Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2215, finally enlightened

Seeing Lingtianhou Wang's extremely uncomfortable expression, Ling Tianyu couldn't help asking: "Father, what's wrong with you? Could it be that the child's understanding is wrong? Are you talking?"

"Oh~ that's all, everything is difficult at the beginning, it's pretty good for you to understand this step." Ling Tianhou Wang sighed.

"Father, don't play tricks on the child. After all, the child's understanding is limited, so I have to trouble you." Ling Tianyu said, always feeling that he was a little bit incomprehensible.

"What you just said is correct, but it's just a superficial understanding." Ling Tianhou Wang Zhengse said: "Yes, being a father is indeed integrated into the power of the wind attacking the gods, but it is only using the force of the wind."

"Potential?" Ling Tianyu was puzzled.

"It seems that we need to discuss the application of space law and the perception of being a father for many years." Ling Tianhou Wang patiently explained: "From the most basic definition of space, the limitation we can grasp now is the space regionality. The more cultivated The higher the height, the stronger the control, and the wider the space area that can be covered and controlled. But you know, the space is infinite."

"Infinity..." Ling Tianyu was thoughtful.

"Well, space is also divided into different levels. The most basic is the regionality of space, and the sky and the earth are the top. It is said that space belongs to infinity." Ling Tianhou Wang looked like a mentor, and said: "It is as close as it is far away. The laws of space we understand now belong to the locality of space. For this As far as the whole world is concerned, space is everywhere, and with our current ability, we still cannot jump out of the laws of heaven and earth, which means that the laws of space under our control are all limited to the space between heaven and earth."

"My child still doesn't understand." Ling Tianyu shrugged.

"Don't worry, I just want you to understand the definition of space first." King Lingtianhou smiled, and then asked enthusiastically: "Now I will ask you the simplest question, how is space composed?"

"Space is a macrocosm formed by the combination of various elements between heaven and earth, right?" Ling Tianyu asked.

"That's right. The various divine powers we are cultivating now originate from space itself, and space exists in the heaven and earth everywhere, but space itself is also composed of various elements. In a sense, elements, space and The heaven and the earth themselves are interconnected, and all the abilities we have come from the heaven and the earth, and are also subject to the rules of the heaven and the earth." Ling Tianhou Wang said.

"Heaven and earth..." Ling Tianyu seemed to realize something.

"Hehe, everything is made up of the heaven and the earth. The heaven and the earth created everything, and the two belong to one body. They are actually one. Why bother to integrate them?" Ling Tianhou Wang smiled slightly.


Ling Tianyu's face was stunned, Ling Tianhou Wang explained for so long, the last sentence was the most shocking.


Divine power itself is composed of elements in the heaven and earth, and it is freely manipulated.The element itself is the composition of space, and space exists between heaven and earth.To put it bluntly, the divine power elements themselves are part of the space, so why do I deliberately let them blend together?


Ling Tianyu sat cross-legged, and immediately escaped into a closed state.

"Hehe, a child can be taught." Lingtianhou Wang smiled slightly, as if understanding was more important than his own perception, Lingtianhou Wang didn't want to explain too clearly.


King Lingtianhou left the practice room with a smile, and then ordered a man in charge of guarding the practice room to calmly say: "Remember! No matter what happens, even if the sky falls, no one is allowed to go near the practice room! If anyone dares to If you startle me, immediately drive me out!"

"Then what if it's Missy?" the man asked.

"One example!"

King Ling Tianhou put on a straight face, and walked away leisurely, humming a little song.



In the practice room, Ling Tianyu sat cross-legged quietly.

After the call from King Lingtianhou, Ling Tianyu escaped into the comprehension.

Not bad!

The various elements contained in the heaven and earth are combined to form an infinite space of heaven and earth. From a microscopic point of view, elements are the basic elements that constitute space and heaven and earth.

The world is only me, which is similar to what Ling Tianyu realized before.

The elements exist in the space, the space itself is composed of elements, and they are one in themselves, so why deliberately integrate them?Ling Tianhou Wang's words finally enlightened Ling Tianyu severely.No wonder I feel that something is missing. My initial understanding was wrong.But it can't be completely said to be a mistake, at least Ling Tianyu has a solid foundation.

Can't help!

Ling Tianyu escaped into the state of harmony between man and nature, quietly feeling the flow of elements in the space.These elements are extremely complex, there are countless kinds of elements, and each element seems to be able to achieve a wonderful combination.

In the past, I felt that I had seen it very thoroughly. Now that Ling Tianhou Wang gave such advice, Ling Tianyu felt ashamed to realize that his previous understanding was too superficial.

It's no wonder that Ling Tianyu had comprehended the basic law of time by leaps and bounds, so much so that he ignored the most basic comprehension of space.Feeling it quietly now, Ling Tianyu discovered that the space is so mysterious.

So, sit for a long time!


Ling Tianyu opened his eyes, like bright pearls, shone with a strange light, and a perfect curved smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Hehe, I understand! I finally understand!"

Say it!

Ling Tianyu struck out with a sudden palm, and a powerful storm vortex twisted the space sharply, tearing it apart frantically, forming a tyrannical space vortex.

Feng Shenli!

This time, it is not a direct and deliberate fusion, but the power exerted from the wind element existing in the space itself.Although it is not as powerful as Ling Tianhou King, but compared to the previous law attack that was deliberately fused, the power of the black hole destroying the world at this moment is more than ten times stronger, and it is released casually, without intermittent fusion.

"Haha! It turned out to be like this! I really succeeded!" Ling Tianyu laughed excitedly.

Originally, Ling Tianyu's control over the law was not shallow, coupled with the previous fusion foundation, and Ling Tianyu's own physique, as long as he suddenly realized it, he could create a powerful law attack.

So, Ling Tianyu understood.

It's no wonder that his fusion law attack before, when it was about to encounter King Ling Tianhou, was directly shaken away by a random palm.Because the real law attack is the elemental power launched from the space itself, as long as it is powerful enough, it can directly destroy the most basic elemental structure of the opponent's law. This is why Ling Tianhou King can easily defeat Ling Tianyu's fusion law attack. .


Ling Tianyu continued to experiment with Vulcan power and blended it with Fengshen power. The result made Ling Tianyu very satisfied, and he created a powerful law attack smoothly, but it was still far from Ling Tianhou King's freewheeling.

For example, Ling Tianyu's law attacks fluctuate too much, which is why he is not skilled or controlled enough.And it seems to be very strenuous, almost after releasing a wave of law attacks, Ling Tianyu will consume a lot of vitality.

"Don't understand? My current understanding is correct, why is it so hard? Is there something else missing?" Ling Tianyu frowned and muttered.

Suddenly, a somewhat excited and majestic voice resounded: "That's because of the lack of power!"

Then, King Lingtianhou appeared out of thin air. Although his expression was calm, the heat in his eyes was still clearly visible.Originally, King Ling Tianhou thought that it would take Ling Tianyu several days to comprehend it, but in less than a day, Ling Tianyu had already created a law attack with powerful lethality.

It's just that Ling Tianyu is not proficient enough now, and he doesn't have enough control. Otherwise, with Ling Tianyu's talent of dual-line divine patterns, if he is at the level of Ling Tianhou King, Ling Tianhou King will not be Ling Tianyu's opponent at all.


As soon as Ling Tianyu saw King Lingtianhou, he quickly asked for advice: "I don't understand, what is power?"

"Potential! It is the power of heaven and earth. The reason why you are so strenuous is that you did not take advantage of the power of heaven and earth." Lingtianhou Wang Zhengse said: "The sky and the earth themselves are the supreme laws we know, and there are infinite laws between the heavens and the earth. The power of the elements, if you can take advantage of the power of the heavens and the earth, you can have endless power."

"But the child doesn't understand how to take advantage of the power of heaven and earth?" Ling Tianyu couldn't help asking.

"Hehe, that's because your realm is too low, and your understanding is still too shallow. When you reach the realm of being a father, you will definitely be able to surpass your father in terms of laws." King Lingtianhou smiled slightly, and sighed: "Cultivation is more important. It is very rare for you to achieve this level of attainment at this age, and I believe that under the father, you will be hard to come by."

"But my boy feels very strenuous. If I meet a strong enemy, I'm afraid..." Ling Tianyu is full of entanglements. Although the law attack is powerful, it can release three waves at its maximum limit, but after three waves of law attack, it will immediately wither.

"Hmph! Do you still want to reach the sky in one step? Reach the state of being a father?" Lingtianhou Wang snorted softly. Although he was pleasantly surprised by Ling Tianyu's achievements, Ling Tianyu's eagerness for quick success made Lingtianhou Wang very displeased.

"I..." Ling Tianyu hesitated to speak.

"Boy, you have such an enterprising heart, I feel very gratified for my father." Ling Tianhou Wang sighed and said: "But you must remember that you must never be greedy for merit in cultivation. You need to compete with you in various environments." Only by confronting opponents of similar strength can you continue to grow and become more proficient in your law attack control, and you will naturally understand what power is in the future!"

Hear it!

Ling Tianyu suddenly came to his senses, and said sweatingly, "Thank you, father, for your guidance, the child is too impatient."

"En! With your current law achievement, there are not many opponents in the spirit world. But don't be arrogant and indulgent, and you can go further if you keep your feet on the ground." Ling Tianhou Wang Yu said earnestly.

"Yes, my child understands." Ling Tianyu nodded slightly, full of gratitude, and secretly said: "Master Hou, although I deceived you, don't worry, I, Ling Tianyu, will never forget the kindness you have treated me. I swear, If I gain a foothold in the spirit world for a day, I will surely keep the Marquis's residence safe!"

Seeing Ling Tianyu's enlightenment, King Lingtian Hou said with a smile: "By the way, did you hear that little princess Lingxin came to invite you to the Martial Arts Banquet in person today?"

"Yes, the baby did agree to Xin'er." Ling Tianyu replied.

"Then you have to hurry up, because the Martial Arts Banquet had started half an hour ago, and your sister saw that you hadn't left the gate, so she personally checked it out for you." King Lingtianhou said with a smile.

"Oops!" Ling Tianyu's face changed in shock, and he immediately thought of Princess Lingxin's angry appearance, and hurriedly got up and said, "Father, that child will leave first!"

Say it!

Ling Tianyu immediately left the practice room and rushed to the imperial palace without stopping.

After Ling Tianyu left, King Lingtianhou shook his head and said to himself: "I don't know if Fan'er has grown up too fast suddenly? Or am I too sensitive? Why do you feel that Fan'er has become a little strange?"

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