Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2201, Lingfeng's ambition

Boom! ~

Boom! ~

The space vibrates violently and continuously, the airflow is turbulent, and the vision is dim.Blasts of violent wind of silence, carrying terrifying energy, roared angrily, tearing apart the space sharply, wreaking havoc endlessly.

But in this dark hurricane, there was a figure sitting cross-legged.The whole body is radiant and mysterious, with a handsome complexion, long hair fluttering and high spirits.

Not bad!

This figure is Ling Tianyu.

Condensing the divine core and shaping the divine heart means that Ling Tianyu has truly stepped into the ranks of the divine monarch.According to Ling Tianyu's practice habits, he will consolidate his cultivation after each pass, and this time is no exception.

Although the energy in the Wind of Nirvana is powerful and violent, it does not conflict with Ling Tianyu's primordial vitality, so now Ling Tianyu is attracting energy from all directions to strengthen the divine core.

boom!boom! ~

Vast and incomparable energy continuously poured into Ling Tianyu's body, centering on Ling Tianyu's figure, it seemed to form a huge energy vortex.While absorbing external energy to strengthen the divine core, Ling Tianyu also did not forget to temper the primordial battle body.

Although the grandmeng battle body has been strengthened a lot, the demand is too great. Even with the endless energy tempered by the wind of extinction, at least it will take more than half a month to upgrade the battle body.

in this way!

After retreating for a long time, Ling Tianyu's divine core has become strong and hard. In terms of the strength of the divine core, it will definitely not lose to the powerhouse at the peak of the Divine Sovereign Realm.And Ling Tianyu's divine core is full-attribute, which means that he can control various attributes of divine power, plus the fusion of raw stone and divine weapon energy, the intensity of divine power is far beyond the normal level.

Feng Shenli!

With a shake of Ling Tianyu's arms, the powerful Fengshen power surged up.

As a kind of energy formed by heaven and earth, the Wind of Nirvana also produces wind energy. If you are a warrior who cultivates the power of wind power, you will feel much better in the Wind of Nirvana.

But the Wind of Nirvana can't affect Ling Tianyu at all. What Ling Tianyu wants to try now is to see if he can use Fengshen's power to control the operation of Wind of Nirvana. Ling Tianyu offered a way out.


The powerful Fengshen power was released, and bursts of fierce wind swept out from Ling Tianyu's body.

The wind of the gods!

This is a must-have ability for a warrior who cultivates Fengshen power. The stronger the Fengshen power is, the more terrifying the wind of the gods released will be, and it can even tear the space apart.

Generally speaking, if you use power in the wind of extinction, you will be backlashed by the energy of the wind of extinction, and it is difficult to stop.But not only did Ling Tianyu not be backlashed by the energy of the wind of extinction, on the contrary, the billowing dark hurricane around his body actually flowed around the wind of the gods released by Ling Tianyu.

Why is this?

First, there is no conflict between Ling Tianyu's own cultivation system and the Wind of Nirvana; secondly, Ling Tianyu has a much deeper understanding of the laws of heaven and earth, and the last and most critical point is that Ling Tianyu's divine core itself is obtained through the wind of Nirvana. The energy is condensed, so the energy in the wind of extinction will not repel Ling Tianyu's divine power at all.

It's a pity that the wind energy produced by the Wind of Nirvana is too strong, but it represents the power of heaven and earth. With Ling Tianyu's current ability, the maximum limit can only control the wind of Nirvana within a radius of 500 meters. Feeling very strenuous, and there will be a risk of backlash.

Enough is enough, Ling Tianyu still understands this truth.

"Haha! That's great!" Ling Tianyu laughed excitedly. Back then, the god of war, Xinglong, was able to use the Wind of Nirvana to escape. If Ling Tianyu's identity was exposed, he would also have the wind of Nirvana as his trump card to escape.

Think of this!

Ling Tianyu was going to consolidate and become more proficient, and then almost headed to Spirit City.


At this moment, a ghostly afterimage flashed in the dark hurricane. It was very slow and seemed to be struggling, but it was not impacted by the wind of silence.

Swish!Swish! ~

The afterimage flickered, constantly approaching Ling Tianyu's retreat wind area.

at last!

The afterimage successfully approached the wind area, a thin middle-aged man in a gray windbreaker flashed vaguely in the dark hurricane.When he saw Ling Tianyu who was sitting in the core of the hurricane indifferently in front of him, his expression was horrified, as if he had seen some kind of terrible monster.

And this middle-aged man is the four guardian spirits of wind, cloud, thunder and lightning from Lingtianhou Mansion!


What he cultivates is Fengshen Power, and he can last about half an hour in the wind of extinction, and he must be cautious, even if he makes a slight mistake, he will be swallowed by the wind of extinction.

Originally, Lingfeng was curious. After all, breaking through the level in the wind of silence is a very unimaginable thing. What's even more strange is that the person who broke through the level was originally a real king-level warrior.

Therefore, Lingfeng always thought in his heart that this capable person must be a certain genius from the races of the spirit world.It would be a great achievement if he could recruit such talents for Lingtianhou Mansion.

However, when Lingfeng saw the true face of this capable man, he was extremely shocked.

God slave!

Belonging to the most humble existence in the spirit world, they are even regarded as slaves of the gods. For example, the Lingtianhou Mansion also controlled many god slave killers and served the Hou Mansion all their lives.


Lingfeng secretly sensed the past, and was pleasantly surprised that Ling Tianyu's soul pattern was still alive, which meant that Ling Tianyu was free, so Lingfeng suspected that Ling Tianyu might be a protoss who had just been demoted to the wild world.

"Hehe, good luck, I found a treasure!" Lingfeng smiled happily, staring at Ling Tianyu with bright eyes as if looking at a peerless treasure.

A free god slave, a god slave with a low cultivation level, can control the wind of death.If Ling Tianyu can be forcibly subdued as a slave, it will surely create infinite benefits for Lingtianhou Mansion.


Except for the Spirit King back then, who else in this spiritual world is not afraid of the wind of death?With Ling Tianyu's ability to control the Wind of Nirvana, if he grows up and can even control the entire Domain of Nirvana, it means not only possessing great strength, but also obtaining unlimited treasures.

Because, it is rumored that in the core area of ​​the Annihilation Domain, there are countless giant treasures hidden deep, but since the King of Spirits, no one has been able to break into the core area of ​​the Annihilation Domain.And the Spirit King never broke into it again. As for the reason, no one knows, but I heard that the Spirit King said that he would never step into the realm of extinction again in his life.


Lingfeng licked his tongue and stared at Ling Tianyu. It was obvious that Ling Tianyu was currently in a state of seclusion, and his cultivation had only just broken through to the first stage of the Divine Sovereign Realm.With a high-level cultivation base in Lingfeng Shenjun Realm, it is easy to deal with a newly promoted Shenjun Realm warrior.

But Lingfeng is also very cautious, even if Ling Tianyu can control the Wind of Nirvana, it can threaten him.


Lingfeng held back his aura firmly, and with his control over the wind power, he dare not say that he is like a fish in water in the wind of silence, at least he can walk around safely.And now Lingfeng has only one person, Lingyun and the others can't let go of their hands and feet in the wind of death, so now they have to rely on Lingfeng to deal with Ling Tianyu alone.

This time!

Ling Tianyu is in retreat, carrying out the final strengthening of the divine core and combat body.

Suddenly, the little fox hurriedly transmitted a voice: "Master, there are enemies approaching."


Ling Tianyu was calm and composed, he was able to control the field of wind of silence within a range of 500 meters, not to mention a single person, even a grain of sand could not escape Ling Tianyu's eyes.

"This guy's cultivation is pretty good, and he can display a certain amount of power even in the wind of death. Obviously, he has taken your idea." The little fox said, "Don't master plan to deal with him?"

"Hehe, who else dares to appear here?" Ling Tianyu secretly smiled, needless to say, he also guessed that it was the four guardians who had been ordered by King Lingtianhou to secretly protect him.After all, now Ling Tianyu's identity is no longer Ling Yufan, but the identity of a god slave, but he can practice in secluded cultivation in the wind of death safely, and anyone will have his own ideas.

Although there was no injustice or enmity, Ling Tianyu would not let Lingfeng go if he actually had his own ideas.Moreover, the matter of controlling the Wind of Nirvana is too frightening, and it will definitely cause a sensation if it is passed on to the spiritual world, so this matter must be kept secret.

Can't help!

Ling Tianyu continued to maintain a closed state, and even relaxed all his defenses.Waiting for Lingfeng to approach again, Ling Tianyu can use the power of the wind of death to strangle Lingfeng.

At this moment, the spiritual wind is approaching cautiously.The distance from Ling Tianyu is getting closer and closer, the mood swings are getting stronger and stronger, and the smile is also strong.

"Hehe, boy, no matter who you are! If you meet me here, you can only consider yourself unlucky! Don't worry! When I subdue you, I will definitely not treat you badly!" Ling Fengsen sneered, anyone Everyone has ambitions, and Lingfeng is no exception. No one is willing to be driven by others for a lifetime, and no one wants to obtain the supreme status.

If Ling Tianyu can control this strange person, Lingfeng will be able to obtain infinite benefits. In the future, he may even obtain the giant treasure in the core area of ​​the Wind of Nirvana.

Think of this!

Lingfeng quickly approached again. After all, time is limited. The longer he stays, the faster Lingfeng's Fengshen power will be depleted. He didn't expect the fat sheep in his hand to slip away like this.

Whoosh! ~

Lingfeng's whole body seemed to be transformed into a ghost wind, walking along the dark hurricane, constantly approaching Ling Tianyu.

The distance is getting closer and closer until it is right in front of you.

Now, the distance between Lingfeng and Ling Tianyu is only ten meters, but within these ten meters, Ling Tianyu has released the wind of the gods, it seems that he is also cultivating the wind power.

Lingfeng has already planned, if he is lucky, if the next wave of dark hurricane just follows the trend, Lingfeng will be able to launch a sneak attack and take Ling Tianyu down in one fell swoop.

The enemy is so close, can Ling Tianyu not feel it?

"Really cautious!" Ling Tianyu smiled secretly: "Hehe, if you want to plot against the young master, then the young master will create opportunities for you!"

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