Yanwu God of War

Chapter 2298, Mysterious Taoist Monarch

The Hall of the Evil King!

As the finale of the first-class product, this is simply fooling people.

Although everyone is curious, they will never compete with high prices, at most they will just buy it to try their luck.

"VIP No. 4! One million!" Shi Ruoxue was the first to make a move, with a sense of testing.

After all, the Xiewang Palace itself is a deceit, no matter how rich the Purple Gold Card holder is, he won't buy a space treasure that even the magic pupil can't decipher with the whole 100 million.

However, Shi Mo couldn't understand it, and frowned and said: "Miss, although 100 million high-grade skystones are nothing to our Shizu, it is obviously something used by the Shangmeng to fool people! From the old man's point of view, don't say It’s 100 million, even if it’s [-], no one will buy it!”

But just finished!

A voice sounded: "VIP No. 7, [-]!"


Everyone was shocked, and VIP No. 7, who had been keeping a low profile for a long time, finally made a move.

Ling Tianyu also frowned, but he wasn't particularly worried. After all, it was only an increase of 7. It seems that the owner of the No. [-] VIP room has also carefully considered, and will never compete too hard, unless it is a gunner.

"Strange! Someone is going to snatch this damn thing?" Shi Mo was very surprised, and couldn't help saying: "Miss, someone is scrambling for it, why don't you just give it to him?"

"No!" Shi Ruoxue shook his head slightly, and said, "The price is 200 million!"

"VIP No. 4, 200 million!" The beauty immediately quoted.

200 million!

Everyone was shocked, this is too exaggerated, right?Thinking about it, I know that VIP No. 4 is bound to win the Palace of the Evil King, otherwise he wouldn't be so ruthless.

There was competition, and the price could rise. Pharaoh was secretly delighted. He never thought that the Xie Wang Palace could be sold at a high price, so he said: "It seems that VIP No. 4 feels that he is destined for this treasure, and he has already bid for 200 million. I don't know..."

"Guest No. 7, two million and ten thousand!" Room No. 7 directly interrupted Pharaoh's words.

Ten thousand!

It was a tepid increase of [-], but no matter what, it was a million-level jump.


Ling Tianyu frowned deeply, thinking that there would be no competition from the Xie Wang Palace, but he couldn't figure out what the intention of the owner of the No. 7 VIP room was?Then he said via voice transmission: "Sister Ruoxue, continue to increase the price, let's see how long he can last!"

"En!" Shi Ruoxue nodded secretly, and said calmly, "The price is 300 million!"

"300 million!" Shi Mo's mouth twitched, and he dissuaded him: "Miss, you are too willful, this ghost thing is not worth this price at all! Now you represent the interests of the entire Stone Clan, the old man does not allow you to do this!" Do!"

"Old man, please believe me, I feel that it is destined for me, maybe I can unlock its secret." Shi Ruoxue said seriously.

"This..." Shi Mo was entangled, this evil king's palace can't even untie the magic pupil, and if Shi Ruoxue really has a destiny with it, it would be an unexpected harvest.

Can't help!

Room No. 4 raised his voice and said, "VIP No. 4, 300 million!"

300 million!

Another million hit!

The atmosphere in the audience became tense again. Is the owner of the No. 4 VIP room really so confident that he has a destiny with this treasure hall?The shots are getting more and more ruthless, and the price will directly jump by one million.

at the same time!

In the VIP room No. 7, an old man said helplessly: "Young master, if you use this old man to investigate, this thing is worthless at all. Young master, let's save the bargaining chips to bid for the last finale."

"No!" The mysterious gray-robed man said with resolute eyes: "The palace of the evil king, I am sure to win it!~"

"VIP No. 7, 7 million!" Another modest increase of [-] in the VIP room No. [-].

"Damn it! Who is this guy? Is he deliberately against me!" Ling Tianyu was annoyed, and guessed that the bidding price of the Xiewang Palace was not high.

This time!

A certain noble and elegant room, since the owner of the VIP room No. 7 made a move, Motong has already begun to pay attention to it secretly.He opened his divine eyes and secretly peeked into the past.But before the magical eyes of Motong penetrated in, they were blocked back by an invisible barrier.

"Yeah!" Mo Tong's face was startled, and his own clairvoyance has been cultivated to a very high level. Unless he is a strong Taoist, no one can stop Mo Tong's divine eyes from peeping, so he called out: "Shadow! !"

"Here!" A ghostly afterimage flashed.

"Who is in the VIP room No. 7?" Mo Tong immediately asked.

"Returning to the leader, the identity of the purple gold card holder has always been kept secret from the outside world, but the leader asked me to search carefully for the green card holder this time, but my subordinates have not investigated other people." Shadow replied respectfully.

"Go backstage quickly, check it out for me!" Motong said solemnly.

"Yes!~" Shadow immediately retreated.

Mo Tong frowned tightly, and only Daojun could set up such an enchantment.And there are only a few people in the spirit world who can reach the level of Taoist monarchs, and those like the spirit king will definitely not be interested in the bidding event.

"Three million and one million! VIP No. 7 has already bid three million and one million! I don't know if there is a higher winner!" Pharaoh shouted loudly, laughing like crazy in his heart. Sing the opposite stage.

"VIP No. 4, 400 million!"

"VIP No. 7, [-] million!"

"VIP No. 4, 500 million!"

"VIP No. 7, five million and ten thousand!"


It's too vicious, and the acting on the stage is becoming more and more intense. I obviously think it's just a fool, but according to the current trend, it's possible to reach tens of millions, and that's too bloody.

"This bitch!" Ling Tianyu was furious, he didn't lack for heavenly stones, but he couldn't cheapen the business alliance for nothing.

And Shi Ruoxue was also in a hurry, the pressure doubled, and she asked secretly: "Ling Yufan, you have killed [-] million now! Judging from the opponent's intentions, it is obvious that he has no intention of giving up. I am afraid that he was invited by the business alliance." Gunner, do you want to continue fighting?"

"Fight! We must fight!" Ling Tianyu said angrily.

"Yeah!" Shi Ruoxue nodded secretly, and continued to raise the price: "VIP No. 4, 700 million!~"

700 million!

The audience was boiling, and there were endless exclamations.

at the same time!

In the VIP room No. 7, the old man was full of displeasure and said: "Young master! We can't continue to fight, because the old man feels that the guy Motong has started to care about us! As we are, if we continue to fight, I am afraid If there is trouble, the young master might as well give up!"

"No! In fact, what I'm interested in is not the primordial spiritual object, but it! Because it has a very important meaning to me, no matter what the price is, I must get it!" The gray-robed man said firmly. Said.

Then, the No. 7 VIP room made the same provocative counterattack again: "VIP No. 7, [-] million!"


The audience sighed endlessly, seeing the momentum of these two great men, no one had the intention of giving up.There was no hesitation for too long in the bidding, so it is no problem to fire up to tens of millions.

But if it is impossible to unlock the secret of this treasure hall, it will be a disaster. Now that the price has soared so crazy, all other Zijin card holders are watching the fire from the other side.

This time!

A ghostly afterimage flashed into a mysterious room like a ghost out of thin air, knelt down on one knee, and said respectfully: "Return to the leader, there is no record of the identity of the VIP room No. 7 in the background!"

"No record? What do you mean?" Mo Tong frowned.

"Back to the leader!" Yin Ying explained: "Since the auction event was held in the League City, a total of 51 Zijin cards have been distributed, and there are already detailed records! But after all, the history is too long, and there are two Zijin cards in the archives. It has completely disappeared. As for this situation, there is only one possibility, that is, the owner of the original card holder has died, so the Zijin Card has not been destroyed, and the Zijin Card held by the owner of the No. 7 VIP room is the lost two. One of Zhang Zijin Cards!"

"Well, you go down first." Mo Tong waved slightly.

"Subordinates leave." Shadow flashed away.

"The long-disappeared purple gold card holder has appeared, which is interesting!" Mo Tong's face was gloomy, and he snorted coldly: "Look away, Li Daitao froze, I was almost deceived by you, it seems that this treasure hall Is it very important to you? Otherwise, I wouldn't take such a risk!"

Not bad!

Invisibly, Motong suspects that the owner of the VIP room at No. 7 is the mysterious green card holder.

And now!

Ling Tianyu was also on pins and needles. He didn't expect that the competition would develop to such an extent. If he stopped now, the Palace of the Demon King would be taken away. He wanted to find out the identity of every Zijin card holder in the business alliance. Identity is very difficult.But if the competition continues, Shi Ruoxue will be in constant trouble, and there is no way to explain it.

I'm struggling!

A familiar voice came from Ling Tianyu's mind: "Boy! Although I don't know how you did it! But the person in the No. 4 VIP room has a lot to do with you, right?"

"Well, yes!" Ling Tianyu asked helplessly: "Brother Long, this thing is very important to me now, and I must get it. I wonder if Brother Long has any suggestions?"

"Stop decisively!" Xing Long replied.

"Give it up?" Ling Tianyu was stunned.

"That's right!" Xing Long said solemnly through voice transmission: "Just now, the commander-in-chief made a secret investigation and discovered that a powerful barrier had already been secretly set up in the VIP room No. 7. If the commander-in-chief hadn't reacted in time, he would have been noticed. And this enchantment is very powerful, and it is definitely an ability only possessed by those who are strong in the Taoist realm. But in the spiritual world, you know how many are strong in the Daojun realm. Those who are interested will not come directly to the venue.”

"A strong Daojun?" Ling Tianyu was full of astonishment.

"Well, so the identity of this person is very doubtful, and it must have attracted Mo Tong's attention!" Xing Long smiled slyly: "Hey, but it can just divert Mo Tong's attention, so I don't have to wait until the bidding At the end of the grand event, Mo Tong will definitely find that guy first. And that guy is a shrewd master. At that time, as long as the commander uses a little trick, he will force that guy to leave halfway. At that time, we only need to follow the vine, and we will definitely be able to Find out the identity of that person. And the best way now is to stop, otherwise you will be in trouble here, and it will also affect my handsome plan!"

"Plan? Brother Long, do you have any plans?" Ling Tianyu couldn't help asking.

"It's a secret for now, but don't worry, you're safe!" Xing Long replied mysteriously.


Ling Tianyu nodded heavily, thinking that it would be difficult if he continued to compete, he sighed secretly, thinking of Shi Ruoxue's voice transmission: "Sister Ruoxue, forget it, I don't need it anymore, you can stop."

"it is good···"

Hearing this, Shi Ruoxue secretly breathed a sigh of relief, her jade body was already drenched in cold sweat, because the pressure she was facing was too great, and now she could finally let go.

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