Yanwu God of War

Chapter 1499, Confused

Time goes by, the sun and the moon fly by!

In a trance, Ling Tianyu felt that his soul seemed to be wandering in the endless void.It cannot perceive everything, and there is no so-called concept of space and time.

Wandering endlessly, I don't know if it is the gate to heaven or the gate to hell?


In the dark void, a strange white light shines.

Although Ling Tianyu couldn't perceive everything, and couldn't perceive his own existence, he could feel the existence of that white light, and even felt a new life and hope from that white light.

Can't help!

Ling Tianyu struggled with all his strength, and kept getting closer to the white light.As he approached, white light flickered fiercely, and the bright light seemed to illuminate the whole world in an instant. Ling Tianyu felt that his consciousness was sucked in by some strange ability.


Ling Tianyu's consciousness began to recover, and he began to feel his soul and his body.Suddenly, I was pleasantly surprised that I was still alive.


Ling Tianyu immediately tried to sense his own body, to feel his own life essence, as if returning to his homeland, and he had never felt such a real feeling for the first time.


This is life, a life full of infinite longing!

Although Ling Tianyu didn't understand why he was still alive, but the feeling at this moment was extremely mysterious, as if he had obtained a wonderful new life, and he felt extremely comfortable all over.

Looking inside again, I was shocked and speechless.

I saw that within the flesh and blood, there was a piece of mysterious and strange golden light glaze, and Ling Tianyu could deeply feel how strong his muscles and bones are now.


Ling Tianyu's divine veins have transformed, strengthened to seventh-level divine veins, as tough as steel bars, and the flowing power essence is more pure and dense.What made Ling Tianyu even more ecstatic was that not only did he survive this catastrophe, but when he woke up, he somehow survived the transformation of the fighting bone, which meant that Ling Tianyu's cultivation had broken through.

That's right!

Ling Tianyu has obtained a brand new sublimation, fighting to the fourth level!

For outsiders, a staged breakthrough may not have a huge change, but for people, it is simply a qualitative leap forward.As soon as he moved casually, he could feel the powerful force flowing in his body. That kind of excitement made Ling Tianyu feel like roaring into the sky.

After the surprise, Ling Tianyu was very puzzled in his heart, but he remembered that before he fell into a coma, he unfortunately bumped into the Buddha.Then he was purified by the power of the Buddha, the pain at that time was still unforgettable, logically speaking, he should have been purified, but now Ling Tianyu is not only alive and intact, even the evil spirit in his body is still safe and sound keeping it.

Furthermore, Ling Tianyu sensed solemnly that the life marks of the little bears seemed to be completely cut off from him, and now he could not sense their existence at all.

There was really too much confusion in his heart, but Ling Tianyu didn't dare to wake up immediately. The only thing he could be sure of was that he could clearly feel the pure Buddha energy pervading around him, so he should still be in the Buddhist sect.Maybe it's a tragedy, and it's not certain that he was locked up somewhere by that perverted guy of the Buddha to study himself like a white mouse.

Therefore, Ling Tianyu didn't dare to use his divine sense, but narrowed his eyes slightly, secretly watching the movement around him.

Looking at it at a glance, it should be a fully enclosed cave, with strange characters carved on the cave wall.But when he saw these fonts, Ling Tianyu felt extremely surprised.


Although Ling Tianyu just glanced at it casually, in his previous life he had read a lot of poetry and books, and under the influence of his master, he also studied Buddhism a little bit.So the reason why Ling Tianyu was most surprised was that these Tibetan characters belonged to his previous life.

Could it be that something strange happened before he died?Traveled back to the original world again?

If this is the case, then Ling Tianyu really wants to cry without tears.Ever since he came to this different world, he had his own relatives and friends, and even a love that he never had in his previous life. It can be said that Ling Tianyu's heart has already merged with this different world. If he returns to the original world this time, for Ling Tianyu It would just be a pain.


Ling Tianyu stood up, no matter what the situation was, Ling Tianyu had to ask someone first.


Ling Tianyu was surprised to find that in this cave, there was a small figure with disheveled hair, like a stone statue, staring intently at the strange Sanskrit characters on the stone wall.

"Huh? Why is there a child?" Ling Tianyu was greatly surprised, and couldn't help pacing away.When he approached that figure and saw that face, Ling Tianyu was so frightened that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear.

What kind of child is this cheating father?Hehe is just an old man with a strange appearance. What's more speechless is that this old man is too unselfish. He is sloppy and has a stench that has accumulated over the years, which is simply insulting this holy place of Buddhism. .

But when he felt it carefully, Ling Tianyu was shocked that he couldn't see through the old man's cultivation level.Obviously there is only one possibility, how many times higher is this strange old man's cultivation than Ling Tianyu?

Ling Tianyu secretly rejoiced that the strange old man in front of him was definitely a good monk. Fortunately, he did not offend him lightly, otherwise he would not know how he died in the end.

Can't help!

Ling Tianyu calmed down a little, and saluted respectfully: "The younger generation pays homage to the old senior, what do you call the old senior?"

But the embarrassing thing is that this strange old man is like a stone statue, he doesn't hear the movement around him, he doesn't even move his eyeballs, but obsessively looks at the Sanskrit characters floating on the stone wall.

Ling Tianyu is not a Buddhist cultivator, so he can't comprehend the mysteries of Buddhism, but Ling Tianyu can clearly recognize the words on the stone wall, so he couldn't help but read: "Mahayana's boundless righteousness, the most wonderful Buddha, and the boundless mind."

The sound was not loud, but to that strange old man, it was like thunder, like five thunders crashing on the top, it hit his forehead fiercely, and his whole body trembled violently.


Zhan Tuo stood up, grabbed Ling Tianyu's arms, stared at Ling Tianyu with wide eyes, and shouted excitedly, "Boy! What did you just say!?"

"This...old man, aren't you a little too excited?" Ling Tianyu was stunned. Isn't it written in Tibetan? Could it be that this eminent monk still couldn't recognize it?

But answering like this seems to have angered Zhan Tuo, and roared like crazy: "Say! Tell me clearly! What did you just say!?

Ling Tianyu was terrified, and replied weakly: "Old...old senior, I just read it according to the Tibetan script on the stone wall... I really don't want to infringe on your Buddhist mantra... ··”

"What!? You said you recognized those ancient inscriptions on the stone wall?" Zhan Tuo was shocked.

"Of course I recognize it. Although the younger generation is not a Buddhist practitioner and cannot comprehend the mysteries of Buddhism, he is familiar with hundreds of books. He has studied all the ancient Sanskrit characters in the world."

"Can you really recognize it!?"

"The font is fairly clear and should be recognizable."

Ling Tianyu was stunned, did he meet a crazy monk?But in the Buddhist sects in this world, there are always some masters with eccentric personalities and incomprehensible behaviors.

Unexpectedly, after receiving Ling Tianyu's reconfirmation, Zhan Tuo jumped up and down like a doll in ecstasy.Like a monkey, it jumped up and down, and finally jumped in front of Ling Tianyu, locked Ling Tianyu like an octopus, and laughed excitedly: "Haha! It's great! It's really great! You kid can actually recognize these ancient characters! Hurry up! Hurry up! Keep reading!~"

Ling Tianyu felt inexplicable and extremely depressed, and said with an embarrassed smile: "Senior, please don't get excited. This junior understands this article. If the senior wants to know, the junior should tell you all about it. But the junior just woke up from a coma, and is very moved by the surrounding situation. Unfamiliar, I don’t even know what you call senior? Could you please explain to the junior one by one first?”

Hear it!

Only then did Zhan Tuo wake up, looking at Ling Tianyu with joy on his face, he laughed happily: "Haha! It turned out to be this little guy! The old man was really confused for a while! I didn't expect you, little guy, to wake up suddenly!"


Ling Tianyu was even more puzzled, and asked: "Dare to ask what is the name of the senior?"

"Senior and post-senior! This old man is named Zhan Tuo! As long as you want to call me whatever you want, as long as you don't call me senior, I don't like these compliments!" Zhan Tuo replied carelessly, It made Ling Tianyu feel good about him.

"Then I will call you Mr. Old." Ling Tianyu smiled, and asked again: "Forgive me, junior, dare to ask where this place is?"

"This is the Buddhist sect, the holy sect's secret place!" Zhan Tuo replied.

"Buddhist sect!?"

Ling Tianyu was stunned, but he was really dizzy, what is going on?He was obviously purified by the Buddha's power, but now not only is he living well, but his cultivation base has greatly increased, and he has even returned to the holy land of the Buddhist sect. Ling Tianyu can't figure it out even if he racks his brains.

But fortunately, he finally did not leave this world.

"Surprised, isn't it? Let alone outsiders, even members of the sect may not be qualified to enter this place." Zhan Tuo said proudly.

"Old man, please wait, I have to sort out my emotions, I think I may have accidentally lost some memories." Ling Tianyu's head was dizzy, completely confused.

"You have been sleeping for three full years, where did you get any memory!" Zhan Tuo said.

"What!? Three years!? You said that I have slept here for three years!? Mister, this... How is this possible! Are you always kidding me?" Ling Tianyu was dumbfounded, it just felt like he was asleep sleep?How come three years have passed inexplicably?

"Hmph! This place is not a place where outsiders can come in. You have been sleeping here for three years, and I have to take care of you every day. You are not grateful to the old man, but you keep questioning the old man!" Zhan Tuo said. said angrily.

"No, no, old man, you have misunderstood. It's just that the younger generation can't accept it for a while. I have to calm down first." Ling Tianyu said sweatingly. He really didn't understand whether it was the fast pace of the world or his own pace. slow?

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