Yanwu God of War

Chapter 167, The General's Son

The story of the little princess waking up spread throughout the Sand Clan.

What is even more shocking is that the person who rescued the little princess was actually a human being.

The Sha Clan originally hated humans extremely, but now that they are human beings who rescue the little princess, they inevitably find it a bit ridiculous.

Since the decline of the Sand Clan, the Queen's whereabouts have been unknown, and the little princess's recovery at this moment has undoubtedly given the entire Sand Clan a reborn belief. There is no doubt that the little princess will be the next queen's choice.

Among the Sand Clan, the Empress is the symbol of the strongest position and strength. [

It can even be said that in the Sand Clan, the Queen exists like a god, giving people lofty beliefs.

It is conceivable that the matter of Ling Tianyu rescuing the little princess made the Sha clan bear a great kindness towards Ling Tianyu.

Now in the Sand Clan, Ling Tianyu and the others enjoy the awe of the gods, that is, the poisonous spirit, who can even do anything to the queen and the medicine demon, was subdued by a human. Now the entire Sand Clan has an unusual respect for Ling Tianyu and the others. No longer look at each other coldly.

Because the Sha Clan owed Ling Tianyu and the others to compensation, Yao Demon personally guided Yu He Yuntao and their cultivation in person. With the guidance of Yao Demon, a top-level powerhouse, it is normal for them to improve their cultivation base. up.

But Ling Tianyu could only help Xiaomeng by his side. After all, she had just woken up. Xiaomeng had forgotten everything about the past. Xiaomeng herself was basically a symbol of possessing human beings, so Xiaomeng couldn't accept the Sand Clan for a while. , and Xiaomeng has an extremely strong dependence on Ling Tianyu.

After a few days, Ling Tianyu was trying his best to persuade Xiaomeng. If he had been entangled like this, Ling Tianyu would also feel quite a headache, and couldn't do many things he wanted to do.

Finally, after several days of hard work, Ling Tianyu finally achieved certain results, Xiaomeng no longer clings to Ling Tianyu tightly, but Xiaomeng still clings to Ling Tianyu all the time.

Therefore, it can be seen that Ling Tianyu walks in the Tsar City holding Xiaomeng's little hand all day long.

In Tsarist City, although it is isolated from the outside world, it is very lively and harmonious. The people living in Tsar live harmoniously here without any disturbance from external factors.

At this moment, Ling Tianyu dragged Xiaomeng into the streets.

The sand people around looked at Ling Tianyu and the others with respect and curiosity, and all gave friendly and respectful smiles.

Xiaomeng hopped her little feet lightly, holding Ling Tianyu's big hand and shaking it happily, she was extremely curious about the things around her, she looked around and couldn't stop looking.

Although Ling Tianyu has been wandering around with Xiaomeng for the past few days, wasting a lot of training time, but Ling Tianyu doesn't feel stuffy. Facing this little treasure in front of him, Ling Tianyu is also in high spirits, and actually feels pretty good in his heart. not bad.

"Big brother, why do they call me princess." Xiaomeng blinked her eyes curiously.

"Because Xiaomeng was originally a princess." Ling Tianyu said with a smile: "Hehe, when you were born, Xiaomeng was just like them, living here all the time!"

"Then why do I look different from them?" Xiaomeng asked again.

"That's because your father is human like me, so you look a little different from them." Ling Tianyu laughed.

"Father, where is my father now, and where is my mother, why are they not by my side?" Xiaomeng asked.

"Hehe, they have all gone to a far away place, and you will come back when you grow up." Ling Tianyu smiled softly, and couldn't help feeling in his heart. He felt that Xiaomeng was very similar to himself. He lost his parents when he was young, and even My parents have never seen it. [

"Oh." Xiaomeng nodded, as if she didn't have a particularly strong sense of dependence on her parents, but on Ling Tianyu, she suddenly asked, "Then big brother will leave me in the future too!"

Ling Tianyu was stunned for a moment, thinking that Xiaomeng could accept the identity of the princess of the Sand Clan, and Ling Tianyu couldn't stay in the Sand Clan forever, but he didn't want to make Xiaomeng sad, so he really didn't know how to answer for a while.


Xiaomeng Ling Tianyu remained silent for a long time, tears welled up in her eyes, she clenched Ling Tianyu tightly with her two little hands and whined, "Big brother, do you want to leave Xiaomeng in the future too!"

"I" Ling Tianyu was at a loss for words.


An extremely disharmonious voice echoed back: "Little princess, your status is noble, how can this lowly human being be able to compare with it, even if this guy leaves the little princess in the future, it is a matter of course!"

Following the prestige, I saw a group of sandmen walking by.

The person who came to the front was a young man, he was considered handsome among the sand people, but his aura was full of arrogance, frivolous and arrogant, and looked like he was invincible.

But this young man's strength is superb, with the cultivation base of the Xuanyin Ninth Layer Realm, which is only one step away from the Profound Core Realm.

Ling Tianyu looked at it coldly, quite upset, unexpectedly there was such a second-generation ancestor in the Sha Clan, Ling Tianyu would only feel very unhappy about this kind of person.

"Big brother, who is this person? Why does he speak so annoyingly?" Xiao Mengzhi had a look of disgust on his face.

The young man's face was red and he lost face, but he didn't dare to disrespect Xiaomeng, he cupped his hands and said: "Little princess, in Xiasek, General Saiwei is my father!"


Ling Tianyu was secretly startled, no wonder this young man was so arrogant, he was the son of General Sai Wei.

As for Saiwei, who lived in the Tsarist City these days, I have heard a little bit about it. It is said that Saiwei is a descendant of the God of War of Serre, and has a high status in the Sand Clan. status person.

Therefore, as the son of General Saiwei, Seke's status in the Sand Clan is also very high, and among his peers, Seke's cultivation level is also in the forefront.

Ling Tianyu frowned slightly. How could there be such an arrogant person as Sek among the descendants of the God of War Serre?

Although Seke's words made Ling Tianyu very unhappy, but he didn't want to cause trouble, so he kept silent.

"Sek, I don't know him. What's the matter with you?" Xiaomeng asked plainly.

"Hehe, if the little princess wants to learn about Tsar City, I think I will be very suitable." Seke laughed.

"No need, it's good to have big brother to accompany me. In short, you just keep us away." Xiaomeng glanced at him, completely ignoring Seke, shaking Ling Tianyu's hand and said: "Big brother , let's go, ignore this guy!"

"En." Ling Tianyu didn't bother to pay attention to Seke, and pulled Xiaomeng to turn around and leave. [

Sek's face was hot, when did he suffer such humiliation in the Tsarist City, he was so angry, but he didn't dare to blame Xiaomeng, so he vented it on Ling Tianyu, coldly watching Ling Tianyu's gradually leaving back, intentionally He raised his voice and shouted: "It's just a lowly human being, what's there to be arrogant about, although I don't know what shit luck you had to save the little princess, but I, Seke, will never admit your ability, and I tell you You, even if you saved the little princess and won the respect of our Sand Clan, but in my eyes, you are just like a dog who has won the favor of its master for a while. If there is a little princess, do you think you can keep it? Do you want to kill your dog!"

The sound was so piercing that it spread around.

Suddenly, Ling Tianyu stopped in his tracks, turned his head slightly, and sarcastically said: "How could the descendants of the Serre God of War come out with such rubbish, it simply tarnished the reputation of the Serre God of War!"

rubbish stuff.

Seke blushed, extremely angry, and shouted: "Is the god of war, you, a humble human being, what you can call him!"

The sound was loud, and the surrounding crowd gathered one after another, pointing and pointing. It seemed that those people did not have much affection for Sek. The city army who heard the news also ran towards this direction. When they saw Ling Tianyu and Sek, They are in trouble.

Sai Ke is the only son of General Saiwei, so his status goes without saying, while Ling Tianyu is the great benefactor of the Sha Clan, and he is protected by the medicine demon. Even when the little princess woke up, the palace issued an order that anyone Don't offend Ling Tianyu and the others.

Therefore, those city troops could only remain silent.

Ling Tianyu was interested in entangled with Sek, looked directly at Sek who was full of anger, gently touched Xiaomeng's small head and smiled: "Hehe, Xiaomeng, let's go!"

Seke was furious, and being looked at in front of so many people, with a long sword in his hand, he rebuked violently, and yelled angrily: "Human beings, aren't you very capable, then you dare to fight me! "

"Interesting, and you are also qualified." Ling Tianyu continued to walk straight forward, extremely disdainful.

"Coward, I think you're scared, and I thought you were capable. Seeing that you were called a dog before, I really flattered you." Seke scolded, his face grim.

Hearing the sound, Ling Tianyu stopped again.

Again and again, Ling Tianyu didn't want to cause trouble in the Sand Clan's territory, but Seke repeatedly violated Ling Tianyu's tolerance limit, and Ling Tianyu could bear it no longer.

Clenching his fist secretly, Ling Tianyu's face became gloomy, and he said to Xiaomeng: "Xiaomeng, you stay here first, this guy is really annoying, I'll go and teach him a lesson!"

"Well, big brother, come on, beat this annoying guy." Xiao Meng clenched her pink fist and said.

Seke was so angry that his face was livid, and he pointed his long sword coldly at Ling Tianyu, and shouted with murderous intent: "Teach me, you really uttered wild words, hum, remember, there are still people in the Sand Clan who dare to touch you!"

Ling Tianyu stepped forward slowly, and said coldly: "Although I don't want to cause trouble, it doesn't mean that I can let others verbally abuse me!"

"Haha, what a joke, what are you human beings?" Seke laughed wildly, looked around with a downcast face, and said fiercely: "The presence is all witnesses, it's just a duel between you and me, but if you don't Be careful if you get hurt or lose your life, no one can blame you!"

"Really, it would be great if you said that." Ling Tianyu smiled, but it was a very secretive smile.

Although the surrounding city troops didn't dare to stop them, they couldn't let the situation worsen, so some people rushed to report,

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