Yanwu God of War

Chapter 1509 Why?

Mingyue Peak Bieyuan!

"Xiao Shuang, after three days, you will lead all your disciples down the mountain to eliminate the demon. And this trip must be extremely dangerous, after all, the demon is cunning, so you have to be careful." Xue Ruying asked with a serious face.

"Godmother, don't worry, I will take good care of myself and make sure that next time you see me alive and kicking!" Zishuang said coquettishly, digging Xue Ruying's hand.

"You girl likes to be talkative." Xue Ruying rolled her eyes, and asked again: "By the way, did you take the Tongyuan Pill that the elder gave you?"

"This elixir has miraculous effects, but if it is absorbed, at least it will take a few months to retreat. And after three days, I will go down the mountain. I don't have enough time to take it." Zishuang replied.

"Well, this pill was made by the Great Elder himself, and it is extremely precious. Even in the Immortal Palace, no one can get the reward from the Great Elder. It seems that the Great Elder appreciates you very much. In the future, you will be rewarded by the Elder in the Immortal Palace. You have to work harder." Xue Ruying said with a straight face.

"Of course, but Godmother, don't worry, Xiaoshuang will always be a disciple of Mingyue Peak, and will definitely come back to accompany Godmother in the future." Zishuang smiled, this smile is really beautiful.

"Well, it's good if you can think so, and it's not in vain that I love you for nothing." Xue Ruying glanced at her, and said again: "By the way, you don't take this Tongyuan Pill for now, Huaibi is guilty, Why don't you hand it over to the godmother for safekeeping, and I'll return it to you when you come back."

"That would be the best." Zishuang smiled all over her face, she had full trust in Xue Ruying, so she showed the medicine bottle and entrusted it to Xue Ruying's hands.

"Hehe, you girl, aren't you afraid that your godmother will swallow your Tongyuan pill?" Xue Ruying joked.

"First, with the godmother's cultivation base, this pill is not very effective for you; second, the godmother treats me like a child, if the godmother needs this Tongyuan pill, Xiaoshuang will give it to you." Zishuang laughed.

"You girl, you are so weird in front of the godmother." Xue Ruying lightly tapped the bridge of Zishuang's nose, put away the medicine bottle, and said with a smile: "Then this Tongyuan Pill The godmother will accept it first, and return it to you when you come back."

"Okay, the godmother is the best for me." Zishuang smiled.

"Don't get too excited, the godmother has something serious to ask you, I hope you can answer truthfully." Xue Ruying's face turned serious.

"What Godmother said, since I was a child, when did Xiao Shuang hide something from you?"

"Then the godmother will ask you, how did you compete with Shaoyang today?"

"Competition? It's just that the guy underestimated the enemy."

"underestimate the enemy?"

Xue Ruying frowned, and said with a displeased expression: "It's not that the godmother doubts your strength, but that the boy Shaoyang's strength is indeed impressive. With your current strength, even if he underestimates the enemy, it's not that bad." As for losing so easily, are you hiding something from me?"

"How dare you!"

Zishuang hurriedly said, the silver sword appeared in her hand, and she said in confusion: "Actually, I also feel that today's competition is a bit strange. When that guy came into contact with the Yinyao sword, he suddenly lost his mind. I can take this opportunity to fight back."

"Yin Yao Sword?"

Xue Ruying straightened her brows and said, "Let me see first."

"En." Zishuang handed the Ziyao Sword over.

Xue Ruying took the Yinyao sword, and stretched it out with a palm, transferring some kind of strange power, swimming back and forth in the Yinyao sword.And Ling Tianyu had immediately concealed the aura on his body, as long as he was not a strong person in the spiritual realm, he would definitely not perceive his existence.

for a long time!

Zishuang couldn't help asking: "Mother, what's the matter? Don't forget, this Yinyao sword was given by you, did you burn some powerful restrictions in it?"

"Hehe, there are restrictions, but they won't make a Dou Zhuanjing master lose his mind." Xue Ruying smiled casually.


Zishuang nodded slightly, hesitated for a while, bit her lips lightly and asked: "Mother, in fact, Xiaoshuang has always had a problem in her heart that is difficult to solve. You said that I grew up in Xianwu Mansion since I was young. But why I don’t know anything about my childhood memories. Besides, I heard what Peak Master Feng said today, I didn’t live in Xianwu Mansion since I was a child.”

"Yes, you didn't live in Xianwu Mansion since you were young, it's the godmother who kept something secret from you." Xue Ruying replied.

"Why?" Zishuang asked hurriedly.

"Alas~ You have grown up, so it's time to tell you something." Xue Ruying shook her head and sighed, "Ten years ago, I was traveling abroad, and I happened to be in a village where I was invaded by robbers. Those robbers I acted so viciously that hundreds of people in this village died tragically. It is a pity that I came one step too late and failed to save the tragedy of this village. It was also at that time, you and I were destined, and I happened to meet you when you were in a coma. I will wait for Mingyue Peak to heal your wounds. But when you woke up, you didn’t know that you lost your past memories. At that time, the godmother didn’t want you to recall those painful past events, so she found an excuse to lie to you, hoping Don't blame the godmother."

"No, no, the godmother is thinking of me. How could Xiaoshuang blame the godmother. It makes Xiaoshuang happy. It turns out that Xiaoshuang is not without father and mother. It's a pity that I don't even have the appearance of my biological parents now." No memory." Zishuang's face darkened.

"Okay Xiaoshuang, these painful pasts are in the past, and you can't change anything. Moreover, if your parents know about it, what you did today will definitely be gratifying for you." Xue Ruying comforted.

"Well, thank you godmother." Zishuang nodded lightly, gritted her teeth, and asked again: "But Xiaoshuang still has a doubt, that is, when the godmother rescued me, will the village lose any survivors?"

"Alas, there were hundreds of people in your village back then, and no one was spared except you." Xue Ruying sighed, "It's just that, why do you ask such a question all of a sudden?"

Zishuang frowned, and said: "To be honest, I happened to meet a man today. He seems to be very familiar with me and has a close relationship. Could it be that there were still survivors in the village back then?"

"Man?" Xue Ruying asked solemnly, "This place is Mingyue Peak, and you were in Luoyun Lake a few days ago, but you could have stepped half a step out of Mingyue Peak. How did you meet this man?" ?”


Zishuang hesitated for a while, and said: "To be honest, I met him in Luoyun Lake. But I thought it was a foreign enemy, so I wanted to take his life at that time. But that man's strength is extremely unusual. Let me take the shot, I'm doing my best, and I haven't been able to hurt him in the slightest."

Master! !

This was Xue Ruying's first reaction. Although Zishuang's strength was not so strong, with the Yinyao sword in hand, even a strong person in the Douhuang realm would not dare to let Zishuang attack arrogantly.

"Then where is he?" Xue Ruying couldn't help asking.

"Before I was thrown into the lake, after my several cold words, I must have left Luoyun Lake by now." Zishuang said: "But don't worry, if this person is malicious to me, I'm afraid Xiaoshuang I won’t talk to you here anymore. It’s just that I’m deeply curious. Seeing that man, he seems to have a deep affection for me. He must have had a close relationship with me in the past, so I can ask about my life experience.”

"Well, can you ask that person's name?" Xue Ruying asked again.

"I forgot how that person was called, but I just heard what that person said about a person named Uncle Lei who was like my father and daughter, but I had no impression." Zishuang replied.

"Okay, the godmother understands, but don't think too much about it, and prepare for the matter of going down the mountain. Regarding your life experience, the godmother will investigate clearly. As for the Yinyao sword, I will temporarily leave it to the godmother for safekeeping. Well, I'll give it to you after you go down the mountain." Xue Ruying said.

"Well, then Xiaoshuang will leave first." Zishuang saluted, and then left the other courtyard with a heavy heart.Originally, Ling Tianyu wanted to follow Zishuang after she left, but she felt that she had to stay.

After Zishuang left, Xue Ruying's eyes suddenly became sharp.


A powerful force of thought invaded the Yinyao sword.

"Divine will!?"

Ling Tianyu was greatly shocked, it turned out that this Xue Ruying had hidden such a profound cultivation, it was unbelievable that a little girl was actually a powerhouse in the psychic state.

Needless to say, Xue Ruying also sensed Duan'er from the Yinyao sword.

"Do you still want me to invite you out personally!" Xue Ruying said majesticly.


Ling Tianyu was shocked, he was discovered, and there was no need to continue hiding.Furthermore, Xue Ruying probably knew about Zishuang, so Ling Tianyu also meant to meet her.

Can't help!

As soon as the Yinyao sword moved, a ghostly figure flew out, changing from unreal to solid, and the handsome figure was so clearly displayed in Xue Ruying's eyes.

"Physical spirit!?"

Xue Ruying was greatly surprised. Although Ling Tianyu's divine essence incarnation was completely unclear, it was definitely made of a physical spirit, which is not common in Dongzhou.Even for Martial Ancestor, I am afraid that the physical soul he condensed is far from being as refined as Ling Tianyu.

for a long time!

Only then did Xue Ruying recover from her astonishment, staring at Ling Tianyu and said: "It's really a skill! I was able to integrate the soul body into the sword spirit, and even deceived the elders!"

"Senior is laughing at you." Ling Tianyu cupped his hands and saluted, and met Xue Ruying's gaze without any hesitation and said: "Please allow me to introduce myself first, my name is Ling, and my name is Tianyu!"

"Ling Tianyu!?"

Xue Ruying was astonished, but not particularly surprised, she smiled secretly: "Hehe, it really is you!"

Ling Tianyu was stunned for a moment, greatly surprised, and said: "Judging from the tone of the senior, it seems that he is no stranger to me."

"I am a stranger to you personally, but I have heard of your name for a long time." Xue Ruying said.


Ling Tianyu was shocked, what is the identity of this Xue Ruying?Why can you guess your identity?But she is still the peak master of Mingyue Peak in Xianwu Mansion, and she hides such a profound cultivation base from being discovered, which really confuses Ling Tianyu.

Involuntarily, Ling Tianyu said: "Senior doesn't know me before, but he can recognize my name in Xizhou. In this way, the answer that junior wants to know, presumably senior will tell me."

"I know what you want to ask, but regarding my identity, I don't need to answer you for the time being. As for Xiaoshuang, your fate in the last life is over, and what happens in this life depends on your luck." Xue Ruying said calmly Dao, but those deep eyes contained surprise and admiration for Ling Tianyu.

"Last life? This life? Please forgive the junior for being ignorant and not knowing what the senior wants?" Ling Tianyu was confused.

"Until the time is right, please forgive me for not being able to tell you. If one day you survive the divine calamity, someone will give you the answer." Xue Ruying looked mysterious, and said with a smile: "Hehe, but you can find it here , it can be considered that Xiaoshuang's fate with you in this life is not finished, as for the result, it depends on your luck, but I have to remind you that no matter what you do to her now, it will only be harmful and not beneficial!"


Ling Tianyu's eyes were red, and he couldn't control his emotions, so he said excitedly: "Senior, you know, when Xiaoshuang left me, I thought that we would be separated forever. But now, I was fortunate enough to see that Shuang'er is still alive. It was a happy thing, but she didn't recognize me, and I have a deep affection for her. Please understand my pain! Even if this junior asks you, I hope You can open your mouth well and clear up doubts for the younger generation!"

"I won't tell you!" Xue Ruying's expression darkened.

"Why!" Ling Tianyu emphasized his tone.

"No reason! Because you are far from being qualified to know the answer!" Xue Ruying said arrogantly.


Ling Tianyu was silent, thinking that back then, the mysterious strong man who took Zishuang away once left a sentence: You are not worthy!

But thinking about it now, it is still unforgettable!

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