Yanwu God of War

Chapter 1534, succeed


Yun Ruqiu came anxiously, the old and the young all had the surname of Yun, because Yunlong's name taboo was the surname given by Yun Ruqiu after he became his beloved disciple.One can imagine how much Yun Ruqiu valued this Yunlong.

But when Yun Ruqiu was about to walk over, Ling Tianyu smiled secretly, grabbed Yunlong with one hand, and ruthlessly pressed him to the ground, forcing Yunlong's eyes to burst into red.


Yun Ruqiu stopped in shock.

Those disciples outside the square were also extremely astonished.This scene is too weird, is it possible that this Shaoyang is crazy, dare to act presumptuously in the Immortal Emperor's Palace?

And those two guards were even more dumbfounded. If they knew that this would happen, they should have stopped Ling Tianyu outside the door.

"Go back to Grand Elder, the disciple has something to report!" Ling Tianyu cupped his hands.

Yun Ruqiu frowned, he was a scheming fox.Although I feel that "Shaoyang" in front of me is a bit weird, but I feel that "Shaoyang" is very clear-headed, and he will never do such a stupid thing casually in this Immortal Palace.And what he cares most about now is not this "Shaoyang", but his lover.

"Speak! This old man can give you a chance to explain. If you can't convince this old man, you will know the consequences!" Yun Ruqiu said with a sullen face, and Yunlong's face turned pale when he heard this.

Originally, Yunlong thought in his heart that as long as Ling Tianyu dared to be presumptuous to him, his respected teacher would immediately get rid of Ling Tianyu.Unexpectedly, Ling Tianyu was really too cunning, even if Yun Ruqiu wanted to protect Yunlong under the eyes of everyone, it would be impossible.Otherwise, let the disciples in the Immortal Emperor Palace know, and his strictness will be lost if the words spread out.

Ling Tianyu secretly breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, this was a very risky behavior, but it was a success.Then he restrained his breath tightly, and said: "Reporting to the great elder, what this disciple did was only because compared with Senior Brother Yunlong, his body is soft and his words are light, and he knows what he says, so it is difficult for the great elder to believe. In desperation , I can only do this bad thing, please forgive me!"

"Don't need to say too much, just explain to the old man why?" Yun Ruqiu's deep and sharp eyes locked on Ling Tianyu like a falcon.

He couldn't help but glanced at Yunlong again, but his heart was shocked when he saw it. He obviously couldn't feel the cultivation in Yunlong's body, which meant that he had become a useless person.


Ling Tianyu's face was gloomy, and he glanced at Yunlong coldly and said: "Senior brother Yunlong and I are from the same school, although they took care of me a lot on the surface in the past, but secretly bullied me everywhere, making me obey him. And a few days ago, before we went down the mountain to the border of the Zonglin Realm to slay the demons, Senior Brother Yunlong privately gave me a demon poison, asking me to find an opportunity while slaying the demons, forcing me to kill Junior Sister Rushuang! "

boom! ~

The audience was in an uproar, and Yun Ruqiu shuddered all over, as if he had been hit in the head suddenly.It was sad and disappointed to stare at Yunlong, but it was difficult to accept it for a while.

But Yunlong's eyes seemed to be bleeding, and he wanted to refute, but he couldn't speak.But coupled with Yunlong's guilty conscience, he didn't dare to look at Yun Ruqiu directly, which undoubtedly convinced Yun Ruqiu a little more.

Ling Tianyu knew that these few words were just an appetizer, and it would be so easy for Yun Ruqiu to completely believe him, so he continued: "Grand Elder, the disciple's affection for Junior Sister Rushuang must be well known, even if Junior Sister Rushuang that day For humiliating me, even though there was some resentment in my heart for a while. So when Senior Brother Yunlong gave me this poison, I was also confused for a while, so that I almost poisoned Junior Sister Rushuang."

After a pause, Ling Tianyu said again: "Fortunately, when I was in danger, Junior Sister Rushuang gave me good words to persuade me, which made me change my way, and now the relationship between the two of us can be reversed. But I know, if I can't go back and treat him If I return to my life, with Senior Brother Yunlong's identity and status in Xianwu Mansion, I will definitely die in the future. The disciple thought hard for a long time before he committed this act, so he turned this poison on him, and asked him to return it to him. The grand elder forgives the unwise move of the disciple!"

This one!

Everyone was startled again, especially the two guards, whose shocked mouths could barely close their mouths. It turned out that the demonic poison in Yunlong's body was caused by this "Shao Yang".

Yun Ruqiu originally had selfish intentions, but in front of so many disciples, if Yun Ruqiu continued to protect her, it would only chill people's hearts.What's more, Yunlong has been abolished and irreparable, but this "Shao Yang" is also someone he values, and he really dare not do anything to this "Shao Yang", this is a very realistic problem.

But after all, Yunlong is the person he cultivated, and his discipline is not strict, but it is also embarrassing, so Yun Ruqiu had to cross-examine him, and said emphatically: "If everything you said is true, but Yunlong and Ru There is no communication between Shuang at all, how could this unprovoked attack on a female disciple of the same sect?"

Everyone was also full of doubts. They only knew that Yunlong was obsessed with martial arts, he only wanted to improve his realm, and he had no interest in women. How could he attack a female disciple of the same school?

"It's for the Tongyuan Pill bestowed by the great elder!" Ling Tianyu replied.

"Tong Yuan Pill!"

Yun Ruqiu was stunned, and everyone was extremely surprised.


Ling Tianyu said with a straight face: "Senior Brother Yunlong's realm has been stagnant for a hundred years. He thought that this Tongyuan Pill would have a chance to help him break through his cultivation, but he didn't dare to ask you for it, so he could only do something wrong."

"Tong Yuan Pill! I didn't expect Senior Brother Yunlong to kill Junior Sister Rushuang because of Tong Yuan Pill!"

"Yeah! It's really despicable! Thanks to him having the courage to do it, I really overestimated him in the past."

"Hehe, I really admire Junior Brother Shaoyang's integrity. If it were me, I wouldn't have the guts."


Everyone was chatting in low voices, although the voice was low, but Yunlong heard it very ear-piercingly.

If Yunlong could speak, he would definitely bite Ling Tianyu back at this time, but from the beginning to the end, let alone opening his mouth, he was not capable of farting.Just let Ling Tianyu say it logically, even if he can speak now, he doesn't know how to refute.

The more fearless Ling Tianyu behaved now, the higher his credibility.After all, the relationship between "Shaoyang" and Rushuang has warmed up, and there is a lot of trouble in Xianwu Mansion.

This time!

The corners of Yun Ruqiu's mouth twitched, she was extremely disappointed, stared at Yunlong with hatred, opened her mouth, and asked tremblingly after holding back for a long time: "Why? Why did you become so depraved because of a small Tongyuan Pill? Make the teacher so disappointed and sad?"

Yunlong's complexion was pale, and he couldn't argue, so powerless.

When Yun Ruqiu saw it, she became even angrier, and snorted coldly: "If your Tongyuan Pill is really suitable for you, the teacher will naturally refine one for you. But you know why the teacher didn't do this, then It’s because the teacher knows that your mood is unstable, and if you take the pill forcibly, even if it may make you break through your cultivation, it will only be counterproductive in the end. It will even make your realm stagnate forever, and you will be insulated from the divine realm for life!”

Hear it!

Yunlong's complexion twitched, and he was extremely regretful.

Yunlong waved his long sleeves fiercely, and said angrily: "But Shi Wan never expected that you would find another shortcut, with vicious intentions, to oppress your fellow disciples, and intend to kill the weak girl. You have completely violated the immortal The morality of the Wufu, the friendship between you and me as a teacher and student, will end here, and you have committed a serious crime, which will never be forgiven!"

This one!

Like a bolt from the blue, Yunlong's mind went blank.

Ling Tianyu secretly smiled, pressed Yunlong fiercely with one hand, and said: "Grand Elder, Senior Brother Yunlong has acted despicably and bullied his fellow disciples. Forgive me for daring, such a serious crime will be thrown into the abyss of all evils, and the sins will be washed away for this!"

The abyss of evil!

This is under the Immortal Emperor's Palace. It is said that the abyss is endless and bottomless, even the Martial Ancestor can't explore its depth.For this reason, this abyss is also called "the abyss of all evil", and it is dedicated to severely punishing those who commit serious crimes.

When Yunlong heard this evil abyss, the anger in his heart was burning, and he yelled at Ling Tianyu: "You bastard! Labor and capital are fighting with you!"

Originally, these words were thought in his heart, but unexpectedly, this time, he said them directly from his mouth.In the astonishment, it was obvious that there was a sinister smile of triumph on the corner of Ling Tianyu's gloomy mouth.

Blow up!

Yunlong was shocked, and his two eyeballs protruded desperately.

Boom! ~

With a loud noise, a powerful energy exploded from Yunlong's body.


Yun Ruqiu exclaimed, hastily released her divine power, and covered her up.

Unfortunately, Yun Ruqiu was still slow, "Shaoyang" was swept in by the huge explosion.Hearing a scream, Yunlong and this "Shaoyang" were directly blown to pieces.

Yun Ruqiu was extremely angry, what cultivation level was he?When he was approaching the realm of perfection, even if a hundred experts in the Douzhuan realm blew themselves up in front of him, he would be able to react immediately and forcefully stop them immediately.

Therefore, there is only one possibility, Yunlong did not blew himself up voluntarily at all, but was controlled by external forces.

Think of this!

Yun Ruqiu immediately released his divine thoughts, sweeping across the entire Xianwu Mansion in an instant.Little did they know, Ling Tianyu had already transferred the prepared Explosive Babies here with the help of a space transfer formation.

So, at the moment of self-explosion, it was also the time for Ling Tianyu to escape.

Right after Ling Tianyu escaped, Yun Ruqiu also realized immediately that this "Shaoyang" was definitely not her own will, but was controlled by others.But to hide so wonderfully under his own eyes, and to force Yunlong to blow himself up, kill two birds with one stone, and kill two disciples one after another, his method can be described as brilliant.

"Who the hell? There is such a skill!"

Yun Ruqiu's face was solemn, and he was able to pluck hairs in front of a tiger. This person's cultivation level was definitely not inferior to his own, and his opponent's ability was even more unbelievable.

Can't help!

To his surprise, there was a strange little stone on the ground.

Obviously, from his vision, he can know that this is a memory stone that can record images.


Yun Ruqiu waved his hand and swept it into the memory stone, his old face was shaken suddenly, and he said sadly: "So it's all true..."

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