Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2015, Lynn cross-examination

This journey was peaceful and peaceful.Although there will be other disciples who have gone to sea for training on the road, except for the special case of Lin Yan, Ling Tianyu and the others are not meddling in their own business.

Fully, after nearly half a day, it finally approached the boundary of the outer island.

According to the previous agreement, Xiao Song was not allowed to part ways, Lin Yan was full of anger, and it was impossible to cling to Ling Tianyu anymore, so she returned to Xuanen Island first.

As for Ling Tianyu and Lin Chen, they naturally had to go back to see Lin Yuan and his wife.

at last!

After setting foot on the outer island, Lin Chen smiled excitedly: "Haha! It can be regarded as coming back! If Dad knows that we have achieved such achievements, I don't know how happy he will be!"

"Xiaochen!" Ling Tianyu said with a serious face: "The secrets about this trip to the sea and my secrets must be kept secret. Even if it is the adoptive father, I can't tell him too much for the time being. Of course, I have no intention of disbelieving the adoptive father. I just want to confess to him when I have a suitable opportunity in the future.”

"Brother, don't worry, as long as you don't let me tell you, I will definitely not reveal it to the second person." Lin Chen laughed, Ling Tianyu was able to reveal all the secrets to him, so naturally Lin Chen would not betray Ling Tianyu.

"Well, in order not to be seen by others, we still have to go back secretly this time."

"As long as you can go home, it doesn't matter how you go back."

"Okay, let's go!"



Ling Tianyu and the others followed the uninhabited path, avoided the people in the village, and went back to the village chief's courtyard.

at the moment!

The door was closed tightly, Lin Chen was about to knock on the door and shout, but Ling Tianyu stopped him immediately.

"Wait!" Ling Tianyu said softly: "The atmosphere feels a bit wrong."

"What?" Lin Chen was stunned.

"There seems to be someone, let's wait and see." Ling Tianyu said seriously, Lin Chen might not be able to sense it, but Ling Tianyu could feel an unusual aura in the courtyard.


A rough scolding sound resounded from inside the compound: "You are treating your father with this attitude! After so many years, you still can't see it!~"

"Uh!?" Lin Chen was stunned, and asked with a stunned expression: "Brother, why do I feel familiar when I hear this voice?"

"It's Hall Master Lin!" Ling Tianyu said solemnly.

"What!? Hall Master? Why did he come to my house?" Lin Chen was astonished, and said weakly: "However, I feel that Hall Master is quite angry now, so do we have to leave secretly again now?"

"If Hall Master Lin is really angry because of our affairs, then we will have to face it sooner or later. So let's wait for a while and wait until Hall Master Lin's anger subsides before we go in." Ling Tianyu said.

This time!

Hearing that Lin Yuan said without showing any weakness: "What did I do wrong? As a father, shouldn't he support what his children are pursuing?"

"Hmph! No one can break the rules of Xuan En Island! As a little hall master in the father's district, so what if he is willing to support you! You have a bright future, but you are willing to fall because of your children's affair! It really is our Wu En Hall Shame!" Lynn said angrily.

"Then there is nothing to talk about between you and me! You don't need to worry about those two children in the future, but if you dare to treat them like you did to me, don't blame me for breaking the last ties between you and me." The relationship between father and son!" Lin Yuan said forcefully.

"It's the opposite!"

Lin En was furious, and it seemed that he could still hear the sound of tables and chairs breaking. I'm afraid Lin Chen was startled, and there was a scolding voice from inside: "They're all back! They're still sneaking outside the door to act." very!"

"This..." Lin Chen said sweatingly: "Brother, from the hall master's tone, it seems to be talking about us?"

"Could it be that there are others?" Ling Tianyu rolled his eyes and sighed: "Go in, remember, don't talk too much, just admit your mistakes obediently after you go in."

"Understood." Lin Chen nodded slightly.


Ling Tianyu and the two of them gently pushed open the courtyard door, and walked slowly with a look of fear.

Straight into the courtyard, I saw Lin En sitting and standing with a look of anger, the table in front of him had already been destroyed to pieces.Lin Yuan, on the other hand, stood aside, with a tit-for-tat posture.


When Lin Yuan saw Ling Tianyu and the others, most of his anger disappeared immediately, and he smiled happily: "Tianyu, Xiaochen, I hope you are back!"

"Father, it's because the child is unfilial that he came back to see you now." Lin Chen said with red eyes.

"Hehe, I heard that you have gone to sea for training. Why did you go for such a long time? It frightened us." Lin Yuan smiled gently, and the worry on his face still persists.

"Father, it's because we didn't think carefully and failed to inform you." Ling Tianyu said apologetically.

"It's okay, just come back safely." Lin Yuan smiled kindly.

Lin En suddenly snorted and said, "Hmph! Do you still think of me, the hall master?"

Ling Tianyu and the others were startled, and immediately bowed and said: "Meet the hall master!"


Lin En waved his hand and reprimanded him with a straight face: "You guys are really capable! You even lost that idiot Lin Feng! Tell me! Where did you go to sea this time!"

"Of course it's going to the sea to practice. I didn't see that my eldest brother and I have improved so much!" Lin Chen replied.

"Xiao Chen is right. We thought to ourselves that we have a lot of talents in Wu En Tang, and we don't want to lose face in Wu En Tang, so we went to sea to receive training and strive to improve our cultivation." Ling Tianyu followed.


Lin En frowned, and was angry for a while, but didn't pay attention.His sharp eyes swept over, almost surprising him so much that he couldn't control his emotions.

Not bad!

Lin Chen has already reached the sixth level of the true god, and Ling Tianyu is even more mysterious, even Lin En can't see through it at all, but it feels like he has already reached the quasi-jun level.

It is hard to imagine what kind of cruel and terrifying practice Ling Tianyu and the others have experienced in this month, which can improve their cultivation so quickly.Among the young talents, Ling Tianyu and the others can already be regarded as the best among geniuses.

Unable to help, Lin En asked with a serious face: "Where did you go to practice? How did you improve your cultivation so much?"

"Of course it is in the sea area. We have killed a lot of sea beasts this month. We will definitely be able to redeem a lot of merit points when we come back this time." Lin Chen laughed happily.

"It's that simple?" Lin En was full of doubts. There are many people who go to sea every day to practice, and most of them go for sea beasts, but it is absolutely impossible to greatly improve their cultivation just by slaughtering a large number of sea beasts.

"Of course, otherwise, what else could there be?" Lin Chen asked back.


Lin En snorted and said, "You guys should tell the truth! What secrets are you hiding! Where have you been?"

"Master Lin!" Lin Yuan couldn't help but sarcastically said: "The children have all returned safely, isn't their performance not enough to win glory for your Wu En Hall? What else do you want from them? Do you want them to have some accident? Are you willing?"


Lin En hesitated to speak, glanced at Ling Tianyu with sharp eyes, and reminded deliberately: "Well, your performance in this trip to the sea is indeed very good, and the four-island event is about to start, I don't know if you Are you going to miss this event?"

"Four Islands Festival!?"

Ling Tianyu was stunned and reacted greatly, he asked in astonishment: "Master, I heard that the event of the four islands will last for more than two months, could it be that we came back late?"

"It's not that you came back late, but that the higher-ups suddenly explained that the four-island event will be brought forward." Lin En replied, and she was even more certain in her heart, thinking that Ling Tianyu was definitely going for the four-island event.

Ling Tianyu was in a hurry, and hurriedly asked again: "Then, may I ask the hall master, how long is it until the four islands grand meeting?"

"Seven days later!" Lynn said.

"So fast?" Ling Tianyu was stunned. It's not that the amount of beast crystals in his hand is not enough, but that if it is exchanged in large quantities, it will inevitably arouse suspicion.

"Oh, anyway, I don't have a chance at this four-island event." Lin Chen sighed.

"This session won't catch up, and there will be next session. After all, you still have a lot of room for improvement." Lin En said with a serious face: "Besides, you have just joined Wu En Tang not long ago, and you have not fully integrated in many aspects. , you have to get in touch with the brothers in the hall and get to know each other."

"Yes, thank you Hall Master for your warning. After we go back, we will definitely have a good relationship with our seniors." Ling Tianyu cupped his hands.


Lin En nodded slightly, his face became serious again, and said: "There is something that the hall master needs to ask you, and there are no outsiders here, I hope you can answer truthfully!"

"Yes~" Ling Tianyu replied, as expected.

Can't help!

Lin En stared straight at Ling Tianyu and asked: "When you were still on the Outer Island, did you hear that a clan friend named Bai Yang from Jianhu Island had feuded with you?"

"Yes, at that time, for some reason, they killed the villagers in the village with their bare hands, so the disciple had to teach them a lesson, and ask the hall master to punish them." Ling Tianyu said.

"Brothers from the Inner Island clan committed murder on the Outer Island. They have violated the rules of the Beast God Realm and should be punished. On the contrary, this hall master agrees with your approach." Lin En's complexion sank, and he said: "But... A few days ago, news came from Jianhu Island that Bai Yang had an accident overseas, and I heard that he was killed by someone, does it have anything to do with you?"

"Absolutely not!" Ling Tianyu answered decisively, and he had to be decisive, saying: "Although we have grievances with Bai Yang's family members, we never thought of killing him, and this trip to the sea is only for experience."

"What about you?" Lin En stared at Lin Chen in the blink of an eye, because he knew that Ling Tianyu was very shrewd and answered very tactfully, so he definitely couldn't ask anything, so he could only turn his target to Lin Chen, who was weaker in defense.

Unexpectedly, Lin Chen's answer was also very straightforward, and he replied in a decisive tone: "Brother is right! We have not done anything other than experience this time!"


Lin En nodded slightly, feeling depressed in his heart, and said lightly: "It doesn't matter whether the life and death of Bai Yang's friends has anything to do with you, but people have suspected you about this matter, so you should act in a low-key manner in the future. "

"Yes, disciple understands." Ling Tianyu bowed.

"Well, I think you have been out at sea for more than a month, and you will return to Wu En Tang tomorrow." Lin En got up and said, waved his sleeves fiercely, and strode away.

But just bumped into Nan Gongyue, she was embarrassed and didn't know how to speak, Nan Gongyue saluted respectfully and said with a smile: "Hehe, it's rare for father to come over, why don't the whole family gather together before leaving?"

Lin En was stunned for a moment, feeling ashamed, glanced back at Lin Yuan, and said angrily: "Forget it! Some people don't welcome me here, and I have a lot of business, so it's more inconvenient than staying."

Say it!

Lynn hurriedly left the courtyard.

When Lin Chen saw Nangongyue, he jogged over happily, and said with a smile, "Mother, I miss you so much."

"You child, going out to sea to experience such a dangerous thing, you didn't come back to discuss it with us, you worried us to death." Nangong Yuelue said reproachfully.

"Yeah, your mother heard that you have been away from sea for such a long time, but you can't sleep every day and night. You really have to apologize to your mother." Lin Yuan said.

"Well, I won't do it next time." Lin Chen nodded, then looked back at Lin Yuan, and said with a smile: "However, Dad, you have hidden it really deeply, if you didn't see your list on the honor list Shan, the child doesn't know that father was so powerful before."

"Hehe, it's all old stuff, so don't mention it." Lin Yuan smiled casually, and said again: "Okay, it's rare for our family to reunite, so don't talk about unhappy things, and talk to us about your this time. Going out to sea for experience will have something to gain."

"Hey, we've gained a lot from going out to sea this time." Lin Chen was very proud, but thinking of Ling Tianyu's previous reminder, Lin Chen didn't talk too much, all he said was about the slaughter of sea beasts.

And Ling Tianyu echoed a few words from time to time, in order to increase the credibility of Lin Chen's lies, the whole family enjoyed themselves happily and laughed endlessly, and then the matter passed like this.

Next, Ling Tianyu has to increase his merit points and become a generation younger brother to be eligible to participate in the Four Islands event.

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