Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2294, The Auction Begins

Every ten years, the auction event is about to begin.

In the venue, it was lively, bustling, and full of voices, all discussing the grand auction this time.Because the items auctioned in the auctions have always been extremely extraordinary, especially this time when Motong personally sits in charge, which undoubtedly makes people look forward to it.

The rules of the auction event are also very simple, the higher the price, the better.The auctioned items are generally divided into third-class items. Generally, the first-time auctions are some second-class items, which are suitable for green card holders and also to enliven the atmosphere of the entire venue.

Then there is the first-class product, which requires a certain wealth value to compete. Generally, red card and purple gold card holders can have the capital to snap up the auction.

And in the end, there is a super product, usually only one piece, and it is also a finale product.Often the finale products are rare treasures in the world, and the competition is particularly fierce.

a long time!

There was a "boom"!

The sound of the salute class resounded, and the whole venue immediately became quiet. Everyone stared excitedly at the two mysterious red curtains on the high platform.

At this time, under the gaze of the audience, the mysterious curtain slowly opened.A thin, gray-haired old man with three shrewd eyes came into view.

Not bad!

This old man is the president of the current business alliance, and outsiders respectfully call him Pharaoh.

The pharaoh came from the three-eyed clan and was the confidant of the leader Motong. This person has a quasi-dao realm and has a high status in the alliance city.


There were bursts of applause and cheers from the audience, which showed the powerful influence of Pharaoh.

"Everyone be quiet!" Pharaoh raised his hand slightly, the venue immediately became quiet, and then said with a smile on his face: "Fa is honored to be the host of this auction event again, I believe everyone present is old customers, The old man will not introduce them one by one!"


Pharaoh laughed again: "Hehe, all the honored guests here must be unable to wait any longer, so Famou didn't say much. As for the rules of the grand auction, it is divided into third-class products. The higher the price, the better. Everyone has a chance." .Here, Fa Mou wishes all distinguished guests to bid for what they want, and also hopes that this auction event will have a perfect curtain call! Now, the old man announces that the first batch of auctions will begin!"

The voice just fell!

Under the fierce appeal of the audience, a beautiful-looking woman like an elf walked to the center of the stage with a smile on her hands holding an object covered by a red cloth.

Pharaoh narrowed his eyes slightly, looking like a profiteer, gently lifted the red cloth, revealing a delicate golden medicine bottle, and said with a smile: "Hehe, you are all martial practitioners, so naturally you know that a martial practitioner's muscles and bones need to Much more important than skin and flesh. After all, flesh and skin can regenerate, but if a person's muscles and bones are shattered, it is difficult to heal. And the first auction item is a ninth-grade magic pill, Fugu Pill! Dan Miaoyong can not only repair the injured's muscles and bones, but also enhance the strength of the muscles and bones, the starting price of the auction is a thousand middle-grade primordial stones!"

"Two thousand!" Someone bid immediately after saying that.

"Three thousand!"

"Five thousand!"

"Eight thousand!"


It's too exaggerated. It's just the beginning, and the price has soared to tens of thousands of middle-grade skystones.This compound bone pill is indeed good, but red card and purple gold card holders don't like it, so now the bidders are basically green card holders.

"Not interested in!"

Ling Tianyu almost dozed off when he heard the fierce auctions around him, and there was no movement in front of the meeting and in the wing room. It seemed that he was not interested in competing for these second-class products.

at last!

The price of this complex bone pill is 567 mid-grade sky stones, and the winner of No. [-].This auction event was really a scam. In Ling Tianyu's opinion, the market price was at most [-] middle-grade skystones, but they were sold to [-]. It is no wonder that the business alliance can become the richest force in the spirit world. Just looking for opportunities to make money.


I have auctioned more than a dozen second-class items in a row, which are obviously not surprising items, but they were flattered by the pharaoh to bid for a sky-high price. I can only say that this old man named Pharaoh is really treacherous, and these second-class items are naturally It also basically falls into the hands of green card holders.

The first wave of fierce bidding has finally come to a perfect end, but the real competition has only just begun, because a batch of first-class products will be displayed next.Although it is not as good as the finale super product, it is still a first-class treasure in the spirit world, so the second wave of competition will be more brutal and fierce.

"Hehe! The first batch of auction items has ended perfectly. Congratulations to all the winners." Pharaoh smiled brightly, and he made a lot of money with just the first batch of second-class items, and said: "A new revolution will start again. , because the next batch of first-class products will be displayed for auction. As for the reputation of the business alliance, it is absolutely guaranteed, so I can guarantee that the next batch of first-class products will be rare treasures in the wild world!"


The atmosphere of the venue was high and the voices were full.After all, the competition for the second batch of first-class items has been very fierce in previous years, and all VIPs participating in the auction event will participate in the auction.

"Haha! You are so enthusiastic, I feel ashamed." Pharaoh laughed and said apologetically: "Because according to the usual practice, there will be a period of intermission before the second batch of auction items are displayed, but the old man I have arranged a pleasing program for you, I hope you enjoy it!"

Say it!

The pharaoh saluted and left, and a group of beautiful women walked onto the stage. Accompanied by the melodious music, a moving dance swayed on the stage, which was actually a pleasing show.

But the Pharaoh who left the stage hurried to an elegant VIP room, bowed respectfully and said, "Master, the first batch of auction items has been completed perfectly, when will the second batch of auction items be ready to enter?"

"What's unusual outside?" Mo Tong asked calmly.

"Everything went well, and no suspicious person was found in the Alliance Palace." Pharaoh Bei replied respectfully.

"Well, let's continue, don't let the distinguished guests wait too long." Mo Tong said.


The pharaoh bowed and saluted, but he still waited for the end of the dance show before returning to the stage with a smile on his face, and said to the audience with a smile: "Haha! I kept you waiting for a long time, and I would like to thank you all for your patience in watching this show." Dance, you must be impatient, right? Then the old man will stop playing tricks, and the first auction item will officially enter the venue!"


A short but strong dwarf walked forward with a heavy golden ax on his shoulder.Unfortunately, at first glance, although the battle ax looked extraordinary, it was covered with several cracks, which should have been damaged.

Ling Tianyu fixed his eyes, glanced casually, and praised: "Good stuff!~"

This time!

Pharaoh first glanced at the audience on purpose, and said with a very mysterious smile: "Hehe, you must have been very disappointed when you saw this battle ax for the first time, right? But if the old man said, this battle ax is What about the weapons used by the King of the Earth? What do you guys think?"

King of the Earth!

Everyone was stunned, that was a great man in the God Realm back then, a strong man who was closest to the Taoist realm.Back then in the God Realm, the King of the Earth held the Thunder Slashing Axe in his hand, slashing the sky thunder with all his might, and deterred demons.

It's a pity that the King of the Earth unfortunately fell in a cruel battle, and the Thunder Slashing Ax also lost its whereabouts. Unexpectedly, it was brought to the wild world.

It can only be said that the background of this business alliance is really not ordinary.

But now Pharaoh just talked about the origin of this tomahawk, and the atmosphere in the whole venue became tense. Needless to say, this tomahawk has already aroused the interest of many people, so Pharaoh took the opportunity to laugh and said: "Not bad! This The battle ax is a lightning-slaying ax that has been famous in the God Realm for a long time, and it is used by the king of the earth. You must know the power and potential of the lightning-slashing axe, but what I want to say is that due to the The Thunder Ax was damaged, and the spirit of the weapon was somewhat affected, but if a suitable material can be found and then processed by a master craftsman, it must be a powerful quasi-dao weapon, and there is even a chance to be promoted to a Taoist weapon! This first-class auction is the Lightning Slayer Axe, and the starting price for the auction is ten thousand top-grade skystones!"

"Twenty thousand!" There was another bid in the front court immediately, and this person Ling Tianyu was familiar with, it was Ling Fei.

As for how much Lingfei weighed, Ling Tianyu knew very well in his heart, knowing that the Thunder Slashing Ax was worth more than this price, Lingfei specially snapped up the auction for the first time, just for the sake of showing off his face, and he would soon be discouraged from keeping it.


Just as Lingfei finished shouting, another acquaintance Ling Tianyu was familiar with, Shi Luotian, said in a deep voice: "Fifty thousand!~"

"Hehe, brother Luo is really brave, that book is worth a hundred thousand!" Lingfei sneered, and someone provoked him, so Lingfei would naturally fight back.

"15!" Shi Luotian said in a deep voice, it can be seen that Shi Luotian is still very excited about the Thunder Slashing Axe, but as for the purple gold card holders in the wing room, no one bid.

However, Lingfei and Shi Luotian are already fighting. A smart person would never bid at this time. Only one person will win at the end of the fight. At that time, the most conservative price can be measured in the auction.

"20 million!"

"25 million!"

"40 million!"


Not to be outdone, Lingfei and Shi Luotian looked at each other like enemies. The auction in the whole venue felt like it had become a rivalry between the two, so far no third person participated in the auction.

"51!" Lingfei gritted his teeth, and the bidding rate slowed down significantly.

"The bid for No. 50 has reached 51. I wonder if there is any higher price?" Pharaoh said passionately, "Time must not be lost! It will never come back! This Thunder Slashing Ax is a rare and accurate tool! It is powerful! If you can become its master, you will be able to restore the glory of the king of the earth!"

Just finished!

In a wing room, a sweet woman's voice resounded: "Guest No. 100, bid [-] million!"

100 million!

The audience sighed, and the price doubled directly.

Lingfei and Shi Luotian's expressions froze, and they closed their mouths resentfully, the price has exceeded their tolerance.After all, it is only the first first-class product, and it is still incomplete, so there is no need to kill so hard at the beginning.

"What a boldness!" Ling Tianyu was secretly startled, the people in the wing rooms above were the real rich men, as long as they participated in the competition, generally speaking, the people in the venue would have no chance at all.

Since the VIPs in the rooms have absolute secrecy, there will be special beauties who will help to bid, so it is almost impossible to find out the details of these rooms.

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