Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2275, time slow


With the power of Taoism, Ling Tianyu and Xinglong are almost integrated into one, regardless of you and me, which is very similar to Ling Tianyu's technique of sending spirits.

If Xing Long wanted to covet Ling Tianyu's body, he could easily take it away, but Xing Long didn't do so, which is why Ling Tianyu trusted Xing Long enough.

at the same time!

Ling Tianyu could also feel the Dao power used by Xing Long accurately, and only then did he truly understand that the gap between himself and the Dao Monarch Realm powerhouse was too far.

For example, comparing the fake Dao power of a quasi-Daoist with the real Dao power is like the comparison between Xiaochuan and the sea.No wonder Ling Tianyu didn't even have the ability to resist when facing Xinglong. The realm between the two was a huge gap.

And Xinglong's supernatural powers are also amazing, just by saving some power in Ling Tianyu's body, he can completely control Ling Tianyu's body control, including the original force.

It's just that Xinglong integrated his own Dao power with Ling Tianyu, and then dominated by the original force, the power of the original force directly increased by a thousand times.I believe that just throwing a knife casually can have the power to split the world.

"Haha! Kid! Your strength is really strong, even this commander is a little bit moved!" Xing Long laughed excitedly, the original force and the Tao force merged, and the power increased dramatically.

"Wuuu, brother Long, don't tease me, how can this stinky little brother catch your eyes." Ling Tianyu said weakly, really afraid of being robbed by Xinglong.

"Cut!" Xing Long said contemptuously: "Don't think that this commander doesn't know your thoughts, don't worry, this commander doesn't like to take away other people's cultivation achievements!"

"I know, but Brother Long, can you hurry up? Those monsters are coming, and my body can't take it anymore." Ling Tianyu said sweatingly. If you can't keep up, it is indeed difficult to withstand the fierce impact of tens of thousands of splitting demons.

"Hmph! It's just a group of vulnerable bastards!" Xing Long snorted coldly, his sharp eyes despised the overwhelming army of divided demon spirits, and said in a deep voice: "Boy! Understand it! What this commander has comprehended is It's the law of slowing down time!"

"Time is slow?" Ling Tianyu was stunned, immediately restrained his mind, and escaped into the state of harmony between man and nature, so that he could understand more thoroughly.

Can't help!

Xing Long grasped Ling Tianyu's battle body, and lifted the magic sword of origin power condensed in his hand heavily.

The knife is not out!

An invisible force rippled out, and then a strange scene happened.

With the space within Ling Tianyu's own range, all elemental particles immediately produced subtle changes.Elemental particles that were originally flowing rapidly became sluggish quickly.


Connecting to the entire space, all operations seemed to slow down instantly.You can clearly feel the element particles around you, constantly causing the surrounding element particles to change in motion, and the influence goes down layer by layer, and the spatial scope of the influence is getting bigger and bigger.

What shocked Ling Tianyu was that under the influence of the elemental particles, the surging power was also restricted, and the impact of the power slowed down quickly.

At this moment!

Ling Tianyu could no longer feel any impact of power and pressure. Under the state of harmony between man and nature, he could feel that all the elemental particles were strangely slowed down.

Until, pressing towards the splitting demon spirits that came in groups.

Ling Tianyu sensed again in shock that all the elemental particles resonated with those decomposed demons, and instantly assimilated the decomposed demons into elemental particles.


That army of splitting demon spirits was rushing menacingly, but suddenly the whole movement became stiff, as if stuck in a quagmire, and the running speed became slower and slower, moving forward extremely slowly like a snail.


There are at least tens of thousands of splitting demon spirits, and it is not so easy for Ling Tianyu to deal with any one of them, but Xinglong has not really made a move yet, only relying on the magical power of the law of time, he directly restricted the entire branch of splitting demons The mobility of the spirit army.

too slow!

It can be used as a target!

This time!

Xinglong waved the magic sword of origin force in an extremely pretentious manner, and said with a proud smile: "Haha! Boy! I will tell you right now! This is how the sword is used!"

call out! ~

Full of satisfaction, Xinglong swung his saber in the sky, seemingly without any obvious special changes, but concentrated all his power in one body, and squandered a powerful arc light.

However, according to Ling Tianyu's estimation, such a tyrannical attack is enough to destroy the square space, but it is not there now. It is just rapidly plundering and dividing the group of demon spirits in a very normal way.

But Xinglong is the god of war who has been famous for a long time, and even the king of spirits can't catch him. Could this seemingly random knife be so simple?Ling Tianyu absolutely doesn't believe that the power is just that. In the state of harmony between man and nature, he firmly locks on the attack of the sword light and the fluctuation of the elemental particles in the four directions of the void.


The fierce sword light is about to collide with the group of divided demon spirits.


A weird scene happened!

Under the induction of Ling Tianyu, along the space where the knife light is located, the element particles suddenly changed dramatically. The time axis passed by the knife light seems to have created a time-space fault, and the intermittent split changes in the time axis fault .

Do not!

To be precise, it is a change attack that controls the time point.

This is a very profound logic, as if there are ten time points in the space, each time point is determined by different factors.And the attack of Xinglong's knife directly shoots the same attack from different time points, giving people the illusion that this knife has split and changed.

From the perspective of normal thinking, it only takes one breath or even less time for this knife attack to pass.But in this time slowing down law, such a short time is wrongly divided into dozens of time points, each time point produces the same sword light attack, and the group of divided demon spirits around them are also fixed in different places. point in time.

That is to say, the changes at each time point are different, but the attack produced by the sword light remains unchanged.


Boom!Boom! ~

There were bursts of rhythmic explosions, and the blade glows differentiated from the time fault, shot out one after another like splitting, producing dozens of blade glows of the same power.

And those differentiated demon spirits were restricted to freeze at different time points. With their fragile physiques, how could they withstand the attacks of the powerful Taoist realm.

Boom! ~

Boom! ~

When the sword light came, those decomposed demon spirits became vulnerable, without even the slightest ability to resist, and they were smashed to pieces one by one by the sharp sword light.

boom!boom! ~

Looking at the spectacular scene that was constantly shattering before him, Ling Tianyu's eyes were almost straightened.

This knife is really awesome!

Directly applied to the law of time, dozens of time points are created. Obviously, it is only the power of a single knife, but at each time point, it differentiates into an attack of the same power.

Boom! ~

With the final bang, the swarms of decomposed demon spirits instantly turned into dust, Xing Long retracted his saber perfectly, and said with a pretentious smile: "Hey, what is the power of this master's saber?"

"It's really awesome..." Ling Tianyu was drenched in cold sweat, this is tens of thousands of decomposed demons, and they were given a full second by Xinglong's one move time law.

Think about it, Xinglong just used Ling Tianyu's body, if Xinglong himself came over, his might would be dozens of times stronger.

"Haha! Of course!" Xing Long laughed triumphantly, boasting: "The reason why the King of Ling had nothing to do with me was because I had already comprehended the law of time before becoming a Taoist king. The law is not much worse than the spirit king! If this commander catches up to the spirit king's realm, there will be no one in the entire barbaric world who will be his opponent!"


Xinglong's time law can not only make time and space flow slowly, but also create powerful attacks at various time points.

I'm talking!

Boom! ~

A wave of terrifying energy surged, full of anger, and exploded like a wave of overwhelming waves.


Ling Tianyu's face changed in shock, even Xing Long didn't react.The strong energy surge came, directly crushing the divine power of body protection outside Ling Tianyu's body, shaking his blood and forcing him to retreat again and again.

"I forgot there is a big guy!" Xing Long snorted coldly, raised his palm casually, the void was twisted and oscillated layer by layer, and the energy waves from the impact slowed down again.

Too bad!

Ling Tianyu was horrified, if he could comprehend the law of slow time, he would be able to make the enemy's attack extremely slow, and he would not allow himself to be slaughtered.

This time!

Xing Long once again controlled Ling Tianyu's body and swung the magic saber of origin force, saying in a deep voice, "Boy! This second move is my master's nirvana! Keep your eyes open!"


Ling Tianyu nodded again and again, his expression excited, and he really wanted to worship Xinglong's ability.

next moment!

Xinglong's expression became extremely focused, like an invincible god of war who is proud of the world, with cold eyes and contempt, staring at the huge heart ahead like a falcon.


With a swipe of the magic knife in Xinglong's hand, almost all his power was used up, and all the power was concentrated in the magic knife.

But even with such powerful power gathered, Ling Tianyu felt that the original force in his hand had become ordinary instead, and his aura was restrained very honestly, it felt like an ordinary sword.

It seems that the momentum is over!

Even Ling Tianyu's body was shaken violently, followed by Xinglong and shouted violently: "One way to break the void!~"

call out! ~

He slashed through the air with a single blow, and what was strange was that the extremely powerful strike did not produce any fluctuations.And Ling Tianyu had already escaped into the state of harmony between man and nature to sense, and the elemental particles in the square space did not produce any fluctuations.

next moment!

Just as the heart of the Chaos Demon Spirit was at close range, the void was directly torn open by a sharp blade light, and then struck across the air towards the Heart of the Chaos Demon Spirit with the force of a lightning bolt.


Ling Tianyu finally understood, it didn't mean that Xinglong's saber was without any power, but that he moved in a flat way, and then activated the magical power of the long-distance law to directly transfer the attack across the air.

To put it bluntly, it is to teleport the attack directly.

This move!

The shot is unremarkable, but it can take the head of a thousand miles.

Boom! ~

The tyrannical and fierce sword glow fiercely attacked the heart of the chaotic demon spirit.

Originally, Xing Long was full of confidence, but then the two of them were dumbfounded. Xing Long's claim to be an extremely powerful killer move actually only left a small gap outside the heart of the Chaos Demon Spirit.

"Brother Long, this... is this your killer move?" Ling Tianyu said weakly.

The corner of Xing Long's mouth twitched, and he gritted his teeth blushingly and said: "This is an accident!"

at the same time!

In an unknown and dark cave, a black shadow sitting cross-legged in a cold, suddenly spurted blood, clutching his chest in pain, roaring furiously: "Who!? Who is destroying my deity's demon heart?" !"

Say it!

The afterimage flashed and disappeared out of thin air.

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