Yanwu God of War

Chapter 212, The Familiar Beauty Shadow

Quiet forest, bleak and gloomy.

Ling Tianyu concealed the aura in his body, and with the help of the Poison King secretly, as long as Ling Tianyu didn't take the initiative to emit aura in this forest, it would be difficult for the strong in the Xuanying Realm to detect Ling Tianyu's existence.

Whoosh! ~~ Ling Tianyu's speed is very fast, flashing all the way.

But the strange thing is that there seem to be fewer spirit beasts and monsters in the forest. This is already approaching the depths of the forest of ten thousand beasts, and Ling Tianyu can detect that there are very few beasts.

Boom!Boom! ~Bursts of loud noises came from the depths of the forest, with great fluctuations, as if a fierce fight was being staged.

"Those more powerful beasts seem to be gathering there." The Poison King said suddenly.

"Gathering?" Ling Tianyu was taken aback.

"Well, it feels like we are going to kill all the beasts here." The Poison King said.

"Kill them all? How is this possible? In the future, I will need these beasts from the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts as training partners for the God of War Squad." Ling Tianyu said angrily.

"Be careful, there are Xuanying Realm experts there." The Poison King reminded.

"Mysterious Infant Realm!" Ling Tianyu was startled, and his expression became serious. This kind of strong man is far from what Ling Tianyu can deal with.

Although this Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts is not a forbidden place, those who are strong in the Mystic Nascent Realm generally would disdain to come to this place, unless there are some special things that can attract the strong Mysterious Nascent Realm.

But no matter what, that strong man seemed to want to destroy Ling Tianyu's original plan, even if he couldn't deal with it, he had to watch it.

Whoosh! ~Ling Tianyu's figure flashed, and he accelerated his speed again.

······Among the dense forests, sawdust flew across.

boom!boom! ~~ There was a series of shocking sounds, and dozens of monsters roared.

Most of these monsters have the ability to continuously spit out venom and light from their mouths, targeting one person.

There is a pretty figure, graceful and graceful, and a white raccoon swims among the beasts.A woman in white, with a sharp sword in her hand, continued to strike with vicious sword lights, fighting with dozens of giant beasts.

There were so many giant beasts, and most of them were in the Xuanyin realm. The woman in white was a bit difficult to deal with. There were many cracks in the white clothes on her body, revealing her delicate white skin.

The white clothes were stained with a lot of blood, but these bloods all came from those monsters.

In the middle of the sky, a middle-aged man hangs upright with a deep expression on his face. He is afraid that the white-clothed woman in the lower space will be hurt. The middle-aged man would strike immediately.

call out!call out! ~~ The white-clothed woman squandered out her sword light one after another, assisted by a powerful battle spirit, and attacked those monsters angrily.

Roar! ~~ Several huge monsters, enduring the pain by force, were so angry that they rushed towards the woman in white crazily.

The woman in white's face changed slightly, but she was not afraid, and cut away with the horizontal sword.

boom! ~The sharp sword light slashed across and sprayed blood, but it was not enough to kill those few monsters.

Roar! ~~ Those few monsters howled in pain, and rushed over angrily, and the dozen or so monsters around them also launched a crazy attack on the woman in white at the same time.

Boom! ~The woman in white was unable to dodge and resist for a while, and was knocked to the ground by a monster.

The woman in white fell to the ground, half propped up her delicate body.

Teng Ran, a huge black shadow loomed over his back.

The woman in white turned her head suddenly, and was horrified to see a giant palm stepping over.

Seeing that, the woman in white was about to be trampled by the monster.

call out! ~~ A strange ray of light suddenly struck and hit the monster.


The monster let out a miserable roar, and before it stepped down, a bloody hole was pierced in its hard head by the light, killing it instantly, and fell back heavily, with smoke and dust surging.

While the surrounding monsters wanted to continue to kill the woman in white, suddenly a terrifying aura was forced from the sky and the earth, pressing down layer by layer, strong winds lingered, and the ground shook.

Those monsters were crushed by the aura, prostrated on the ground, shivering, and moaning weakly.

The middle-aged man lowered his body slowly, a few meters above the ground, extremely majestic, and those monsters were terrified.

"Xiaoshuang, this is the end of today's experience, take a good rest." The middle-aged man smiled at the woman in white with concern.

"No, continue." The woman in white appeared stubborn.

"There's still a lot of time, don't be so desperate, wait for you to recover before continuing, otherwise I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it." The middle-aged man said worriedly.

"Uncle Lei, don't worry, I'm fine." The woman in white said resolutely: "If I can't even bear this bit of suffering, then I don't need to come out to practice again."

Hearing what the woman in white said, the middle-aged man reluctantly compromised, and said with a smile: "That's good, but you have to be careful, if you really can't do it, stop."

"Thank you, Uncle Lei." The woman in white said, standing up slowly, holding the long sword tightly, exuding an aura as cold as snow from her body.

The middle-aged man shook his head and sighed softly, then withdrew his soul power.

Those monsters were unshackled, and became extremely ferocious again.

Roar!Roar! ~~The angry monster killed the woman in white furiously.

The woman in white has no fear, her eyes are cold, and her jade hands are waving the long sword in her hand. The fierce sword light continues to break through the air, attacking the surrounding monsters.

The middle-aged man quietly looked at the woman in white who was fighting, with a distressed expression.

At this time, in a certain dark forest, a pair of eyes were secretly revealed.

And this person is Ling Tianyu.

Ling Tianyu hid the aura on his body and looked around secretly.

But what he saw surprised Ling Tianyu.Unexpectedly, a woman in white was fighting with more than ten monsters, and in the sky above, a middle-aged man stood and watched quietly.

And that middle-aged man, without Yuan Wings on his back, can stand in the air, which is an ability that can only be possessed when he has reached the Xuanying Realm.

Ling Tianyu was very depressed, the middle-aged man dared to be too cruel, let so many monsters besiege the woman in white, that servant didn't help him, and looked at each other coldly.

Looking carefully, seeing the raccoon swimming among the monster, Ling Tianyu's expression moved, his brows were furrowed, and he thought to himself: Who is that woman?Why do I have a familiar feeling in my heart.

Because the woman's face was covered by the veil, Ling Tianyu couldn't see the face of the woman in white.

"Hehe, it's your old friend. I never expected to meet her here. It seems that you are destined to be married." The Poison King said through voice transmission with a smile.

"Eh? Do I recognize her?" Ling Tianyu was taken aback for a moment, but after the Poison King said this, the feeling of familiarity in his heart became stronger, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"It's that little girl from Wan Ling Sect." The Poison King enlightened.

"Wan Lingzong!" Ling Tianyu's face was startled, and he said in shock: "Zi Shuang!"

"What? Didn't you fancy this girl? Why don't you go over and say hello to her, maybe you can make out with her if you have a chance." The poisonous king smiled slyly.

"I'm very pure, teacher, you think too much." Ling Tianyu said narcissistically.

"Purity? Do you still want face?" The poisonous king said: "However, you have a lot of good fortune. When you were in Huangsha City, the people of Wanlingzong tried their best to protect you. I think this girl is right. You have also moved your mind. In fact, the old man thinks that this girl is quite good, and if there is a chance, he will accept her. "

"Teacher, you are joking. Although I thought about her in the past, when it comes to feelings, I already have Xiao Wu in my heart. I don't want to make Xiao Wu sad. Besides, Zishuang's status is noble, how could she look at me? Regarding the matter of Huangsha City, she did it because she didn't want to owe me any kindness." Ling Tianyu said secretly.

"Marriage is destined, don't be so sure, and the old man thinks this girl is very unusual. It seems that there is an inexplicable connection between your fate and her fate." The poisonous king said.

"Entanglement?" Ling Tianyu was taken aback.

"I can't say this feeling, but I think that you and her will definitely have a lot of entanglements in the future." The poisonous king said meaningfully: "Is that why? The old man said that if you have the opportunity, hurry up and get this girl." The child is taken away, and then quickly give birth to a little grandson for the old man to play with."

"I haven't even written my horoscope yet." Ling Tianyu rolled his eyes, staring at Zishuang.

Suddenly seeing an acquaintance here, I was very excited.Since leaving in the misty forest, Ling Tianyu has never seen Zishuang again, and he never expected to meet her here.

call out!call out! ~~ Fierce sword light, Zishuang's offensive became more and more fierce, and the rapier danced wildly in his hand.Those monsters were covered in scars, and they were even more enraged, and they rushed towards Zishuang like crazy.

Ling Tianyu hid in the dark, terrified, this Zishuang probably had a cultivation level close to the ninth level of Xuanyin.But I remember that in the misty forest, Zishuang's strength was far from being as strong as it is now. Only a few months later, Zishuang's cultivation base has been promoted so much.With the strong background of Wanlingzong, if he breaks through to the Xuandan realm within a year, there will be absolutely no problem.

It is conceivable how terrifying this Zishuang's talent is, and it must not be far behind Ling Tianyu, a freak.

call out! ~~ With a sharp long sword, Zishuang suddenly slashed with all her might, and pierced a charging monster through its eyes. Thick blood spurted out. The monster roared in pain, and swung its claws at Zishuang. Frost.

Zishuang Jiaoying leaped up, vacated a palm, channeled enough mysterious yin energy, exuding a strong yin and evil energy, and slapped the monster on the forehead fiercely.

boom! ~~The monster's head shook, and its huge body bounced back.

Coincidentally, the direction where this monster fell was actually hitting Ling Tianyu.

Ling Tianyu was enjoying watching, when his eyes went dark, suddenly a huge object came crashing down, and he was startled, this was too bad luck, he couldn't hit it, but it happened to hit him.

In a hurry, Ling Tianyu flashed into the forest.

But just such a tiny mistake, the middle-aged man in the sky suddenly shouted: "Who is it!"

Ling Tianyu trembled all over, his whole face was embarrassing: "Oops! We were discovered!"

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