Yanwu God of War

Chapter 1778, Law Imprisonment

Boom! ~

Under the fusion control of Ling Tianyu's true soul power, the cursed evil power and Mingyan have completely surpassed the power of the world, and destroyed Gu Xuan's soul in a mighty way.

Although Ling Tianyu couldn't believe that he was able to destroy the soul of Martial Ancestor, but he had indeed destroyed Gu Xuan's soul just now, and there was no possibility of escape.

at the same time!

In the outside world, the Poison King and the Venerable Sheng Yu are still working together to resist the powerful power of the stars, and the mighty figure of Gu Xuan is still standing high and proud in the sky, unshakable.

This Gu Xuan can do two things at once, one is to suppress the divine soldiers, and the other is to attack Ling Tianyu with his soul, this is no longer an ability that ordinary people can understand.


Just when Venerable Sheng Yu was about to be exhausted, he suddenly let go, and said in surprise: "This... Gu Xuan's soul seems to have disappeared suddenly..."


The Poison King was also terrified, and connected with Ling Tianyu, he followed Ling Tianyu's body and laughed ecstatically: "Haha! Good boy, this guy really succeeded!"

Can't help!

The power of the stars surging in all directions gradually disappeared.What's more, the expression of Gu Xuan standing in the sky suddenly lost its original brilliance, his eyes also gradually dimmed, his complexion was pale, as if dead.

Then, the heavenly power of the stars permeating the sky and the earth is also slowly disappearing, and the stars in the sky are also gradually sinking and disappearing in this brilliance all over the sky.

In the messy battlefield, everyone felt the fading power of the sky, and when they were relieved, they were shocked and suffocated.Although I don't know what happened, it is obvious that Gu Xuan was defeated.

Gu Xuan!

Who is that?

Master of martial arts, the strongest existence in Dongzhou.

It is unbelievable that Gu Xuan was defeated by Ling Tianyu!

But Gu Xuan's body was not destroyed, how could the cautious Poison King just let Gu Xuan go.Simply doing nothing and going on endlessly, completely destroying Gu Xuan's physical body.

call out! ~

The Shenyin Huajian, with lightning-like sharpness, tore open a dazzling space gap.Forcibly shook away the Nine Heavens Star Sword hanging in the air, and then fiercely pushed towards Gu Xuan.

Everyone was dumbfounded, staring at the sword.

As long as this sword is successfully obtained, this peerless powerhouse in the myth will fall.


The magic sword was about to hit Gu Xuan's body.


A weird scene happened!

The divine soul that had disappeared suddenly burst out a terrifying divine soul aura from Gu Xuan's body.The originally dimmed pupils turned sharply, and in a blink of an eye there were two cold and fierce lights.


The Poison King and Venerable Shengyu changed in shock at the same time.

"It's just a despicable method, and it is also a delusion to destroy the ancestor!" Gu Xuan said coldly, and suddenly flipped his hand and shook, the void twisted, and the sharp sword of the magic weapon that came from the pole was instantly blocked by the violent space.

Between changing hands!

Gu Xuan waved his hand, and the Nine Heavens Star Sword returned instantly, full of anger.Carrying the incomparably powerful stars and heavenly power again, he slashed fiercely at the sharp sword of the divine soldier who was struggling.

Boom! ~

There was a bang, the magic weapon exploded, and the spirit of the weapon vibrated.Venerable Sheng Yu, who was extremely worn out, basically resisted the shock of Gu Xuan's sword, and the roaring shock almost shattered his soul.

call out! ~

The divine soldier's sharp sword, which quickly dimmed, ruthlessly shot backwards and missed.


The entire battlefield was filled with astonishment.

The Tianwei, who had obviously disappeared, unexpectedly returned again, even more viciously than just now.


It was like the reborn Gu Xuan, who had long since lost the majesty and composure of the past, and also lost that aloof prestige, and his entire face seemed to be ferocious like a demon because of anger.

Come on!

Gu Xuan's furious Sentong stared at Ling Tianyu who was sitting cross-legged on the ground in the sky, and shouted fiercely: "You despicable beast! How dare you destroy the incarnation of the ancestor! This time, the ancestor I won't give you another chance!"


Gu Xuan also wanted to seize Ling Tianyu's soul in one fell swoop, and seize Ling Tianyu's secrets and the Hundred Arrays of Divine Maps.But I didn't expect to be overshadowed by Ling Tianyu, and my soul was destroyed.

Even the Buddha and Emperor Shura couldn't easily destroy his soul.However, being miserably mistreated by a junior, this was undoubtedly the most humiliating defeat for Gu Xuan, this time no matter what Gu Xuan would not give Ling Tianyu any chance to stand up.

Whoosh! ~

With a flash of stature, it crosses the space and arrives in an instant.

"Brother Tianyu!"

Human Sovereign and the others all changed their expressions in shock.

This time!

Gu Xuanzun's body actually approached Ling Tianyu's body.With his cultivation level, at such a distance, no one in Dongzhou can stop Gu Xuan from killing Ling Tianyu.

"Evil! Sue to death!"

Gu Xuan yelled violently, and with the divine sword in his hand, he mercilessly gathered all the powerful stars and divine power in his body, directly pressing on Ling Tianyu's chest, stabbing madly and mercilessly.

call out! ~

A sword pierced through the chest, and the divine sword shone brightly, piercing through Ling Tianyu's chest fiercely.


Human Sovereign and others, seeing this scene, turned pale with shock.

But they didn't notice that Gu Xuan's ferocious face was even more intense than Cai's reaction just now.A pair of bloodshot pupils seemed to burst out of their sockets, and his face was filled with an expression of unbelievable horror.

Because, this sword pierced through Ling Tianyu's chest without hindrance, and then Ling Tianyu's figure, like invisible air, gradually disappeared.


Gu Xuan was extremely shocked, it was the first time he had seen such a strange phenomenon in his life.


A cruel and cold voice rang out in Gu Xuan's ears like a cold wind: "Hehe, labor and management can deceive you once, so naturally they can deceive you a second time!"

Not bad!

It is the power of virtualization!

Although Ling Tianyu couldn't believe it, he had already destroyed Gu Xuan's soul, but he didn't expect to be reborn in the blink of an eye.Fortunately, Ling Tianyu had successfully completed the closed-door training, and he calculated that Gu Xuan would definitely kill him, so he was already prepared.

next moment!

Just when Gu Xuan was extremely shocked, a ghostly figure suddenly appeared behind Gu Xuan strangely out of thin air, and had already accumulated powerful energy.

"Yin-Yang Bashen Fist!"

Ling Tianyu shouted wildly, after transforming into a demon, its power has reached a very terrifying level.

Boom! ~

Terrifying energy, ferocious fist strength, like shooting stars, filled with endless ferocity.Almost exerting all his strength, he fiercely pointed at Gu Xuan's back and chest, blasting him angrily.

all of these!

The change was so fast that even Gu Xuan didn't react at all.

Boom! ~

With a terrifying explosion, the void instantly shattered, and that invincible, fierce and domineering fist pierced through everything like a bamboo, piercing through the void, and bombarded Gu Xuan's body solidly.

that moment!

Gu Xuan only felt that his muscles and bones were broken instantly, and his blood was shaking.


Gu Xuan howled in shock, vomited blood from his mouth, and his whole body shot out like a missile.

Once the move is successful, Ling Tianyu will never give up.

Boom!Boom! ~

Ling Tianyu strode thunderously, every step splitting the air, taking advantage of the opportunity to recall the magic soldiers on the way.The incomparably sharp purple-gold sword energy instantly merged into the divine weapon, and the evolved bone flames ignited together in the divine weapon.

call out! ~

A sword of thunder shattered the void, like a ferocious poisonous snake, when Gu Xuan was blown away, almost at the same time, he chased after him like thunder.With another sword strike, he ruthlessly pressed towards Gu Xuan's dantian.

Gu Xuan suddenly turned his head, and saw that the sword had cruelly pierced through his dantian.The entire face turned pale with shock, and he never expected that Ling Tianyu could counterattack so fiercely, breaking his dantian with a single strike.

"Senior, it seems that you have to go to hell again this time!" Ling Tianyu smiled coldly, and with a flick of the divine sword in his hand, the ferocious power, with Gu Xuan's dantian as the core, exploded ferociously.

Boom! ~

With a sound of explosion, Gu Xuan's entire body, completely unable to withstand the power of the divine weapon, was instantly shattered.But when it was crushed, Ling Tianyu faintly saw, on Gu Xuan's cold face, he saw the same feeling when Gu Xuan's soul gave up resistance just now.

"Hmph! In the same way, this ancestor will never be fooled by you again!" A majestic and cold voice resounded like thunder, and a powerful and invincible space power blocked the surroundings instantly.

"The law of space!"

Ling Tianyu's face changed in shock, instinctively, Ling Tianyu immediately displayed the magic power of the law of space.

But Gu Xuan has already mastered the third layer of space law, and his comprehension of space law for tens of thousands of years, Ling Tianyu, a rookie who has just mastered space law, can compete.

boom! ~

The twisting power, together with Ling Tianyu's body, froze instantly.


Ling Tianyu's complexion was gray and pale, he did not expect that the supernatural power of space law controlled by Gu Xuan would be more powerful than Feng Tianyin's sealing ability.A body of powerful power, under the suppression of this sudden space supernatural power, was imprisoned so hard that it was difficult to move.

call out! ~

With a flash of cold light, Ling Tianyu's whole body trembled, and there was a sudden sharp pain in his chest.A sharp sword shining with stars pierced through Ling Tianyu's chest firmly.

This sword hit directly!


Gu Xuan's cold face gradually appeared in front of Ling Tianyu's eyes, and he said coldly with resentment on his face: "If it wasn't for my ancestor's miscalculation, how could I let you succeed!"

"cough cough..."

Ling Tianyu vomited blood, with all his abilities, he never expected to be defeated by Gu Xuan so easily, but he couldn't figure it out at all.Why was Gu Xuan reborn for the soul that was clearly destroyed?After clearly destroying Gu Xuan's body, why was he revived strangely?

"Hehe, my ancestor has already cultivated the three-yuan incarnation, and what you just destroyed is just an incarnation of my ancestor!" Gu Xuan sneered, and said fiercely: "But in this world, you are the only one who destroyed this ancestor's penance cultivation. You have been an incarnation for thousands of years, and you are considered an honor even though you are dead!"


Gu Xuan's face turned ruthless, the sharp sword in his hand was about to tear Ling Tianyu's body into pieces.

But now!

Seemingly sensing something from Ling Tianyu's body suddenly, Gu Xuan suddenly exclaimed: "Five Elements Divine Bone!?"


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