Yanwu God of War

Chapter 1769, Devouring Dark Flames

Seal of Heaven!

The restriction set by the Martial Ancestor is infinitely powerful.

It is not easy to break the restriction, but it is even more difficult to control Feng Tianyin.

Therefore, when Ling Tianyu broke the seal, he joined hands with Venerable Sheng Yu to seize the control of She Feng Tianyin.For this reason, Ling Tianyu had to deal with Xiao Chang painstakingly, angering him, confusing his mind, and slowly leading him into a trap.

"Seal the sky!?"

Human Sovereign and the others were terrified.

Originally thought that Feng Tianyin was attacking Ling Tianyu.It can be seen that Feng Tianyin's momentum is obviously forcing Xiao Chang to go.This is really too hard to believe, could it be that Ling Tianyu has already controlled Feng Tianyin?

Think of this!

Everyone's breathing became short of breath. Bai Qiuming, who originally wanted to question Ling Tianyu, saw this unbelievable scene dimly, and his old face was completely dull.

Boom! ~

Terrifying power descended from the sky, directly overwhelming Xiao Changzai.

Xiao Chang was gnashing his teeth in shock, and Wei Wei saw Ling Tianyu sneering at the corner of his mouth.An ominous premonition, the feeling of being tricked, hit him and spurted blood, roaring and shouting: "No! Impossible! Feng Tianyin is a restriction set by the ancestor Gu Xuan himself! Even the old man can't break it, How can you, a mere vulgar person, seize the old man's Heaven Seal!"

"Facts have proved that it is indeed so!" Ling Tianyu smiled cruelly, and merged with the spirit of Venerable Sheng Yu into one body, perfectly united.Controlling the powerful power of Feng Tianyin, he blasted down, sealing the power of the four directions.

Xiao Changzai was about to explode with anger, but he was too clear about the power of Feng Tianyin.If he is imprisoned by Feng Tianyin, he will definitely be doomed.But they are in a stalemate with Ling Tianyu, if they withdraw halfway, they will suffer backlash.

Which is more important, not to mention the immortal body.

Xiao Changzai didn't think about it for a long time, and when Feng Tianyin came down, Xiao Changzai forcibly withdrew his offensive.

But at that moment!

A fierce and incomparable force rushed towards Xiao Changzai just when Xiao Changzai's attack was slack.

Boom! ~

With a bang, the mighty Divine Weapon Xuanwu Divine Seal crushed all directions, the sky-reaching behemoth roared like thunder, and shattered layers of void, trembling with powerful divine power, ruthlessly pressing on Xiao Changzai.

When Xiao Changzai withdrew his offensive, he had already suffered a backlash, so he couldn't resist the bombardment of Ling Tianyu's divine weapon and divine seal.

boom! ~

There was another explosion, the brilliance was shattered, and the terrifying waves swayed in all directions like a tide.


Xiao Chang howled in pain, his huge body was ruthlessly crushed by the extremely powerful Xuanwu God Seal.But Xiao Changzai was also extremely cunning. After being severely injured, his whole body exploded, intending to escape the restriction of Feng Tianyin.

But how could Ling Tianyu let Xiao Changzai succeed, he raised his false palm, and the gravitational force of the four directions squeezed the space and besieged him.A strong spatial vortex was sharply distorted, and the terrifying suction force forcibly swallowed Xiao Changzai's broken flames fiercely.

"The flames of the old man! They are everywhere! You can't trap the old man!" Xiao Changzai snorted angrily, and the scattered flames turned into fire dragons, trying to escape along the twisted space trajectory.

Just as Xiao Changzai rushed out of the spatial vortex, another strong spatial coercion squeezed him over.


Xiao Chang was terrified, and rushed into a vortex of space again.But this space vortex operates on the opposite track, Xiao Changzai is hard to guard against, just like a headless chicken ramming into it.

Boom! ~

The space exploded, caught off guard, but Xiao Changzai, who was fleeing, was counterattacked by the countercurrent space, and the surging flames were fiercely repelled back.

But before he could catch his breath, the space-time vortex behind him squeezed fiercely again.The two spatial vortexes, whose trajectories are changing all the time, squeezed out a powerful force that forced Xiao Changzai to be firmly trapped.

Time and space reversed!

It can be smooth or reversible, and it is also integrated with Ling Tianyu's inverse martial arts power. The power of the law of space can be manipulated by Ling Tianyu's hands. Ling Tianyu has long thought about how to deal with Xiao Changzai's ubiquitous ghost The body of flame.

Xiao Chang was deeply trapped in it, the violently distorted space was turning like countless sharp blades.The gravitational force of the four directions and the chaotic trajectories forced Xiao Changzai to reveal himself.


Xiao Changzai was furious and terrified.

"Don't rush to scold, the main event has just begun!" Ling Tianyu's cruel laughter resounded in the violent void, and then a powerful and invincible power crushed it heavily.


The chaotic and distorted space was strangely still, frozen.

"seal up···"

Xiao Chang was trembling at the corner of his mouth, with that look of despair and fear, he couldn't even speak.

boom! ~

A huge seal, a tyrannical shattering space, and a burst of supreme power suddenly became silent, pressing down heavily on Xiao Changzai's violently wriggling dark flame body.

Seal of Heaven!

The powerful sealing power seemed to make Xiao Chang sink his whole body in the sea of ​​desire, struggling angrily and desperately, but there was only endless confusion and despair.


Xiao Chang let out an angry roar, he was crazy, and angrily freed his palms, and ruthlessly supported them under Feng Tianyin.

Needless to say, Xiao Changzai was really fierce, even in Feng Tianyin, he was able to support for a moment with strong brute force.It's a pity that it's just brute force under anger, how can it shake the might of Feng Tianyin.

"Ban me!"

Ling Tianyu yelled violently, and suddenly appeared on Feng Tianyin.Like an emperor, despising the power of the world, using the power of demons with both feet, he stomped heavily towards Feng Tianyin.

Boom! ~

There was a loud noise, and everyone saw it in astonishment.Ling Tianyu stood majesticly under the seal of the sky, while Xiao Changzai put his hands under the seal of the sky, screaming in pain, being punched down by the seal of the sky all the way.

boom! ~

Like a meteorite falling to the ground, Xiao Changzai just put his palms on the Seal of Heaven and fell heavily.The entire land roared and shook, and cracked rapidly, and terrifying waves swept across all directions, and the sky was full of dust and rocks.


Xiao Changzai was angry and unwilling, his arms were numb, his whole body was twitching in pain, almost bursting.Finally unable to hold on, the two huge legs fell heavily on the ground.

And Ling Tianyu just stood proudly on Fengtian Seal, looking down on all directions.

The entire battlefield was shocked silently.

Last moment!

Xiao Changzai was still fierce and powerful, shocking the audience.

Available in the next moment!

Xiao Changzai was almost trampled by Ling Tianyu, and the situation turned into a shock.


Ling Tianyu stepped down, stared coldly at Xiao Changzai who knelt on the ground trembling in front of him, and was still supporting Feng Tianyin angrily, and said coldly: "First of all, I have to teach you how to surrender to others ! How to kneel to others!"

Xiao Changzai's eyes were red, and he glared at Ling Tianyu, his heart was on fire, and he was so uncomfortable.Bei Shi gritted his teeth in hatred, with a ferocious look of wanting to eat Ling Tianyu, and yelled fiercely at Ling Tianyu like a madman: "Lin Yu! You despicable and shameless villain! How many times have you To lure this old man into being your thief!"


Ling Tianyu sneered, walked towards Xiao Changzai step by step, and said sarcastically: "If it wasn't for your greed! If it wasn't for your desire to devour my divine fire! Then I wouldn't have this chance, and you wouldn't be left behind!" To this point!"

"Lin Yu!"

Xiao Changzai's eyes seemed to be dripping with blood, and he shouted fiercely: "The Fengtian Seal is the property of the Martial Ancestor, no matter what method you used to break the restriction of the Fengtian Seal! But it must have alarmed the Patriarch, and Patriarch is the head of the righteous way, with your evil body, patriarch will definitely not spare your dog's life!"

"Haha! If labor and management were afraid, they wouldn't be standing here!" Ling Tianyu laughed loudly, ignoring Feng Tianyin's restraint, dodged to force Xiao Chang in front of him, raised his palm, and said fiercely: " Old thief Xiao! You have committed a heinous crime! It is time to pay the price for what you have done!"

"Joke!" Xiao Changzai snorted coldly: "Even if the old man is sealed by the heavens, but the old man is immortal, you despicable beast will never be able to kill the old man!"

"That's undecided!"

Ling Tianyu let out a cold cry, jumped up in the air, clapped fiercely, and hit Xiao Changzai's dantian hard.


Xiao Chang was howling in pain, and then he felt a ferocious force, viciously shaking into his dantian, the pain made Xiao Chang grin and scold: "No matter how much you torture this old man! You can't kill this old man! The ancestor's presence is the end of your dog thief!"

"Then you may never be able to live to see that sanctimonious hypocrisy of Gu Xuan again!" Ling Tianyu's face turned hard, and a strange force suddenly poured into his palm.

This strange force seemed to be digging out the energy deep in Xiao Chang's body.

"Jie Jie...you are..." Xiao Chang smiled ferociously, and suddenly his expression froze. Following a burst of severe pain, it exploded like a bomb, and madness erupted from his dantian.

Boom! ~

Straight white flames burst out crazily from the depths of Xiao Changzai's dantian, like a raging wave, instantly sweeping towards Xiao Changzai's flesh and blood, limbs, and even every tiny part of his body. cell.

"White Bone Flame!?"

Xiao Changzai's face was full of horror, and he yelled miserably: "No! Impossible! Your divine fire has long been absorbed by the old man! How can you still have the bone flame! You must have used some despicable means!"

"Do you think that what you have eaten is only my divine fire? In fact, to you, it is just the deadliest poison!" Ling Tianyu smiled coldly.


Xiao Changzai's pupils narrowed sharply, and he finally felt fear.

"Huh! I said it, I will definitely make you pay a thousand times, ten thousand times the price!" Ling Tianyu's face turned hard, and the strangely rising Bone Mingyan in Xiao Chang's body was out of control and crazily occupied Xiao Changzai was covered in flesh and blood.


The fierce and angry Bone Mingyan, under the control of Ling Tianyu's will, began to crazily devour the Mingyan around Xiao Changzai.Under Feng Tianyin's suppression, Xiao Changzai's Ming Yan had already lost control.


Xiao Chang was howling in pain, feeling desperately that the flames in his body, all his painstaking efforts after his rebirth, had just flowed away from him.

this moment!

He finally let go of his arrogance and dignity, begging for mercy on his painful expression, and begged bitterly: "Please... please...don't be so cruel to this old man... this is all that this old man has. Your painstaking effort...you can't take it away...as long as you are willing to let this old man die...this old man is willing to be your master...help you deal with Patriarch Guxuan...please let this old man go... ·”

"If you can still go to hell, then repent for those innocent creatures who died at your hands!" Ling Tianyu's complexion was gloomy, merciless, and the ferocious bones of the flames roared to devour Xiao Changzai's flames .


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