Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2162, Soul Voice Attack

Swish!Swish! ~

The afterimages of ghosts, like invisible ghosts, flicker strangely in the bamboo sea, giving people a sense of danger and depression.

Young Master Soul Ji was surrounded by everyone, vigilant everywhere.Even though the soul-destroying bell was powerful, but before the enemy's situation appeared, Mr. Soul Ji would not dare to act rashly, after all, this fox forest was very strange.

"Damn it! I fell into this beast's trap again!" Young Master Hunji gritted her teeth secretly. After she calmed down, she realized that Ling Tianyu had been leading her by the nose from the beginning to the end. She couldn't control her emotions for a moment and fell into the trap.

The enemy doesn't move, I don't move, I don't know the reality, Young Master Soul Ji and the others dare not act rashly.

But would Ling Tianyu be so honest?

the answer is negative!

Soul clan, what is a soul clan?That is to say, soul cultivators, their strongest and most dependent ability is soul art, so the most direct way to deal with the soul race is to start from the soul.

And in this fox forest, there are many restrictions, and these restrictions have a strong restraint on the soul of the living beings. This is the environmental advantage Ling Tianyu has.

Then, Ling Tianyu had to make use of his own environmental advantages.With Young Master Soul Ji and the others' cultivation base, coupled with the powerful Taoist-level Horcruxes, the restrictions around the fox forest are not enough to kill or affect Young Master Soul Ji and the others.

Therefore, Ling Tianyu could only find a way to increase the power of the Fox Forest Restriction. As long as it could affect Young Master Soul Ji and the others, or restrain the ability of the soul-destroying bell, with the strength of Chihuo and Shitu, they could close it in one go. Miss Soul Ji and the others.

This time!

The heat was almost up, Young Master Soul Ji and the others began to feel a trace of fear and fatigue under the extreme depression, and the psychological defense line had been weakened a lot.

"Little fox! Whether we can take them down depends on our tacit understanding!" Ling Tianyu secretly said.

"Master, how can I help you?" asked the little fox.

"That guy has a soul-destroying bell in his hand, and the odds of winning against them with the restrictions outside the fox forest are low. But I happen to have mastered a kind of soul skill. If I can cooperate well with the restrictions in the fox forest, I will be able to beat them hard first!" Ling Tian Yu said cruelly.

"Well, Little Spirit will try its best to help you!" Little Fox replied softly, it also wanted to help Ling Tianyu settle this matter quickly, so that it could practice in seclusion with peace of mind.


Ling Tianyu's body skills became faster and weirder, and if he wanted to compete with the soul-destroying bell, the soul-sound combat skill was indispensable.But Ling Tianyu's soul sound combat skill was no match for the dementing bell, so he could only try to borrow the restriction of the fox forest.


A strange scene appeared, and with the flickering afterimage of the ghost, it seemed that a trace of strange tune was slightly stirred in the void.The tune is sad, like the wind is crying.


The dementing bell began to feel restless, and the loud ringing echoed through the bamboo sea with a desolate sound, desolate, like a sad person crying.

Soul sound technique!

Young Master Soul Ji and the others were shocked. It was obvious that this mysterious person was releasing a soul sound. Although he didn't launch an attack for some reason, the sound in this weird fox forest really made people feel creepy.


Young Master Soul Ji simply removed the Dementor Bell, holding a sword in one hand and the Dementor Ling tightly in the other.He wasn't really afraid, the soul-destroying bell was actually given by his father, the Emperor Soul King, so he naturally had a backhand.But unless it is absolutely necessary, Young Master Soul Ji will not use it lightly.Because as long as the super trump card hidden in the soul-destroying bell is activated, the soul-destroying bell will also be broken.

With the flickering of the figure, the tone from the void became more sad.The flickering and jumping figure seemed to form notes one by one, playing vigorously.

Woo! ~

The sad and desolate tone is like a flute.

The sound of the flute is extremely deep, sometimes sharp and piercing; it sounds like weeping, like a sad person crying.Sometimes it becomes vigorous, impassioned Haoran tune, full of a kind of agitated notes.


Using body skills to bring out the melody and playing such a strange and sad flute sound is really brilliant, the master of soul skills firmly believes in this, and admires it from the bottom of his heart.And the sound of the flute is changeable, and every change of rhythm will cause people to have different emotions.

Woohoo! ~

The afterimages of the ghosts and the evil melody, like being besieged from all sides, ruthlessly impacted the souls of Young Master Hun Ji and the others.

Over time!

The sound of the flute became more and more intense, like a ghost wind in the abyss of sin, cold and cold.It seems that there are countless ghosts and ghosts, grinding their teeth and allowing blood in their ears, and laughing wantonly, constantly disturbing the minds of Mr. Hun Ji and the others, shaking their hearts and souls all the time.

See you!

Young Master Soul Ji and the others all looked pale and trembled violently. Their psychological defenses had already loosened a lot in the previous wear and tear.Under the stimulation of this flute sound, they directly excavated their deep fear.


Who knows how terrifying the hidden restrictions in this fox forest are?

Don't make a move?

Then you have to be slowly worn to death by this evil flute sound!

As for Chi Huo and the others hiding under the dead leaves, because the little spirit fox controls the outer restraint, the flute sound echoing in the void is completely isolated.Although they couldn't feel or hear it, they could also feel that the atmosphere in the bamboo forest was becoming more and more eerie and terrifying.

"This human is really terrifying. Fortunately, he is not an enemy of our beast clan, otherwise it will be a disaster for our clan when he grows up in the future!" Shitu and the others were shocked. They saw Ling Tianyuxiu at first. For low, the bottom of my heart is dissatisfied.But it was different now, the means and abilities Ling Tianyu showed step by step were really terrifying.

Thinking in another way, if the people Ling Tianyu wanted to ambush were Shitu and the others, Ling Tianyu would have to play to death even with twice as many troops.

Woohoo! ~

The pitch of the flute began to change again, uh, it became agitated, like a raging wave, and a strange strong wind was driven up, making the whole bamboo forest rustle, as if an army was purge.


The piercing tone, accompanied by the mournful roar, filled the sky with ghostly shadows dancing wildly.Pieces of bamboo leaves fell one after another against the invisible strong wind, and when these fallen leaves slowly floated down, there seemed to be bursts of invisible murderous intent in the invisible.


Young Master Hun Ji and the others looked pale, looking at the fallen leaves flying all over the sky, their eyes became dull and blurred, and it seemed that there was an invisible sharp sword, piercing their hearts and souls fiercely.

Not bad!

It is the power of the Soul Slaying Demonic Song, and with the tacit cooperation of the little spirit fox manipulating the Fox Forest Restriction, the power of the Soulslaying Demonic Song has been greatly enhanced.Coupled with the fact that Ling Tianyu performed it in the state of the unity of heaven and man, the power is even more terrifying.

If the person standing here is not a soul clan, if it was another strong person, his soul would have been torn apart by the Soul Killing Song.

Woohoo! ~

The sad and evil sound of the flute pierced through the sky, and when the fallen leaves flying all over the sky were about to sprinkle on Young Master Soul Ji and the others, they were strangely still for a while.


In all directions in the void, strong murderous intent erupted without warning, as if there were thousands of troops and countless ferocious devils, waving sharp weapons in their hands, rushing madly from the evil flute sound.

call out!call out! ~

The fallen leaves all over the sky suddenly became as sharp as a blade, flashing a frightening cold light, like a poisonous snake spitting out letters, the fallen leaves, full of murderous intent, swept towards Young Master Soul Ji and the others.


The crisis was approaching, but Dementor Ling took the initiative to protect the Lord, which Ling Tianyu never calculated.

Jingle Bell! ~

With each sharp ringing, the Dementor Bell vibrated violently, and waves of powerful sound waves, like surging sea tides, rushed across in all directions.

boom! ~

There was a loud noise, the void distorted, the air flow trembled, and two violent rhythmic fluctuations collided violently in the void. The bamboo leaves flying all over the sky turned into powder one after another, and a circle of strong and invisible ripples and arc waves suddenly appeared. Rows of green bamboos were broken.

Dementor Bell!

As a treasure of the Dao Lord, it is indeed worthy, and it actually protected the Lord at the critical moment, and it was far stronger than that under the control of Young Master Soul Ji himself.


Young Master Hun Ji and the others woke up from the panic, but they were already covered in cold sweat from fright, as if they had just recovered their life, and they were terrified and terrified.

It's a pity, Young Master Hunji's idea is wrong!

Just after waking up, the ghostly afterimage flickering in the void suddenly changed rapidly, taking advantage of the confrontation between the soul-destroying bell and the soul-killing song, it forced it fiercely.

In the fox forest, the restrictions are extremely great, and the laws cannot be used.However, the soul masters and the others, who were unable to manipulate the soul spells and use the Horcruxes in time, attacked with force, and Ling Tianyu was full of confidence.


Ling Tianyu appeared out of thin air, aiming directly at Young Master Soul Ji.

boom! ~

With one punch, the thunder was overpowering, just like the thunder of the world god, it hit Young Master Hunji across the air.


Unexpectedly, Ling Tianyu could easily pass through the soul sound line of defense, and arrived in an instant, thundering assault.

Obviously, if you fight head-on with force, with the power of Ling Tianyu's punch, if you don't resist the premise, you will be smashed to pieces immediately, but it's a pity that Ling Tianyu still underestimated the strength of Young Master Hun Ji and the others.

boom! ~

The powerful and domineering fist exerted all the strength in Ling Tianyu's body, and he dared to launch a surprise attack only after his calculations were very precise.But at the moment when he got close, he could clearly feel some kind of threatening and terrifying murderous intent from Young Master Soul Ji's angry and cold eyes.

"Steal the sky and change the day!"

Young Master Soul Ji and the others shouted violently, and a powerful and strange soul force violently shook the square space.Even the fox forest restriction was useless, the void twisted sharply.

It is conceivable that Ling Tianyu's time law can't be used in the fox forest, but Mr. Soul Ji and the others can shake the fox forest space. The power comparison between the two is fresh and clear.

And Ling Tianyu also understood at that moment, Young Master Soul Ji and the others gathered together, firstly to be vigilant, and secondly to occupy a place, and they can join forces to fight the enemy at any time.

This stealth, as the name suggests, can be borrowed from the soul array to steal the opponent's attack instantly, but it will not produce counterattack lethality to the opponent, it is just a defensive soul array.

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