Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2259, rebirth


Outside the stone gate, the stone king seemed to have aged dozens of years in an instant, and he was chanting tremblingly, with tears dripping from his red eyes.Every time he heard the shrill scream coming from the dark room, it was as if King Stone's heart was stabbed again and again.

This supreme king is now just an ordinary father.If he could lose his life's cultivation in exchange for his daughter's precious life, King Stone would never hesitate.

And now!

Is the most critical, but also the most painful moment!

The riot of primordial origin will directly affect all of Shi Ruoxue's nerves. It is hard to imagine how Shi Ruoxue endured the pain rising from the deepest part.

Boom!Boom! ~

Horrific auras continuously shook Shi Ruoxue's body like a frenzy, her whole body trembling and twitching violently, her pupils were deeply sunken, and her complexion was extremely pale.

Hongmeng Yuanyuan was frightened, and wanted to break free, so he tried to split up a little bit of energy to escape.As long as there is a sliver of original power, the primordial origin can still grow again.

But how could Ling Tianyu give Hongmeng Origin any chance to escape? All the golden needles pierced on Shi Ruoxue's body trembled violently, and a trace of Hongmeng Yuanhuo had already blocked all the nerve channels.


The origin of primordial essence that is just a trace of differentiation is far from being the opponent of primordial fire of primordial primordial fire. Forced to helplessness, the origin of primordial essence that split out returned again.

Even Ling Tianyu cut off all the retreats, and the deteriorating primordial origin frantically launched a counterattack.


Ling Tianyu's Hongmeng Yuanying's dantian has been completed, and the gathering of pills is unstoppable. The billowing primordial evil force, coming one after another, is swallowed by Ling Tianyu's Hongmeng Yuanying.

"Get together!~"

Ling Tianyu was so excited that he fiercely devoured the primordial origin.

This time!

The dantian of Hongmeng Yuanying has gradually formed a black sphere, like a warrior's golden elixir.Although this black pill did not promote the evolution of Hongmeng Yuanying, the energy contained in this black pill is really too strong, just like the original stone, it seems to have infinite power.

If this black elixir is used to condense the life elixir and achieve the Dao realm, it will be just around the corner.

Needless to say, Ling Tianyu's opportunity was really good. He originally thought that helping Shi Ruoxue detoxify would make Shi Wang and his daughter owe him kindness, and it would be useful in the future.

Unexpectedly, he hit the wrong way and got the original power of the primordial.

But Ling Tianyu is very clear that it is not suitable to break through the level now. This black pill condensed from the origin of the primordial essence, Ling Tianyu must collect the five flavors, the highest heavenly material and the earth treasure as soon as possible. It is magical, and can even increase the cultivation level explosively.

and so!

Ling Tianyu started to suppress now, making this condensed black pill stronger.

Boom! ~

The origin of Hongmeng seemed to give up resistance, the billowing energy, surging like a torrent, poured into the black core inside Hongmeng Yuanying.Being irrigated by the source of primordial essence, Hei Dan gradually grew and strengthened.

Ling Tianyu can confidently say that if he activates the primordial primordial power in the black core and then fuses it with his own primordial primordial power, he will not lose to the false power.If it can break through the quasi-dao realm, condense the natal yuan pill, and if it is displayed in a demonic state, I believe that even the low-level daojun realm powerhouses can compete.

It is conceivable that this primordial origin has created unlimited potential for Ling Tianyu.

With the continuous absorption of the primordial origin, Shi Ruoxue's pain began to gradually ease, her breathing also gradually eased, and her whole complexion even improved a lot.

There is no way, Shi Ruoxue's physique is far from being able to withstand the primordial origin, so he will be swallowed up by the primordial origin of his life's cultivation and life essence.If King Stone hadn't given Shi Ruoxue an inexhaustible source of spiritual support, Shi Ruoxue would not have survived at all.

Of course, after so many years of infusion of spiritual power, the original energy of primordial origin will grow stronger and stronger.If he could have met Ling Tianyu in the early days, he might have been easily absorbed by Ling Tianyu long ago.

However, the primordial essence swallowed Shi Ruoxue's lifelong cultivation and life essence. If Ling Tianyu absorbed all the primordial essence, Shi Ruoxue could only become an ordinary person.

And Ling Tianyu wasn't greedy, he was already satisfied with condensing this Primordial Black Pill, and had to return Shi Ruoxue's lost cultivation base.

After gathering the pills, Ling Tianyu immediately cut off the devouring of the primordial origin, and kept the remaining part of the primordial origin in Shi Ruoxue's body, and at the same time suppressed it.

After all, the power of primordial origin is very strong, as long as Shi Ruoxue can absorb a small part of it, coupled with the aftercare, Shi Ruoxue will be able to recover all of her cultivation within a few months.You can even get the good fortune of the primordial origin, and it will only be a matter of time before you break through the Dao Realm.

But now, Shi Ruoxue's physique is really bad. If she wants to successfully absorb the primordial essence, just suppressing it is not enough. She must first strengthen Shi Ruoxue's physique, or at least let Shi Ruoxue return to its original state.


The Hongmeng Yuanying's return, although it did not make a major breakthrough for Ling Tianyu, but it gave unlimited potential, waiting for the condensed natal Yuandan.

at the moment!

Shi Ruoxue's whole body was covered with golden needles, and the Primordial Flame was still lingering in her body. With the creation of Primordial Force and Life Force, she could create a brand new physique for Shi Ruoxue, but the process would be very painful. Ling Tianyu wasn't sure if this was a weak women can bear.

Can't help!

Ling Tianyu sent a voice transmission: "Sister Ruoxue! I can completely remove the toxin for you now, but you have two choices now, I hope you can consider it yourself!"

"En..." Shi Ruoxue responded weakly.

"First, I can completely eradicate the toxins in your body, and I can also restore your appearance to the original, but you may be no different from ordinary people, and everything has to start again; second, I can help you absorb part of the toxins, which can make you look better than before. You have recovered about three levels of cultivation. I believe that your stone clan's background can quickly help you restore your cultivation to the original level. It's just that the second condition is very harsh and will cause you to suffer extreme pain, so I want to ask you now. Which one should I choose?" Ling Tianyu asked cautiously.

"I've survived the torment for so many years, why should I be afraid of the pain?" Shi Ruoxue responded weakly.

"I understand! I hope sister Ruoxue can hold on!" Ling Tianyu said, and began to circulate the life and spiritual power in his body first, pouring it into Shi Ruoxue's body.

Spiritual power of life, good fortune and vitality!

But only to restore Shi Ruoxue's physique to a normal person, the subsequent tempering will be more painful. In order to alleviate the pain, Ling Tianyu wants to let the tempering go on together.Although he couldn't bear it, it would benefit Shi Ruoxue infinitely for his future cultivation.


The primordial fire of primordial meng surged, and the power of primordial primordial force poured in.


The sound like a steel plate being pried reverberated on Shi Ruoxue's body, the extreme pain that penetrated into the bone marrow, penetrated into every inch of flesh and blood cells, and pierced into the soul, erupted crazily together.


A shrill scream sounded, and Shi Ruoxue's painful body twitched, twisted, and struggled.

"Sister Ruoxue..."

Ling Tianyu's heart was touched. Seeing Shi Ruoxue in such pain, he really couldn't bear it. Isn't it good to be an ordinary person?Suddenly there is a feeling of regret.

"I...I can hold on...I...I can..." Shi Ruoxue screamed as hard as she could, resisting the endless pain and torture, just screaming uncontrollably.

what!what! ~

The screams one after another, like the sound of magic from hell, so miserable.


Stone King supported the stone door with both hands, his heart was like a knife, he couldn't help but rush in to stop it, wishing to replace the pain his daughter suffered, so he murmured with red eyes: "Lingyufan! You Let Ruoxue suffer so much torture! If you can't rescue Ruoxue! This king will definitely tear your body to pieces!"

But at this moment!

Ling Tianyu was under even greater pressure. Not only did he have to carefully help Shi Ruoxue temper his combat body, but he also had to bear the constant psychological pressure from Shi Ruoxue's miserable cry.

What Ling Tianyu admired was that Shi Ruoxue endured such a painful torture. She really was a strange woman, and she was definitely the woman Ling Tianyu admired the most in history.

at last!

Under Shi Ruoxue's almost death-like support, Ling Tianyu completed the tempering smoothly, and was about to help Shi Ruoxue absorb the primordial essence through sound transmission.

And Shi Ruoxue's physique seemed to be venting his anger, and he actively devoured and absorbed the primordial essence.

no way!

This thing caused Shi Ruoxue to suffer so many crimes, can she not be angry?

boom! ~

There was a sound of shock, and the light shone, Shi Ruoxue was shrouded in strong light, the wheelchair under the seat was directly shattered, and the entire gleaming white body was involuntarily suspended.

Boom!Boom! ~

Waves of tyrannical aura, like an erupting mountain torrent, vibrated crazily.Immediately, the space shook, the airflow raged violently, and the entire dark room vibrated violently.

"The power of primordial spirit!"

Ling Tianyu was very pleasantly surprised. If Shi Ruoxue successfully absorbed the origin of the primordial essence, he would also become a master of the primordial realm.


But I can only wait quietly!

This light is too dazzling!

Ling Tianyu excitedly sensed that Shi Ruoxue's body was regenerating primordial power, and the life essence that had been nearly exhausted began to regenerate, a burst of exuberant vitality burst out crazily with anger towards the sky.

In the bright white light!

Ling Tianyu was shocked to see a delicate and beautiful body, like a Nine-Heaven Xuannv descending to the earth, floating barefoot, arms outstretched, bathed in a strange light.It was even faintly visible, as if reborn from a cocoon, Shi Ruoxue's thin body was continuously strengthened as if injected with energy, and the lumpy skin and flesh on her body were constantly falling off.

A kind of miracle, the miracle of life, Ling Tianyu is witnessing with his own eyes.

a long time!

There was a bang, and the light flashed away.

next moment!

A beautiful figure, like a fairy descending from the mortal world, bathed in holy light, quietly suspended in mid-air.

A snow-like white hair, fluttering in the wind, under the snow hair, a perfect melon-seeded face, snow-white willow eyebrows, slender eyes, tall jade nose, beautiful lips, matched with That jade-like white face was all decorated with ingenious workmanship, it was simply the masterpiece of the Creator, and it was too beautiful to behold.

Further down, the plump peaks, like ripe peaches, release infinite temptation.The perfectly proportioned body and slender jade legs seem to be so perfect that you can't pick out any trace of leisure.

Just standing barefoot like this, like an angel descending, charming and charming.


very beautiful!

Sure enough, she is a world-renowned beauty, even Xiao Wu and other beauties are inferior to Shi Ruoxue.

Shi Ruoxue!Shi Ruoxue!

Like pure white snow, so holy.

this moment!

Ling Tianyu is completely obsessed, it's just a kind of appreciation, because now Shi Ruoxue is like a perfect work of art.


The eyes moved slightly, the spiritual eyes opened, piercing people's hearts, Ling Tianyu's eyeballs shrank, and his heart throbbed.

Can't help!

That delicate and beautiful figure, like falling snowflakes, fell lightly, standing barefoot on the ground.


Shi Ruoxue was both excited and scared as she stroked her cheeks, caressing her tender skin.Years of backlog of pain and grievances, together with tears crazily bursting out of the eyes, could not control his emotions, he suddenly dodged and hugged Ling Tianyu, crying with joy and excitement: "I'm back! I'm really back! I won't be I’m dreaming! I really can’t believe it’s real! Yufan! Thank you! Thank you so much!~”


Smelling the fragrance, Ling Tianyu's face was dull, it seemed that Shi Ruoxue hadn't put on any clothes yet?

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