Yanwu God of War

Chapter 1573, the Buddha shot

call out!call out! ~

The streaks of blood light were like sharp stings of poisonous bees, piercing Ling Tianyu's Ghost Shadow Martial Soul viciously, the vicious evil force corroded Ling Tianyu's soul and will angrily and cruelly.


Ling Tianyu couldn't help crying, the pain was unbearable.Originally, he planned to use the power of the curse, but now he was imprisoned by this vast and boundless evil force, and almost all the abilities of the Ghost Shadow Martial Soul were imprisoned.

"Jie Jie, I really underestimated you at the beginning, so I fell in love with you. But it is different now, this time you can no longer escape!" The Blood God laughed fiercely, and the mighty evil force continued to attack With Ling Tianyu.

The Blood God thought to himself, as long as Ling Tianyu's soul will be destroyed, Ling Tianyu's body can be taken away.At that time, he will be able to find the perfect host in this mortal world, which will be more conducive to his great cause of domination.

Ling Tianyu didn't give up, and tried his best to drive the evil power of the Ghost Shadow Martial Soul, intending to launch a counterattack.Moreover, it was not a stupid act for Ling Tianyu to take risks alone, but the Buddha had left the Buddha's Light Talisman in Ling Tianyu's body, and now he is waiting for the Buddha to take action.

The sad thing is that Ling Tianyu almost felt that he couldn't hold on any longer, and the Buddha showed no sign of making a move.If it goes on like this, I'm afraid it's really tragic and wronged to death.

Boom! ~

The evil force bombarded violently, crazily destroying Ling Tianyu's Ghost Shadow Martial Soul.

Ling Tianyu felt like a flat boat, floating in the endless sea of ​​**, looking so helpless.The ferocious evil power grew stronger and stronger, almost tearing Ling Tianyu's Ghost Shadow Martial Soul apart.


Ling Tianyu's body was spitting blood, and his complexion was pale.Between the soul and the body, it is in a state of semi-detachment, and the life essence is faintly showing signs of passing.

"Young friend Yu!?"

The Human Sovereign's majesty changed, and he clearly felt that Ling Tianyu's aura was constantly weakening, and his soul wandered erratically, breaking out of his body at any time.To put it bluntly, Ling Tianyu is now half dead.

"His Majesty!"

A phantom appeared solidly, it was Chang Wuying, the Great Protector of the Country.Sensing the evil spirit emanating from here, fearing that there will be a change, he rushed here immediately.When seeing Ling Tianyu, he was very surprised: "Yufeng!?"

"National teacher! You came at the right time, do you have a good plan to help Xiaoyou Yu?" Human Sovereign asked hurriedly.

Chang Wuying stared at Ling Tianyu, and shook his head weakly: "Your Majesty, Yufeng's soul is gone now, and he is full of evil spirits. I don't know what kind of strange magic he is using, and I am helpless."


Human Sovereign sighed bitterly, and said guiltily: "It's all because of my selfishness, that Xiaoyou Yu was involved in the danger, and I couldn't extricate myself. If Xiaoyou Yu really had an accident, I really feel uneasy."

"Your Majesty don't need to worry. Yu Feng possesses extraordinary powers, which are very rare. I think he will be able to avert danger together with the princess." Chang Wuying comforted him. It is difficult to help the Emperor, and I feel ashamed.It was at this moment that Chang Wuying admired Ling Tianyu from the bottom of his heart.

Ling Tianyu at this moment!

The soul was involved, and the soul sea exploded, forming a terrifying soul storm.Strains of powerful and terrifying evil will, surpassing all abilities, destroyed Ling Tianyu's soul and will like destruction.

If it weren't for Ling Tianyu's special ghost shadow martial soul and the limitations of the blood god in the mortal world, Ling Tianyu would have been wiped out long ago, and it is already very good to be able to persist until now.

"Haha! Are you still dying!" The blood god laughed loudly and continued to stimulate Ling Tianyu: "It's useless! No matter how hard you struggle, you still can't get rid of the evil power of this deity. Why don't you give up? You are happy, so that you will not be tortured in pain!"

"You...you fart!"

Ling Tianyu gritted his teeth and cursed, he was stubborn, and constantly inspired his unyielding Xuanwu will.He tried his best to guard his last lifeline, tenaciously resisting the erosion of evil forces.

"I don't know how to live or die!" The blood god said coldly, the blood-colored light filled with terrifying evil power penetrated Ling Tianyu's ghost shadow martial soul densely, and the terrifying evil power directly penetrated into the depths of the ghost shadow martial soul. The high intensity corroded Ling Tianyu's soul and will.


Ling Tianyu howled in pain, and the Ghost Shadow Martial Soul twisted and swayed sharply, even cracking.If this continues, Ling Tianyu's Ghost Shadow Martial Soul will definitely be torn to pieces by this evil force.

"If I had known this before, why bother! You believed in this deity as the master, and you will become the overlord of Dongzhou in the future. Why don't you know that today, you will end up in a daze!" Blood God Sen said coldly.

boom! ~

With a loud noise, a blood sword suddenly condensed out of the blood cell.

The sharpness of the sword is intimidating, all the evil power is concentrated in one point, fierce and domineering, invincible.A mere soul will be dissipated immediately.

call out! ~

The ferocious blood sword tore through everything, and came straight to Ling Tianyu.

Before the sword arrived, the opportunity to seize the sword was about to pierce Ling Tianyu's heart and soul.

Ling Tianyu stared, desperate as death, and screamed: "Buddha, you really want to trick me like this!"


That bloody sword light was about to tear Ling Tianyu's Ghost Shadow Martial Soul apart.


In the depths of the Ghost Shadow Martial Soul, a strange golden light talisman burst out like a laser the moment the sword edge touched the Ghost Shadow Martial Soul.

The sacred Buddha's light, carrying the supreme righteousness, formed a strong shield like a strong shield, which forcibly blocked the attack of the bloody sword light.

The sound of the Sanskrit is full, the light of the Buddha shines everywhere, and the vast sacred light of the Buddha, like spring rain, nourishes Ling Tianyu's Ghost Shadow Martial Soul and washes away the sins Ling Tianyu has suffered.For the eroded evil spirits, the Buddha's light has become their deadly nemesis. The Buddha's light is full and vast like the sea, purifying the eroded evil spirits in Ling Tianyu's body in one fell swoop.


The Blood God was terrified, and even felt fear.Obviously this blood god is not omnipotent, and the Buddha's light seems to be very powerful against him.It's just that the Blood God never expected that there was such a powerful Buddha's light hidden deep in Ling Tianyu's soul.

Not bad!

It was the Buddha Light Talisman, but it was set by the Buddha himself, containing the powerful Buddha power of the Buddha Sect, just to wait for an opportunity to deal with this evil person from outside the territory.


A majestic voice resounded: "Almsgiver, you are an outsider, why do you interfere in the grievances and grievances of the world like this. Dust to dust, why don't you let go of your sins, where did you come from, where do you go, Anito Buddha..."

With the Buddha's ability to approach the real Buddha realm, coupled with the Buddha's power that seems to restrain evil forces, it is indeed not difficult to deal with the blood god with the Buddha's ability.

The blood god's expression changed in shock, but how could the prey in his hand be willing to let it go, and angrily cursed: "You Buddhists, you are pure-hearted and ascetic, so you shouldn't interfere in the worldly struggle!"

"But the benefactor is definitely not a man of the world." The Buddha sighed and said: "Forget it, the sin of using spells is serious, and he has fallen into a sea of ​​suffering. The poor monk's cultivation is still shallow, but if he can make the benefactor good, it must be a supreme merit. "

According to Ling Tianyu, the Buddha had no intention of letting the blood god go.

boom! ~

Guided by the Buddha's light talisman, the Buddha cast spells thousands of miles away.

Along with the bursts of Buddha's voice singing, a towering Buddha's light, like a raging wave, rolled over, surging in all directions, and the bloody sword light shattered in an instant.The sacred and powerful Buddha's light exploded across the blood-colored space, and waves of terrifying Buddha power, like huge mountains crushed down at the same time, enveloped the entire blood-colored space.

The blood god's soul was imprisoned here, surrounded by Buddha light, eroded from it, extremely uncomfortable, and threatened fiercely: "Buddhist bald donkey! With your ability, you dare to shake this deity! If you don't stop, he will kill you!" If you can come to the Xuantian Realm, you will have no bones left in your Buddhist sect!"

"Screw your shit!"

Ling Tianyu yelled violently, and the Ghost Shadow Martial Soul rose powerfully, bursting out with soaring evil aura.Under the protection of the Buddha's light, he rushed straight to that strange blood-colored pupil. How could Ling Tianyu miss such a good opportunity to absorb the blood god's evil power.

The blood god originally wanted to resist, but under the pressure of the Buddha's power, it was difficult to drive his own evil power.Moreover, in this secular world, the restrictions are extremely great, and the blood god is far from being able to exert its true power.

Boom! ~

The ferocious Ghost Shadow Martial Soul seemed to open its ferocious mouth, swallowing the blood pupils.


The blood god howled miserably and cursed furiously: "Buddhist bald donkey, this son is the son of an evil devil, the most evil to the most evil. You Buddhists take the way of eliminating demons and killing evil, but now you are helping the evil son, it is simply humiliating!" Buddhist morality, with your heart and nature, you will never be able to become a true Buddha!"

"All beings are all equal, and all things are equal. Those who have a righteous heart must do right. Those who have an evil heart must do evil. Although our Buddhist school eliminates demons and punishes evil, we also distinguish between good and evil." The Buddha said lightly.

In the golden clear sea, there is an invisible giant palm, the light of Buddha is shining.In the center of the giant palm, a huge "Swastika" light symbol suddenly appeared, and with a fierce palm strike, the Buddha's light exploded.

boom! ~

The blood prison space, like glass shattered, cracked layer by layer.The evil power existing inside was defeated by the powerful Buddha's light, dispersed, and then purified by the Buddha's light one by one.


The blood god screamed again and again, and the evil power frantically passed away.

Ling Tianyu's face was ferocious, and he had to take advantage of it. The Ghost Shadow Martial Soul became extremely ferocious again, and it was not eroded by the Buddha's light.Crazy devouring the evil power manipulated by the blood god, constantly growing himself.


The blood god's evil power was constantly passing away, and then all of it was transferred to Ling Tianyu's Ghost Shadow Martial Soul.

"Despicable! You two despicable things! You have conspired against me!" The blood god was furious, but under the confinement of the vast Buddha power, the blood god could not stop the evil power from passing.

"Stealing chickens is not enough to lose rice, this is what you deserve!" Ling Tianyu sneered, showing a ruthless face, fiercely devouring and absorbing the blood god's evil power.Unexpectedly, this evil force was so powerful, Ling Tianyu felt that his Ghost Shadow Martial Soul was about to evolve again.

"Don't think about it!"

The blood god roared, and the blood god used some means to forcefully tear open a gap in the broken blood prison space, turning it into an evil force, breaking through the obstacles of the Buddha's light, and forcibly piercing through it, and then the angry wolf of the blood god came. Roar: "You two bastards! This deity will settle this account with you!"

"Don't try to escape!"

Ling Tianyu was furious, and the Ghost Shadow Martial Soul was about to follow in.

Suddenly, a burst of Buddha's light shrouded Ling Tianyu's ghostly martial soul, making him unable to move, and then the Buddha sighed softly: "Forget it, this evil has the ability to break through the sky, and we cannot stop it."

"It's hard to seize this opportunity, and let him run away just like that!" Ling Tianyu was indignant.

"Hehe, he is nothing more than a ghost when he descended into the mortal world. This time he was hit by my Buddha's curse, and his vitality will definitely be greatly damaged. In the short term, it will not be a problem, but this female benefactor is still in danger. I will help you first. Get rid of the miasma in her body," said the Buddha.

Can't help!

The Buddha's light like rain and dew filled the air, washing Nan Ling'er's body.Under the baptism of the Buddha's light, the breath that was about to dry up seemed to be reborn, and its vitality gradually flourished.

outside world!

Originally the Emperor with a dull face, he suddenly saw a golden light shining on Nan Linger's body.A peaceful atmosphere, gentle and pervasive.The originally restless heart seemed to have heard the gentle voice of the Buddha.

Immediately calm as water, comfortable and seductive.

The great protector of the country often saw it without a shadow, and was horrified: "Buddha's light!!!"


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