Yanwu God of War

Chapter 1464, Interrogation

The Fengcheng incident caused a sensation in the world.

All in all, the Zhao and Zhou families, who have always been low-key, are actually the forces of the old dynasty, with strong strength, which is shocking.What's more, Renhuang eradicated the two powerhouses in one fell swoop, and imitated the benevolence of the previous emperor, and was admired by others.

As for the city lord's mansion, the originally festive day turned into a yin and yang day. The city lord Liu De and his son defied the imperial power and executed them on the spot. Ling Tianyu was temporarily appointed as the city lord.

The outside world is no stranger to this young city lord.Now the streets and alleys are talking about this peerless genius, and the rumors are so amazing that Ling Tianyu is almost deified.

Naturally, there were many people who came and went to fawn on them, but they were all kicked out by Ling Tianyu's order.Other people's new officials took office three times, but when they arrived at Ling Tianyu's place, they hid in the house.

As for Zhao and Zhou's family, they have long lost their previous prestige, and they are honest and closed their doors.It seems that the death of the two ancestors this time has dealt a heavy blow to their two families.

It feels like the whole Fengcheng seems to have become more comfortable, and it seems to have a somewhat depressing atmosphere.After all, Yufeng's reputation is so great that it is the target of all hostile forces. At any time, a powerful enemy may plot against Ling Tianyu, so everyone feels that Ling Tianyu is hiding now.

However, Ling Tianyu didn't really hide.

As the lord of the city, Liu De got along well with several big families, and he has quite a few treasures in his private possession.Although most of Ling Tianyu looked down on it, at least it was a kind of harvest, so he scraped it all away, after all, there are still a lot of medicinal materials.

As for the position of the city lord, Ling Tianyu felt that it was only temporary, so before the Human Emperor appointed a new city lord, Ling Tianyu temporarily became a polished commander.


In the treasure underground secret room of the City Lord's Mansion, the inside was empty, and Ling Tianyu had already swept it all away.No outsiders dare to disturb, and it seems to be a different kind of quiet here.

"Master, are you trying to lure the tiger into the bait?" The little bear suddenly appeared.

"Haha! That's just right, we can finally have a good fight!" Xiao Wangba followed suit, sat happily on Ling Tianyu's shoulder, and even crossed Erlang's legs leisurely.

"Those are all supernatural beings. Killing you is not the same as abusing vegetables. You should go!" Little Bear couldn't help but hit.

"Ah? So strong!" Xiao Wangba shrank immediately, and said weakly: "Boss, why don't we let it go, there is still time to sneak away now, don't wait here to die!"

"You guys only bully the weak and fear the strong, but don't worry, His Majesty is still watching in secret. If there is really a strong enemy plotting against me, there will be no return." Ling Tianyu said with a sinister face.

"Haha, then it's fine, just stay here." Xiao Wangba laughed.

Little Xiong rolled his eyes, and said solemnly to Ling Tianyu: "Master, these foreign forces are not stupid masters. They naturally know that Master's staying here is just a trap, so they won't be easily hooked!"

"Hehe, for the Holy League, they are not afraid. As for the power of the Devil's Nest, based on my analysis, they dare not act rashly. Then I think that the only person who is most likely to plot against me is the Yaozu. But I want to come , King Nan will definitely not make a move easily, but will send some powerful enemies to lurk in secretly. As for why I am so sure, it is because I think that my value is enough for the Yaozu to take risks. After all, the loss of the Yaozu this time is too great. He grew up and was betrayed by the Holy League, no matter what, King Nan is willing to take this risk." Ling Tianyu smiled sharply.

"The master's words are reasonable, but the monster race has always been scheming and evil. Even if there is an emperor protecting them, they should not underestimate the enemy." Xiaoxiong reminded cautiously.

"Of course, but I'm not a soft persimmon." Ling Tianyu smiled slightly, and said with cold eyes: "If there is really a demon enemy plotting this time, then your majesty can weaken the strength of the demon clan again, it just depends on whether I have enough bait to lure you." people."

"Then when does the master think the Yaozu will take action?" Little Bear asked.

"I don't know what Nanwang is like, but if it were me, after getting the news, I would attack on the same day, so that I would be caught off guard." Ling Tianyu said, his eyes were deep.

"Isn't that very dangerous today?" Little Bear was stunned.

"It should be..." Ling Tianyu smiled, and said seriously: "You should hide first, if there are really powerful people in the supernatural state, it will be really difficult for me to take care of you."

"I'll listen to the boss, so I'll sneak away first." Xiao Wangba was quick-witted, and immediately hid in the inverse mirror.

The little bear was full of helplessness, and said: "Master, I don't know if it was a mistake for you to risk your life to save this little bastard?"

"I've already gotten used to it, this little guy is as bad as you!" Ling Tianyu sighed.

"That's right." Xiaoxiong nodded repeatedly, suddenly his face was startled, and he shouted excitedly: "It's the same as me! Have I cheated on you all this time?"

"Stop talking, hide quickly, I still have important things to do!" Ling Tianyu rolled his eyes.

"Okay..." Xiaoxiong was full of aggrieved, weakly followed and hid in the inverse mirror.


Ling Tianyu sat cross-legged, his whole body trembled, and he flashed into the Bailing Realm.

"Little monkey!"

As soon as he entered the Bailing Realm, Ling Tianyu immediately shouted.

"Hey, the little monkey is here!" The figure of the god monkey flashed immediately.

"How is the old man?" Ling Tianyu asked.

"Little monkey is doing business, master please don't worry, if you see the old man now, I hope you won't recognize him." The god monkey smiled thieves, when following Ling Tianyu, from time to time he would send in some masters for the god monkey to teach , which added a lot of fun to the monkey.


Ling Tianyu nodded slightly, followed that faint breath and dodged away.

See you soon!

Under a spiritual tree, an old man with a bruised nose and a swollen face was lying. His body was covered with bruises, his clothes were torn, his hair was disheveled, and he leaned against the tree trunk dying.If you don't know this, you will really think it's a beggar.

But this old man has an unusual identity, he is Zhou Fangyue, the ancestor of the Zhou family.Ever since the Human Emperor handed Zhou Fangyue over to Ling Tianyu, Ling Tianyu sent Zhou Fangyue here.

When Ling Tianyu saw it, he really almost couldn't recognize him. The god monkey was too ruthless, so he couldn't help calling out: "Senior Zhou, I really didn't treat you well, I hope Hai forgives me."

Hear it!

Zhou Fangyue slowly opened his eyes, and asked Ling Tianyu in a weak tone full of doubts: "Little brother... Are you sent by Master Hou to save this old man? That's great..."

"Hey, of course it's me, Monkey Lord!" The god monkey smiled brightly, and said Diao Kan, "But you old man is very polite. After being beaten up by me for so long, you still call me Monkey Lord, I feel embarrassed. .”

When Zhou Fangyue saw the divine monkey, his eyes widened in anger, and then he looked carefully at the gloomy and ruthless young man in front of him, and shouted with red eyes: "You bastard! You are not a monkey!" Someone sent by the Lord!"

"Did I say I am?" Ling Tianyu said indifferently.

Zhou Fangyue was stunned, and wanted to resist, but was firmly bound by the Fengling Qiankun circle, unable to move at all, so he shouted angrily: "Then who are you? Why are you imprisoned here?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, but don't worry, I am a kind person, and I have always opposed those violent acts. Therefore, I hope that Senior Zhou can answer me a few questions truthfully." Ling Tianyu said.

"You are not qualified!" Zhou Fangyue said angrily.

"Oh? It seems that senior Zhou is not in a good mood today." Ling Tianyu yelled: "Little monkey, please make senior Zhou more comfortable."

"No problem! This is the little monkey's favorite game." The god monkey smiled slyly, gearing up.

Zhou Fangyue was so angry that his face turned green. He was a majestic powerhouse, and he was also a well-known figure in Dongzhou. Now he was bullied by a monkey and shouted: "Stop! Stop it, old man!"

"Little monkey, wait!" Ling Tianyu called out, then smiled and said to Zhou Fangyue, who was full of anger, "It seems that Senior Zhou is really a smart person, so I won't lie. I want to ask you , How much do you know about Nanwanghou’s matter? But don’t fool me casually, this junior knows a little about the matter between Nanwang and Yaozu.”


Zhou Fangyue was astonished, and asked, "Who the hell are you!? Why do you know this?"

"Sorry, this is not the question you should ask, but you have to answer my question well." Ling Tianyu looked indifferent, after all, there was no deep hatred, and Ling Tianyu didn't want to be too cruel to win Zhou Fangyue's secret.

"Then what do you want to know?" Zhou Fangyue's expression darkened.

"For example, what plan is the Southern Prince planning?" Ling Tianyu asked.

"Hmph! Our Zhao and Zhou families were destroyed. I think the Holy League did not support our Zhao and Zhou families. Naturally, they broke the alliance agreement. Do you think these plans are still important?" Zhou Fangyue snorted coldly.

"Okay, let's change the question. Based on your understanding, what do you think of Nan Wanghou's strength?" Ling Tianyu asked again.

"Hmph! The Emperor will not be the match of Lord Hou!" Zhou Fangyue replied extremely coldly.


Ling Tianyu was astonished, and shouted excitedly: "You think I'm such a fool! If the Nan Wanghou really has this level of strength, why would it take so long not to attack the dynasty?"

"That's because the Monkey King hasn't fully integrated the demon essence of the Demon Emperor. If the Monkey Lord leaves the demon domain, he will die due to the depletion of the nourishment of the demon energy." Zhou Fangyue replied: "It's just that the old man has heard recently that Monkey Lord already has a plan to crack it. As long as it takes another year or so, or even a shorter time, Monkey Lord will truly return to the sky, and then it will be the end of the Holy Heaven Dynasty!"

"Are you really joking?" Ling Tianyu looked serious.

"Hehe, the old man has already fallen to such a point, do you still need to make a joke?" Zhou Fangyue sneered, suppressing his anger, and said with a smile on his face: "Little brother, although the old man doesn't recognize it, but the old man has a discerning eye, my little one." You have an immeasurable future in the future, why do you need to work for the dynasty? Why don't you let the old man go, you and I join forces, maybe in the near future, you can also occupy a seat in this Dongzhou! Even you will become the emperor of the new dynasty, Wan Wan Surrender!"

"Well, it's very attractive, but it's a pity that I'm not interested in this position at all." Ling Tianyu said coldly: "Okay, Senior Zhou is so honest, so this junior should let Senior Zhou get out of the sea of ​​suffering as soon as possible, Early bliss."

"Early Bliss!?"

Zhou Fangyue's entire face immediately turned gray.

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