Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2278, Trapped Demon


Ling Tianyu stood coldly and proudly, even more intimidating in his plainness.

"So strong!"

Ling Tianyu sensed a little, and felt that the power of the demon in his body was extremely strong, more than ten times stronger than before, and the energy of the demon was abnormally abundant and pure.

The most important thing is that the current Ling Tianyu can still restrain his breath.

Just like in the past, as long as it is transformed into a demon, the whole person is like a lunatic.But it was different now, Ling Tianyu felt that his state of mind was very peaceful now, and the demonic energy was flowing very gently.

It means that the current Ling Tianyu can carry out demon transformation as he likes, and will not suffer any side effects, and will not lose his mind, which is simply perfect.

The four blue bat monsters absorbed a large amount of dark power, and successfully advanced to the level of the god-lord in the soul realm, and the dragon demon soul also obtained a huge sublimation by leaps and bounds.

According to this ultimate demonic state, if the evil dragon seal is used again, I am afraid that even the strong quasi-dao will have to kneel.

"This is really a demon..."

Xing Long was stunned. According to rumors, the evil spirit is the most vicious existence in the world, killing ruthlessly and endangering the common people.But the current Ling Tianyu, obviously possesses an evil aura, but also has a righteous aura, the contradiction is too incomprehensible.

Involuntarily, Xing Long said in amazement: "It's unbelievable. It is rumored that evil spirits are the most ominous creatures in the world, and they have no humanity at all. But this kid is so strange that he can control his evil spirit so perfectly!"

"Hey, thank you, Brother Long, for your success." Ling Tianyu smiled triumphantly.

"En..." Xing Long's face was red and his ears were red. Just now when Ling Tianyu was attacking the realm of demons, Xing Long was thinking about how to destroy Ling Tianyu.Hearing what Ling Tianyu said, he felt ashamed instead.

"But I have to bother Brother Long to protect the little brother." Ling Tianyu smiled, and with his practice habits, he would consolidate again after breaking through the realm.What's more, the power of darkness in the heart of this chaotic demon is endless, how can it be wasted.


Ling Tianyu sat cross-legged, slowly circulating the demon power in his body.

"Get together!~"

Ling Tianyu snorted secretly, and continued to absorb the power of darkness around him.After all, the demon battle body has just broken through, it can be regarded as a new life, so it will naturally be extremely hungry.

Boom!Boom! ~

The billowing power of darkness continuously flowed into Ling Tianyu's body, transforming it into the power of demons.Since the demon power in Ling Tianyu's body is very mild, it is extremely easy to absorb and transform.

in this way!

Continuously absorbing, strengthening and refining, Ling Tianyu's demon power is constantly strengthening and consolidating.Anyway, the power of darkness in the heart of the chaotic demon spirit is so huge, Ling Tianyu naturally will not miss tempering the demon body.

And Xing Long also completely relaxed, vigilant around, and cautiously protecting Ling Tianyu.


Ling Tianyu was extremely excited, and if he continued to consolidate according to this rhythm, Ling Tianyu's demon power would become stronger and stronger.If Ling Tianyu can comprehend more powerful and profound laws and supernatural powers, he can basically compete with all quasi-dao-level powerhouses in the Taoist realm.

But when he meets a strong Taoist, Ling Tianyu still has to be ruled immediately. After all, the comprehensive strength of a strong Taoist is much stronger than that of a quasi-dao. This can be personally felt from Xinglong arrive.

And the power of darkness contained in the heart of the chaotic demon is indeed terrifying. After Ling Tianyu perfected the demon body and consolidated his realm again, he still felt that he had only absorbed an extremely small part of the heart of the chaotic demon.

Ling Tianyu didn't dare to be too greedy, it was impossible to completely absorb it, so he had to destroy the Chaos Demon Heart.


Right now!

In the dark torrent, a roar came in a hurry: "Evil thief! Stop it!"

someone! ?

Both Ling Tianyu and Xing Long's expressions changed in shock. They hadn't moved for so long, and they thought that there was no mastermind behind the scenes. Obviously, the comers noticed it too late and showed up too late.

boom! ~

A gigantic devil's claw broke out directly from the void, accompanied by a powerful torrent of darkness, like the hand of a demon god, full of anger, with the force of lightning, it fiercely grabbed Ling Tianyu.

"Brother Long! Let me use your strength!" Ling Tianyu shouted heavily. Facing the attack of this powerful demon claw, Ling Tianyu showed no fear at all, but was full of fighting spirit.

boom! ~

Dao power poured in, Ling Tianyu's whole body exploded, his wings suddenly opened, and a strange energy light shone.

call out! ~

The magic sword of original force condensed instantly, the difference is that this time it was directly poured with the power of demons, plus Xinglong's Dao power for protection.In terms of power, it can be called invincible under the Taoist realm.

"Time slows down!~"

Xinglong snorted secretly, the powerful law of time shook the void and swayed directly.

"The law of time!?"

The visitors looked extremely shocked, but what shocked Ling Tianyu and the others even more was that the powerful law of time delay only restricted the opponent a few points, and then they were easily broken through.

"Be careful!~"

Xinglong exclaimed, being able to easily break the law of time, at least he is a master of Taoism, and may even be stronger than Xinglong.

Ling Tianyu was also horrified, he didn't expect the strength of the comer to be so fierce, even easily defeating Xinglong's time law restriction.But the arrow was on the string, and Ling Tianyu couldn't make a move, not to mention that his whole body had been locked and suppressed by a terrifying and evil power.

"Master, I don't care what you are! You are here! Just save your life!" Ling Tianyu's face turned hard, and he poured out all his strength, and the magic knife in his hand was dazzling.

boom! ~

Rushing to the top of the thunder, Ling Tianyu angrily held the magic sword of origin force, concentrated all the power in his body into one body, and rushed away against the ferociously approaching Sentian demon claws, shouting violently: "Pluto reincarnation! Ten thousand demons!~"

call out! ~

With a long sword, he slashed furiously.

Boom! ~

A ferocious and domineering light tore through the dark torrents, shattered the sky, and with the momentum of thunder, fiercely rushed towards the dark devil's claws.

"Small tricks! Overestimating one's abilities!" An extremely disdainful and hoarse magic voice resounded through the void, and the weird and dense claws, ignoring the law, smashed everything, directly facing Ling Tianyu's full blow and grabbed it head-on.

boom! ~

What frightened Ling Tianyu was that with a loud bang, he borrowed Xinglong's Dao power to launch a move with all his strength in a perfect demonic state, but it was crushed by the devil's claws.


I'm afraid this strength must surpass that of Xinglong, right?

boom! ~

The devil's claws were ferocious, and under the attack of breaking Ling Tianyu, they then swooped down.Before it was forced, the terrifying coercion produced made it difficult for Ling Tianyu to move, and his fighting spirit was sealed.


Ling Tianyu's complexion was pale, this was not something he could compete with, but this was too much of a blow, he had just perfected his demon combat body, and he was strong, but under the claws of this demon, he was as small as an ant.


Xing Long snorted, but fortunately he left his power in Ling Tianyu's body, and the invisible hand locked on Ling Tianyu in an instant, and directly moved Ling Tianyu out of the heart of the chaotic demon spirit in an instant.

boom!boom! ~

The heart of the Chaos Demon Spirit exploded violently, obviously the owner of the demon claw missed it.

"so close!"

Ling Tianyu was drenched in cold sweat, and was almost wiped out by that devil's claws.

"No! The real danger has just arrived!" Xing Long said helplessly through voice transmission.


Ling Tianyu frowned, and when he opened his eyes, he was shocked to see that the huge chaotic demon heart was still floating in the sky so dazzlingly, which meant that Ling Tianyu hadn't escaped from this space at all, so he cried bitterly. : "Brother Long! Why am I still in here? You are trying to kill my little brother!~"

"Hey~ This realm has been sealed by some kind of alien force. It took a lot of effort to drag you out of the heart of the chaotic demon spirit! Now I can only communicate with you, but I can no longer occupy your space. The flesh can't convey Dao power to you, so you should be blessed." Xing Long sighed.

"Bless yourself!?" Ling Tianyu's face turned gray, isn't this trying to trick someone to death?Then he yelled excitedly: "Don't you say that you will protect me? If you want to leave me here to die, you are too foolish!"

"Don't get excited, boy, you'd better not use the power left by me now, I will try to attack the magic den with all my strength later! As long as I can break the barrier by one point, I will have the ability to protect you!" Xinglong is the way.


Ling Tianyu was furious, and now he couldn't even use his Dao power to resist the comer. If he couldn't even use his Dao power, how could Ling Tianyu's current ability alone be able to deal with it.

I'm talking!

"Evil! This deity was looking for you! You broke in and died by yourself!" An extremely hoarse and piercing voice full of anger resounded coldly.

See you!

At the gap in the heart of the chaotic demon spirit, a strange dark gas gradually fluttered out, and then gradually condensed a skinny human figure, wrapped in a black robe, the dark gas hazy the whole body, completely invisible Clarify the essence of the face.

But from the first time he saw this black-robed man, Ling Tianyu couldn't help but stand on end, and his heart trembled.Just showing up can directly affect people's state of mind and dig out the deepest fear.

Now, Ling Tianyu doesn't even dare to look at this strange black-robed man, because if he just stares at him for a while, his whole heart will be strongly stimulated, making him suffocate, but Ling Tianyu is still struggling to resist the powerful intimidation, panting Asked: "You... who are you?"

"This deity originated from Hongmeng!" the black-robed man said in a deep voice.


Ling Tianyu was astonished, and said coldly: "No! You are not! Hongmeng is full of righteousness, but you have awe-inspiring evil spirit. If I say it, you are a devil!"

"No matter what you say, even if you want to die, then this deity will fulfill you!" The black-robed man let out a cold cry, his arms trembled, and the whole space became dim in an instant.


The group of demons danced wildly, and the entire space was filled with endless magic darkness, which directly cut off all Ling Tianyu's telepathy, which meant that the only connection between Ling Tianyu and Xinglong was also forcibly cut off.

This dark force is different, it cannot be absorbed by Ling Tianyu's demonic power at all, and what is even more frightening is that Ling Tianyu even feels that his own demonic power is beginning to drain.


It's really over now!

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