Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2028, the pill was released smoothly


The lingering flame breath permeated the entire dark room.

Ling Tianyu's heart is like still water, his mental power is highly concentrated, his expression is focused, and he controls every subtle change of Hunyuan Jianhuo calmly.From the outside to the inside, it penetrates layer by layer and refines layer by layer.

The dragon ginseng, which has strong medicinal properties, did not produce any rejection under Ling Tianyu's slow refinement.As if he had given up the idea of ​​resistance, under the erosion of Ling Lie's sword fire, he had no choice but to sit and wait for death.

Seeing Ling Tianyu refining the dragon ginseng with extreme meticulousness and calmness, the strange old man was amazed and admired at the same time, and muttered to himself: "Which famous teacher trained a master, this kid has done really well!" It’s too delicate, it’s in vain that I’ve worked so hard to train a few disciples, but I can’t even compare to this kid. Just with this mentality, I can’t even admire you.”

This time!

Ling Tianyu completely forgot about his surroundings. Refining dragon ginseng was like fighting a protracted war, and he couldn't be greedy.Because the aura contained in the dragon ginseng is too strong, it can only be refined slowly and meticulously. If it is pushed too fast, it will be strongly rebuked by the dragon ginseng.

Just like that, after about half a stick of incense, Ling Tianyu was still dealing with Long Shen.However, Ling Tianyu's Hunyuan Sword Fire has already formed a tight encirclement, coordinating inside and outside, and when the time is right, he can launch an attack.

And that strange old man was also quite patient, appreciating quietly.


Ling Tianyu's eyes became sharper, it was time to launch an offensive.

But at this moment, a strange scene happened.Originally surrounded by the Hunyuan sword fire, there was a trace of weird strange force flowing from the dragon ginseng, which was actually absorbing Ling Tianyu's Hunyuan sword fire.


Ling Tianyu was extremely astonished, but he felt carefully that Long Shen didn't seem to be absorbing the sword fire, but was absorbing the Hunyuan power contained in the Hunyuan sword fire, and secretly said: "I didn't expect this guy to be so cunning. I took the bait, thinking that I was interested in my Hunyuan power."

Indeed, Ling Tianyu's Hunyuan Power originated from the Primordial Origin, and it is the most powerful force in the world.For Tiancaidibao with a certain amount of spiritual intelligence, if they can absorb Ling Tianyu's Hunyuan power, they will be able to evolve again.

Due to the mutation of the dragon ginseng, Ling Tianyu had a whim, if the power of Hunyuan can be completely penetrated, then the refined medicinal powder will definitely contain the power of Hunyuan, and the final finished pill will naturally have extraordinary strength. Magical effect.

Think of this!

Ling Tianyu stopped the offensive for the time being, but transferred a more powerful Hunyuan sword fire, dominated by the power of Hunyuan, and poured it into the dragon ginseng.


The strange old man was full of surprise, the real fire released from Ling Tianyu was very fierce.With his many years of experience, he was completely unable to figure out Ling Tianyu's real fire attribute, and could only faintly feel that there seemed to be some powerful and mysterious power hidden in the Hunyuan Sword Fire.

Then, the strange old man is even more curious about Ling Tianyu's identity, not to mention anything else, if this ability is spread, it will definitely attract the attention of Xuan En Island's high-level officials.

But on the contrary, Ling Tianyu is very restrained and good at hiding himself. This kind of mentality and intelligence are very rare among the disciples of Houxiu.Then he sensed it slightly, and to the surprise of the strange old man, he did not expect that Ling Tianyu's martial strength was also very advanced.

"A strange man! What a strange man!" The strange old man secretly exclaimed, his eyes were shining with hot light, he hadn't been so excited for many years, and he almost drove this treasure out.

Thinking about it, the strange old man continued to pay attention, but was shocked to find that not only had the dragon ginseng not been refined, but the aura contained in it had grown unbelievably sharp.I was anxious, and said to myself: "What the hell is this kid doing? I'm so anxious!"

Seeing Ling Tianyu, his face was still calm, and Long Shen was constantly absorbing the power of Hunyuan from the Hunyuan Sword Fire to strengthen his aura.And under the effect of the power of Hunyuan, the aura contained in the dragon ginseng becomes more powerful and pure.

It's a pity that Long Shen never imagined that the power of Hunyuan deliberately infiltrated by Ling Tianyu was like a sword in his belly.As long as the sword is out of the sheath, it will hit the key point.

for a long time!

When the Hunyuan power injected by Ling Tianyu felt that it could control the limit, he let out a dark shout, and the power of the Hunyuan sword fire soared sharply, burning crazily.

Hiss! ~

The dragon ginseng began to crack, but it had a certain amount of intelligence, felt threatened, and was about to revolt angrily.But what frightened it was that the Hunyuan sword fire driven by Ling Tianyu could easily erode in the Hunyuan power it had absorbed.

Because the power of Hunyuan and the sword and fire of Hunyuan are originally integrated, Long Shen absorbed a lot of power of Hunyuan, which undoubtedly opened the door for Ling Tianyu, and the fierce Hunyuan sword and fire entered fiercely.

From the outside to the inside, and then from the inside to the outside, it was being burned layer by layer.

Long Shen was terrified and lost all the strength to resist, so he had to let the fierce sword fire slowly destroy it mercilessly.

"What's going on?" The strange old man was full of astonishment, and if he made a resistance, it would be very difficult.It can be seen that Ling Tianyu has a stern expression on his face, as if he is in control.


The strange old man admired him deeply, even though he was rich in experience, it was difficult to figure out Ling Tianyu's refining methods, but the main reason was that the real fire controlled by Ling Tianyu was so weird that it completely overturned the strange old man's cognition.

Of course, as the power in the origin of primordial origin, it is not something ordinary people can understand.


Ling Tianyu snorted secretly, frantically controlled the Hunyuan Sword Fire, and launched a fierce offensive in one fell swoop. The dragon ginseng, which was originally extremely difficult to refine, suddenly became so easy to refine in Ling Tianyu's hands.

In one go, the dragon ginseng was extracted into medicinal powder in just a few moments, and it was very delicate.

The strange old man was dumbfounded, and he couldn't react at all to the sudden change.He really wanted to ask clearly, but he didn't dare to disturb Ling Tianyu, not to mention how uncomfortable it was.


Ling Tianyu didn't add Frost Immortal Dew right away, because the extracted dragon ginseng medicinal powder was all under Ling Tianyu's control and suppression.Then Ling Tianyu added a few drops of purification dew to the medicine powder, and continued to purify while refining.

Soon, the impurities were removed, and the medicine powder in the medicine cauldron shone like crystal.


Ling Tianyu casually grabbed a stalk of Asparagus spp., and swayed it in the air. It was done in one go, simply and neatly. He extracted the Asparagus spp. and blended it in, and the technique was quite skillful.After all, he had refined a lot of Dragon God Pills before, and Ling Tianyu might be able to refine these auxiliary medicinal materials even with his eyes closed.

The incorporation of the herbal flavor of dragon's beard also stimulated the potency of the dragon's ginseng medicinal powder, so at this time Ling Tianyu immediately added a drop of ice cream to restrain the potency of the dragon's ginseng.

With the following five herbs, the refining process is also very fast, and with the addition of each auxiliary medicine, the amount of cold ice fairy dew is also increasing moderately.

"Good guy!~"

The strange old man was terribly shocked. Although it is a fifth-grade medicinal material, it is definitely impossible to do it without strong and skilled techniques. Based on these points, Ling Tianyu is enough to be called a qualified sixth-grade pharmacist.

From time to time!

After all the auxiliary medicinal materials were successfully integrated, bursts of strange medicinal fragrance were released violently with a strong gesture, which made the strange old man tremble with excitement.

Regardless of whether he can successfully produce the pill in the end, it is not easy for Ling Tianyu to use low-level medicinal materials as an aid to refine high-grade, high-strength medicinal materials.Even if it failed, the strange old man wouldn't think it was a waste of money.


Finally arrived at the last step of the alchemy, the strange old man is full of anticipation, what kind of miraculous effect will the elixir made from these medicinal materials have?But Ling Tianyu's sudden action made the strange old man astonished.

I see!

Ling Tianyu actually squeezed out drops of blood from between his fingers, dripping into the fused paste.


The old man was so surprised that he wanted to ask, but he didn't dare to speak out.

Not bad!

The refining of dragon ginseng, mixed with the power of Hunyuan in Ling Tianyu's body, using blood as a guide, can activate the medicinal power of the medicinal materials, which also means that the refined elixir is exclusively for Ling Tianyu to take.

As for Ling Tianyu's divine blood, in terms of purity, no one in the mortal world can match Ling Tianyu.The most important thing is that Ling Tianyu's divine blood contains too many substances, mixed with his own divine blood, poisonous blood, divine weapon energy and so on.

When the paste melted into Ling Tianyu's divine blood, it boiled violently like boiling water, bursts of strange medicinal fragrance, accompanied by a strange breath, rapidly spread from the medicinal cauldron.


Ling Tianyu waved his arms, and crazily transported the Hunyuan Sword Fire, sweeping in mightily.

Boom!Boom! ~

The flames were raging, and there seemed to be countless sword qi flying across. The whole medicine cauldron vibrated violently, and the dragon chanting sounded like a shock. .

The strange old man stared wide-eyed, looking at the violently shaking medicine cauldron, and at Ling Tianyu, who was imposing and arrogant, his heart was like waves, he was shocked and couldn't calm down for a long time.

along with!

Ling Tianyu's palms changed, and a series of strange handprints entered the medicine cauldron. Under the strange effect of the medicine cauldron itself, the power of the Hunyuan sword fire soared again.

Now is the key to success.

In fact, Ling Tianyu didn't know what grade of elixir he would refine, but he just took the Dragon God elixir as a version and strengthened it again.If it is successful, the efficacy of the elixir produced will be far better than that of Longshen elixir.

"It's done! It's done! It's almost done!"

The strange old man was so excited that he almost lost control of his emotions and yelled out.

at last!


Ling Tianyu yelled, and slapped the medicine cauldron heavily.


Amidst the raging flames, a stream of bullet-like light suddenly shot out from the medicine cauldron.

Ling Tianyu had already prepared an empty medicine bottle, and with quick eyesight and quick hands, he accurately put the prepared elixir into the medicine bottle and tightly covered it.Because the newly born elixir will evaporate quickly, and it must be hidden for a few moments before it can show up.


Ling Tianyu took a deep breath and smiled with relief. He never expected to be able to refine the elixir so smoothly in one go. In the past, he would have had to be frightened.

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