Yanwu God of War

Chapter 1483, Blood Moon Peak

After the soldiers were distributed, Ling Tianyu's clone and Xiao Wang Ba started to move.

As for Ling Tianyu's true self, it is the technique of cultivating the body in Niufeng Cave.

This body technique is a newborn ability, extremely cruel and evil.Although Ling Tianyu didn't like this way of dealing with the enemy, but thought that it could be used in many places, and felt that it was necessary to practice this technique until it became proficient.

The so-called proficiency means being able to merge and separate from the host as one likes. The transition between the two must be done in one go, even silently, so that it is easy to mix into the Demon Emperor's Palace and carry out the plan.

But this exhausted Ling Tianyu, and the fusion and separation would be extremely wasted if one was not particularly proficient.Almost every time he left, Ling Tianyu had to spend half a stick of incense to recuperate and rest.

The so-called practice makes perfect, after spending nearly seven days, Ling Tianyu was barely familiar with the art of keeping the body.I can't say it's perfect, but at least with the help of the Hades Dharma Body and the ability to transform, Ling Tianyu can get out of the host body without a sound, which greatly boosts his self-confidence.

It happened that Ling Tianyu's avatar and Xiaobai had returned safely. After all, no matter whether it was Ling Tianyu's avatar or Xiaobai's abilities, it was not difficult to hide bingdou in those monster tribes.




Little Wang Basan Beast, waiting for orders.

"That's right, it went well this time." Ling Tianyu said with a smile.

"Just hide some small things, it's a piece of cake." Xiao Wang said nonsense.

"It's just a little boring. I'm bored these days. I have to open so many tunnels, but I don't understand. What's the use of those little peas?" Xiao Jin was full of confusion.

"Hey, don't underestimate those bingdou, if I let them exert their strength, maybe you are not the opponents of those bingdou." Ling Tianyu smiled slyly.

"Is it really that powerful? I think that if I eat these little peas, it should make me gain a lot of beast money, or can the boss give me some?" Xiaojin looked at Ling eagerly. Tian Yu.

"Eat, eat, eat! What else can you do besides eating!" Xiao Wang Ba reprimanded, since Ling Tianyu threw him into the Bailing Realm and was abused by the god monkey, Xiao Wang Ba has become quite obedient.

"But I'm really hungry!" Xiao Jin was full of grievances.

"Don't worry, when my matter is done, your benefits will definitely be indispensable!" Ling Tianyu said with a smile, and the time was about the same, and he felt that the four Tauren elders outside the cave had been waiting for a long time.

Can't help!

Ling Tianyu once again parasitized in the body of the Bull King, and then stepped out of the cave.


Ling Tianyu appeared in a blink of an eye, naturally as the Bull King.

Seeing Ling Tianyu's appearance, the four elders of the Niutau clan were taken aback for a moment, but they always felt that the Niu King was even weirder after leaving the customs, as if he had changed into a different person.

Ling Tianyu's complexion darkened, he glanced coldly, and asked in a deep voice: "What's wrong? Is there anything wrong with me?"

Hear it!

The four elders woke up startled, and the first bull-headed elder cupped his hands and said: "Forgive me, chief, I only saw that the chief seemed to be diligent after leaving the customs, so I offended him for a while, please forgive me, chief."

"It's okay!"

Ling Tianyu raised his head slightly and asked, "How is the situation with the Leopard Monster Clan?"

The elder smiled happily and said, "Hehe, ever since the chief showed his power, everyone in the Leopard Monster Clan has been convinced. A few days ago, they ceded a large area of ​​land to our clan."

"Well, they are acquainted!" Ling Tianyu looked up at the sky in a dignified manner. In the perennially dark sky, the crescent moon was about to fall, and said, "If this king remembers correctly, today is the demon god meeting." Is it a festival?"


The elder clasped his fists and said: "Just yesterday, a messenger was sent to our clan from the Demon Emperor's Palace, but at that time, Chief, you were in retreat, and I dare not disturb you. Hereby tell the story, order us to go to the Demon Emperor's Palace to participate in the Demon God Ceremony General Assembly."

"Will the leaders of all major tribes be present today?" Ling Tianyu asked.

The Niutou elder was stunned for a moment, but he still replied respectfully: "The previous festivals of the demon gods were held by the Demon Emperor's Palace. The leaders and elders of all major tribes will go to the Demon Emperor's Palace to participate in the event. Disaster, no one dares to refuse."

"Well, let's set off now." Ling Tianyu's eyes were sharp, success or failure depended on the action, and he only prayed for the blessing of heaven.

"I'm waiting for that."

"Let's go, don't slow down, because those despicable people of the Leopard Monster Clan have a reason to say that it is not good for our clan."



Ling Tianyu and the four Tauren elders hurried to the Demon Emperor's Palace.


Demon Emperor Palace!

It is built on the most iconic peak in the Demon Realm, named Blood Moon Peak.

Speaking of the Blood Moon Peak, we have to talk about the day and hour calculation method of this demon domain.Just like the outside world, this blood moon will rise and fall regularly, and each cycle stage is counted as one day.

As for the Blood Moon Peak, it happened to be at the time when the Blood Moon was falling.At that time, the entire Blood Moon Peak seemed to be stained red with blood, and it was definitely a first-class spectacle among the visions of heaven and earth.

And at that time, the place where the Blood Moon Peak was located was also the time when the demonic aura was strongest.Therefore, in the Demon Emperor's Palace itself, a group of talents from the demon world were selected from all tribes for training. If they can practice in the Blood Moon Peak, they will be able to practice at a rapid speed.

The Tauren territory is not too far away from Xueyue Peak, but there is still a distance of hundreds of miles.It's just that for Ling Tianyu, who are strong in the Dou Zhuan realm, it's only half an hour.

Along the way, Ling Tianyu was carefully observing the environment of the Monster Domain.

It must be admitted that the territory of this demon domain is too wide, and the population is too terrifying, definitely no worse than the population of the entire Shengtian Dynasty.Moreover, these monsters are much stronger than the human race, whether as a whole or individually.

It is hard to imagine that if the entire Yaozu army is dispatched, it will definitely be a huge disaster for the dynasty.No wonder the Dynasty is so afraid of the Yaozu. If the relationship between the Yaozu, the Holy League, and the Devil's Nest had not been destroyed before, the dynasty would have no chance of winning if these three forces formed an alliance.

Ling Tianyu's face was solemn, although with his own strength, it was difficult to grasp the overall situation.But it will definitely not be a waste of time, so I will try my best to weaken the power of the demon clan. If the demon king can be eradicated, it will be great.

"Master, are you really going to deal with King Nan? Without the help of the Human Emperor and the others, it may be difficult to deal with King Nan with your own strength. And then even we will not be able to help you, and you will really be fighting alone It's gone." When he got close to the Blood Moon Peak, Little Bear couldn't help asking through voice transmission.

"Of course I understand this, but I can't let the dynasty be in such a passive situation. But now the Southern King may be seriously injured, this is the best opportunity to make a move. I believe that the power of the magic element can help me." Ling Tianyu said fiercely Said: "Of course, even if I fail, I can still get out, and I can also completely destroy the relationship between the two clans of monsters."

"Master's plan is feasible, but I don't understand that maintaining the safety of the dynasty is not solely your responsibility." Little Bear said.

"Hehe, I'm for the Lin family, but also for myself." Ling Tianyu smiled secretly, and said solemnly: "You can understand that the entrance of this demon realm is in the Northern Wilderness Forest, which is too close to Xuantian City. If the war between the dynasty and the demon clan breaks out, what kind of threat will Xuantian City face? Most importantly, during the trip to the demon realm, only I can sneak into the Demon Emperor’s Palace and get close to the King of the South, so I have to Bet on it."

"Well, I understand, then you should be careful in everything. Because I feel an extremely unusual evil force not far ahead, it is inconvenient for me to communicate with you." After finishing speaking, Little Bear lost his breath.


Ling Tianyu couldn't help but look around, and at a distance of about twenty miles, a stone peak like a giant sword in the sky stood like a sharp sword in the sky, pointing directly at the sky.

That blood moon was about to fall to the top of the peak, the whole sky was as red as blood, and one could feel a strong demonic aura, and the four elders of the Tauren tribe who were walking together seemed extremely excited.

Because, the reason why the leaders of the various tribes are willing to participate in the festival of the demon gods is that they dare not challenge the authority of the Demon Emperor's Palace.And the most important point is that the monster energy in the Blood Moon Peak is very strong and pure. Every time the monsters who participate in the festival will greedily absorb some points, if they are lucky, they may even break through their cultivation. Well, why not do it?

And at the top of the Blood Moon Peak, a huge palace crawled on the peak like a giant dragon, and could pick off the Blood Moon just by looking up.Standing alone in the sky, it seems to have a gloomy feeling.

Looking further, under the Blood Moon Peak, one can clearly see a vertical demon soldier.There are millions of people, wearing black iron armor and holding identical weapons, standing neatly like a solid barrier.The face is full of fierceness, guarding the order of the demon world.

"Is this the army of the demon world?" Ling Tianyu was horrified, and could sense the terrifying battle momentum from a long distance away.It is rumored that the army of the demon realm can defeat any legion of the dynasty.Only after seeing it for real can I realize that this statement is true.

"Chief, we are almost there!" A bull-headed elder behind him suddenly said.

"Well, let's go down." Ling Tianyu nodded slightly, and flew down towards the ground.

Because the Demon Emperor's Palace represents the authority of the entire demon world, when it is close to a certain range of the Blood Moon Peak, it cannot fly in the air, otherwise it will be the judgment of the Demon Emperor's Palace.

However, when Ling Tianyu and the others landed, there were all kinds of monsters gathered around them, all of them were half-human and half-beast, what kind of tiger clan, wolf clan, cat clan... ·It feels like a hodgepodge of animals.

Of course, Ling Tianyu also sensed an extremely unfriendly gaze, scanning towards him viciously, it seemed that there were endless troubles everywhere.

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