Yanwu God of War

Chapter 1541, Ghost City

Ghost Fengcheng!

It is located at the border of the Zonglin Realm, facing the Demon Swamp to the south, and extending further is the territory of the Holy Heaven Dynasty.

So, here is the most chaotic place.


In Guifeng City, there are millions of powerful soldiers guarding the city.

Heigui and Baiming jointly rule Guifeng City, because their abilities and strengths are appreciated by Shura Palace. Since the pair of devil brothers came to power, no one has been able to shake their status for hundreds of years.

But in the hundreds of miles of Guifeng City, there are many forces, and the black ghosts have always wanted to firmly control the forces outside Guifeng City.In fact, it is just like consolidating the regime. If there is a large-scale invasion by the people, these forces outside the city will immediately be used as cannon fodder.

Ghost Fengcheng!

The City Lord's Mansion, in the cold and slightly dark lobby.

Two dignified positions, two black shadows sit majestically.

One of them had a black face, like charred charcoal, with wide eyebrows and big eyes.Hiding in the dark, I'm afraid he can't even see his face clearly. This person is the nigger, the eldest brother.

And the one beside him, like a ghost, was wearing a clean white long suit.His complexion was dry and pale, and he looked sickly, but his eyes were indeed sharp and vicious.This person is Bai Ming, the twin brother of the black ghost.

"This Meng Yunzhai is really brave. Leaving aside the last time we disobeyed the orders of the two of us and ran away, we have sent out the third invitation letter, and we haven't even received a response so far. I really want to suppress them immediately. !” The nigga snorted coldly, his face full of anger.

"Hehe, brother, be safe and don't be impatient. I don't think Meng Yunzhai will dare to refuse our invitation, but they are worried that there will be no return this time." Bai Ming laughed, and the way he laughed, It was miserable, almost like a living dead.

"Hmph! Do you doubt our sincerity? If we want to deal with them, do we need to go to such trouble to invite them over? I think they are just too arrogant!" The black man snorted coldly, his fiery temper just matched Bai's Quite the contrary.

"Brother, don't worry. This third invitation letter is already an ultimatum to them. They have no choice. They will definitely come here tonight. It's just that they have violated our orders several times, so we really have to give them a blow. When I arrive in Guifeng City, I don’t know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth!” Bai Ming sneered, his eyes sharp.

"Hmph! I don't know. Wouldn't it be better to conquer Moyun Village and Guifeng Village directly, but why did you choose Mengyun Village?" The black ghost was sullen.

Bai Ming's eyes were dim, and he said: "Brother, Poison Eye Dragon and Gui Sha are not easy to control. Even if their people are assigned to our Guifeng City in the future, they will not be so safe. And this Meng Yunzhai was not well-known in the past, but it has developed into a force that cannot be underestimated in just a few years, which is enough to prove their potential and is worthy of our reuse!"

After a pause, Bai Ming said again: "Furthermore, this Meng Yunzhai has very little foreign communication, and has always been isolated among the forces outside the city. I think they also want to be safe. So I would rather I feel that if we can firmly control Meng Yunzhai and let them serve us faithfully, it will be more beneficial than subduing Moyunzhai and Guifengzhai!"

"Second brother, I understand what you said, but if they really want to find a point of stability and a backer, they would have been willing to surrender to our Guifeng City when they were oppressed by Moyunzhai. So I think you really underestimated them, I think they are a group of guys who don't know their heights!" The black man said angrily.

"It's different now. Moyunzhai and the others restrained them before, so they wouldn't give in easily. But now, Moyunzhai and Guifengcheng have both fallen. They have only one choice now, and that is to obey!" Bai Ming's eyes widened, and he said again: "According to calculations, they should be here soon, and although the guests outside are not important, if we don't show up for a long time, lest people gossip about our lack of hospitality .”


The black ghost nodded slightly. Apart from inviting Meng Yunzhai this time, the leaders of more than a dozen demonic villages outside the city all came.

Of course, apart from Meng Yunzhai, the power of these small demon villages is naturally not as good as the black ghosts and their eyes. They just want to make this feast reasonable, and we can't just invite people from Meng Yunzhai for no reason. Bar?



Outside Guifeng City!

In the dark night, several figures flashed over.

Headed by Wang Xiao, there are four people in total, and Ling Tianyu has never appeared before, so it is not suitable to show his sharp feet before entering the city.So Ling Tianyu's current status is just an escort.

It can be seen from a distance, a huge city like a giant dragon, entrenched in the earth like a giant.There are dozens of sentry towers with copper walls and iron walls, all of which are garrisoned by strong soldiers.

In addition, there is an army in Guifeng City called the Devil Army.Every demon in this devil army is extremely ferocious, has killed countless people, and is full of hostility.

Stay close to Guifeng City!

Ling Tianyu secretly released the power of divine sense, wanting to find out the details of Guifeng City first.

But this exploration surprised Ling Tianyu.

It must not be admitted that the power of Guifeng City is really strong, far exceeding the power of any city and legion in the Shengtian Dynasty.There are so many masters in the city, there are nearly a thousand experts in the Demon Immortal Realm, and there are many experts in the Fighting Zhuan Realm.

In addition, there are many forces in this huge city.On the whole, the power of Guifeng City is really terrifying, but it is also normal.After all, it is located in an embarrassing border area, and it really needs heavy guards.

Involuntarily, Ling Tianyu couldn't help asking: "Brother Wang, Guifeng City has such a mighty army, not to mention dealing with you Mengyun Village, even Moyun Village is easy to deal with, why are you so comfortable?"

"Hehe, although the forces in the Demon State are chaotic and complicated, the forces in each Demon City are subject to the control of the Shura Palace! Even the Lord of a city has very limited power, and only when encountering foreign invasions or dealing with them. Only then can he issue orders directly. The city lord has no right to interfere with the forces outside the city." Wang Xiao laughed.

"Although there is no right to interfere, it is still possible to issue orders to us under special circumstances. For example, the last time we dealt with the Wanlingzong, it was the order of the black ghosts. But at that time we did not mobilize a single soldier, even more Fleeing, according to the rules of the Mozhou, they have the right to judge us Meng Yunzhai now. If there is no big brother Tianyu, how come we have to be wronged this time." Xiao Song said.

"Did they never think of recruiting you before?" Ling Tianyu asked.

"Of course, it's just that we are not happy. If the niggers want to force it, we are not a soft persimmon. This is not beneficial to both parties. Moreover, Moyunzhai and Guifengzhai also want to annex us Meng Yunzhai, if the black ghosts want to forcibly deal with us, the old poisons are so afraid that they will immediately rush to the Shura Palace to report." Wang Xiao said.

"So you just keep the status quo?" Ling Tianyu asked.

"We don't want to join any party, that's all we can do." Wang Xiao sighed.

"En..." Ling Tianyu nodded slightly. If it were him, he would never let Meng Yunzhai be in such a passive situation.Even these three parties wanted to annex Meng Yunzhai. In fact, many contradictions can be put to good use.

Immediately, Ling Tianyu asked again: "Then what did they say about this feast?"

"It is said that they want to discuss some important matters together, and they also invited the leaders of other demon villages." Wang Xiao said with a sneer, "Hehe, and the niggers have great ambitions, and they don't want to be subject to the control of Shura Palace all the time. Since they Since he took office, he has been expanding the power of his loyal troops.”

"That is to say, the black ghosts also control a loyal force?" Ling Tianyu said.

"Not bad!"

Wang Xiao said solemnly: "So I think that even if you can successfully challenge the niggers and them this time and win the city lord position, I'm afraid there will be many loyal forces controlled by the niggers and them that will cause some trouble. If there is a riot in Guifeng City, the Asura Hall will directly intervene, and I am afraid that the Asura Hall will find you at that time, after all, the niggers are too famous."

"To be precise, the Asura Hall will be more interested in me." Ling Tianyu smiled secretly, and said: "But first solve the troubles in front of us. After all, according to what you said, these two guys are not easy to deal with."

"Well, let's go down. Except for the people in the Asura Hall, or if there are no special circumstances, it is forbidden to step into the city's empty domain." Wang Xiao said solemnly.


The four of them flew down and walked casually in the direction of the city gate.

And this Guifeng city is very lively tonight. Although there are few people coming and going, the bubbling voices in the city can be heard clearly.But the guard is still the same as usual, extremely strict.

city ​​walls, sentry towers, city gates...

Fierce demon soldiers in black iron armor guarded them like steel fortresses, motionless like a mountain.Pairs of sharp eyes, always grasping every move around.

"Who is coming!"

With a yell, the chief of the city guard, with a stern and selfless look, blocked Ling Tianyu's path in a gloomy manner.

"I am Wang Xiao, the chief of Mengyun Village. This is an invitation letter from the two city masters." Wang Xiao looked cold and handed over the invitation letter with one hand.


The city guard took it with one hand, glanced at it casually, then looked Wang Xiao and the others up and down, and said sarcastically: "The city lord has indeed invited some of your local bandits, but the city lord has ordered you to come over. All bandits participating in the feast must kneel in front of the city statue to show their respect to the two city lords."

Obviously, this was a blow to Wang Xiao and the others.

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