Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2254 Stone King

"I... am I dreaming? General Tie was actually forced to retreat?"

"This must be a nightmare!"

"How is it possible? How could General Tie lose?"


Everyone was dumbfounded, looking at the arrogant Ling Tianyu in horror.

"Impossible! How could this guy win!?" Shi Luotian went crazy.

"My lord is really amazing..." Meng Yu's eyes were rosy, and at that moment she really thought that Ling Tianyu was going to die.

Shi Tie was stiff and trembling violently from time to time, a strong sense of frustration and shame stimulated his thinking, this kind of result was really unacceptable.

Not bad!

There are no rules in this bet, who stipulated that you can't hide?

Ling Tianyu had figured this out a long time ago, and when he received Shi Tie's first two palms, he always confronted each other head-on.But in the last crucial palm, Ling Tianyu showed his life-saving trump card, even a quasi-daoist might not be able to react.

Of course, it was also because Shi Tie was too conceited. He always thought that Ling Tianyu would fight him head-on, and that he could easily knock down Ling Tianyu, but he didn't expect that he would be so miserable.


Ling Tianyu took a deep breath as if he was relieved, straightened his chest, put his feather fan on, and smiled triumphantly: "General Tie, if the younger generation is not mistaken, General Tie's palm just now should be considered the fourth palm, right?"


The corner of Shi Tie's mouth twitched, he didn't hit Ling Tianyu with three palms, and was forced back by Ling Tianyu with the fourth palm. If the news got out, what face would Shi Tie have to show others in the future.

"Ling Yufan! You cheated!" Shi Luotian shouted angrily.

"Oh? How does this young master cheat?" Ling Tian Yuliang asked interestingly.

"You just escaped General Tie's attack by cheating, that doesn't count!" Shi Luotian shouted.

"Cheating? Who stipulated that this fight has to be head-to-head? Besides, agility is also a manifestation of strength!" Ling Tianyu said contemptuously: "Of course, if Brother Luo insists on suspecting that the third palm is wet, then Just now, General Tie has already made a move, but this young master has not fallen, so how can this be considered deceitful?"

"You..." Shi Luotian was furious and speechless.


Shi Tie roared, although he was extremely depressed, but Shi Tie was considered a respectable person, and said: "I, Tiemou, lost this bet, and I, Tiemou, have a superior skill, and Tiemou is also deeply impressed."

"Hehe, it's the Tie General who accepted it." Ling Tianyu cupped his hands and smiled, rolled his eyes, and said with deep meaning: "Then it turned out to be the junior who won, so the Tie General didn't..."

I'm talking!

Shi Tie suddenly waved his hand, and three hard objects with a strange aura fell heavily to the ground, and said seriously: "Don't say that Tie is stingy, and even agreed to choose three treasures for the son, then these three strange stones will be given away to you."

"A different stone?"

Ling Tianyu frowned slightly, glanced over, and was surprised to feel that these three strange stones were not ordinary stones, but supernatural stones similar to divine iron. There are great benefits.

"Alas~" Shi Tie sighed softly, and said: "It seems that I, Shi Tie, is destined to have no fate with Baojia. If so, then these three strange stones will be given to you. If there is a master craftsman who can process them a little bit, I believe that the power of Baojia will be like a tiger with wings!"

"Thank you, General Tie!" Ling Tianyu was not hypocritical, although he must have suffered a loss in the price comparison of this bet, but these three strange stones were indeed good things, so he immediately put them away.

"You are welcome, this is what you deserve, Tie is convinced." Shi Tie said with a gloomy expression, "Okay, the king has ordered me to welcome the son to the stone temple for an audience."


Ling Tianyu was speechless, Shi Wang had already ordered to invite him, but this Shi Tie was cunning, and wanted to take the opportunity to blackmail his Tianyuan Divine Armor.

"Let's go!" Shi Tie said, also seemed a little embarrassed.

"General Tie, please wait."

"What's the matter?"

"I think General Tie probably forgot one more thing?"

"what's up?"

Shi Tie frowned tightly, full of puzzlement.

Involuntarily, Ling Tianyu's eyes turned to Shi Luotian who was rushing angrily, and then said with a smile: "If this junior remembers correctly, General Tie has to fulfill the second condition, right?"


Shi Luotian's whole face froze, and just now he was focused on venting his anger, but he forgot the second condition of the bet between Ling Tianyu and Shi Tie.

"Huh? Look at my memory, I actually forgot such an important thing." Shi Tie suddenly came to his senses.


Dare to beat yourself up is an important thing, Shi Luotian burst into tears.

Shi Tie was full of embarrassment and said to Shi Luotian: "Your Highness, I'm really sorry, I didn't expect to lose, or you can bear it first, I promise to be gentle."


Shi Tie has a bitter face, this Shi Tie is a lunatic, can he not be afraid?Then he begged Ling Tianyu with a mournful face, "Brother Yu! I was wrong! I was really wrong! Just let me go as a fart!~"

Everyone immediately cast contemptuous glances, thinking that Shi Luotian was the pride of the youngest of the Shi clan, but they didn't expect not only to act despicably, but also to be so spineless.

After all, he is also the prince of the Shi clan, and Shi Luotian was indeed cheated by Shi Tie, so Shi Tie couldn't bear it, and smiled awkwardly: "Hehe, son, look..."

"I don't think General Tie is someone who doesn't keep his word?" Ling Tianyu's expression was flat.

Hearing this, Shi Luotian's death sentence was announced.But don't doubt Shi Tie, Shi Tie is definitely the first person in the Shi Clan who dared to beat Shi Luotian. Shi Luotian had already suffered a lot when he practiced under Shi Tie.

As soon as Shi Tie's face changed, he said helplessly to Shi Luotian: "Your Highness, you know me well, so I can only feel sorry."

Say it!

Shi Tie rushed over directly, lifting Shi Luotian up like an eagle catching a chick.Without further ado, in front of everyone, Shi Tie punched Shi Luotian violently.

what!what! ~

Immediately, there were waves of screams like killing a pig in the street, and Shi Tie finally gave up until Shi Luotian was beaten until he was completely unrecognizable.

In the end, Shi Luotian collapsed on the ground like mud, his face was smeared with blood, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, Ganqing really couldn't recognize his appearance, Zhang closed his eyelids and looked at Shi Tie and the others who were constantly going away, muttering sadly : "No... Didn't you say that you will be gentle with your hands? Woohoo..."


Stone Shrine!

It is a common phenomenon in this world that every clan king will build a palace as the imperial power, and the Stone Clan is no exception.


On the way to the Stone Temple, because of her different status, Meng Yu was escorted back to the current residence of the Sha Clan by Shi Tiehua.As for Ling Tianyu, no matter what, he had to meet King Stone first, and based on the information Ling Tianyu had obtained, he came prepared to meet King Stone this time.

Stone Shrine!

Although it is not grand, it is very in line with the demeanor of the stone tribe. The entire palace complex is made of solid stone, and various stone statues can be seen everywhere.But judging from the ranking of these stone statues, there are hidden doorways. It is obvious that the stone god palace is full of formations.

Of course, the Stone Clan was proficient in formation techniques, and the Stone God Palace, as the center of imperial power, was naturally heavily guarded.Apart from these stone statues, there are iron guards guarding the Stone God Palace, which is the most elite force of the Stone Clan.

And Shi Tie, as the commander-in-chief of the Iron God Guard, has almost the same power as King Shi, so Shi Tie dared to beat Shi Luotian violently in public, which is far inferior to Shi Mo, the great protector.

at this time!

The Tie Shenwei guarding the Shishen Palace had to salute respectfully whenever they saw Shi Tie, but they were only surprised to see Ling Tianyu accompanying him.

After all, no matter how famous Ling Yufan is, not everyone in this heavily guarded Stone Clan has seen Ling Yufan.So it was natural to be surprised when seeing a junior from the Spirit Race and Shi Tie come together.

for a long time!

Passing through the stone palaces, a magnificent and grand palace comes into view.

Around the hall, there are stone statues of rare and exotic beasts, guarding the entire hall lifelike.When Ling Tianyu stepped into this place, a terrifying invisible coercion rolled in, almost suffocating.

"So strong!"

Ling Tianyu was secretly startled, there is definitely a very terrifying formation hidden in this treasure hall, even more powerful than the ten-direction absolute formation.

"My son, this is the Stone God Palace. Wang Zun is already waiting in the palace. And Tie has important things to do, so I won't see you off anymore. Goodbye." Shi Tie smiled, then turned and left, probably defeated. In Ling Tianyu's hands, Shi Tie was also feeling bored.


Ling Tianyu exhaled lightly, adjusted his mood, and restrained his mind.After all, what he was facing was a real Daojun Realm expert, so Ling Tianyu had to be extremely cautious.


Ling Tianyu raised his steps, resisting the invisible deterrence, and stepped into the Stone God Palace step by step.


As soon as he stepped into the hall, there were densely packed human-shaped stone statues in the hall.

In astonishment, a gentle laugh resounded from the hall: "Hehe, if my guess is correct, the formation that my nephew led the Great Guardian just now is the famous Jiuqu Bagua formation of your Lingwu Legion, right? ?”

Follow the reputation!

Through the stone statues, a middle-aged man with dark yellow skin and full head of brown hair sat upright with a smile on his face on a throne shaped like a moon surrounded by stars.She was dressed in a brocade robe, her eyebrows were like swords, and the bridge of her nose was straight, but her demeanor was seldom refined.

Not bad!

This middle-aged man with a friendly face and a smile is the current King of the Stone Clan, Stone King.

As a race that prides itself on fighting, King Stone has the mildest temper among the kings of the five clans. That's why Ling Tianyu was more willing to meet King Stone.

And Shi Wang can be regarded as kind, unlike other people, who rely on his advanced cultivation and like to spy on people's depths and reality.But King Shi didn't, but looked at Ling Tianyu with a very ordinary look, that's why Ling Tianyu didn't wear Tianyuan Divine Armor to enter the palace.

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