Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2171, 11 persuasion

With one punch, Tietong was defeated.

"Are you convinced!" Ling Tianyu said arrogantly, a straightforward personality like Tietong must be straightforward.

"Submit it, from now on, no matter whether it is the mountains of swords and seas of fire, or the purgatory of Asura, I, Tietong, will follow you!" Tietong also deserved it, and he clasped his fists and saluted Ling Tianyu.

"En!" Ling Tianyu nodded heavily, glanced at the astonished crowd, and said: "Brother Tietong already has a choice, what do you guys think?"

The voice just fell!

After swishing, hundreds of people stood up again, and then they all leaned towards Tietong. Although they didn't say a word, they had already expressed their attitude.

There are more than 100 people, and it is not surprising that the strength deterrence only recruited more than 100 people, and Ling Tianyu was not in a hurry, and said with a flat face: "It seems that there are still many people who don't want to make a choice, it's okay, but I have some The words are uncomfortable, and I don’t know how to speak, I wonder if you are interested in listening?"

Hearing this, everyone was still completely silent, but they didn't immediately veto it. It seemed that they were a little shaken, but not firm enough.After all, Ling Tianyu's strength is not bad, and the identity behind it is even more terrifying. Compared with being a slave in the soul clan, following Ling Tianyu will not suffer too much.

"Well, it seems that you still have some ideas in your mind." Ling Tianyu calmly said, and said in a deep tone: "Perhaps in your hearts you think that I am just a protoss who has just been demoted to the wild world, and I don't understand The situation in the wild world, if you offend the Soul King this time, if you follow me in the future, you may fall into a place of eternal doom."

Not bad!

No matter how powerful Ling Tianyu is, so what?Can it compete with the entire spiritual world?Offending the Soul King openly this time caused the Soul Clan to suffer huge losses. In the future, the Soul Clan will definitely deal with Ling Tianyu at all costs, including them.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Ling Tianyu asked again: "But I want to ask you, why were you demoted to the barbaric world? What is the meaning of your existence now? To become slaves of the barbarian clan? Lose all dignity and be called Come and call them away? Are you willing to work for them all your life? Is this the meaning of your existence? Instead of lingering on your last days, living a life as humble as a dog, why don’t you dare to gamble on your fate?"


Don't they have dignity?But in this cruel wild world, what can the protoss, who are weak and weak, do?

At this time, Ling Tianyu said again: "Why were we relegated to the wild world? To put it bluntly, we are not good people! How dare you disobey the rules of the God Realm when you are in the God Realm! You are not even afraid of death! But Why did you become a group of shrinking turtles when you came here? What about your fearsome reputation? What about your fearless dignity? Where did it all go?"

This sentence is resounding.

Everyone's face trembled, and they clenched their fists fiercely. As Ling Tianyu said, which one of them is not a notorious murderer in the God Realm.In the past, they were not even afraid of death, so why did they get discouraged when they came to this wild world?

"That's right. We really have no advantage in the barbarian world today. We can't compete with the huge barbarian race. But it means that we have to give up our dignity? We have to be willing to be slaves? Are you afraid of death? For you, death has Why are you afraid?" Ling Tianyu proudly said: "I just want to say something to you, please remember, no matter how notorious you were, you are gods, not slaves!"

You are gods!Not a slave!

These few words, like thunder, strongly shocked their hearts and souls.

Not bad!

They are gods, orthodox gods, who were once regarded as lowly barbarian races in their eyes. Why are they willing to give up their dignity here and become the slaves of the barbarian race?

This time!

Someone moved again. Hundreds of god slaves, after a hard struggle, finally became ruthless, and slowly moved to lean against Tietong and the others, and then continued to remain silent, but their determination has been deeply expressed.

"turn out to be···"

The wolf king suddenly came to his senses, looking at the god slave who was being drawn continuously by Ling Tianyu, he felt admiration from the bottom of his heart.These two thousand god slaves have different personalities, and Ling Tianyu just chooses the most appropriate way to subdue them batch by batch.

For example, people like Tietong, they are just forced to become god slaves, and they are not reconciled in their hearts, so it is very simple to subdue these people, as long as you have enough strength, they are willing to follow you.

And this second group of people, they are just forced to survive, and they have the character of not admitting defeat.And Ling Tianyu's words touched them a lot, as long as they broke their psychological defense, they could be convinced.

As for the people behind, they may have been deeply ingrained, and even been subtly influenced, forced to accept the reality and completely accept the identity of God slaves.To subdue these people, Ling Tianyu must have enough bargaining chips and capital to completely solve their worries.


For those who did not choose a side, a middle-aged man stood up and clasped his fists and said, "Brother, I only have one question. If you can satisfy me, I guarantee that my brothers and I will follow you!"

"Please speak!" Ling Tianyu said.

"Hehe, I see that brother is a straightforward person, so I will speak bluntly." The middle-aged man smiled casually, and said seriously: "Brother, although you have an unusual status, there is a saying that you are not of my race." , his heart must be different, even if you are the emissary of the barbarian tribe, and you have the highest power in the barbarian tribe! But you can't let the barbarian tribe help you fight against the races of the spirit world, let alone take the current As far as the soul race is concerned, apart from the beast race, brother, what chips do you have to guarantee our survival? What chips do you have to fight against the soul race?"

"I never thought of relying on the barbarian beast clan in the past, and the barbarian beast clan would not violate the agreement between the two clans because of me. And I rely on my strength!" Ling Tianyu replied arrogantly.

"Strength? Just rely on your current strength brother?" The middle-aged man said, there was a lot of irony in his words.

"Not bad!" Ling Tianyu said with sharp eyes and a strong tone: "It has been less than 50 years since I practiced, but I have the current ability. If you give me a few more years, or even shorter, I am confident I will lose to the Soul King, or even the Spirit King! Maybe you will think I am arrogant, but I think I can do it!"

Less than 50 years!

Not only these god slaves, but also the wolf king and Chi Huo were shocked.

The God Realm and the Savage Realm are full of powerful people, except for special races, no matter how outstanding the talent is, it will take hundreds of years to reach the peak of the True Monarch Realm.

But now Ling Tianyu's cultivation age is less than 50 years, but he can easily crush the mid-level masters of the divine monarch realm with his true monarch realm cultivation base.What kind of horror would it be if Ling Tianyu grew up to the realm of the gods, or the realm of the dao?

The purpose of Ling Tianyu's words is also very simple, one is to treat each other with sincerity, and second, it is just to show that he has enough potential to become a Dao Lord, or even surpass a Dao Lord.

"Hehe, I'm fine now." The middle-aged man smiled slightly, he also seemed to like Ling Tianyu's potential, decided to take a risk, and led hundreds of people to stand on the other side without hesitation.

After this, almost half of the god slaves are willing to follow Ling Tianyu.

As for the remaining thousands of God Slaves, each of them wavered, to some extent, but they had too many worries in their hearts, and Ling Tianyu's rhetoric alone might not guarantee them protection.

Can't help!

Another god slave stood up, clasped his fists and said, "That's right, brother, with your talent and ability, if you are given room to improve freely, you will be able to become a Taoist monarch in time, I never doubt that. But brother, you must understand, You have offended the Soul King this time, I believe your identity will be exposed soon, and you pose a great threat to them, so they will never give you a chance to let you grow! To put it harshly, with the Soul King's Cultivation level and means, if you dare to step out of the prehistoric beast forest, brother, your soul will fly away immediately, so no matter how strong your potential is, it will be useless in this wild world!"

"Hehe, people are alive, and I can actually play Young Master Soul Ji and the others in their buttocks. I naturally have the ability to guarantee my survival, and I will not be so stupid as to die in vain." Ling Tianyu smiled lightly.

"Okay! Even if you can guarantee your own survival, what about us? We have betrayed the soul clan, or this matter will spread to the entire spirit world, so how should we survive?" the slave of the god asked again.

"I can give you the environment and resources. As for whether you can survive, it depends on your strength!" Ling Tianyu said heavily: "And I don't need to sit and enjoy the waste!"

"Environment? Apart from the spirit world, do we have any other living space?" Another slave of God stood up and said.

"Prehistoric Beast Forest, this is the space I can provide you with." Ling Tianyu said.

"Prehistoric Beast Forest!?" Everyone was stunned.

"Not bad!"

Ling Tianyu said seriously: "The Great Desolate Beast Forest is the boundary area between the two races, and there are beast masters sitting here. If there is no turmoil in the two worlds, this is the most reliable living space. And here you have absolutely Freedom and fairness, you can regain your dignity, and show your reputation to those barbarian races! As for resources, with my current status, I can provide you with sky stones, and your cultivation can be infinitely improved! "

The Great Desolate Beast Forest is indeed very dangerous, but it is very suitable for training, otherwise people from the spiritual races would not often go to the Great Desolate Beast Forest to practice. If they are supported by the sky stone, they will have a great survival here. with room for improvement.

As for the guarantee, presumably the kings of the spirit world will not tear up the agreement between the two worlds just because of their god slaves.Therefore, as long as there is no turmoil in the two worlds, it is the safest place in the wild animal forest. Whether it can survive here is a matter of strength.

"I'm fine now!" said the god slave, and then walked to the other camp without hesitation, and nearly half of the remaining god slaves also stood on the other side.

As for the remaining hundreds of god slaves, they hesitated, not because they were not moved, but because they still had a little fantasy.

And Ling Tianyu seemed to have figured out what these god slaves were thinking, and said: "I can feel that you are not content with the status quo, maybe you are fantasizing that one day you can return to the God Realm, after all, in your opinion, those barbarian races and You yourself share a common goal."

Hearing this, they fell silent.

As Ling Tianyu said, they fantasize in their hearts that as long as they can survive, when the spirit world races break the barriers of the realm, it will be the time for them to return.

But soon, Ling Tianyu's words shattered their hopes, and he said with a straight face: "Let's not say whether the barbarians have the intention to return to the God Realm, even if they return to the God Realm one day, they will never Stupid enough to give back your freedom! You are destined to be a stepping stone to their revenge! I think you all know this in your heart, but you just don’t want to accept it.”

Those god slaves looked gloomy, Ling Tianyu's words were indeed cruel, but they never understood.So what if I can return to the God Realm with the clans of the Spirit Realm in the future?Do you have to follow the spirit world race to rebel against the entire God Realm?As long as they are controlled, no matter where they go, they will always be the god slaves they drove out.

at last!

This last group of people, after going through a difficult choice, then silently walked to the other side.

It means that the two thousand elite slaves have been successfully subdued.

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