect Ling Tianyu, she was even more shocked.

Just now, there was such a big riot in this layer of Corpse Demon Cave, and the air flow was chaotic, Lin Susu never dared to approach.Now sensing that the aura is gradually calming down, only the corpse aura is flooding, Lin Susu quickly rushed to Ling Tianyu's side, unexpectedly seeing such a scene.

What made Lin Susu even more angry was that this terrifying fighting beast was obviously Ling Tianyu's pet beast, but Ling Tianyu ignored his own pet beast and took a leisurely retreat, which made Lin Susu very dissatisfied.

"Hmph! Yufeng! You owe me this time!" Lin Susu snorted angrily. After all, being surrounded by the army of corpse demons, it was not so easy to deal with it.

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