Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2007, Strange Gem

for a long time!

After a lot of hard work, Ling Tianyu finally passed through the group of stone statues.

Above the square, there is a stretch of stone steps leading directly to the main hall.

Imprinted in front of the eyes, a plaque covered with cracks and stained with blood was hanging diagonally, as if it would fall down with time.It is vaguely visible, and a few words stimulate the eyeballs—Haiwangdian!

"Sea King Hall!?" Ling Tianyu was stunned, and muttered, "Could it be that this was once the territory of the Sea Clan?"

"This is normal. After all, there must be races living in this huge sea area." The Poison King couldn't help but say.

"En!" Ling Tianyu nodded slightly.

"Be careful, the old man always feels that there is an abnormal aura. For some reason, the spirit of the magic weapon is also very restless. Some treasures in it have aroused the resonance of the magic weapon." The poison king said.

"Spiritual Soldiers..."

Ling Tianyu's face was slightly startled, it's okay if the poison king didn't remind him, but after saying this, Ling Tianyu did feel that the energy of the magic weapon in his body became extremely active, eager to come out, as if he wanted to get out of Ling Tianyu's body.

Can't help!

Ling Tianyu stabilized his mind, adjusted his state, step by step to avoid the scattered skeletons on the stone steps, and slowly stepped into the mysterious hall.

Once entering the main hall, the vision is dim and pitch-black, with thick iron pillars supporting the entire main hall.Although the inside was dilapidated and covered in dust, Ling Tianyu could also imagine the glory that it once had.

That is, when entering the main hall, inexplicably, a mysterious and unknown atmosphere lingered.In the empty hall, there was a gust of wind for no reason, making Ling Tianyu feel chilly all over.

At the same time, the divine weapon energy in the body, with anxiety and excitement, was active in Ling Tianyu's body.Ling Tianyu was also completely unable to fathom this weird feeling.

What's even more weird is that in this dilapidated hall, there are also many obvious traces of battles, but there is no corpse at all.It just feels very comfortable, as if walking in the underworld, it is extremely cold.

Therefore, Ling Tianyu used his divine sense to investigate rashly, for fear of disturbing the tranquility here, Ling Tianyu was extremely careful with every step he took, and walked lightly without making any slight movement.

Follow the darkness, keep sinking.

In the dark, there seems to be a mysterious force, constantly tempting Ling Tianyu, making him uncontrollable, step by step deep into the darkness.

Needless to say, this hall should be spacious, even wider than the square outside.


In the darkness above, a strange figure stood coldly in the darkness.


Ling Tianyu was startled, and instinctively took half a step back.

"Don't be nervous, if there are living people, do you think you can still walk here safely?" The poison king couldn't help saying.

"En..." Ling Tianyu secretly heaved a sigh of relief, but even if he was a dead person, the feeling was too gloomy.Ling Tianyu also didn't dare to make a sound, and followed the ghostly figure full of fear.

at last!

Vision becomes clear!

Obviously, it was actually the stone platform of the throne, a dark and mighty figure, sitting on the throne, with a kind of domineering aura of a condescending king.

Ling Tianyu was stunned for a moment, and moved closer again, his pupils dilated, and he looked carefully.

Not bad!

It was indeed a dead man, only a thick skeleton remained.

Although it is only a skeleton, it can be seen that this person was huge, burly and domineering during his lifetime.He was wearing a horned steel helmet, and his body was wrapped in a dark golden armor that was about to completely rust.

Under the helmet, there was a gloomy face with hollow eyes.But with these hollow bone pupils, Ling Tianyu clearly felt a frightening chill that pierced his heart and soul.

That moment!

It was as if a sharp sword pierced through Ling Tianyu's heart and soul, and he suddenly felt powerless all over his body, as if he was being pressed down by a mountain, and it became extremely difficult to breathe, almost suffocating.The chest swelled so badly that it seemed like it was going to tear Ling Tianyu's heart, and it was extremely uncomfortable.

"very scary!"

Ling Tianyu's face was pale, it was just a skeleton that had been dead for many years, but it could bring such a heavy sense of oppression to Ling Tianyu, it was enough to imagine how powerful this person was during his lifetime.


The menacing aura is getting heavier and heavier, as if it wants to occupy Ling Tianyu's heart and soul.

Between panic, bionic illusion.Suddenly, Ling Tianyu's thoughts were plunged into a battlefield slaughter like Shura's purgatory.There were mountains of corpses and seas of blood all around, howling incessantly, strong resentment, and all kinds of negative will integrated, viciously impacting Ling Tianyu's heart.

When Ling Tianyu woke up, his whole body was already drenched with sweat. This feeling was really terrifying.It seemed that the images that flashed through my mind just now were real, and I could deeply feel a wave of anger and resentment.

Can't help!

With fear and awe, Ling Tianyu continued to look at this strong man in battle armor.

See you!

This mysterious strong man is holding a black iron broadsword tightly in one hand, and it is deeply inserted into the ground, and the floor under the blade has already been cracked. One can imagine the power of this sword. powerful.

Although the sword was almost completely rusted, even so, it still couldn't hide its sharpness.Invisibly, the aggressive sword energy continuously emitted, making Ling Tianyu's heart tremble.

But it was this sword that fascinated Ling Tianyu deeply.


A strange trace of light flashed slightly in the hilt of the sword.

Looking fixedly at it, there was a filthy gemstone inlaid on the hilt of the sword, and in the dimness, a strange ling light was faintly flashing.A mysterious aura, accompanied by infinite temptation, broke through Ling Tianyu's heart and soul defense line in one fell swoop.

that moment!

Ling Tianyu's face was dull, his eyes were blurred, and his pupils were wriggling violently, just staring at the strange gemstone on the hilt of his sword.A deep obsession that cannot be extricated.

Unable to restrain himself, Ling Tianyu began to take steps and kept approaching.

"Tian Yu?" The Poison King was astonished.

But Ling Tianyu seemed to be unable to hear anything at all, dazzled and fascinated, the powerful temptation completely broke through Ling Tianyu's psychological vigilance.Like a poisonous poppy flower, it strongly bewitched Ling Tianyu.

Realizing that something was wrong, the Poison King immediately increased his tone, and shouted at Ling Tianyu's heart and soul like thunder: "Bastard! You don't even listen to what you say as a teacher! Stop it, old man!"

It's a pity that Ling Tianyu turned a deaf ear at all, and kept approaching mechanically.

The Poison King was astonished, there must be something evil that confused Ling Tianyu, although he felt remorse in his heart, the most important thing now was to awaken Ling Tianyu.But no matter how the Poison King scolded him angrily and tried every means, he couldn't awaken Ling Tianyu's consciousness at all, it was as if he had been possessed by a demon.

What's even more astonishing is that the Poison King, who exists as a weapon spirit, can also deeply feel that the energy of the magic weapon in Ling Tianyu's body seems to be stimulated by a strange external force, and it flows violently.

It is precisely because the Poison King is a weapon spirit that he can perceive that strange external force resonating with the energy of the divine weapon. Even the Poison King can hardly resist the temptation and wants to get out of Ling Tianyu's body.

"Tianyu! Tianyu! You can't go any further! Stop!" The poisonous king yelled frantically. Although the poisonous king was about to lose control of himself, he always tried his best to maintain a clear consciousness.

This strange allure is so terrifying that even the strongest in the Real Monarch Realm will not be able to resist its temptation.And now the Poison King doesn't know what will happen next, he just thinks that if he loses his self-awareness, it will be very dangerous.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard Poison King tried, he couldn't stop Ling Tianyu.But the poisonous king still didn't give up, while trying his best to resist the temptation, he tried his best to wake up Ling Tianyu.

At last!

Ling Tianyu still approached the weird sword, his blurred eyes were full of fascination and greed that he had never seen before.

Then, with an excited smile on Ling Tianyu's face, unable to control the feeling in his heart at all, he slowly stretched out his hand, and began to approach the strange gemstone inlaid on the hilt of the sword.


The Poison King exclaimed, he couldn't imagine what would happen next, he just felt an ominous premonition welling up in his heart.

next moment!

Ling Tianyu's palm lightly touched the strange gemstone on the hilt.

In an instant!

An extremely chilly air ran along Ling Tianyu's palm and ruthlessly impacted into Ling Tianyu's heart and soul.


Ling Tianyu was stunned, and suddenly woke up.

But when he saw this, Ling Tianyu was astonished to see that he had inexplicably approached the portrait of the strong man, and what was even more shocking was that his hand was stuck in the strange gemstone on the hilt of the sword. .

"Teacher, this is..." Ling Tianyu was terrified.

"You bastard is bewitched! Why don't you hurry back!" The Poison King said angrily.


Ling Tianyu froze for a moment, it was indeed too weird, he seemed to have forgotten everything from the beginning to the end.

Instinctively, Ling Tianyu was about to withdraw his hand, but to his surprise, he felt that his entire palm and that strange gem had merged into one, and he said in panic: "Oops! My hand seems to be stuck. Already!"

"Even if you cut off this hand, you still have to avoid this damn thing!" The Poison King scolded.

"My apprentice..."

Ling Tianyu was completely at a loss, did he really want to break his hand?

In the midst of panic, Ling Tianyu suddenly felt with a look of fear on his face that the energy of the magic weapon in his body, together with fresh blood, poured out inexplicably, along Ling Tianyu's arm, and rolled into the strange gem.


Ling Tianyu screamed in shock, and hurriedly called: "Teacher! I can't let go!"


But there was no response from the poisonous king, and it felt like the connection with the poisonous king was cut off instantly.


Ling Tianyu was terrified, he really killed someone because of his curiosity, and he was extremely regretful in his heart.Ling Tianyu tried his best to restrain it, but the more he restrained it, the faster the energy and blood of the divine weapon in his body would be lost.What made Ling Tianyu even more desperate was that he felt a terrifying unknown force that had ruthlessly dominated Ling Tianyu's control over his body.

Now, except for his consciousness, his whole body, including the strength of his whole body, has been completely controlled by external forces.

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