Yanwu God of War

Chapter 1486, Tune the tiger away from the mountain

The sea of ​​evil spirits permeates the hall of demons.All the demons prayed devoutly, absorbing the demon energy greedily, and enjoyed themselves.He didn't even realize that there was a terrible crisis lurking in all directions, eyeing it like a tiger.

"Hehe, the game is about to start, I think it will be very interesting." Ling Tianyu smiled strangely, secretly chanted the spell, and moved Bingdou.


The lentils hidden in the various tribes were instantly activated and exploded violently.

Boom!Boom! ~

All the demon tribes were startled, black shadows emerged from the ground one after another, turned into ferocious demon soldiers, regarded the demons as their deepest enemies, and killed them with great hunger and thirst.

It is conceivable that the strong men of all major tribes almost went to the Demon Emperor's Palace to participate in the grand festival of the Demon God, and the defense line was at its weakest.And it came so suddenly, coupled with the strength of these demon soldiers, how could they resist the attack of the demon soldiers.

what!what! ~

There were tragic cries from all the major tribes, crying for father and mother.


Tian Can and Di Que's faces were startled, their eyes widened, they were shocked and angry at the same time.Before he even had time to explain, he flashed and disappeared out of thin air.


The lion king's face was angry, his whole body was shocked, and he fled away.

The demons were still immersed in the baptism of the demonic energy, and they couldn't detect it. After all, the riots were far away from the Demon Emperor's Palace, and they couldn't be sensed if they didn't have a spiritual power.

"Hehe, everything is developing as expected, it's really beautiful!" Ling Tianyu smiled coldly, and at the speed of a powerhouse in the spiritual realm, he was able to escape hundreds of miles in an instant.

For these, Ling Tianyu has already calculated. The storage range of these soldiers is extremely large, and there are intermittent and regional changes in outbreaks, which takes a lot of time.If the heavens and the earth are missing, they will be aware of the movement of the Demon Emperor's Palace, and the round trip will take a lot of time. Ling Tianyu has already planned these in his mind.

Moreover, if they were too short to come back, it would mean that those tribes would have to be abandoned, so no matter how they were calculated, Ling Tianyu would have taken advantage of it completely.

How long has it been!

Ling Tianyu felt that many bingdou had been smashed, presumably because they were too short to take action.And Ling Tianyu is like a strategic strategist, secretly manipulating the riots of soldiers in various positions as he pleases.

Then, Ling Tianyu can use the destruction of Bingdou to roughly confirm the location of Tiancan and the others. The approximate distance and time are enough to buy dozens of breaths at the Demon Emperor's Palace.

In this short time, Ling Tianyu can do many things.


Ling Tianyu's face turned hard, and his eyes fixed on the Blood Eagle King.The Blood Eagle King was oppressed by the Lion King just now, and he was injured, so he was the most suitable primary target.

The most important thing is that these fools didn't know what happened, and absorbed the evil energy with all their attention.In addition, this is the most secure place in the Demon Emperor's Palace, so their line of defense is the weakest.

kill! ~

Airspeed Profound Truth, Ling Tianyu instantly approached the figure of the Blood Eagle King.

call out! ~

With the magic knife in his hand, the thunder rushed out, slashing fiercely at the Blood Eagle King.


The Blood Eagle King's face was stunned, and the sudden strong murderous intent woke him up, but as soon as he opened his eyes, a ferocious saber force came straight to his chest, and it was impossible to guard against.

What was even more shocking was that at that moment, the Blood Eagle King suddenly saw an extremely familiar face, which was the Bull King!

But he couldn't believe that the Bull King would be so bold as to sneak attack on him in this demon god festival. Isn't this just asking for death?But just when he thought it was a hallucination, there was a sudden sharp pain in his chest.

puff! ~

With one hit, the ferocious magic knife directly pierced the Blood Eagle King's chest.


Blood Eagle King's pupils shrank rapidly, his complexion was waxy, and he stared at Ling Tianyu in despair and fear.Trembling all over, the cracked lips wriggled in pain, full of anger and unwillingness.

"Hehe, it's easy to leave!" Ling Tianyu smiled coldly, and moved the magic knife in his hand fiercely, like a saw, tearing down cruelly, directly tearing the body of the Blood Eagle King in half, and then picked out a bloody knife. The baby demon baby is included in the spirit ring.

The warm blood unluckily spilled on Leopard Er who was the closest.


Leopard Two stared, terrified.

"Damn you too!" Ling Tianyu said coldly, backhanded a saber, and went with the trend, skimming a perfect arc in mid-air, and finally landed on Leopard II's neck.

Leopard Two couldn't react, he just felt a chill hit his neck.

puff! ~

Another spout of blood splashed out.

Leopard Two stared at his eyes full of horror and despair, and he suddenly felt that he could clearly see his entire body that was twitching in pain until he got farther and farther away.


A bloody leopard's head with bulging pupils, unrepentant, appeared coldly in front of everyone's eyes, strongly impacting the hearts and eyeballs of all the monsters present.

This one!

It woke up all the monsters and demon guards present, and they were surprised to see that Tian Can Di Que and the Lion King suddenly disappeared at some point, and what they saw now was the Bull King who suddenly went crazy, holding Possessed with the magic knife, he brutally and ruthlessly beheaded the Blood Eagle King and Leopard Two in one fell swoop.

This is really too shocking, too unexpected, and the monsters didn't expect it at all.


Everyone was dumbfounded in fright, dumbfounded, this bull king was really crazy and hopelessly insane.Even if they had grievances with the Blood Eagle King, they didn't openly kill people at this most sacred festival of demon gods.

"Cow... cow chief..."

The four elders of the Tauren tribe who accompanied them turned pale with fright. This move by the Bull King has seriously violated the authority of the Demon Emperor's Palace and tarnished the most sacred festival of demon gods. Needless to say, the Tauren tribe will also be expelled from the Demon Realm.


Dozens of demon guards from outside the square rushed over angrily.

Originally, all the monsters thought that the Bull King was only eager for revenge, so he made such a crazy move.But what shocked all the monsters next was that the crazy bull king was obviously planning to kill.

This world is really crazy!

"Giant Spirit God Possession!"

Ling Tianyu let out a deep roar, and his body instantly expanded, like a giant.With that huge body, coupled with Ling Tianyu's airspeed secret, every body movement can form a terrifying force.

boom! ~

With a sweep of the cross arm, several monster guards at the Dou Zhuan level were directly slapped away by Ling Tianyu.Then he raised his giant foot, and like a black cloud, he soared into the sky, and trampled down like a thunderbolt.


The Bear King exclaimed in horror, staggering and rolling towards the ground.

boom! ~

Mori Tian's giant foot stepped down violently, and dozens of monsters with poor cultivation were directly crushed into flesh by Ling Tianyu's foot. The scene was chaotic and tragic.

What's more tragic is that the four elders of the Tauren clan didn't even know anything about it, so they were regarded as being with the Bull King by the powerful monster clan around them. A dozen or so tribal leaders in a row angrily killed the four elders. Tauren elders.

what! ~

what! ~

what! ~

With a scream, the four elders of the Tauren tribe who had already been frightened to death were instantly torn to pieces by the angry tribal leaders around them, not to mention how wronged they died.

"Take down the Bull King!"

All the monsters were furious, and dozens of strong monsters rushed forward.

But when he was about to approach the bull king, he saw the bull king roaring furiously, and a terrifying energy was rapidly accumulating all over his body.The invisible huge pressure is like a huge sea, crushing all directions.

"My God!"

"The lunatic Niu Wang wants to blow himself up!"

"Quickly open!"


The complexions of all the monsters changed drastically. With the cultivation of the Bull King, the power of the self-detonation was infinitely close to that of a divine blow.Tragically, it was too late for them to realize now that they had escaped.

Boom! ~~

Huge energy, like a nuclear bomb, exploded with a bang.Even the space seemed unable to withstand this terrifying energy impact, layers twisted and ruptured, and the violent energy wave directly engulfed dozens of monsters nearby.

boom!boom! ~

A series of embarrassed figures flew upside down like stray bullets, and screamed in pieces. Dozens of monsters in a row were directly blown to pieces in the self-destruct of the Bull King.

The rocks were flying, and the terrifying waves swept across all directions, and the altar was directly smashed to pieces.Even the sacred beast statue was instantly torn apart by the bombardment.

"Master Demon God!"

The faces of all the monsters were astonished, full of ashes.

same time!

Outside the Blood Moon Peak, black shadows appeared out of nowhere, like devils who had suddenly burst out of hell, with ferocious expressions.There are more than 2000 magic soldiers, from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain, launched a crazy raid.

These are exactly the soldiers Ling Tianyu secretly left behind when he ascended the Blood Moon Peak, so they naturally played a role.

"Evil enemy!"

"There are enemies!"


The faces of the demon soldiers changed drastically, and some of them were brutally killed by those demon soldiers before they could react.

And the strength of these demon soldiers is almost as close to Ling Tianyu's cultivation base, coupled with the magic power injected in advance, so that these soldiers have transformed into fierce demon soldiers.

Not only that, these magic soldiers were also injected with the power of colorful poison.

The power of color poison, the poison of confusion, in this poison, will make people have illusions.So as long as the demon soldiers hit by those demon soldiers, they will be eroded by the power of the color poison immediately, confusing their minds.


It was unbelievable that those demon soldiers who had been poisoned by the color poison started to fight each other.The scene suddenly became extremely chaotic, just some lentils, I didn't expect it to cause such power and effect.

far away!

Just as they were about to exterminate the Bingdou demon soldiers, they suddenly sensed the movement coming from the Demon Emperor's Palace. At the same time, they were stunned, and angrily realized a very terrible problem.


Obviously this is a trick of the demons to divert the tiger away from the mountain, but they don't understand at all, how did these demon soldiers get in?


The angry Tiancan and the others, no longer caring about the life and death of these tribes, hurried to the Demon Emperor's Palace.

But as early as this time, after the bull king blew himself up, Ling Tianyu had already taken the opportunity to escape and cast the earth escape technique.Follow the originally confirmed entrance of the blood cave, and go straight down.

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