Yanwu God of War

Chapter 1794, The Origin of Spirit

A magnificent and huge palace stands proudly in the air among five towering peaks, connecting five suspended stone paths.Under the stone path, there is an endless abyss of evil.


It is the Immortal Emperor Palace, the power center of the Immortal Martial Mansion. It is said that the ancient ancestor Gu Xuan retreated here.But the disciples who cultivated in the Immortal Emperor Palace had never seen Gu Xuan himself.

It turned out to be an important place in the Immortal Martial Palace. There must be many restrictions set up everywhere in this Immortal Palace, and there are many strong people guarding it all the year round. It can be said that the security is so strict that even a fly cannot fly in.Those who are not from the mansion will surely die if they step into this place, even if they are from the mansion, they can't set foot here without special edicts.

Can't help!

Right at the entrance leading to the Immortal Emperor's Palace, a ghostly figure was hiding in the air, and then looked at it quietly, but no one could perceive its existence.

Yes, this ghostly figure is Ling Tianyu.

With Ling Tianyu's current cultivation in the True Soul Realm, even the Immortal Martial Mansion's Zhenzu Divine Formation can't defeat Ling Tianyu's Soul Escape Technique. I dare not say that I can come and go freely here, at least I can handle it, but When encountering some powerful forbidden formations, Ling Tianyu would still be cautious.

Originally, when Ling Tianyu went to Xianwu Mansion to inquire about news, he originally wanted to persuade Zishuang to leave together.After all, in the future, whether it is myself or Mozhou to fight against Xianwu Mansion, there will inevitably be a fierce battle.

And Zishuang, as the chief disciple of the Immortal Emperor Palace, wouldn't Ling Tianyu be worried about Zishuang's safety?Moreover, Zishuang is now standing in the position of Xianwu Mansion. If Zishuang cannot recover her memory, then if Ling Tianyu really wants to confront Xianwu Mansion head-on in the future, how will she face Zishuang?These are very headaches for him.

It's a pity that Zishuang changed too fast and became so indifferent that Ling Tianyu couldn't convince Zishuang at all.But in the future, when it is really a last resort, Ling Tianyu will forcefully take Zishuang away.

But now, Ling Tianyu's main purpose is to find the whereabouts of Daniel.But this matter will definitely not come from Gu Xuan's mouth, so it is useless to inquire about the news.

Then, you can guess.

In Xianwu Mansion, everyone knows that Patriarch Gu Xuan has been retreating in Xianhuang Palace.However, when there was such a big turmoil in the Immortal Emperor Palace, Patriarch Gu Xuan was not disturbed. This has always been a problem that Ling Tianyu is puzzled.

Then, there is only one place that is the most problematic.

This place is the abyss of all evil under the Immortal Emperor Palace.

The abyss of evil!

It is endless and bottomless, and it is rumored that even Patriarch Gu Xuan can't explore its depth. Some people say it is the entrance to hell.But in Xianwu Mansion, those who commit unforgivable felonies will fall into this abyss of evil.

When Ling Tianyu mixed into the Immortal Emperor's Palace back then, he had long felt that there was something wrong with the abyss of all evil, but his cultivation level was still shallow and he couldn't step into it.It's different now, with his true soul cultivation, he already has enough capital to find out the secrets of the evil abyss.


Ling Tianyu's ghostly figure wandered cautiously outside the hanging stone path.The Immortal Emperor's Palace is the most sacred place in the Immortal Martial Mansion. Only elite disciples who have passed many tests can practice in the Immortal Emperor's Palace.

Therefore, except for the five entrances of the Immortal Emperor Palace, except for the strong guards, there are generally no idlers.So much so that in these four directions, it is cold and lonely.

It can be faintly sensed that there are many restrictions in the four directions of the Immortal Emperor's Palace. If anyone who is not in the Immortal Emperor's Palace steps here, he will be immediately sensed by the forbidden formation.

This time!

Ling Tianyu restrained his breath tightly, and possessed his body with the Dharma Body of Hades, and then with his true soul and divine body, I am afraid that Patriarch Gu Xuan would never be able to perceive Ling Tianyu's existence even if he stood in front of Ling Tianyu.

"Huh~ I'll bet on this one!" Ling Tianyu exhaled secretly.


Swish! ~

The king of Hades possessed his body and performed the soul escape technique.Unexpectedly, without making a sound, he easily avoided the eyeliner of many strong men, and passed through the restrictions of many forbidden formations unimpeded.

It worked!

Ling Tianyu was overjoyed, and immediately swept towards the endless dark abyss.

Under the abyss, the darkness is endless, and you can't see your fingers.

In an instant!

Ling Tianyu descended to a depth of hundreds of feet, and there was no abnormality, but he couldn't perceive the specific depth of this abyss.When descending to a depth of nearly a thousand feet, the surrounding air obviously changed.

Starting from this depth, there is a huge pressure in the space, which means that warriors who fall into this evil abyss will accelerate their fall.And with the depth and distance, this pressure becomes more and more powerful and terrifying.


When it reaches a depth of about [-] feet, the huge pressure in this space has reached hundreds of thousands of times.I'm afraid that even those who are strong in the Douhuang realm will be completely crushed by this terrifying pressure before they reach the bottom after falling into such a depth.

Ling Tianyu was startled, the depth was already deep enough, but he still couldn't feel the bottom.Just like this endless black hole, endless, there is no so-called end.

It's hard to imagine, if you continue to go deeper, how terrifying the pressure will become?But the more abnormal it is, the more it can confirm Ling Tianyu's guess in his heart.

With Ling Tianyu's current cultivation base, this kind of pressure is as light as a feather to him.But Ling Tianyu was still very careful, every time he went deep, he became more vigilant.


It took nearly two hours!

Here, it is already beyond ten thousand feet deep.


There was no wind, no waves, a dead silence.The most frightening thing is that this huge pressure has reached millions of times, which is a strong restriction even for those who are in the realm of gods.Fortunately, Ling Tianyu had already condensed his true soul, otherwise he might be in danger.


Going down to the abyss, in the cold darkness, a faint light flickered faintly.

Ling Tianyu didn't dare to use his true mind to visit, but Ling Tianyu's right pupil played a role.Under the peeping of that sharp right pupil, Ling Tianyu found in astonishment that the area below was covered with Dao talismans.

These dao talismans are densely packed and floating in all directions.It is not easy to detect even a strong person in the psychic state, but Ling Tianyu's right pupil saw through it, and he couldn't help being frightened into a cold sweat. Talisman, if I didn't have Ming Tong, I would definitely have fallen into the trap of a thief like you!"

Don't underestimate these dao talismans, the art of dao talismans is one of the most proud skills of the Xianwu Mansion in the past.All kinds of powerful prohibitions, mana, and divine power can be recorded in a small talisman.

And these Dao Talismans can exist safely under this abyss, and their power must not be doubted.But this is also the case, which makes Ling Tianyu even more curious, what secrets are hidden under the abyss?

Can't help!

Ling Tianyu restrained his breath tightly, he didn't want to capsize in the gutter at the most critical moment, his deep and mysterious pupils were always watching for any movement in the abyss.

Swish!Swish! ~

Under Ming Tong's peek, Ling Tianyu flickered ghostly, dexterously avoiding many Dao talismans, and continued to go deeper into the abyss.Dao talisman has appeared here, so this abyss of evil is not the legendary bottomless pit.

at last!

Passing through the countless Dao talisman restrictions, a dazzling glare struck.


Ling Tianyu was extremely astonished, and he could deeply feel that there was an incomparably strong spiritual energy below, which was thousands of times purer and thicker than any dense ground Ling Tianyu had come into contact with.

"Peerless spiritual source!?"

Ling Tianyu was secretly shocked. According to "Dongzhou Records", it is said that there is an unrivaled spiritual source in Xianwu Mansion.The spiritual source here is the most quintessential place in the world. If you practice in retreat here, you will have a miraculous effect.

But it was only rumored to be in Xianwu Mansion, but no one knew it.

But now, when Ling Tianyu stepped here, the aura he felt was so strong that it was unimaginable.So Ling Tianyu can basically be sure that this place is definitely the legendary spiritual source.

If Patriarch Gu Xuan retreated, he would definitely be here.Ling Tianyu had personally experienced Gu Xuan's strength, even Gu Xuan's original body was so powerful.If the real body is here, it is undoubtedly the dragon's pond and tiger's lair.

"Hehe, that's right, even if it's a dragon's pool and a tiger's lair, I'm going to break into it today!" Ling Tianyu sneered secretly, hiding all possible auras like a dead person, letting them fall.

at last!

Ling Tianyu stuck his body behind his back and finally bottomed out.

Mingtong opened darkly, hiding invisible, scanning all directions.

He was surprised to find that under this abyss of evil, there was actually a huge cave shrouded in divine light.The four outer caves are all made of spirit stones, and if you just chisel out a piece, it will definitely be a sky-high price.

Now even Ling Tianyu is jealous, and the old thief Gu Xuan really enjoys it too much, to have such a fairy retreat.The aura here is so strong that it is unimaginably abundant. Even a heavily injured warrior can recover in just a few moments if he retreats here.

Ling Tianyu thought to himself, with his primordial physique, he would benefit the most here.If I can absorb this peerless spiritual source, I will definitely be able to raise my cultivation base to a higher level again, this temptation is too strong.It seems that Ling Tianyu has to wait for Gu Xuan to be killed, or wait for the right opportunity to absorb this peerless spiritual source.

But now, Ling Tianyu absolutely can't make up his mind.

When I came back to my senses, I found two cave entrances inside this cave.

One of them, the light is strong, and one can faintly feel that there is an incomparably powerful aura inside.As for the other place, it's a little plain, but it's just a little weird.


If Gu Xuan retreated here to heal his wounds, the direction leading to the first cave is very likely to be where Gu Xuan retreated.As for the second hole, although the breath seems very strange.

But for some reason, this hole gives people a very mysterious and alluring feeling.

"Well, it should be here, let's go in and explore!" Ling Tianyu thought to himself, guarding his breath tightly, like an invisible ghost, quietly drifting towards the second strange hole.


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