Yanwu God of War

Chapter 1737, Dynasty Deadlock

It’s too unexpected!

Unexpectedly, Ling Tianyu was still alive.

"Tianyu greets His Majesty!" Ling Tianyu cupped his hands.

This one!

Like thunder piercing the ears, it viciously woke up everyone.

"Little friend Tianyu..."

The Human Sovereign stood up excitedly, trembling all over, walked up to Ling Tianyu, put his hands heavily on Ling Tianyu's shoulders, and smiled with a choked voice: "Okay, okay, I'm back. I thought , you are already under the calamity of the gods, and you cannot escape bad luck..."

"It's just a tribulation, what's the point, my master's body is strong." A childish voice resounded.

Seeing Xunsheng, I was shocked again.

They are all powerful in the realm of the gods, but they don't know that besides Ling Tianyu, there are people who have already sneaked into the hall without a sound.What is even more unbelievable is that the person in front of him is actually a strange boy with a pair of small silver wings on his back.

Where did the brat come from!

Originally, everyone wanted to blurt out these words.But they couldn't see through the strange boy's cultivation, but they were horrified from the strange boy's appearance.

holy beast!

Only powerful holy beasts can take human form.


This freak Ling Tianyu's rapid growth in cultivation was unacceptable, yet he was accompanied by a powerful holy beast.

Human Sovereign was dumbfounded, from the strange boy's appearance and tone of voice, he had already thought of the strange boy's identity, and immediately bowed and said: "I have seen the Venerable!"

Your Honor!

Everyone's face was about to twitch, and even the emperor had to bow his knees, this person's status was really extraordinary.

"My master has to be polite to you, and you are being so polite to me now, it's unjustifiable. So, these clichés will be avoided." Little Bear said casually.

"Boy, why did God Tribulate in the first place?" Bai Qiuming couldn't help asking.

"It was a fluke, I accidentally crossed like this." Ling Tianyu said with a smile, the danger and the reason, Ling Tianyu didn't want to explain too much.

"What do you mean by being careless? Are you kidding me?" Bai Qiuming was puzzled, but not only him, everyone present was puzzled.When they crossed the catastrophe, they all experienced a narrow escape.

"But your cultivation level..." Shenglong stared at Ling Tianyu closely, and he could see through it faintly at the beginning.But now from Ling Tianyu, all he could see was confusion.

"My master's current cultivation is much better than yours. This time we are here to help out." Little Bear said with a cheerful smile.


Everyone was stunned, it was just a fluke, Ling Tianyu's growth was really terrifying in just one year, probably even the three masters were far from capable.

"it is good!"

Human Sovereign's face flushed with excitement, he patted Ling Tianyu's shoulder heavily, and said with a gratified smile: "Hehe, I knew that little friend Tianyu was blessed with a deep destiny, and it is by no means easy to die. If there are two of you If you help each other, you will be able to win the battle!"

"Tianyu will do his best." Ling Tianyu smiled.

"By the way, Lin Mingqing's family?" Human Sovereign couldn't help asking.

"It's all right, when the time is right, I will naturally work for the dynasty again!" Ling Tianyu said seriously.

"In this way, I can feel at ease." Human Sovereign nodded repeatedly.

"Your Majesty, I don't know what the situation is like outside?" Ling Tianyu asked seriously, "I just came here, passing through Fengcheng, and saw that there were millions of demon troops guarding the city, and they were all in full swing. There is a fierce battle!"


The Human Sovereign sighed bitterly: "In the past month, I have fought hard against the army and suffered heavy casualties. Now the imperial capital has less than a million troops, and my dynasty is only left with the imperial capital."

"Will Nan Wanghou be the only one in charge of the demon army now?" Ling Tianyu asked.

"Exactly." Human Sovereign nodded slightly.

"Although he is alone, there is a strange demon to help him." Bai Qiuming said angrily: "We joined forces and fought several times, but we were unable to destroy the strange demon. On the contrary, because of the continuous hard work, the spirit was severely damaged, and we Being able to support this is a waste of pills. Now all the precious resources of the Holy Court and the dynasty are almost consumed because of us."

"Strange demon?" Ling Tianyu frowned, and asked, "I just passed through Fengcheng, and I didn't notice anything unusual. I don't know what kind of monster is the strange demon mentioned by the seniors?"

"The strange demon is transformed by ghost fire, possesses the power of divine fire, and is immortal. I fought it several times, but I was helpless. On the contrary, the divine energy was greatly depleted every day." Bai Qiuming said solemnly: " And this strange demon, before the confrontation between the two armies, will definitely show up. I think it must be under the control of others."

"Ghost fire?"

Ling Tianyu was deep in thought, and couldn't help but look at Little Bear.

The little bear was also startled, and said via voice transmission: "Master, it seems that you have also thought about it, this will-o'-the-wisp should be the fire seed of the Nine Nether Ghost Fire. It seems that someone has used a special method to manipulate this fire and generate monsters. It seems that we really have If you know this monster."

"En..." Ling Tianyu nodded secretly, and asked again: "Your Majesty, I am very confused. This time, the Southern King has the help of strange demons, and he is attacking by force. The emperor is afraid that it will be difficult to protect, but why has he fought fiercely and stalemate for a month? How long?"

"Hehe, it's not for the sake of wasting my vitality, making me surrender and win without fighting!" Bai Qiuming sneered.

"If King Nan really intends to win the dynasty, there is no need to be so troublesome. There must be fraud in it." Ling Tianyu said solemnly.

"I have thought about it, since January, I have fought against Nanwang several times. I know I am invincible, but he keeps his hands everywhere." Human Sovereign said.

"Keep your hands?" Ling Tianyu was stunned.

"Your Majesty, this Southern King has degenerated into a monster. He is despicable and cunning. Even if he keeps his hands off you several times, there must be some unknown purpose. Your Majesty must never follow his evil ways!" Shenglong said solemnly.


The Human Sovereign shook his head and said: "Although Nan Wang has fallen into a demon himself, he dotes on Ling'er very much. He forcibly took Ling'er away from me back then. He once threatened to keep our dynasty safe for three years, but now it is less than three years." , but invaded my dynasty like this, I feel uneasy."


Ling Tianyu was stunned, and asked in surprise: "Your Majesty, you said that Auntie is in the hands of King Nan?"

"Oh, I am incompetent." Human Emperor sighed bitterly, and said: "Back then when we fought against the Devil's Nest, the King of the South invaded our imperial capital, and I joined hands with all the elders, but we were no match for him, and the national teacher was even killed by him! "

"What!? Protector of the country..." Ling Tianyu turned pale with shock.

"En..." Human Sovereign's expression darkened.

"This villain! He must not be spared!" Ling Tianyu clenched his fists fiercely.

The Emperor of Ren said worryingly: "Even though the King of the South is doing evil, he is by no means a man without faith. He even threatened that the dynasty will be peaceful for three years, so he will definitely not violate his faith. But now it's just the opposite. I am really worried about Ling'er's safety."


Ling Tianyu's face changed in shock, and after thinking about it like this, he finally understood.

"What?" The Emperor frowned.

"His Majesty!"

Ling Tianyu cupped his hands and said: "It's not a secret. I think the murderer behind the scenes must be a member of the Holy League. After all, Nanwang is arrogant and arrogant, so he can be manipulated. I think my aunt must be captured by the villains of the Holy League now. Threatening, the King of the South is not allowed to invade the dynasty!"

Although Human Sovereign was mentally prepared long ago, when he heard Ling Tianyu's words, his whole body trembled, his face turned pale, and he said bitterly: "I am a father in vain, and I can't even protect my beloved daughter well."

"Boy, you are such nonsense!" Bai Qiuming couldn't help but said: "In the battle of the Devil's Nest, Xiao Tianyi, the lord of the Holy League, unfortunately died in the battle. Now Xiao En is the only one in the Holy League, and that old man is not so capable. !"

"I wonder if the old dean can deny that Xiao Chang is here?" Ling Tianyu couldn't help asking.

"How could you not know!" Bai Qiuming said: "Brother Xiao is pure-hearted and ascetic, and has no intention of fighting in the world. Hundreds of years ago, he traveled all over the world. It is rumored that he has already ascended to the position of God!"

"Then I'm afraid the old dean will be disappointed."

"what for?"

"I'm not going to hide what you said." Ling Tianyu said with a serious face: "Xiao Changzai was indeed traveling around the world back then, trying to break through the world and soar, but he was not successful and almost died in the sea. Later, he was captured by an evil person. Save him, find him in one body, merged into a different body, it is not the same as in the past. Over the past year, the boy fought against that evil person, and he was lucky enough to kill him. But Xiao Changzai is old and cunning, and he has already fled to Dongzhou. As I guessed It’s true, the catastrophe that the dynasty is facing now is being secretly manipulated by him!”

"This...how is this possible...the old man used to taste wine and talk with him back then, and had several friendships." Bai Qiuming was shocked, and Ling Tianyu's words were undoubtedly a slap in the face.

"But everything the students said is true." Ling Tianyu said solemnly.

"Oh~ I can't think of it, I really can't think of it." Bai Qiuming was disappointed.

"Things in the world are unpredictable, and people's hearts are changeable, so there is no need to worry too much about the elder dean." Human Emperor said.

"If it really is him, even if I risk my old life, I will never let his trick succeed!" Bai Qiuming gritted his teeth angrily.


Ling Tianyu pondered, and then said: "Seniors, it seems that the only solution for now is to get rid of the strange demons, so that our court can have a chance of winning. If this battle is lucky, I would like to go to the Holy League."

"Then I will help you!"

"And the old man!"

Shenglong and Bai Qiuming said ironically.

"I know that you two are eager to kill the enemy, but with the protection of the Holy League, it is not easy to do. Besides, Xiao Changzai's cultivation level is unknown, so don't act recklessly." Ling Tianyu said seriously: "And the younger generation possesses strange skills, Even if you can't kill the evil enemy, you can protect yourself."

"You kid, are you successful in cultivation, but you don't look down on us old guys!" Bai Qiuming said angrily.

"Students don't dare, it's just..." Ling Tianyu was talking, when suddenly there was a loud thunder, "You wait for the defeated generals to come out and accept the surrender obediently!"


Everyone's face changed with surprise, but it was expected.


Little Xiong stood up and smiled excitedly: "Haha! It's just in time, let me meet him!"

"Wait! Let's just wait and see what happens, and let's see what the so-called strange demons are capable of!" Ling Tianyu's face was condensed, and he said to the Emperor: "Your Majesty, you have to be careful, if there is anything unusual, Bear and I will do our best to help each other!"


The Human Sovereign nodded heavily, and stepped out.

The crowd was full of anger and followed them away.


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