Yanwu God of War

Chapter 1765, Divine Resonance


In the battlefield, there was silence.

The big bull is holding a big ax horizontally, the golden light is shining, his tower-like body stands upright and proud, and the aura he exudes is as majestic as a god.Where Jin Tong glanced, the air flow was disturbed.

Everyone looked up at Daniel in astonishment, it was no longer like looking at a mortal, but a real god.

This is the descendant of the Protoss!

When the divine veins are awakened, they will involuntarily exude a powerful aura belonging to the gods.

"This..." Xiao Changzai in the distance was extremely shocked.Even though it was far away, even Ming Yan felt a little timid with the mighty power of the ax just now.

This time!

Daniel stared coldly at the entire battlefield, seeing the struggling army under the imperial capital, seeing the undead and the monstrous flames.In an instant, there was a burst of anger, which burned angrily in Daniel's heart.

"You disgusting devil thieves! Die to me!" Daniel shouted angrily, bursting out with a blast of divine light.The entire void roared and shook, with powerful divine power, startled the flames in all directions, and retreated in fear.

Reckless power!

The first stage of Niu Shen Jue, but performed by Daniel, is even more powerful and pure than Ling Tianyu at the beginning.

Boom! ~

With a swipe of the bull's axe, the golden light burst into the air, with monstrous divine power, sweeping the world.A fierce and domineering divine power swept across the purgatory sea of ​​flames ferociously.

boom!boom! ~

The sky shook, and the invincible divine power swept away the flying stones.Crowds of undead screamed in mourning, and each skeleton was instantly destroyed in the sweep of divine power.

Sifang Mingyan seemed to be terrified of the divine power unleashed by the big bull, and retreated in all directions.

"What a powerful divine power!"

Xiao Changzai was terribly shocked, he who was in charge of Mingyan could deeply feel how powerful the divine power in Daniel was.Even though his cultivation is far inferior to his own, the divine power released by Daniel is definitely the purest.

"big cow!"

Human Sovereign and the others were also shocked. Unexpectedly, in just one night, Daniu went out of the pass, showing his might in one fell swoop, and saved the imperial capital from danger.

"It's another monster!" Nan Wang's face was full of horror. He had fought against Ling Tianyu before, and had some contact with the divine power of Ni Shen Jue.But now this big cow has a breath of divine power, which is extremely familiar, and it is even more pure.


Many people have only a little understanding of the edge of the gods throughout their lives, and the divine power they control is only the lowest and most messy divine power.And Daniel may not even have crossed the catastrophe, but this body of divine power is more pure than the divine power controlled by any powerhouse in the Eastern Province.

And how would they know that Daniel is a true descendant of the God Race, and he has the blood of God himself.And the cultivation of Niu Shenjue, coupled with Ling Tianyu's divine power, undoubtedly helped Daniel to open up the divine veins.

Feng Xiao and the others were stunned when they saw Daniel showing his might and blowing away the flames in all directions. Is this really Daniel?This growth is really terrifying, and it is not afraid to be much more than Ling Tianyu, a monster.

Xiao Changzai was very annoyed, and said coldly: "A mere junior can't change the overall situation!"

That's what I said, but when Xiao Changzai saw Daniel appearing, he was filled with displeasure.Angry, he violently swung the huge fire hammer again, channeling the evil power in his body, and the monstrous flames rolled and gathered.


Xiao Chang let out a furious roar, struck violently, and mercilessly blasted towards the barriers.

Boom! ~

Heavy barriers, shattered and shattered.Human Sovereign and the others with pale complexions gritted their teeth and formed layers of barriers again, but the power of the barriers was obviously weakened a lot.

boom! ~

Angry Xiao Changzai violently swung the fire hammer, struck violently, and blasted towards the layers of barrier light.

When Daniel saw it, he was furious. He gripped his battle ax angrily, and roared, "Monster! Die!"

Whoosh! ~

With a flash of divine light, lightning broke through the sky.

Reckless power!

The emphasis is on brute force, powerful explosive power.


The big bull rushed to him in an instant, using his reckless divine power, and poured it into the battle ax crazily, dazzling golden light, flashing in all directions like the scorching sun.Filled with powerful and domineering divine power, with the momentum of thunder, he directly resisted the incoming fire hammer.


Human Sovereign and the others were terrified, even if they confronted Xiao Chang head-on, they would suffer a loss.But this big cow, as expected, is a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, and he directly meets head-to-head when meeting each other.

Boom! ~

The ferocious Shenguang battle ax slammed heavily into the fire hammer, and the two terrifying energies, like the explosion of a nuclear bomb, sent out a terrifying wave in an instant.Layers of space in all directions were fractured, the heaven and earth trembled in terror, flames froze and danced, and vision was blurred.


Daniu opened his mouth to vomit blood, his five internal organs and six lungs were almost displaced, his Qi and blood were throbbing, and his arms were numb.The light of the battle ax was forcibly scattered by the force of the fire hammer.After all, there is still a huge gap in strength, which is difficult to resist.


Daniel was shocked and flew upside down, fell to the ground, shattered the flying rocks in the sky, supported the ground heavily with his axe, couldn't help lowering his head and spat out a mouthful of blood, cursing: "Master! This monster is still so powerful!"

I don't know!

Xiao Changzai wasn't so relaxed either, obviously his own strength was far stronger than Daniel's.But that powerful and pure divine power actually shook his dark flames away a bit, and he retreated half a step heavily.

"Hmph! What kind of wild boy! Overestimated!" Xiao Changzai snorted coldly.

"Fuck! This monster can talk! I thought it was a dead monster!" Daniel Bei shouted in shock, making people almost vomit blood, this Daniel is too innocent.

Xiao Changzai was so angry that he swung the giant hammer, and the dark flames ignited fiercely. He shouted angrily: "Ignorant vulgar! This old man will let you taste the might of Lord Yan!"

Daniel was not afraid at all, his divine light exploded, and he held his battle ax and soared into the sky again.But after looking around, Ling Tianyu was nowhere to be seen, so he called out to the Emperor, "Your Majesty, where is my master?"

"Little Brother Tianyu has been trapped under the Seal of Heaven by that devil!" Human Sovereign said.

"Seal the sky seal?"

Daniel was taken aback for a moment, and then he saw that right on the battlefield, the nine-winged dragon was rushing into a giant seal angrily, his face changed in shock, and he shouted: "Your Majesty! Hold on first! Daniel first go to rescue My master!"


Human Sovereign and the others were speechless.

Xiao Changzai, who was gaining momentum, was even more stupefied, and said angrily: "You bastard! Get out of here!"

Da Niu didn't bother to pay attention to Xiao Changzai, and directly rushed to Feng Tianyin, and shouted at the nine-winged dragon: "Little dragon! You step aside first! Let me touch this damn thing!"

Dragon! ?

The Nine-Winged Demon Dragon's expression was dull, and he probably hadn't reacted yet.

Human Sovereign and the others were sweating coldly, this is the ancient beast Nine-Winged Demon Dragon, it turned into a "little dragon" in Daniel's mouth.


Daniel put all his strength into it, struck violently, let out a roar, held the battle ax angrily, gathered all his supernatural power, and rushed towards Feng Tianyin crazily and ferociously, angrily slashing past him.

Boom! ~

There was a loud bang, golden streamer, violent shock.


Xiao Chang was in the middle of speaking, when he suddenly sensed in horror that the solid Seal of Heaven was slightly shaken by Daniel's axe, shaking violently.

And Daniu was also uncomfortable, vomited blood, and was forced to fly.

"Come again!"

Daniel insisted on getting on, grabbed the tomahawk again, poured all his strength into his body without reservation, and shouted: "Master! You must hold on! Daniel is here to save you!"

Boom! ~

It was another axe, viciously shaking, the seal of the sky, which was like a fortress of steel, was still shaken a little bit, and Daniel was still violently knocked back.

Xiao Changzai was full of anger, even though he didn't believe that Daniel could really break through Feng Tianyin, it made him feel very irritable.Then he danced wildly with the fire hammer in his hand, and with all his strength, fiercely bombarded the barriers.

Boom! ~

Boom! ~

Hammer after hammer, thunderous detonation, layer after layer of barriers, shattered and condensed.

"Hold on!"

Human Sovereign and the others almost used all their divine power to resist Xiao Changzai's attack with all their strength.Now there is only Daniel alone, who can barely shake Feng Tianyin by a little bit, even if it is very slim, but he can only pin his hopes on Daniel.

Boom! ~

Boom! ~

Ax after ax, the stubborn bull, not giving up, unceasingly released the reckless power in his body, brandished the battle axe, and angrily bombarded Feng Tianyin.


Under Feng Tianyin, Ling Tianyu intends to charge his strength to break through Feng Tianyin.


Hearing violent shocks, bursts of strong and pure power suddenly came from Feng Tianyin.

"Divine power!?"

Ling Tianyu was extremely astonished, and what was even more incredible was that every time there was an attack from outside, the power penetrating in would immediately resonate with Ling Tianyu in a mysterious way.

And Ling Tianyu's strength was almost sealed by Feng Tianyin.But the power of this physical resonance strongly affected Ling Tianyu's Martial God Power and awakened Ling Tianyu's sealed divine power.

"Nie Shen Jue!?" Ling Tianyu was stunned, and said ecstatically, "Daniu! This guy must have passed the test! Haha! This will save a lot of effort!"

boom!boom! ~

Wave after wave, Feng Tianyin continued to send strong shocks.Although it was difficult for that strong and pure divine power to break through Feng Tianyin, it could penetrate in and resonate with the divine power in Ling Tianyu's body.

Ling Tianyu was extremely excited. With Daniel's personality, he would definitely not give up easily, but he had to work hard.In order not to let Daniel waste his efforts in vain, Ling Tianyu kept his mind, and with each wave of divine power that surged in, Ling Tianyu also rapidly transferred the inverse martial divine power in his body.

With the ability to reverse the martial arts power, as long as the martial arts power is awakened, Ling Tianyu's whole body strength will break through the seal restriction in one fell swoop.

Boom! ~

With the powerful bombardment, Ling Tianyu's activated divine power continued to grow stronger.

Ling Tianyu was extremely excited, and faintly felt that his limbs seemed to be able to move, and secretly said: "Brother! I think I have a better way to break through this seal! Please help me again!"

"Of course!" Venerable Sheng Yu replied, getting ready.

"Hehe, this time, labor and capital will definitely break it!" Ling Tianyu smiled coldly, and Ling Dong's eyes suddenly flashed a blood light and a black light.When the divine power in his body was gradually awakened, some kind of evil dark power in Ling Tianyu's body also began to rise quietly.


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