Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2282, Mysterious Rescue

Boom! ~

The silent wind was tumbling, and the space was in chaos.

Xinglong, who was attacking the devil's lair, suddenly saw the devil's lair violently rioting, like a black hole, devouring the dark energy in the core area greedily.

"What's going on!?" Xing Long was full of horror, obviously sensing that the dark energy was draining into the magic lair.Since he had completely cut off contact with Ling Tianyu, he was completely unaware of what happened inside.

But the sudden change in the magic cave is unusual, and it is afraid of great changes.

at the same time!

The loss of dark energy caused the power of the core area to weaken rapidly, and Xinglong felt that he could no longer limit himself.

"Boy! Don't let me down!" Xing Long thought secretly, then raised the saber in his hand, and rushed towards the rioting devil's lair in a hurry.


In the magic lair space, there was extreme rage.

Boom! ~

Boom! ~

There were bursts of explosions, layers of space shattered, and the heart of the Chaos Demon Spirit, which was smashed into a big hole, seemed to have been dealt a fatal blow. The dark energy in the heart of the Chaos Demon Spirit had completely lost its balance and became extremely violent.Strains of chaotic and terrifying dark energy, without any order, roared and raged endlessly.

"No!~Magic heart! The deity's demonic heart!" The black-clothed man cried out in pain, constantly casting spells, trying his best to control the violent dark energy around him, and launched a remedy for the heart of the chaotic demon spirit.

And after Ling Tianyu unleashed this full blow, not only his whole body was exhausted, but even the power of Hongmeng Yuanling was gradually exhausted, and Hongmeng Yuanying appeared bleak.


Ling Tianyu vaguely saw the exposed magic cave, and the exit was behind him, but now Ling Tianyu was exhausted, and he didn't even have the strength to use the spirit beads, and he felt that his consciousness was becoming more and more weak. Vague.

"Evil!~" The black-robed man went completely mad, and roared angrily, "If you destroy the deity's demon heart, then I will stay here forever and refine it with you!"


The black-robed man raised his hand, and in an instant, a dense demonic claw appeared. A stream of silent black light pierced the void, and the ferocious claws enveloped Ling Tianyu in black.


Ling Tianyu felt the crisis hit him, but now he was like a useless person, how could he resist.I had no choice but to stare helplessly at the devil's claws, full of unwillingness, anger and despair.


At this critical moment, a ghostly afterimage flashed over in an instant, and then a familiar cold voice resounded like thunder: "If you want to offend this handsome boy, take my knife first!"

Not bad!

It was Xinglong who came, the magic cave changed, the barrier was shattered, and Xinglong could finally break in.

call out! ~

A sharp sword light shot out like lightning, containing some kind of powerful law, where the sword light came, the space was broken layer by layer.The attack of the devil's claws that were approaching was slowed down.

But that sword light, like a space jump, jumped across the air from the devil's claws, and hit the black robe directly.

Catch the thief first catch the king!

The black-robed man is just a gas, and all his supernatural powers depend on the dark energy in the heart of the chaotic demon. This blow hits the yellow dragon directly, attacking the black-robed man head-on.

The attack was extremely fast, and the black-robed man missed the opportunity, so he hurriedly raised his palm and resisted.

Boom! ~

With a loud bang, such a strong and fierce sword light was crushed by the palm of the black-robed man, and it was only shaken back a few steps, which was enough to show how fierce the black-robed man was.

Xinglong was full of astonishment, he had already experienced the skills of this black-robed man, and in this magic cave space, Xinglong had no advantage.Then he turned around and held Ling Tianyu in one hand, and asked worriedly, "Boy! How are you doing?"


Ling Tianyu's face was pale and he had no energy, but he could faintly feel that the blurry figure in front of him was Xinglong, and his heart relaxed, and he passed out directly.

"Hey, hey! Wake up for me! How embarrassing I am for you to do this!" Xing Long shouted.


The man in black rushed over angrily, carrying a billowing wave of darkness, rushing madly: "Don't even think about leaving!"

"Ben Shuai wants to leave! No one can stop him!" Xing Long snorted coldly, carried Ling Tianyu in a coma with one hand, and slashed fiercely with the knife in the other.

Boom! ~

The man in black was full of viciousness and broke Xinglong's offensive, and charged again.

But Xing Long never thought about getting entangled with the black-robed man at all, he only wanted to protect Ling Tianyu to get away, so the black-robed man couldn't get close, Xing Long had already taken a stride and dodged into the rioting devil's lair.

rush! ~

Xinglong's face turned ruthless, and he exerted enough power, like a bullet out of the chamber, it turned into a lightning-like laser, and rushed into the magic cave at top speed.

Devil's Den!

When it comes in, it is considered to be going forward, but when it is going out, it is against the trend and there are many obstacles.Wanting to break out means that Xinglong has to spend more power.

But now Xinglong can't care so much anymore, he clenches his teeth, even if he has a powerful Daojun realm cultivation base, but in this devil's lair in the violent countercurrent, Xinglong also hits very hard.

Boom!Boom! ~

The berserk dark energy rushed madly in a vortex-like twisted manner.Xinglong held nothing back, released all the Dao power in his body without hesitation, broke through with his sword, tightly protected Ling Tianyu, and rushed against the countercurrent of the magic cave with all his strength.

"Hurry up! Hurry up! Get out soon! Kid! You must hold on!" Xing Long murmured secretly, breaking through the impact of heavy violent countercurrent dark energy, rushing desperately.


As it got closer, Xing Long's face turned red, and he seemed to be struggling.


The passage of the magic lair was approaching, and there was a loud roar from behind: "I broke into the demon lair of the deity! Do you still think about escaping so easily! Come back to the deity!~"

Boom! ~

There were bursts of explosions, layers of space were shattered, and the dark energy in the reverse flow became extremely violent, and the range of distortion was constantly shrinking, but the power it caused became stronger and stronger.

That's right!

It turns out that the man in black is the master of this magic lair, so he can naturally control the magic lair.

boom! ~

The terrifying dark tide came like a torrent. Xinglong was only a few steps away from stepping out of the devil's lair, but he was pushed back a few steps by the sudden and fierce energy shock.

"Damn things!"

Xinglong was very angry, but he couldn't beat him again, so he had to use his strength again, and rushed towards the countercurrent magic lair frantically.

But under the control of the black-robed man, the dark burst generated in the devil's lair is getting stronger and stronger, like being stuck in a quagmire, obviously only a little distance away, but no matter how hard Xinglong struggles, he just can't step out.

Although the time slowing law controlled by Xinglong can slow down the speed of all substances in the space, the dark countercurrent in this magic cave is too strong, and the space appears extremely violent, and any law is almost ineffective.

"Leave the demon! Spare your life!" the man in black angrily chased after him.

"Fuck you!"

Xinglong turned around and slashed at the black-robed man angrily.

The man in black didn't even go directly to meet Xinglong's attack this time, but his whole body seemed to be merged into the dark energy of the devil's lair, oozing through it strangely.


The man in black instantly forced Xinglong to approach him, and said furiously: "You want to ask for death, and this deity will fulfill you!"

boom! ~

Followed by a fierce palm, full of tyrannical dark energy, it attacked Xinglong head-on.In the space of the magic cave, it is equivalent to a realm, and the black-robed man is almost the master of this entire realm. Under this infinite dark energy, the force of a random palm is infinitely powerful.

Xing Long knew that he was no match for him, but he still slashed at him.

boom! ~

A face-to-face meeting, the saber trembled, and Xinglong's whole body trembled.Waves of powerful dark energy rushed towards him, like countless heavy hammers, hitting Xinglong's body with a clatter.


Xinglong's whole body shook violently, and blood gushed out of his mouth on the spot. It seems that in this magic cave space, without the restraint of the primordial spirit, the gap between Xinglong and the black-robed man is too great.

"Humph! If you don't go to heaven, there is no way to hell, you just want to go!" the black-robed man snorted angrily. His seemingly thin body can manipulate the dark energy in the entire space as he pleases.

Boom! ~

The energy oscillates, black air soars to the sky, and the entire space has completely become an explosive chaos.A destructive power of darkness, like an endless cloud of magic, crushed heavily towards Xinglong.

Under this vast and terrifying dark magic power, Xinglong, who was originally exhausted and wounded, was now even more crushed and unable to move, and the saber in his hand seemed to become extremely heavy in an instant, and he couldn't lift it up.

Looking bitterly at the cold black robed man, and helplessly at Ling Tianyu who was completely unconscious beside him, Xing Long gritted his teeth angrily and said, "Boy! It's my incompetence! I didn't protect you Get out! This time, I was the commander who harmed you. If there is an afterlife, I will do my best for you, and I will never complain!"


The man in black roared angrily, his arms trembled, and the powerful and invincible dark tide turned into a long dark dragon in a blink of an eye, roaring madly in the countercurrent of the devil's lair.

Faced with such a fierce force, Xing Long suddenly felt extremely powerless. He was not afraid of death, but hated himself, and he couldn't even fulfill a promise, and couldn't protect Ling Tianyu from getting away safely.

Knowing that he was invincible, Xing Long still angrily raised the saber in his hand, crazily evacuating the remaining sliver of power in his body, whether life or death, the fate will be decided by this saber.

"The Overlord's Crazy Dragon Slash!~"

Veins burst out all over Xinglong's body, and with a roar like thunder, he tried his best to slash through the air, and a tyrannical dragon-shaped sword light rushed straight towards the dark long dragon.

Boom! ~

Boom! ~

The two dragons clashed, and two powerful hostile energies violently oscillated in the magic lair space.

It is conceivable that Xinglong is almost at the end of his strength, how can he resist this menacing attack?

Boom! ~

The dragon-shaped sword light was only resisted for a point, but it was washed away by the dark dragon.Opening the dense dragon's mouth, roaring angrily, carrying billowing dark energy, and then charging straight forward ferociously.

Xing Long's eyes narrowed sharply, and it was pitch black. He gritted his teeth unwillingly and said, "Boy! It seems that you and I can only meet in hell! But brother, I recognize Xing Long!"


Xing Long had completely given up. In the face of this absolute power and advantage, no matter how stubbornly he resisted, it would be futile now.


At this moment of despair, a mysterious and strange invisible force suddenly forcibly pierced through the magic lair, entered directly, and instantly permeated the entire riotous space of the magic lair.

next moment!

An unbelievable scene happened. The dark dragon, which was clearly close at hand, was forcibly stopped by that powerful and mysterious force.


The man in black was full of astonishment, and could even feel his fear.

Xing Long was also full of astonishment, he couldn't help turning his head to look, and saw a white light and shadow, like a simple fairy who descended from the sky, and was in the turbulent flow of the magic cave as if nothing had happened.

When he saw this mysterious strong man, Xing Long's pupils dilated violently again, full of extreme shock, because this figure was so familiar to him.

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