Yanwu God of War

Chapter 1469, Two Kings Confrontation

Too strong!

This is within the Human Emperor's Heavenly Dragon God Domain, to be able to save people from a distance, and even the opponent's traces cannot be caught at all, this method is really too clever.

"Your Majesty, this..." the Great Protector of the Kingdom flashed forward, utterly shocked.

"If I'm not mistaken, the opponent should have mastered the secrets of space!" Human Sovereign said solemnly.

"Space Profound Truth!"

The Great Protector was dumbfounded, and said in amazement: "I'm afraid it's not easy for Martial Ancestors to do this, right?"

"I don't know, but I think he hasn't fully grasped the secrets of space. I'm afraid he can do it by borrowing some kind of formation or space stones! But no matter what, it can be done in my God's Domain, and between you and me. Rescuing a person in his hands proves that this person's cultivation is stronger than ours, not weaker!" Human Sovereign said seriously.


The Great National Protector's face tightened, and he said, "Could it really be him..."

"Oh~ I hope not." Human Sovereign shook his head and sighed bitterly, and said with a helpless expression: "If all this is really done by him, then it is really a tragedy for our Holy Heaven Royal Family..."

Just finished!

A deep and cold laugh sounded: "Haha! Brother Huang, long time no see, how the past few years have been!"


The two Human Emperors were stunned.


In the space ahead, the void twisted, and a hazy white light and shadow emerged.The face of the light and shadow is unclear, only the burly body can be felt.

And this voice was too familiar to the Human Sovereign.

"Brother Nan!"

The Human Sovereign looked majestic, since he subdued Zhao Tianmin, he naturally got the news about King Nan from him.But at that time, Human Sovereign did not believe it, but now hearing this familiar yet vaguely unfamiliar voice, the impact on Human Sovereign's mind was too strong.

But the Great Protector of the Nation stayed there completely, and the shock in his heart was no weaker than that of the Human Sovereign.

"Hehe, it seems that Brother Huang is not as forgetful as I expected." Nan Wang smiled faintly, and stood with his hands behind his back, the light and shadow that seemed to be virtual and real, just suspended in the void.

"Why?" Human Sovereign asked concisely.

"Brother Huang must have read the imperial code. As for why, I don't think I need to say more." Nan Wang replied extremely indifferently, with no expression on his face and no trace.

"Then you have to betray the dynasty for this. Don't you know that you also have the blood of the Holy Heavenly Royal Family? Furthermore, even if there are grievances between you and me, you don't have to be so self-sufficient and become an evil Monster!" The Emperor said angrily, "But, regardless of the royal blood relationship, you are still a human being, but you go against the grain and commit crimes against humanity, don't you feel ashamed!"


Nan Wang smiled coldly, and said with hatred on his face: "Brother Emperor, when the late Emperor was alive, when you and I were young, did you remember that my mother was poisoned and died tragically?"

"Hasn't the murderer been identified and severely punished?" the Emperor asked.

"Really? I have been investigating for many years, but the murderer is someone else!" Nan Wang shook his head.

"It's absurd!"

The Great Protector couldn't help but said: "This old man is a courtier of three generations. The fact that the concubine Chen was poisoned by others has long been revealed. Are you doubting the ability of the late emperor? Hehe, according to the old man's thinking, this is just It’s just an excuse you’re looking for yourself because you’re willing to degenerate!”

"The two of you are so serious about what you said, so let me tell you the truth!" Nan Wang said with a gloomy expression, "Brother Emperor, you and I have been competitors since we were young, and we are all highly regarded by the late emperor. Your biological mother, Concubine Concubine, was afraid that one day I would endanger your succession to the throne, so she took advantage of the late emperor's retreat and plotted against me. But this vicious bitch did not poison me, But it poisoned the life of my mother and queen, and separated my mother and son forever!"

Hear it!

The Human Sovereign's face was dull and shocked.


The Great Protector immediately defended: "Concubine Fu is kind by nature, even she protects her servants, how could she do such an outrageous thing?"

"Hehe, even though the first emperor retreated back then, he never noticed it. But in this heavily guarded deep palace, don't you think it's too ridiculous for an outsider to poison my mother? Besides, there are many doubts. It’s because it hasn’t been found out, so do you think that this matter will be as simple as imagined?” Nan Wang sneered.

The Emperor was thoughtful and remained silent.

The Great Protector said: "Hmph! There are indeed many doubts about the murderer back then, and there are indeed some masterminds behind the scenes. But the murderer has long since died, and it is difficult to pursue this matter again, but how do you prove that the concubine Fu is the real one?" fierce?"

"As for how I found out, I found out through investigation that Concubine Fu had contact with the murderer." Nan Wang said.

"The murderer was able to infiltrate the imperial palace. It's normal to have contact with people. And you have failed to truthfully prove that Concubine Fu is the real murderer behind the scenes. Don't you think it's too arbitrary to make such a broken decision and destroy your own future?" Shen Leng, the great guardian of the country road.

"I just want to ask you a question!" Human Sovereign finally spoke, staring straight at Nan Wang and asked: "I want to know, is it you who did the tragic death of my mother?"

"Hehe, it's just a life for a life, and you should thank me, if it's not because I don't want you to die so early, otherwise it wouldn't be a life for another life!" Nan Wang said with a dark smile.

"You really killed my mother!" The Emperor's eyes were red.

"How? Is it possible that His Majesty also wants to let me take my life?" Nanwang sarcastically said.

"Damn you!"

The Human Sovereign cursed angrily, punched directly, and blasted past.

boom! ~

There was a loud explosion, and the space shook, but Nan Wang's blurred light and shadow still stood in the air as if nothing had happened.

"Hehe, it seems that His Majesty is not cold-blooded and ruthless. It's a pity that if His Majesty wants to take revenge, the gate of the Demon Realm is open for you at any time, and I welcome you at any time!" Nan Wang said with a smirk, feeling that he was angry when he saw the Human Sovereign. It's like a treat for him.

"Your Majesty, don't fall for this villain's tricks!" the Great Protector hurriedly reminded.


The Human Sovereign nodded heavily, his mood eased a lot, his face straightened, and he said, "King Nan, aside from the grievances between you and the royal family, don't you think about Ling'er?"

"Hehe, Ling'er?" Nan Wang sneered, his eyes were red, and he said with hatred: "You are a majestic emperor, once you were the emperor, you couldn't even protect my beloved daughter, and you were killed by a devil thief, you still have the right Talk to me about Linger!"

"No, you are wrong!" Human Sovereign shook his head and said seriously: "When I learned that you were unfortunately killed, I was afraid that someone would hurt Ling'er, so I announced her death to the public."

"What!? Then where is my Ling'er now?" Nan Wangbei was excited and couldn't keep calm anymore. It was obvious that deep down in his heart, he still loved his daughter.

"It's in this palace!" The Emperor said, "Nan Wang, if Ling'er finds out that you are still alive, she will be extremely happy. Demon. How do you think Linger will be disappointed in you?"

"No, no...it's impossible..." Nan Wang spoke incoherently, his eyes were red and shouted: "Human Emperor! You must be lying! Do you really think I will believe your words!"

"Believe it or not, but you dare to go to the palace so that Princess Ling'er can see your current appearance with your own eyes! How heartbreaking it will be!" the Great Protector snorted coldly.

"Shut up! Shut up all of you!" Nan Wang gnashed his eyes and teeth, as if he was about to go crazy.

"Emperor Brother, when is the end of kindness and resentment, no matter how bad it is, you and I are blood brothers after all. The past mistakes, let him go away, you can still choose to turn back. Are you really willing, this huge Will the holy land be handed over to a foreign race?" Human Sovereign persuaded in a gentle tone, and even let go of the hatred of his biological mother.

"Shut up!"

Nan Wang said with a grim expression: "I am not a member of the Shengtian royal family, it will only be a shame to me, and I only admit that I am of the blood of the Daqing royal family. What I want to do now is to restore the Daqing dynasty! As for Ling I am grateful to you for the son's matter. I will never invade the dynasty within three years! But I know that Linger will understand my painstaking efforts, and we will definitely be reunited with my father and daughter in the future! As for the Shengtian Dynasty, it should be The dynasty has changed!"

"Nanwang, do you really think this is what Ling'er expected? No, she won't, she just wants to find her father who was once the most respected and beloved." Human Sovereign said.

Nan Wang gritted his teeth, suppressed the emotions in his heart, and said indifferently: "This is the end of the story, there is no need to say more, if the two want to take me down, I will wait for you in the Yaoyu at any time!"

"Hmph! Do you really think that you can do whatever you want now? The world is still up to you!" The Great Protector snorted coldly, furious.

"Who has the final say, I'll see Zhenzhang later!" Nan Wang said with a stern smile, "Hehe, one more thing, the kid named Yufeng you supported is really good, and he is worthy of this king." Take this risk! But unfortunately, if it’s something I can’t get, I will definitely not let others get it! If you want to convince me, you might as well think of a way to save that kid!”


The Emperor Ren and the Great National Protector were stunned, and immediately sent their spiritual thoughts to the City Lord's Mansion in Fengcheng.

To his surprise, he found that in the city lord's mansion, the evil spirit was surging to the sky.Ling Tianyu was in the underground secret room of the city lord's mansion, his whole body was agitated with a terrifying evil spirit, and his expression looked extremely painful.

"What the hell did you do?" the Emperor said angrily.

"Hehe, even the emperor prepared one hand, so why don't I keep it?" Nan Wang said with a sinister smile: "When things come to this, I will not hide the truth, when that kid entered the space tunnel. Now what that kid is suffering from is the blood sacrificial curse left by the former strongman in the demon world, and soon all the martial blood in his body will be drained and sacrificed to the great demon god!"


The Human Sovereign couldn't hold back his anger any longer, and struck out with a palm.

boom! ~

The space ruptured, Nan Wang laughed wildly, and gradually disappeared into the space crack.

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