Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2132, Fear

Right now, the world is like chaos.

The sky and the earth are dark, but still bright, the ground is full of sores and galls, and bottomless gullies are everywhere, like sword marks on a person's body. Under the different light, it seems to be smeared with a layer of dark red blood. It looked very weird.

Ling Tianyu stood alone in this ancient wasteland, as if abandoned by the world. There was an infinite sense of oppression everywhere, making Ling Tianyu look extremely lonely, without any hope in sight.

Originally, Ling Tianyu's xinxing was strong enough, but this invisible sense of fear and depression was endless. No matter how hard Ling Tianyu tried, this fear could not be erased from his mind, but it became more and more intense. Even Ling Tianyu I don't understand why I am afraid?

Could it be that there is an invisible phantom formation deliberately stimulating people's hearts in this formation?

If so, then it can only be said that the tactics of the arrayers are really terrible. There is nothing that makes people fearful, but it can make people have infinite psychological fear.

In just a short moment, Ling Tianyu was already dripping with sweat, his face was pale, and his legs became limp.

"Hold on! I must hold on!" Ling Tianyu kept thinking in his heart, but the more he tried to get rid of fear and distracting thoughts, the fear became more and more intense, and it was out of control, and it hit Ling crazily. Tianyu's heart and soul tried to make Ling Tianyu surrender.

boom! ~

Ling Tianyu's heart and soul exploded, his head cracked, and the invisible self-fear oppression became stronger and stronger, as if he was struggling alone in the vast deep sea.

next moment!

Ling Tianyu was horrified to see that the layers of the ground under his eyes were cracked open.The billowing black mist gushes out in all directions, rushing like waves, surging in all directions.

Boom!Boom! ~

The billowing black mist turned into hideous grimaces, with green light shining from the pupils like copper bells, and their faces were covered with black spikes, as if sharp swords were stabbed upside down in their faces, full of bloodthirsty ferocious.

Jie Jie! ~

The sinister smile was extremely ear-piercing, and countless ferocious ghosts frantically rushed towards Ling Tianyu.

"No!~Get out! Get out!~" Ling Tianyu roared violently, his eyes were red, he hugged his head fiercely with one hand, and waved the other.The sense of fear and oppression brought by the invisible space is very strong and irresistible, and then facing this group of demons that almost exist in substance makes Ling Tianyu feel unbearable pain.

Boom! ~

The grimaces of billowing black mist crazily eroded into Ling Tianyu's body amidst shrill screams, stimulating the fragile nerves of Ling Tianyu's whole body, and violently attacking Ling Tianyu's heart and soul.Before fighting, Ling Tianyu's heart and soul were about to collapse.


Ling Tianyu roared, in his heart heaven and man were at war, and two good and evil thoughts were fighting for the control of his soul. At this moment, he seemed to be in unprecedented pain and entanglement, almost going insane.

This is from the depths of the heart, the touch of the soul itself, as long as a person has a heart, fear can arise.And this unknown evil idea is just digging out Ling Tianyu's deepest fear, and then constantly creating momentum for his fear, making the fear psychology become stronger and stronger.Until Ling Tianyu's will collapsed and he degenerated into a demon.

As an ordinary person, it might feel a little better, but Ling Tianyu has gathered evil aura all over his body, and he is the embodiment of evil spirits.When fear completely overwhelmed Ling Tianyu's psychological defenses, the evil power that existed deep within Ling Tianyu's body would explode crazily.

"Illusion! It must be an illusion!"

"No! I shouldn't be afraid! Why should I be afraid!"

"Damn it! Get out of here!"


Ling Tianyu roared crazily, his eyes were bloodthirsty, and his whole face became extremely ferocious.He always believed in his heart that all these existences were just illusions, but for some reason, the more Ling Tianyu tried to restrain himself, the more ferocious these negative thoughts became. No matter how Ling Tianyu struggled, he still could not resist this. An invisible fear oppresses.

In the outside world!

Langtu was watching Ling Tianyu closely. Although there was no obvious fluctuation, he could feel Ling Tianyu twitching in pain.This is completely different from the reaction of the orcs who entered the beast element killing formation.

It was the first time that the High Priest Yougu saw this special situation. Although Ling Tianyu's body was still alive, he couldn't feel Ling Tianyu's life essence and soul breath at all, and felt as if he was dead.

"Huang Zun, why is this? Could it be that there is a more powerful and terrifying phantom formation hidden in the beast element killing formation?" You Gu couldn't help asking.

"That's right, but this phantom array is no small matter. Even the emperor couldn't break through it back then. It is also a crucial test, a choice between good and evil and life and death!" The shadow said with a serious face: "If he can break through This test, if you think about it, you can successfully enter the hidden secret realm in the beast element killing array! If you fail to pass the test, he will be haunted by evil thoughts, degenerate into a demon, and walk on evil ways!"


Yougu's face was serious, as if this was the first time he saw such a situation, but if Ling Tianyu unfortunately fell into the evil way, then Yougu would definitely kill Ling Tianyu at any cost to prevent future troubles, because he would never allow a second one to appear. Spirit King.

a long time!

Ling Tianyu, who was placed in the strange realm, suffered from more and more fear and oppression, and the evil spirit deep in his body exploded uncontrollably.Ling Tianyu roared like crazy, but the remaining sliver of consciousness kept reminding him that under such circumstances, he must not turn into a demon.


This is the ultimate evil, even if he turns into a demon consciously, Ling Tianyu can't completely guarantee that he won't be influenced by negative emotions.If he transforms under this fear and oppression, then Ling Tianyu will really be powerless.

"No! Illusion! It's just an illusion! Why should labor and management be afraid!" Ling Tianyu screamed wildly. He thought he had a strong mind and a good state of mind, but he couldn't get rid of his fear and evil thoughts no matter what.


Maybe this illusion is just to test the character of the passers-by?But in the face of such powerful and terrifying fear and oppression, and the potential negative crisis of the demon physique, how should Ling Tianyu make his xinxing surpass fear and become stronger?If Ling Tianyu can really overcome the deep fear, then his state of mind will be stronger than ever, and his perception will become more profound.

Human beings are the spirit of all things. Human beings can think, possess emotions, emotions, anger, sorrow, and joy. Fear and fear are human instincts, fragile emotions buried in the deepest bones.As long as you continue to defeat yourself and surpass yourself, your talents will become stronger.

Ling Tianyu understood all these reasons, but this fear and evil thought could not be expelled, instead, the fear in his heart became more and more.

"No! No! I have to overcome my fear! I must overcome it!" Ling Tianyu kept thinking in his heart, and suddenly opened his eyes, but at the first sight, he saw countless hideous faces coming towards him, which made him Terrified.

"No! No! I still can't do it!" Ling Tianyu struggled in pain. He thought that he was strong enough, and he had the prestige of the World Lord, so he shouldn't be succumbed to fear.

But Ling Tianyu couldn't control his fear and fear, and felt that his whole body was about to be unable to bear it, and the will of the demon was also bursting out amidst constant stimulation.His breathing became more and more rapid, his heart beat more and more violently, the blood in his body was boiling uncontrollably, every tiny pore on his body was rapidly expanding and contracting, as if Ling Tianyu's heart and soul would burst with time .

Do not!no!

Ling Tianyu knew very well that as long as he had the slightest thought of fear, he would become out of control.

"Illusory! Everything is illusory! I must cheer up!"

"Form is emptiness! Emptiness is form! I can't be fooled by everything in front of me!"

"Labor and capital are not even afraid of death! Are you still afraid of these demons and goblins!"


Ling Tianyu's thoughts of persistence and perseverance kept appearing in Ling Tianyu's mind, and he kept trying to convince himself, overcome difficulties, overcome fear, surpass himself, and surpass himself.


Ling Tianyu opened his eyes again, this time it felt like he had succeeded, with absolute mental preparation, Ling Tianyu's fear was much weakened.But for some reason, there is still an uncontrollable fear in my heart.

He didn't understand, how did this fear come about?Where did it come from?Why do you just let yourself be afraid for no reason?Logically speaking, Ling Tianyu has gone through countless lives and deaths, and his heart is like a rock, so he shouldn't be confused by illusions.

Therefore, Ling Tianyu couldn't figure it out, so he could only try his best to convince himself and constantly overcome his fear.But no matter how Ling Tianyu convinced himself, the fear deep in his heart was like fly droppings, and he couldn't get rid of it no matter what, and the more he resisted, the stronger the pressure of this fear.


Ling Tianyu felt exhausted, under the shock of extreme fear, Ling Tianyu's mind and will almost collapsed.At this moment, he really wanted to sleep forever. The good and evil in the world, the life and death of the common people, have nothing to do with labor and capital.

But just when Ling Tianyu was about to be succumbed, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind, and his heart and soul shook violently: "No! No! I knew it was all an illusion! I am still persuading myself not to be afraid, but I am still It's fear! Why should I force myself? Why should I deliberately resist? Why should I be afraid?"

Not bad!

If a person's xinxing is strong enough, there is no need to convince himself. From the time he came in and was stimulated by fear, Ling Tianyu's perception direction has been wrong all the time.

this moment!

Ling Tianyu, who was about to succumb completely, suddenly had a powerful surge of inner strength, and his eyes widened sharply, all radiant.In the mind, there is a bright glazed brilliance, the heart and soul are shaking, and the whole body is comfortable.

At this time, he was like an invincible existence, free from all oppression, and nothing could make Ling Tianyu fear.


Ling Tianyu yelled violently, his whole body trembled violently, invisible power surged out like mountains and seas, and the demons and ghosts that surrounded Ling Tianyu's body screamed and shattered one after another.

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