Yanwu God of War

Chapter 1449, Self-destruct counterattack


Ling Tianyu was compulsively pressed against the Ghost Eye Evil Sword. Every moment, the evil sword infiltrated into Ling Tianyu's soul an evil and cold aura.

Under the abyss, there are even more will-o'-the-wisps.

Xiao En looked gloomy, and said with a sneer: "Hehe, old man, I didn't expect things to turn out like this."

"Stop talking nonsense! The old man actually fell, so naturally he has nothing to say, but if your holy alliance wants to take back that monster, then you can only think about it!" Ling Tianyu said ruthlessly.

"Ancestor! This devil thief is too rampant! He must be taught a lesson! Otherwise, what will be the face of our Holy League in the future?" Xiao Tian gritted his teeth angrily.


Xiao En nodded deeply, his eyes were serious, and he said coldly: "Mr.! Then you will be offended!"

Say it!

Xiao En pinched the Indian knot with his hands, and struck Ling Tianyu's chest fiercely with his palm strength from the air.


In the ghost eye sword, evil light radiated everywhere, instantly covering Ling Tianyu's whole body, with waves of extremely evil power.Like a storm breaking a bank, it poured fiercely into Ling Tianyu's divine essence incarnation.

Ling Tianyu had been prepared for a long time, and counterattacked when Xiao En cast the spell, when his defenses were the most lax.

However, when this evil energy poured in, Ling Tianyu was pleasantly surprised to find that the strange evil power seeping in from this evil sword could be absorbed by the latent ghostly martial soul incarnated by Shen Yuan.

"Master! Do it quickly!" Little Bear suddenly said via voice transmission.

"Wait! My Ghost Shadow Martial Soul seems to be able to absorb the evil energy in this evil sword." Ling Tianyu replied, as for the communication between Ling Tianyu and Xiao Xiong, Xiao En couldn't detect it because of his advanced cultivation.


The little bear was deeply curious, felt it slightly, and exclaimed suddenly: "Oh my god! This is the spirit of ghosts!"

"Ghost energy?" Ling Tianyu was stunned.

"Not bad!"

The little bear said heavily: "This ghostly spirit is a kind of evil spirit that can only be gathered closest to the death barrier point. It seems that this old man used the ghostly spirit to forge this evil sword. I am afraid that he himself cannot directly absorb it. Jiuyou Ghost Flame wants to use this evil sword to control this fire! If he succeeds, this evil sword will immediately become a magic weapon, and then refine your master, your divine essence incarnation, refining Transforming into a god-grade weapon spirit, then this evil sword can be compared to the first-class artifact in the God Realm, but in the mortal world, the lethality of this evil sword is too terrifying!"

"Hehe, what you said is quite scary, what if I can absorb this ghost energy?" Ling Tianyu asked with a sinister smile.

"Haha! Then the old man has to collect this ghost energy again. If my guess is correct, the ghost energy in the evil sword took him hundreds of years, or even longer !” Little Bear laughed.

"That's really interesting!" Ling Tianyu's face was ruthless, and he didn't immediately absorb the ghost power.Doing this will not make Xiao En suspicious, and secondly, the infiltrated ghost energy is far from enough, Ling Tianyu must absorb it all at once for the last time.

Therefore, Ling Tianyu gritted his teeth and endured the severe pain, his soul and body were depressed, and the terrible evil light almost tore apart Ling Tianyu's Shenyuan incarnation, raging wildly in the Shenyuan incarnation.

"Stop! Stop this old man!" Ling Tianyu roared with red eyes.

"Haha! Look, Grandfather, I thought this devil was a character just now, but in the hands of Grandfather, this devil has become a coward." Xiao Tianyi smiled proudly: "But This devil is really too arrogant, the ancestor will definitely not spare him!"

Xiao En seemed not to have heard Xiao Tianyi's words, and said with an excited smile on his face: "Haha! Wonderful! Wonderful! It's too fast! I have refined so many souls, but none of them can carry Seeing the ghost spirit energy in the Ghost Eye Sword! God help me! The weapon of spirit and soul can finally be born on this old man!"

"So, the Nine Nether Ghost Flames down here..." Xiao Tianyi also looked excited.

"That's right! I can finally subdue it! When the old man forges this magic weapon, it will be hard to find an opponent in Dongzhou in the future! Then there is no need to be afraid of the machinations of demons!" Xiao En said with a grim expression.

"Haha! What a blessing from the heavens!" Xiao Tian laughed loudly, staring coldly at Ling Tianyu who seemed to be maddened by anger, and smiled with an attitude of extreme enjoyment and complacency: "The devil thief! Although our alliance lost I bought a holy beast, but in exchange for such a great gift from you! Now that I think about it, I really want to thank you, you stupid thief!"

"Despicable! You don't want to succeed!" Ling Tianyu cursed angrily, pretending to struggle.It is not difficult to absorb all the ghost energy at once. As for digesting it, it will take time after you successfully escape.

Now, Ling Tianyu is waiting for an excellent opportunity.

Xiao En's face was grim, and he said coldly: "Old man, if you really wanted to cooperate with our Holy League just now, then you don't have to come to this point! In the final analysis, it's all your own doing, no wonder old man!"

"You bastard! My lord is capable to the sky. If I die, my lord will immediately rush to the Holy League to take the lives of you two despicable thieves!" Ling Tianyu cursed angrily. Anyway, this business is not losing money, so he just continued to scold. .

"Hehe, it's ridiculous. If the lord you mentioned really wanted to save you, how could he wait until now! I'm afraid your lord thinks you, a humble devil thief, are nothing more than nothing. As for the future, wait for the ancestors to save you." Refining a magical weapon, a mere power from the Demon State, don't even try to shake our Holy League!" Xiao Tianyi smiled disdainfully.

"Then just try it!" Ling Tianyu was furious.

"The old man is willing to take this gamble!" Xiao En smiled darkly, quickly forming seals with both hands, one after another evil and unknown curse seals rushed into Ling Tianyu's divine essence incarnation one after another.

These curse seals are like opening gaps in Ling Tianyu's divine essence incarnation, so that it is easier for the ghost energy released from the ghost eye sword to flow into Ling Tianyu's divine essence incarnation smoothly.

boom! ~

There was a sound of shock, and the air flow was sharply propped up, and the huge ghost energy filled Ling Tianyu's body, causing Ling Tianyu to be tortured painfully, it was like life was worse than death.

"Jie Jie!"

Xiao Tian said with a sinister smile: "This devil is certainly hateful, but it must not be admitted that this devil is indeed a refined soul, and he can actually withstand the ghostly spirit of the ninth level of the Ghost Eye Sword! I don't know if this devil can bear it. Ten layers of ghost energy!"


Xiao En shook his head slightly, and said: "Everything can't be perfect enough, the ninth floor is enough! And our Holy League can't do too much, we must let this old gentleman get relief as soon as possible."

"Yes, yes, what the ancestor said is true, then let's give this old gentleman a last ride!" Xiao Tian nodded and smiled, the old and the young sang together, but he didn't know who had the last laugh.

"Of course, the old man will try to be as fast as possible!" Xiao En's majestic appearance was cold, cold and ruthless, with a sudden move of his divine sense.The ghost flames in the abyss seemed to be enraged, and they surged up.

Very simple!

What Xiao En did was to directly use the power of the Nine Nether Ghost Flames to refine Ling Tianyu's Shenyuan incarnation, and then borrow the power of the Ghost Eye Sword to control the Nine Nether Ghost Flames in one fell swoop. It was perfect.

But they didn't know that in Ling Tianyu's crimson pupils, there were sinister light marks, and a sneer like a triumphant smile was slightly outlined on the corner of his mouth.The ghost energy of the nine layers has indeed reached the limit of Ling Tianyu's tolerance, and it's time to fight back.

After all, the power of the Nine Nether Ghost Flames is really terrifying, and if it really erodes, even Ling Tianyu's mighty divine essence incarnation will be smashed immediately.

this moment!

Ling Tianyu's good fortune puppet has already been in place, temporarily seized the control of the main body, and echoed closely with the incarnation of Shenyuan, it can replace the main body to carry out the transformation.

Boom!Boom! ~

In the abyss, ghost fires billowed, like a giant dragon awakened from a deep sleep, roaring angrily, crazily rushing towards Ling Tianyu's side.

And Xiao En also prepared the printing method at the same time, which is related to the birth of his greatest masterpiece, so naturally he put all his thoughts on refining the magic weapon.

Xiao Tianyi also had an excited expression, impatiently looking forward to it, the two of them couldn't feel any abnormal movement on Ling Tianyu's body at all.Especially Ling Tianyu's evil smile, as the Nine Nether Ghost Flames approached, that smile gradually became richer.


It's near!

Both of Xiao En's eyes lit up, and Ling Tianyu's also lit up, but with a fierce and vicious light.

boom! ~

The moment when the surging Nine Nether Ghost Flames were about to cover Ling Tianyu.

Ling Tianyu's face turned hard, and he shouted: "Shape-shifting!"


Ling Tianyu's good fortune puppet and Shenyuan incarnation switched instantly.

next moment!

Ling Tianyu's good fortune puppet directly replaced the position of the incarnation of Shenyuan, but when he escaped, the confinement seal on Ling Tianyu's body was also involuntarily released.


The smiles of Xiao En and the two froze at the same time, because they didn't know what happened.I just felt that Ling Tianyu's soul breath suddenly disappeared, and it was replaced by a living person.

What is even more unbelievable is that Ling Tianyu untied the curse seal by himself.

boom! ~

The ferocious Nine Nether Ghost Flames swept and enveloped Ling Tianyu's puppet.

Ling Tianyu's face was ferocious, and he laughed ferociously: "Haha! Greedy and ignorant rat! Go to hell!"


The whole body is like a puppet of fire man, under the short distance, coupled with being defenseless, he is in front of the two of Xiao En in an instant, screaming: "Explode me!~"

The eyes of Xiao En and the two shrank sharply, and they said in surprise at the same time: "Move quickly!~"


Can you make it?

Boom! ~~

With a bang, the puppet of good fortune, which was comparable to a powerful blow from a supernatural power, blew itself up. Coupled with the terrifying and corrosive power of the Nine Nether Ghost Flame itself, it was like a blooming energy light cluster.

The terrifying shock wave of destruction shattered layers upon layers of the approaching space, and the entire underground palace was even more detonated, with luxurious buildings knocking down one after another.

The tragic Xiao En and the two were directly engulfed in the core of the explosion. They didn't even have a chance to guard against them. With a miserable howl from the bottom of their hearts, they were violently thrown away in the huge explosion.

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